nested for loop in javascript knockout - javascript

I have two observable arrays:
var viewModel = {
PositionTypes: ko.observableArray([]),
Users: ko.observableArray([])
var positionViewModel = function (data) {
var _self = this;
_self.PositionName = ko.observable(data.PositionName);
_self.PositionRank = ko.observable(data.PositionRank);
_self.ContentRole = ko.observable(data.ContentRole);
positionViewModel.AddPositions = function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
positionViewModel.PushPosition = function (postion) {
viewModel.PositionTypes.push(new positionViewModel(position));
USER ViewModel
// the ViewModel for a single User
var userViewModel = function (data) {
var _self = this;
_self.ID = ko.observable(data.ID);
_self.Name = ko.observable(data.Name);
_self.Email = ko.observable(data.Email);
_self.ContentRole = ko.observable(data.ContentRole);
userViewModel.AddUsers = function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
userViewModel.PushUser = function (user) {
viewModel.Users.push(new userViewModel(user));
How can i using linq.js so that i could loop through every position so i could get all the users for each position?
foreach( each position in positions)
foreach(each user in users)
{ list of users for the position}

You could also use ko.utils.arrayForEach as follow :
ko.utils.arrayForEach(viewModel.PositionTypes(), function(position){
var usersInPosition = ko.utils.arrayFilter(viewModel.Users(), function(user){
return user.ContentRole() == position.ContentRole();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(usersInPosition, function(user){
See doc
I hope it helps.

Using linq.js, you can perform a join on the columns you want to compare.
Assuming you are joining between the ContentRoles:
var query = Enumerable.From(viewModel.PositionTypes())
"$.ContentRole()", // position selector
"$.ContentRole()", // user selector
"{ Position: $, Users: $$.ToArray() }")
So I think you want to create an object that contains a mapping of all the positions and user names. You can create such an object using the Aggregate() function to collect all the results into a single object.
var userPositions = Enumerable.From(this.PositionTypes())
"$.ContentRole()", // position selector
"$.ContentRole()", // user selector
"{ Position: $, Users: $$ }") // group all users per position
{}, // start with an empty object
function (userPositions, x) {
var positionName = x.Position.PositionName(),
userNames = x.Users.Select("$.Name()").ToArray();
// add the new property
userPositions[positionName] = userNames;
return userPositions;


How to update JavaScript array dynamically

I have an empty javascript array(matrix) that I created to achieve refresh of divs. I created a function to dynamically put data in it. Then I created a function to update the Array (which I have issues).
The Data populated in the Array are data attributes that I put in a JSON file.
To better undertand, here are my data attributes which i put in json file:
var currentAge = $(this).data("age");
var currentDate = $(this).data("date");
var currentFullName = $(this).data("fullname");
var currentIDPerson = $(this).data("idPerson");
var currentGender = $(this).data("gender");
Creation of the array:
var arrayData = [];
Here is the function a created to initiate and addind element to the Array :
function initMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
var isFound = false;
// search if the unique index match the ID of the HTML one
for (var i = 0; i < arrayData.length; i++) {
if(arrayData[i].idPerson== p_currentIDPerson) {
isFound = true;
// If it doesn't exist we add elements
if(isFound == false) {
var tempArray = [
currentIDPerson: p_currentIDPerson,
currentGender: p_currentGender,
currentFullName: p_currentFullName,
currentDate: p_currentDate, currentAge: p_currentAge
The update function here is what I tried, but it doesn't work, maybe I'm not coding it the right way. If you can help please.
function updateMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
for (var key in arguments[i]) {
arrayData[i] = arguments[i][key];
To understand the '$this' and elm: elm is the clickableDivs where I put click event:
(function( $ ) {
// Plugin to manage clickable divs
$.fn.infoClickable = function() {
this.each(function() {
var elm = $( this );
//Call init function
//call function update
updateMatrix("idTest", "Alarme", "none", "10-02-17 08:20", 10);
// Définition de l'evenement click
elm.on("click", function(){});
}( jQuery ));
Thank you in advance
Well... I would recommend you to use an object in which each key is a person id for keeping this list, instead of an array. This way you can write cleaner code that achieves the same results but with improved performance. For example:
var myDataCollection = {};
function initMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
if (!myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson]) {
myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson] = {
currentIDPerson: p_currentIDPerson,
currentGender: p_currentGender,
currentFullName: p_currentFullName,
currentDate: p_currentDate,
currentAge: p_currentAge
function updateMatrix(p_currentIDPerson, p_currentGender, p_currentFullName, p_currentDate, p_currentAge) {
if (myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson]) {
myDataCollection[p_currentIDPerson] = {
currentGender: p_currentGender,
currentFullName: p_currentFullName,
currentDate: p_currentDate,
currentAge: p_currentAge
Depending on your business logic, you can remove the if statements and keep only one function that adds the object when there is no object with the specified id and updates the object when there is one.
I think the shape of the resulting matrix is different than you think. Specifically, the matrix after init looks like [ [ {id, ...} ] ]. Your update function isn't looping enough. It seems like you are trying to create a data structure for storing and updating a list of users. I would recommend a flat list or an object indexed by userID since thats your lookup.
var userStorage = {}
// add/update users
userStorage[id] = {id:u_id};
// list of users
var users = Object.keys(users);

Javascript: Why object is not getting initialise on new api call however the string variable is?

I may be missing something basic as why is it happening.
//gives all data
//gives data with status = 1
GET: // this does not work
gives same data as pervious API condition with status=1
On third hit, self.whereObj is not initialising to default empty object instead it takes previous value of {'status' = '1'}, however and self.limit is taking default value if no query parameter is provided in query string., // takes override to 3 form default value of 5 // self.limit takes default 5 and this works fine
So my question is why the self.limit (simple string variable) is initialising however self.whereObj is not ?
var Bookshelf = require('../../dbconfig').bookshelf;
Bookshelf.Collection = Bookshelf.Collection.extend({
limit: 5,
page: 1,
whereObj: {}
myFetch: function (query_params,expectedWhereFields) {
var self = this;
var whereObj = self.whereObj ; // this is not initializing
// var whereObj = {}; this is initialising
var page =;
var limit = self.limit; //this is not showing nay initialisation error
for (var x in query_params) {
if (expectedWhereFields.includes(x)) {
whereObj[x] = query_params[x];
if (x === 'page') {
page = query_params[x];
if (x === 'limit') {
limit = query_params[x];
var offset = (page - 1) * limit;
function fetch() {
return self.constructor.forge()
.query({where: whereObj})
.query(function (qb) {
.then(function (collection) {
return collection;
.catch(function (err) {
return err
return new fetch();
module.exports = Bookshelf;
var Model = require('./../models/Users');
var express = require('express');
var listUsers = function (query_params, callback) {
var expectedWhereFields = ["type", "status", "name"];
.myFetch(query_params, expectedWhereFields)
.then(function (collection) {
return callback(null, collection);
.catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null);
module.exports = {
listUsers: listUsers
var Bookshelf = require('../../dbconfig').bookshelf;
var Base = require('./base');
// Users model
var User = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'user_table'
var Users = Bookshelf.Collection.extend({
model: User
module.exports = {
User: User,
Users: Users
So my question is why the self.limit (simple string variable) is initialising however self.whereObj is not?
Because objects are reference values. When you set var whereObj = self.whereObj;, both refer to the same object, and when you copy the query parameters into the object properties you are effectively writing into your defaults instance. This does not happen with primitive values such as strings - they don't have mutable properties.

Update collection object using Underscore / Lo-dash

I have two collections of objects. I iterate trough collection A and I want when ObjectId from A matches ObjectId from B, to update that Object in collection B.
Here is what I got so far:
var exerciseIds = _(queryItems).pluck('ExerciseId').uniq().valueOf();
var item = { Exercise: null, ExerciseCategories: [] };
var exerciseAndCategories = [];
//this part works fine
_.forEach(exerciseIds, function(id) {
var temp = _.findWhere(queryItems, { 'ExerciseId': id });
item.Exercise = temp.Exercise;
//this is problem
_.forEach(queryItems, function (i) {
_(exerciseAndCategories).where({ 'ExerciseId': i.ExerciseId }).tap(function (x) {
Link to a Fiddle
Give this a try:
var exerciseIds = _(queryItems).pluck('ExerciseId').uniq().valueOf();
var item = {
Exercise: null,
ExerciseCategories: []
var exerciseAndCategories = [];
//this part works fine
_.forEach(exerciseIds, function (id) {
var temp = _.findWhere(queryItems, {
'ExerciseId': id
var newItem = _.clone(item);
newItem.Exercise = temp.ExerciseId;
//this is problem
_.forEach(queryItems, function (i) {
'Exercise': i.ExerciseId
}).tap(function (x) {
return _.forEach(x, function(item) {
// exerciseAndCategories = [{"Exercise":1,"ExerciseCategories":["biking","cardio"]},{"Exercise":2,"ExerciseCategories":["biking","cardio"]}]
Main problem was that tap returns the array, not each item, so you have to use _.forEach within that.

How to get instance of nested view model- knockout

The view has a heading followed by section with has submenus. the design for the viewmodels is below:
SettingsViewModel = function (pName) {
var self = this;
self.productName = ko.observable(pName), //heading
self.sections = ko.observableArray([
{ checkboxID: ko.observable(), checkboxIDState: ko.observable(), sectionname: ko.observable(), sectionState: ko.observable() }
]), //submenus
self.Addsections = function (checkboxid, sIdState, sName, sState) {
this.sections.push({ checkboxID: checkboxid, checkboxIDState: sIdState, sectionname: sName, sectionState: sState });
function MainViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.products = ko.observableArray([]);
self.AddProducts= function (pname) {
self.products.push(new SettingsViewModel(pname));
$(document).ready(function () {
VM = new MainViewModel();
ko.applyBindings(VM, document.getElementById("divd"));
data= []; //some dummy data
function CallMEnus(data) {
var str = "";
$(data).each(function (index, products) {
$(products.section).each(function (index, section) {
var ChkboxId = "data";
var chkboxIdState = 'datt';
var chkboxIdState += " checked";
//how to call the products add section method?
VM.products()[index].Addsections(ChkboxId, chkboxIdState,, section.state);
I need to call the AddSections method of the nested SettingsViewModel from MainViewModel instance. How to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Your problem is that parameter index from sections loop hides index from products loop. Just use another parameter name:
function CallMEnus(data) {
var str = "";
$(data).each(function (index, products) {
$(products.section).each(function(i, section) { // here
var id = "data";
var state = "checked";
VM.products()[index].Addsections(id, state,, section.state);
I would use a EventAggregator to decouple viewmodels, I've written this lightweight EventAggregator
MyApp.eventAggregator.subscribe(MyApp.DeleteCustomerMessage, this.customerDeleted, this);
MyApp.eventAggregator.publish(new MyApp.DeleteCustomerMessage(this));

How to iterate a ko.ObervableArray

I have this structure:
MyApp.User = function()
var self = this;
self.ID = ko.obervable();
self.Name = ko.obervable();
self.LastName = ko.observable();
MyApp.UserHub = function()
self.users = ko.observableArray();
$.getJSON("url", function (data) {
var mappedUser = $.map(data.UsersFromJson, function (item) {
return new MyApp.User(item);
I have a observableArray, which I populated using a HTML Request and a JSON (That works just fine). The thing is that I want to be able to search in that observableArray a user, providing information that can be contained in the LastName or in the FirstName. Something like this:
self.searchedUsers = ko.observableArray();
for(var item in users)
if(item.FirstName.Contains(query) || item.LastName.Contains(query))
Query is the input text value that I want to search. Can anyone help to iterate that ObservableArray?
Generally, you would want to create a computed observable to represent a filtered version of your array.
So, you would have something like:
self.users = ko.observableArray();
self.query = ko.observable();
self.filteredUsers = ko.computed(function() {
var query = self.query();
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.users(), function(user) {
return user.FirstName.indexOf(query) > -1 || user.LastName.indexOf(query) > -1;
I also hink you have to iterate over self.users() instead of users.
users is the observableArray-function while users() provides access to the underlying data.

