jQuery Mobile popups/notifications - javascript

I want to create a small popup/notification that will occur when values change in my database. the logic is being passed correctly. However, I'm not sure how to make the popups occur properly and at all as well.
I have two buttons:
I would like to have the notifications pop up a little bit above these buttons. This is what I have created but I just haven't positioned them yet:
<div id="GH_popup" data-role="popup">
<p> GH is OFF! </p>
<div id="CS_popup" data-role="popup">
<p> CS is OFF! </p>
I also have some Javascript that determines when these notifications will pop up:
<script type="text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function () { GrabGhCsStatus(); });
function GrabGhCsStatus() {
var url = '#Html.Raw(Url.Action("index","GhCsStatus"))';
$.get(url, function (data) {
if (data.CheckIfCsIsRunning == 1 && data.CheckIfGhIsRunning == 0) {
if (data.CsStatus == 0) {
$('#GhCsStatus_CS').buttonMarkup({ icon: 'GhCsStatus-Red' });
} else {
$('#GhCsStatus_CS').buttonMarkup({ icon: 'GhCsStatus-Green' });
I feel as though I am putting the jQuery popup attributes in the wrong areas and that I am not using them properly =/

To call a popup programmatically, use this code
To close it
Popup widget API


Jquery/Ajax/CSS show/hide div after form subimit with Ajax

I am having an issue showing a hidden DIV after posting a form with Ajax. The setup is like so;
index.html - My content and form is loaded into a div from a resource page
<div id="inst_stud_resource_change_success" style="display: none;">
<div class="greenbox">
<div id="inst_stud_resources_getpackages">
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#inst_stud_resources_getpackages").fadeOut("slow").load('/inst/stud/resources/getpackages?inst_id={{ inst.id }}&stud_id={{ stud.id }}').fadeIn('slow');
/inst/stud/resources/getpackages.html - this page has the form, and the content needed for the DIV on index.html
The Jquery is used like so on getpackages.html;
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#delete_package').on('submit', function(event) {
data : {
stud_id : $('#stud_id').val(),
pck_id : $('#pck_id').val()
type : 'POST',
url : '{{ url_for('mod_inst_stud.delete_package2') }}'
.done(function(data) {
if (data.error) {
$('#errorAlert').text(data.error).show(); // IGNORE haven't gotten this far
$('#successAlert').hide(); // IGNORE haven't gotten this far
else {
$("#inst_stud_resources_getpackages").hide(); // doesn't seem to do anything
$('#inst_stud_resource_change_success').show(); // never shows the div on Index.html
$('#inst_stud_resource_change_success').delay(3200).hide(); // never hides, since it is never shown..
$("#inst_stud_resources_getpackages").load('/inst/stud/resources/getpackages?inst_id={{ inst.id }}&stud_id={{ stud.id }}').show(); // this seems to work since the div from index.html is updated with the new content from getpackages.html
Any ideas what is going on? I'm not really that verse in web development, my background is more in python/flask, not Jquery/Ajax/CSS.
I found the solution..
else {
$("#inst_stud_resources_getpackages").delay(7200).fadeIn().load('/inst/stud/resources/getpackages?inst_id={{ inst.id }}&stud_id={{ stud.id }}');
Apparently there is a queue in Jquery, however .load() will always go to the front. So It was negating the order of my calls. I had to move some lines around, and add an animation to .load() in order to delay it from loading right way. Seems to be working well now.

Create a custom popup that is responsive and can post to database

I am currently working on an intranet solution for my company written in PHP using the Laravel framework, this requires me to do a lot of new things I have never done before, 1 of these is creating a popup that has dynamic html depending on a drop down list such as this:
I have a calendar (http://fullcalendar.io/)
When I click on a day in this calendar a popup should show that looks something like this:
After selecting a value from that dropdown list a different set of fields should be shown depending on the value selected for example:
So I really need a lot of control over the popup, I have no previous experience with working with popups (unless a simple alert of a variable in javascript counts) and I need a whole deal of functionality, it also needs to be able to post to a database so I think it might even have to be a form element. I also need to be able to fire the popup from the onclick event from the fields in my calendar so that makes it extra hard for someone who has always written back end code up until now.
Could anyone tell me what the easiest/fastest way to achieve this is without losing any functionality necessities, can I do this from php, does a feature like this exist in the Laravel framework?(if it does I coudldn't find it) or do I have to start using something like jquery?
I found a bunch of libraries such as Fancybox that claim to be able to do this but I can't make head nor tail out of their usage guide.
For everyone who thinks this doesn't belong here: my only question is not "Is it Possible?" I am also asking how do I do it, what do I write in my html, javascript, php to make it work?
EDIT: I just read something about jquery dialogs that seems interesting, seems like you can use jquery dialogs to create a popup from a form you have in your html (form is hidden) but I can't seem to get the code to fire off the popup (dialog) to work so far I have this:
$(document).ready(function() {
//calendar options here
dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) {
//to get date use date.format());
$("#logform").dialog({ //Shows dialog
height: 250,
width: 450,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Cancel": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
"Save": function() {
url: "/url/to/submit", //
timeout: 30000,
type: "POST",
data: $('#modalform').serialize(),
dataType: 'json',
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("An error has occurred making the request: " + errorThrown)
success: function(data){
//Do stuff here on success such as modal info
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
var myCalendar = $('#calendar');
var myEvent = {
title:"Work 7.6h",
allDay: true,
start: date,
end: date
myCalendar.fullCalendar( 'renderEvent', myEvent,true );
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
var myCalendar = $('#calendar');
And for my html I have:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">Calendar</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div id='calendar'></div>
<a class='iframe' href='home.blade.php'>Click me</a>
<form id="logform" style="display:none">
<input type="text" name="something">
<input type="text" name="somethingelse">
The trouble started only after adding the code between //popupcode start and //popupcode end now my calendar won't even show and I get
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
The place it is pointing at is the 3rd line above my //popupcode end here:
} //this one
But no matter what I add or remove there I keep getting the same error
I figured it out myself, instead of making things harder by learning all kinds of new things I got it to work by removing all the code I added previously and adding 1 line of code to create the popup by using jquery.
I removed all the code that I was using to create the popup and replaced it by this: $("#somediv").load().dialog({modal:true});
I created a div called 'somediv' around my form and now it's doing what I need it to do, seeing as my entire form is in the popup now I'm pretty sure I can add a button to it that can submit the form so I can catch that with php and then I'll be able to do whatever I want with the data in php (post to database or return error messages etc...)
Ok, first of all, i recommend to use Javascript.
It's possible with only PHP, HTML and CSS but you will have to refresh the page all the time for the next popup to appear.
You can just make divs that are positioned fixed or absolute and they will overlay the underlaying content. The overlaying div(popup) will be a normal div where you can make forms and whatever you want.
Here is a quick jsfiddle I threw toghether:
Here is the code:
<div class="calendar">
<h1>Your calendar would be here</h1>
<button id="popupButton">13.05.2015</button>
<div class="popup">
<form action="site.php" method="post">
<select id="activity">
<option class="placeholder" selected disabled>Select</option>
<option>youth leave</option>
<div class="popup">
<h3>Work 13.05.2015</h3>
this will be the work popup
<div class="popup">
<h3>Youth leave 13.05.2015</h3>
this will be the youth leave popup
.calendar {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
background: green;
.popup {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
background: grey;
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
document.getElementById("popupButton").onclick = function() {
document.getElementsByClassName("popup")[0].style.display = "block"
document.getElementById("activity").onchange = function() {
document.getElementsByClassName("popup")[0].style.display = "none"
var selectedValue = this.options[this.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
if (selectedValue == "work") {
document.getElementsByClassName("popup")[1].style.display = "block";
if (selectedValue == "youth leave") {
document.getElementsByClassName("popup")[2].style.display = "block";
I hope this helped.

Loop through element and change based on link attribute

Trying to figure this out. I am inexperienced at jQuery, and not understanding how to loop through elements and match one.
I have 3 divs:
<div class="first-image">
<img src="images/first.png">
<div class="second-image">
<img src="images/second.png">
<div class="third-image">
<img src="images/third.png">
And off to the side, links in a div named 'copy' with rel = first-image, etc.:
Clicking the link will fade up the image in the associated div (using GSAP TweenMax)
Here is the function I've been working on to do this... but I am not fully understanding how to loop through all the "rel" elements, and make a match to the one that has been clicked on.
//pause slideshow on members to ledger when text is clicked, and show associated image
$(function() {
$('.copy').on('click','a',function(e) {
var slideName = $(this).attr('rel');
if (this.rel == slideName) {
//var change_screens_tween = TweenMax.to('.'+slideName+'', 1, {
What am I doing wrong? I don't even get an error in my browser. :-(
Thanks to the answer below, I got farther. Here is my revised code.
$('[rel]').each(function(k, v){
if (v == slideName) {
var change_screens_tween = TweenMax.to('.'+slideName+'', 1, {
} else {
var change_screens_tween = TweenMax.to('.'+slideName+'', 1, {
This is starting to work, but makes the screenshots appear and then instantly fade out. And it only works once. Any thoughts?
Add brackets around rel, like so:
$('[rel]').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('rel') == slideName) {

Could an html editor insert jQuery elements?

I've been playing with making an html editor with javascript functions:
So I have a very basic editor with a "bold" button which with I can make whatever text is selected bold, this is fine (I also have a number of other buttons too, but for simplicity and shortness of code I've missed them all out)
var editorDoc;
function InitEditable () {
var editor = document.getElementById ("editor");
editorDoc = editor.contentWindow.document;
var editorBody = editorDoc.body;
if ('contentEditable' in editorBody) {
editorBody.contentEditable = true;
else {
if ('designMode' in editorDoc) {
editorDoc.designMode = "on";
function ToggleBold () {
editorDoc.execCommand ('bold', false, null);
<body onload="InitEditable ();">
<button type="button" onclick="ToggleBold ();">Bold</button>
<iframe contenteditable="true" id="editor"></iframe>
However, something I was really interested in being able to implement would be adding a button which could insert, say, an accordion when pressed
This would then have to add other bits of script (I imagine) to be able to run each accordion (if you had more than one)
Although I haven't had much of a go at doing this myself yet, I was hoping to get a little insight into whether or not it's possible before starting

Simple Modal | Age Verification on First visit | Close but no cookie

I have been trying to get SimpleModal Age Verification page to popup on the first visit to my site. Meaning if the previous site wasn't me display popup. The code below is what I have so far. Basically the issue is that I am getting the popup once in a while for no reason when I click a link. I can't find a rhyme or reason too it. I have had a lot of help from the people here with this code. I'll get a little further then a problem pops up, then i'll fix that and another one pops up. I hope I'm getting pretty close here. ;)
Thanks guys!
<div class="age" id="verify">
<div><img src="/image/white.png"></img></div>
<div id="noman">ARE YOU OVER 18?</div>
<p> If not, leave now and we wont tell your mom.
</br> By continuing you agree you are 18 or older.
<div id="YN">
if ( document.referrer == null || document.referrer.indexOf(window.location.hostname) < 0 ) {
$("#verify").modal({opacity:85, position: ["20%",""], onOpen: function (dialog) {
dialog.overlay.fadeIn('slow', function () {
dialog.container.slideDown('slow', function () {
return false;
<script type="text/javascript" >
function redirect(url) {
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
var referLink = document.createElement('a');
referLink.href = url;
} else {
location.href = url;
The problem is that you use document.referrer, but its use should be avoided.
For example, I have disabled it using Firefox's about:config page.
Or even if enabled, it doesn't work with window.open.
Then, better use something like sessionStorage (or localStorage).

