Detecting href click - javascript

Ok, so I have been trying for a few days now to figure out how to detect a user click, and assign new properties to a variable. I have attempted this in a few different ways most of them however not working.
So far I have this, which is pretty self explainitory.
var settings = {
objSlideTrigger: '#one', // link button id
objSlidePanel: '#content-one' // slide div class or id
if(document.getElementById('#one').click) {
var setup = settings;
setup.objSlideTrigger = '#one',
setup.objSlidePanel = '#content-one'
if(document.getElementById('#two').click) {
var setup = settings;
setup.objSlideTrigger = '#two',
setup.objSlidePanel = '#content-two'
when the user clicks a href on the page it I want it to be detected by the javascript and, for the correct setup to be placed within the settings var for use by the rest of the code.
I have two questions really the first being, I will have to duplicate the conditional statement at least ten times so is there anyway to condense/simplify the code.
secondly,When detecting a Href click in javascript do i have to assign an onclick value to the actual element in the html?
thanks again.

With jQuery
Assuming you're wanting to use jQuery because you've included it at the top, use:
$(document).on('click', '#one', function( event ) {
//Do Code here
//For #one click event
Although, to prevent DRY - keep it more generic by using Classes:
<div class="updatesettings" id="one">One</a>
<div class="updatesettings" id="two">Two</a>
$(document).on('click', '.updatesettings', function( event ) {
//Do Code here
//For all .updatesettings click event
alert( $(this).attr('id') );
With JavaScript
var OnOneClick = function() {
// Your click handler
var OneClick = document.getElementsById("#one");
OneClick.addEventListener('click', OnOneClick, false);
Then to listen for multiple, use by Class (Although not all IE versions can listen for this):
var AwaitedClickEvent = function() {
//Class Click
var WaitingClick = document.getElementsByClassName('clickme');
for (var i = 0; i < WaitingClick.length; i++) {
var current = WaitingClick[i];
current.addEventListener('click', AwaitedClickEvent, false);
Your Solution
<!-- Links with ID & Content -->
<div class="updatesettings" id="one" data-content="content-one">One</a>
<div class="updatesettings" id="two" data-content="content-two">Two</a>
* Get the clicked element's ID
* and it's stored data-content string.
$('.updatesettings').on('click', function( event ) {
var Id = $(this).attr('id'),
Content = $(this).data('content'),
setup = settings,
setup.objSlideTrigger = Id,
setup.objSlidePenl = Content;
console.log( setup );


How to recognize which button is clicked

I am using wordpress for my blog posts - all posts are fetched on the same page and each post has button, I need to be able to recognise which button of which post was clicked.
I can do it only with hardcoded data, but I am unsuccessful with dynamic ones.
I tried to give a trigger button common class and then detect it in JS.
<div class="row">
<button class="common-button-class">CLICK</button>
let openButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
if (openButton != null) {
.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
// tried detect event id here unsuccessfully
Is there function of how to know which post is being triggered?
Use querySelector instaid of getElementsByClassName
let openButton = document.querySelector('.common-button-class');
openButton.onclick = function() {
//Your code here
you can use jquery in WordPress
first add properties just like data-id and keep post id in it.
then :
$(document).on("click",".common-button-class", function () {
var clickedBtnID = $(this).data('id');
alert('you clicked on button #' + clickedBtnID);

Binding listener to a dynamically created element

I am using bootstrap's list group to create a row of tabs. When someone clicks on an element in a table, it dynamically creates a new tab and appends it to that list group.
var newtext = "#"+ticket+" - "+parele.find("td:nth-child(3) strong").html();
var closebtn = $("<button>").addClass("close ml-2 mr-n2 newlyaddedclose").html("×");
var newdiv = $("<div>").addClass("d-flex justify-content-between").append(newtext).append(closebtn);
var newa = $("<a>").addClass("list-group-item list-group-item-action").attr("data-toggle","list").attr("href","#ticket"+ticket).attr("id","ticket"+ticket+"-tab").append(newdiv);
The problem I am having is the newly created close button. I need to bind a function that identifies when that is clicked to handle closing that tab, but it doesn't seem to be working. In my example here, I added the "newlyaddedclose" class to help identify the new element temporarily and I added the following code below to bind a function that is defined at the top of my script tag:
This still doesn't work. When I inspect the close button element, console shows this error: Framework Event Listeners API Errors:
event listener's handler isn't a function or empt
Am I making this harder than it needs to be, or what am I doing wrong? I can simple put at the end of this element creation this:
$(".close").click(function() { ... });
But doing this starts to double up and triple up etc, those events on already created tabs.
Here is my entire block of script to clear up any confusion.
$(function() {
function closebtn() {
alert("Close button clicked...");
$(".ticket-line").click(function() {
var parele = $(this);
var ticket ="tnum");
// Check to see if ticket is already open in tabs
if($("#ticket"+ticket).length == 0) {
// Create tab on ticket panel
var newtext = "#"+ticket+" - "+parele.find("td:nth-child(3) strong").html();
var closebtn = $("<button>").addClass("close ml-2 mr-n2 newlyaddedclose").html("×");
var newdiv = $("<div>").addClass("d-flex justify-content-between").append(newtext).append(closebtn);
var newa = $("<a>").addClass("list-group-item list-group-item-action").attr("data-toggle","list").attr("href","#ticket"+ticket).attr("id","ticket"+ticket+"-tab").append(newdiv);
// Create DIV with content
var newdata = $("<div>").addClass("tab-pane").attr("id","ticket"+ticket);
} else {
// Ticket is already open, switch to it instead
The error is clearly stating you are binding a non function to the event listener. So the error is saying that closeBtn is not a function. Your code, you defined closeBtn as the button you are trying to attach the event too. So change closeBtn in the click event listener to the name of the function you are actually trying to call. If it is the same function name, rename something.
Your problem:
var closeBtn = 1;
if (1===1) {
var closeBtn = 2;
It is unclear why you are selecting the element you just added. You can just attach the event when you create the button, no need to look up the element.
var closebtn = $("<button>")...
closeBtn.on("click", function (){
console.log('clicked', closeBtn);
Or use event delegation so any element you add will trigger the function.
$("#ticketpanel").on("click", ".close", function () {
const closeBtn = $(this);
console.log('clicked', closeBtn);

Click events from two scripts on same element?

Edit: I think I got the solution! I want to try and fix this myself before I ask for further help = )
First script inhibits the second one from functioning as the click event from the first one overides the second one. Because the second one does not function it is impossible to open the drop down menu to select a list item to trigger the first scripts click.
What I tried was replacing all return false statements with event.stopPropagation(). Didnt work however. Tried re-ordering my scripts but that failed as well. I was thinking of making my second script target another parent div but that didnt work either.I also tried event.stopImmediatePropagation() and .bind methods.
Any idea?
First script that makes the drop down function. Contains click event.
function DropDown(el) {
this.f = el;
this.placeholder = this.f.children('span');
this.opts = this.f.find('ul.dropdown > li');
this.val = '';
this.index = -1;
DropDown.prototype = {
initEvents : function() {
var obj = this;
obj.f.on('click', function(event){
return false;
var opt = $(this);
obj.val = opt.text();
obj.index = opt.index();
getValue : function() {
return this.val;
getIndex : function() {
return this.index;
$(function() {
var f = new DropDown( $('#f') );
$(document).click(function() {
// all dropdowns
Second script that does the filtering, also contains click event:
jQuery(document).ready(function(e) {
var t = $(".filter-container");
t.imagesLoaded(function() {
itemSelector: "figure",
filter: "*",
resizable: false,
animationEngine: "jquery"
$(".filter-buttons a").click(function(evt) {
var n = $(this).parents(".filter-buttons");
var r = $(this).attr("data-filter");
filter: r
$(window).resize(function() {
var n = $(window).width();
html structure
<div id="f" class="filter-buttons" tabindex="1">
<span>Choose Genre</span>
<ul class="dropdown">
This doesn't really solve your problem but I was bored while drinking my coffee and felt like helping you write your dropdown plugin a little nicer
My comments below are inline with code. For uninterrupted code, see DropDown complete paste.
We start with your standard jQuery wrapper (function($){ ... })(jQuery)
(function($) {
// dropdown constructor
function DropDown($elem) {
First we'll make some private vars to store information. By using = ... we expose things (probably) unnecessarily. If you need access to these vars, you can always create functions to read them. This is much better encapsulation imo.
// private vars
var $placeholder = $elem.children("span");
var $opts = $elem.find("ul.dropdown > li")
var value = "";
var index = -1;
Now we'll define our event listeners and functions those event listeners might depend on. What's nice here is that these functions don't have to access everything via this.* or as you were writing obj.f.* etc.
// private functions
function onParentClick(event) {
function onChildClick(event) {
function setValue($opt) {
value = $opt.text();
index = $opt.index();
Here's some property descriptors to read the index and value
// properties for reading .index and .value
Object.defineProperty(this, "value", {
get: function() { return value; }
Object.defineProperty(this, "index", {
get: function() { return index; }
Lastly, let's track each instance of DropDown in an array so that the user doesn't have to define a special listener to deactivate each
// track each instance of
This is the array we'll use to track instances
// store all instances in array
DropDown._instances = [];
This event listener deactivate each "registered" instance of DropDown
// deactivate all
DropDown.deactiveAll = function deactiveAll(event) {
$.each(DropDown._instances, function(idx, $elem) {
Here's the document listener defined right in the plugin! The user no longer has to set this up
// listener to deactiveAll dropdowns
Might as well make it a jQuery plugin since everything in our DropDown constructor relies upon jQuery. This let's the user do var x = $("foo").dropdown();
// jQuery plugin
$.fn.dropdown = function dropdown() {
return new DropDown($(this));
Close the wrapper
Now here's how you use it
$(function() {
var x = $('#f').dropdown();
// get the value
// get the index
Anyway, yeah I know this doesn't really help you with your click listeners, but I hope this is still useful information to you. Off to the Post Office now!
I think you're going to need to simplify this to figure out what's going on. There's actually not enough information to see what elements the events are being attached to here.
For argument's sake, open the console and try the following:
$(document).on('click', function() { console.log('first'); return false; });
$(document).on('click', function() { console.log('second'); return false; });
Then click in the page. You'll see that both events are triggered. It might well be that your code is actually attaching the events to different elements (you don't say anywhere). If that's the case then you need to understand how event bubbling works in the DOM.
When you trigger an event, say a click on an element, that event will fire on that element, and then on it's parent, then grandparent etc all the way to the root node at the top.
You can change this behaviour by calling functions in the event itself. evt.stopPropagation tells the event to not bubble up to the ancestor nodes. evt.preventDefault tells the browser not to carry out the default behaviour for a node (eg, moving to the page specified in the href for an A tag).
In jQuery, return false from an event handler is a shortcut for, evt.preventDefault and evt.stopPropagation. So that will stop the event dead in its tracks.
I imagine you have something like:
<div event_two_on_here>
<a event_one_on_here>
If the thing that handles event_one_on_here calls stopPropagation then event_two_on_here will never even know it has happened. Calling stopPropagation explicitly, or implicitly (return false) will kill the event before it travels to the parent node/event handler.
UPDATE: In your case the issue is that the handler on .filter-buttons a is stopping the propagation (so #f doesn't get to run its handler).
$(".filter-buttons a").click(function(evt) {
// your code here...
// Don't do this - it stops the event from bubbling up to the #f div
// return false;
// instead, you'll probably just want to prevent the browser default
// behaviour so it doesn't jump to the top of the page ('url/#')

Conflict with JS - targets first expander and not the one clicked.

I have a link that expands to reveal a div when clicked - however, if I have more than one on a page, if I click for eg. the third, it'll open the top one. How do I target the one clicked rather than the first/highest on the page.
$("body").on("click", ".show-hidden", function() {
var $link = $(this);
var $slidingElement = $($link.attr("href"));
if( !$':animated') ) {
$slidingElement.slideToggle( 700 );
return false;
This one works. Can you explain how your layout differs from the mockup I have provided?
$(document).on("click", ".show-hidden", function () {
var $link = $(this);
var $slidingElement = $($link.attr("href"));
if (!$':animated')) {
return false;
The most likely cause is incorrect hrefs as they would need to include a valid JQuery selector (e.g. href="#one")

Create hidden field element for each drop

I know this is a similar question to my previous one however its slightly different.
I have this script adding each 'dropped' element to a list. Now i need it adding into a variable / hidden field so i can pass it to the next page via a form.
When i run it at the moment. It alerts for each one however, it does it not just for every item dropped but if there are 10 items dropped it will run 10 times per item droped rather than once per item dropped.
Any help would be great.
//Record and add dropped items to list
var txt = $("#listbox");
var dtstart = copiedEventObject.start + '\n'
var caltitle = copiedEventObject.title
var txt = $('#listbox');
txt.append("<li class ='listItem'> "+dtstart +"</li>")
var listItems = $('.listItem');
$('#calendarform').submit(function() {
listItems.each(function(){ //For each event do this:
alert( listItems.text() );
return false;
// remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list
the problem lies in this code
listItems.each(function(){ //For each event do this:
alert( listItems.text() );
you are alerting the text of all the list items for each list item.
use jQuery(this) to access the current item within an each block
listItems.each(function(){ //For each event do this:
alert( $(this).text() );
Assuming your code is within a drop event handler, you are also adding a submit handler each time you drop. This means that each time you drop, you queue up another submit event. This is probably not desired. Move this submit(function(){}) block outside your drop handler to prevent it from firing that function more than once.
$('#calendarform').submit(function(e) {
var listItems = $('.listItem');
listItems.each(function(){ //For each event do this:
alert( listItems.text() );
e.preventDefault();//stop normal behavior
return false;
and to create elements on the fly you just pass jQuery the html, and append it to your form.
$('<input type="hidden" name="listItem[]"/>').appendTo("#calendarForm").val(listItem.text())
you may have to fiddle with the name element to get it to submit as an array in your server side language, but you're also within an each loop, which provides you with an index, so you can do the following.
$('#calendarform').submit(function(e) {
var form = $(this);
var listItems = $('.listItem');
listItems.each(function(index){ //For each event do this:
var listItem = $(this);
$("<input type='hidden'/>").val(listItem.text()).appendTo(form).attr('name', 'listItem[' + index + ']');
e.preventDefault();//stop normal behavior
return false;

