Display the selected value in another DIV element - javascript

I am asking the user to select his/her gender . Later on I want to display the selected gender in another <div> element as shown below. How can I do this?
<div id="v1">
<td>Male or Female</td>
<td align="left">
<select id="gender" name="gen">
<option>Do not wish to specify</option>
Now I need to display the selected value in another <div>:
<div id="v2">

Try this code if you are using jQuery.
$("#gender").change(function() {
$("#v2 h2").html($(this).val());

Try this:
$(function () {
$("#selection").on("change", function () {
var text = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
$('#v2 h2').text(text);
Demo here
To get also the value:
$(function () {
$("#selection").on("change", function () {
var text = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
var value = $(this).val();
var string = 'Text: '+text+' - Value: '+value;
$('#v2 h2').text(string);
Demo here

$(document).ready(function() {
var location = $(this).val(),
div = $('#' + location);
var txt=$('#txtfiled11').val();
Another Demo
Update Fiddle DEMO with TEXTFIELD VALUE3
$("#dropdown").prop("disabled", false);


How can I get selected row using jQuery?

This is my table row within the tbody of my table. I get dropdown value, text value but I can't get selected row value. My row value returns "undefined".
$(document).on("click", "#skorKartDegerle", function() {
$(document).on("click", "#btnKaydet", function() {
var arrList = [];
var isEmptyAnswer = false;
$("#evaluationTable > tbody > tr").each(function() {
var line = $(this).find(".answerLine").val();
var ddlVal = $(this).find(".answerddl").val();
var txtVal = $(this).find(".answertxt").val();
var obj = '{"line":"' + line + '","ddlVal":"' + ddlVal + '","txtVal":"' + txtVal + '"}';
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<tr class="answerLine" value="2">
<td>Koton Mağazacılık</td>
<td class="select" value="0">
<select class="answerddl">
<option value="1">Kabul</option>
<option value="2">Ret</option>
<td><input type="text" class="answertxt"></td>
Part of the issue is because tr elements do not have a value attribute. To do what you require you could use a data attribute instead, to store custom metadata on the element. The other part is that this is a reference to the tr element. You're then calling find() on the element you're looking to target, so it will not be found as that method looks for descendants only.
In addition it's worth noting that you can make the logic more succinct by using map() to build the array instead of explicitly looping with each() and also that it would be better practice to store objects in the array and only JSON encode it before transferring via AJAX.
$(document).on("click", "#btnKaydet", function() {
var isEmptyAnswer = false;
let arrList = $("#evaluationTable > tbody > tr").map((i, tr) => {
let $tr = $(tr);
return {
line: $tr.data('value'),
ddlVal: $tr.find(".answerddl").val(),
txtVal: $tr.find(".answertxt").val()
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="evaluationTable">
<tr class="answerLine" data-value="2">
<td>Koton Mağazacılık</td>
<td class="select" value="0">
<select class="answerddl">
<option value="1">Kabul</option>
<option value="2">Ret</option>
<td><input type="text" class="answertxt"></td>
<button id="btnKaydet">Click me</button>

Fill Textfield Based on Select Option

I'm trying to get "hargaJual" value when I select some option. But when I insert a new row in the table and select a new option, it will change only the first row of "Harga" and leave the second-row blank.
Here's the result :
<select class="custom-select" id="kodeSparepart" name="kodeSparepart[]">
<option value=""> --Pilih Sparepart-- </option>";
#foreach($sparepart as $s) {
<option value="{{ $s['kodeSparepart'] }}" data-price="{{ $s->hargaJual }}"> {{ $s['namaSparepart'] }} </option>";
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="hargaJualTransaksi" name="hargaJualTransaksi[]" autocomplete="off" readonly>
And here is my javascript
//for insert new row in table
$('#addMore').on('click', function() {
var data = $("#tb tr:eq(1)").clone(true).appendTo("#tb");
$(document).on('click', '#remove', function() {
var trIndex = $(this).closest("tr").index();
if(trIndex>=1) {
} else {
alert("Sorry!! Can't remove first row!");
//fill hargaJualTransaksi field
$(function() {
$('#kodeSparepart').on('change', function(){
var price = $(this).children('option:selected').data('price');
You need to use event delegation on since the rows are dynamically rendered to the DOM :
$(function() {
$('body').on('change', '.kodeSparepart', function(){
var price = $(this).children('option:selected').data('price');
NOTE: The id attribute must be unique so you needs to change every kodeSparepart and hargaJualTransaksi to classes instead of id's, it will be something like :
<input class="form-control hargaJualTransaksi" type="text" name="hargaJualTransaksi[]" autocomplete="off" readonly>
Try below code:
$("body").on('click', '#kodeSparepart', function (event) {
var price = $(this).children('option:selected').data('price');

Show hide input element based on selection

Hi I am trying to show hide input element based on selection value of another element.
However I am unable to achieve it. I am not sure what is wrong I am doing.
The JS Fiddle is here :
<tr id="type">
<td height="30">Type</td>
<input type="radio" name="type" value="Document" checked>Document
<input type="radio" name="type" value="Parcel">Parcel
<tr id="height">
<td height="40">Approx weight of consignment</td>
<select name="weight">
<option selected>200gms</option>
<option>200 - 500gms</option>
<option>500 - 750gms</option>
<option>750gms - 1Kg</option>
<option>1Kg - 5Kg</option>
<option> > 5Kg</option>
<div id="text"> text</div>
The Jquery is :
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($('#type').val() == "Parcel") {
else {
Try to use change event to accomplish your task,
$(document).ready(function() {
var elem = $('#height');
var radios = $(':radio[name=type]').change(function() {
elem.toggle(radios.filter(":checked").val() == "Parcel");
And note, you have to use attribute selector here as there was no element with id type.
There is no element with id type. Bind change event to input[name=type] and toggle visibility like following.
$('input[name=type]').change(function() {
$('input[name=type]:checked').change(); //to set initial state
Try using selector #type input , .change() event
$(document).ready(function() {
var h = $("#height");
$("#type input").change(function() {
if (this.checked && this.value == "Parcel") {
} else {
jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/rovvLt9e/6/

when option selected do stuff ( btw, all the elments have dynamic id)

I searched for similar questions, I found some but their solution did't help me.
For example:
First question
Second question
My problem is:
I have a table that the user can add rows dynamically, so I am creating a unique id for each row and all elements inside as well.
each row have two text fields and select with two options, and when you select one of the option the text feild should be dislpay:block and the second will be display: "none", depending on your choice.
I built here some example that will shows the general structure (JSFiddle)
<input id="description-first-1" name="description-first-1" type="text" placeholder = "first">
<input id="description-second-1" name="description-second-2" type="text" placeholder = "second">
<select id="select-1">
<option id="first-opt-1">1</option>
<option id="second-opt-1">2</option>
<input id="description-first-2" name="description-first-1" type="text" placeholder = "first">
<input id="description-second-2" name="description-second-2" type="text" placeholder = "second">
<select id="select-2">
<option id="first-opt-2">1</option>
<option id="second-opt-2">2</option>
$(function() {
$("#select-1").change(function() {
if ($("#first-opt-1").is(":selected")) {
} else {
In my example for that matter you can seen that there are only 2 rows but it can also be 10 rows with different id's.
How to get jquery identify which row and all the elements inside of it i'm changing if the id's of all elements is dynamic ?
First of all, you need event delegation as the rows are dynamically generated, such as:
$("table").on("change", "[id^='select']", function() {
// do your stuf
Or in your case:
$("table").on("change", "#select-1", function() {
// do your stuf
So, is this what you needed?
$(function() {
$("table").on("change", "[id^='select']", function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $row = $this.closest("tr");
var ID = this.id.replace(/^[^\-]+\-(\d+)$/gi, '$1');
var sIndex = $this.prop('selectedIndex');
var part = sIndex === 2 ? "second" : "first";
if (!sIndex) {
$row.find("#description-" + part + "-" + ID).show();
P.S. The above is purely based on your markup and ID structure!

Hide/Show table row(s) based on checkbox

I have a dynamic list of dates. I want to create a checkbox for each unique date, and then list all dates in a table row format below. The goal is when a checkbox is checked/unchecked, any rows with a class the same as the checkbox value will hide/show.
Any help is appreciated.
$('input[type = checkbox]').change(function () {
var self = this;
$(self).closest('table').find('tbody tr').filter('.' + self.value).toggle(self.checked);
<div class="widget">
<div class="rowElem noborder">
<div class="formRight">
<input type="checkbox" class="show" value="2013-11-15" checked />2013-11-15</label>
<div class="formRight">
<input type="checkbox" class="show" value="2013-11-17" checked />2013-11-17</label>
<div class="formRight">
<input type="checkbox" class="show" value="2013-11-20" checked /> 2013-11-20</label>
<tr class="2013-11-15">
<tr class="2013-11-15">
<tr class="2013-11-20">
<tr class="2013-11-15">
<tr class="2013-11-17">
<tr class="2013-11-20">
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fEM8X/9/
Closest will select the ancestor or self (first one that matches the selector), but you want to select the sibling of ancestor (.widget) of the checked check box. So Try:
$('input[type = checkbox]').change(function () {
var self = this;
$(self).closest('.widget').next('table').find('tbody tr').filter('.' + self.value).toggle(self.checked);
But in this case you can just do the following since you use the same classes for the targets:
$('.' + this.value).toggle(self.checked);
Use this.value of the checked box and use it as class to toggle. You could simply do this.
$('input[type = checkbox]').change(function () {
var myclass = this.value;
$('.' + myclass).toggle();
you can just add a css to tr, see this DEMO
$('input[type="checkbox"]').change(function () {
var self = this;
$("table tr."+$(this).val()).css({display: self.checked?"block":"none"});
I updated your fiddle
Basically, your selectors were not correct:
$('input[type = checkbox]').change(function () {
var valu = $(this).val();
var ischecked = $(this).is(":checked");
if( ischecked ){
$('.' + valu).show();
$('.' + valu).hide();

