How to create a PDF file that will have initial view=Fit - javascript

I am trying to use the iText Stamper to change a PDF file so that it will always open with full page display. I tried,
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(new PdfReader(src), new FileOutputStream(dest));
PdfWriter writer = stamper.getWriter();
PdfAction action = PdfAction.gotoLocalPage(1, new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT), writer);
writer.setAdditionalAction(PdfWriter.DOCUMENT_OPEN, action);
but DOCUMENT_OPEN is not defined. How can I do this? Should I be using instead stamper.addJavascript? but what JS code will setup the initial view?
I could use setPageAction(PAGE_OPEN, action, 1) and that works, but I think it might be annoying to the user if every time they look at page 1, the view changes.
BTW, initially I tried to use the PDF Open Parameters, but they are very unreliable. I displayed the pdf using
<embed src='myfile.pdf#view=Fit'>
and Adobe Reader often ignores the view for no apparent reason. That is why I am trying to set the initial view within the PDF itself.

Try this instead:
Also see the documentation for setOpenAction.


how to jump to page of rendered pdf

Im using pdfobject along with forcePDFJS which uses pdfjs viewer.js to render pdf's.. Once they are rendered I need to be able to jump to pages without reloading the document.. The documents can be pretty large
I've seen some mentions about using PDFApplicationViewer.pdfview.currentPageNumber. but I haven't seen a good example on how to use it correclty
I've seen two example of using the PDFApplicationViewer
1. PDFApplicationViewer.pdfview.currentPageNumber = pagNum;
2. document.getElementById('mycanvas').contentWindow.PDFApplicationViewer.pdfview.currentPageNumber = pagNum;
Althought the second on make more sense Im not sure where the contentWindow object from the element comes from. Im assuming the pdfobject embeds something that I could get access too but I can't figure it out..
Also, since I couldn't really find alot on this.. Is this even possible..
For time constraint reasons I don't want to have to put together a new viewer using pdfjs.. I like what comes with the viewer.html.. I just need to jump the pages without reloading
PDFObject.embed doesn't return any reference So I looked into the pdfObject code to see how it was embedding the pdf..
for this to work there needs to be a iframe.. So when rendering with pdfobject Im using a configureation as follows:
Notice forcePDFJS=true
var options = {
pdfOpenParams: {
view: "FitV",
page: pageNum
forcePDFJS: true,
PDFJS_URL: "../pdfjs/web/viewer.html"
Here is code that works
var pdfviewer = document.getElementById('pdfviewer');//get the viewer element
var contenttag = pdfviewer.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]//got this from pdfobject code
contenttag.contentWindow.PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = parseInt(pageNum);//change the page
In my case, the pdfviewer id is not available anymore.
PDFObject does return the reference of iframe that it creates. I was using basic HTML + JS so I had to save that reference to global window object to be able to access it from anywhere in the project.
Finally, with the reference we have, we can access the PDFViewerApplication object as below and manipulate the PDF:

Import image in Acrobat using JavaScript (preferred on document-level)

I am going to implement a dynamic legend using JavaScript in Adobe Acrobat.
The document contains a lot of layers. Every layer has an own legend. The origin idea is to implement the legend so, that it contains the images in a dialog box for the visible layers.
I can only hide/show the layers by setting state to false or true (this.getOCGs()[i].state = false;) on document-level.
Question 1: Can I extract data from layer somehow for legend establishing? I think no, as we only have these function on layers: getIntent(), setIntent() and setAction(). Right? Therefore I decided to arrange it so, that all needed icons for every layer are saved in a folder with corresponding names. JavaScript should import the icons and I build the a dialog window with icons of visible Layers and place a text(description for this icon).
I tried all possibilities of image import described here: I got only one way (Convert the icons as hexadecimal strings). This way isn't good, as it is too much work to create with an other tool a hexadecimal string from a images and place it into a javascript code.
Unfortunately, I cannot import image using other methods:(. Since the security settings in Adobe are changed after version 7 or so, it is not possible to use functions like app.newDoc, app.openDoc, even app.getPath On document-level. I decided to implement the import on a folder level using trusted functions like this:
Variant 1:
var importImg = app.trustedFunction(function() {
var myDoc = app.newDoc({
nWidth: 20,
nHeight: 20
var img = myDoc.importIcon("icon", "/icon.png", 0);
return img; });
var oIcon = importImg();
The settings in Preferences->JavaScript-> JavaScript Security are disabled (Enable menu item JS execution privileges, enable global object security policy)
NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
Variant 2:
var importImg = app.trustedFunction(function() {
var appPath = var phPath = app.getPath({
cCategory: "user",
cFolder: "javascript"
try {
var doc = app.openDoc({
cPath: phPath + "/icon.png",
bHidden: true
} catch (e) {
console.println("Could not open icon file: " + e);
var oIcon = util.iconStreamFromIcon(doc.getIcon("icon"));
return oIcon;});
var oIcon = importImg();
Could not open icon file: NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
At least it allows the execution of all these functions like app.newDoc, but in the second variant it says, wrong range of content or so. Maybe is here the pdf from an image created false? I just took the image and printed it into a pdf.
I tried all these possibilities with .jpg, .png, .pdf. with different sizes(big images and 20x20), It doesn't work.
Could somebody help me, as I spent a lot of time with trying different possibilities. It would be actually better to implement the main goal described above on document level, is it possible?
Thank you and kind regards,
Do you have the Console fully activated in Acrobat? If not, do so and look for error messages you get.
The first variant does not work, because myDoc is not defined (unless you have done that before you call the importImg function).
If you want to import the image into the newly created file, you will have to make a reference to the Document Object you create with newDoc(). Actually, that would make the link to myDoc, as in
var myDoc = app.newDoc(1,1)
(are you sure you want to create a document measuring 1x1 pt?)
The next issue with the first variant is a bug in Acrobat, which discards "floating" Icon Objects when saving the document; you'd have to attach the Icon Object to a field to keep it; this field can be hidden, or even on a hidden Template page in the document.

node-webkit using to download a file open another window

I'm currently porting a nodejs / angular webapp to Windows using nodewebkit. Everything has been working pretty well for now but I'm facing a litle problem when I want the user to download a file.
In order to start the download with the save file Dialog, I use a simple where url can be a link to any kind of files. This line actually do it's job and pop the window dialog for saving a file, but at the same time, a blank node-webkit page appears.
I've been trying to mess around with node-webkit for a while without managing to remove this blank page.
As anyone experienced the same kind of behavior ?
I'll be interested in any lead, I'm not into the js stuff for long so I may have missed something obviouvs.
Have a nice wathever time of the day it is where you live !
a more better solution is found here
Step 1 In your html file, add a Input tag block like below:
<input id="export_file" type="file" nwsaveas style="display:none" nwworkingdir=""/>
Step 2 Add a new function in your javascript file like below:
function saveFile(name,data) {
var chooser = document.querySelector(name);
chooser.addEventListener("change", function(evt) {
console.log(this.value); // get your file name
var fs = require('fs');// save it now
fs.writeFile(this.value, data, function(err) {
if(err) {
}, false);;
Step 3 Save your file where ever you like by using saveFile(name,data) function like below:
_exportCSV="you data to save";
As questioner said to be working:
location.href = url
Is the correct usage.

Saving without dialog window

I'm trying to write a script that will automate a bunch of stuff for Photoshop CS5. Part of this involves saving a bunch of files. Is there a way to save a file in a way that doesn't open up a dialog window? I've been looking over the JavaScript Tools Guide, but I didn't see a way to do this. This suggested I used an action to deal with it but I'd really prefer not to do that.
EDIT: specifically I want to save the files as crytiff format but I'd just like to know how to save a file with whatever extension I want
The following saves the active document as PNG. You can change the type to save it as.
// reference open doc
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// set save options
var opts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
opts.PNG8 = false;
opts.transparency = true;
opts.interlaced = false;
opts.quality = 100;
opts.includeProfile = false;
opts.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG; // Document Type
// save png file in same folder as open doc
activeDocument.exportDocument(doc.path, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, opts);
Try using Document.saveAs(). But, like El Cas said, you still have to pass in some kind of SaveOptions object. You don't necessarily have to specify all the options if you don't want. You can just use the generic object like this:
app.activeDocument.saveAs(new File(doc.path + "/myDocument"), TiffSaveOptions);
// or BMPSaveOptions or GIFSaveOptions or JPEGSaveOptions...
Here's a much more complete Photoshop CS5 Javascript Reference
Windows > Actions
You will find Toggle Dialog On/Off check box before every action. Turn it off.

How to Programmatically Inject JavaScript in PDF files?

How to Programmatically Inject JavaScript in PDF files?
Can it be done without Adobe Professional?
My goal is: I want to show up the print dialog immediately when I open the PDF.
I know that this can be done with JavaScript code embedded in the document.
If you're developing in Java have a look at iText:
I think it supports what you are looking for.
There are also some .Net versions around:
iText (and iText_Sharp_) are quite capable of adding JS to an existing PDF... page actions, links, document level script, you name it.
The JavaDoc can be found here.
This was written with Java in mind, but the C# code would look almost identical (if not exactly the same, with the exception handling stripped out like this).
PdfReader myReader = new PdfReader( myFilePath ); // throws IOException
PdfStamper myStamper = new PdfStamper( myReader, new FileOutputStream(outPath) ); // throws IOE, DocumentException
// add a document script
myStamper.addJavaScript( myScriptString );
// add a page-open script, 1 is the first page, not zero0
PdfAction jsAction = PdfAction.javaScript( someScriptString );
myStamper.setPageAction( PdfWriter.PAGE_OPEN, jsAction, myStamper.getWriter(), pageNumber ); // throws PdfException (for bad first param)
PdfFormField button = PdfFormField.createButton(myWriter, PdfFormField.FF_PUSHBUTTON);
button.setWidget( myRectangle, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT );
// the important part, adding jsAction
jsAction = PdfAction.javaScript( buttonScriptString );
button.setAdditionalActions( PdfAnnotation.AA_DOWN, jsAction ); // mouse down
myStamper.addAnnotation( pageNum, button );
myStamper.close(); // write everything out, throws DocumentException, IOE
I've studied the PDF Specifications.
Turns out that the PDF file format isn't that hard.
It has a nice feature that allows you to modify the document just by appending new content in the end of the file.
If you are trying to do the same thing... don't be afraid! go and look at the specs.

