RadioButton always returning false - JavaScript - javascript

I have a HTML page that have many section with inputs consisting of RadioButtons and CheckBox. The first one of them is like this:
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="Answer1" type="radio" name="Answers" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();"/>True<br/>
<input type="radio" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />False
<div id="replaceAble1_a" style="display: none;">Answer1</div>
After the final input I am looking for each input and investigating that the correct answers are checked. Here is the part of script that is doing this job:
var ansList = document.getElementById(thisFrame + "_a").innerHTML.split(",");
for (var k = 0; k < ansList.length; k++) {
var ele = document.getElementById(ansList[k]);
result = result & ele.checked ;
where thisFrame for this iteration is replaceAble1. Upon debugging it is clear that I am getting the correct element id in ansList[k] i.e. Answer1.
Now the problem is, every time, whether the Answer1 is checked or not ele.checked is returning false.
What could be the reason?
I think it would better to put complete code. So here it is:
<div id="replaceAble1">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q
<span id ="question1">Do you live in Pakistan?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="Answer1" type="radio" name="Answers" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();"/>True<br/>
<input type="radio" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />False
<div id="replaceAble1_a" style="display: none;">Answer1</div>
<div id="replaceAble1_n" style="display: none;">null</div>
<div id="replaceAble2" style="display: none;">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q.
<span id ="question2">Do you go for cycling daily?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input type="radio" name="Answers" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();" />True<br/>
<input id="Answer2" type="radio" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />False
<div id="replaceAble2_a" style="display: none;">Answer2</div>
<div id="replaceAble2_n" style="display: none;">null</div>
<div id="replaceAble3" style="display: none;">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q
<span id ="question3">When Do you Sleep?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="notAnswer1" type="checkbox" name="Answers" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();"/>Morning<br/>
<input id="notAnswer2" type="checkbox" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Evening<br/>
<input id="Answer3" type="checkbox" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Night
<div id="replaceAble3_a" style="display: none;">Answer3</div>
<div id="replaceAble3_n" style="display: none;">notAnswer1,notAnswer2</div>
<div id="replaceAble4" style="display: none;">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q
<span id ="question4">What Do you Eat?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="Answer4" type="checkbox" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Launch<br/>
<input id="Answer5" type="checkbox" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Break Fast<br/>
<input id="Answer6" type="checkbox" name="Answers" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Dinner<br/>
<div id="replaceAble4_a" style="display: none;">Answer4,Answer5,Answer6</div>
<div id="replaceAble4_n" style="display: none;">null</div>
And the script is:
var i = 0;
var answered = false;
var score = 0;
var unitScore = 5;
var totalScore = 20;
var frameList = ["replaceAble1", "replaceAble2", "replaceAble3", "replaceAble4"];
function setAnswered() {
answered = true;
function displayAnswer(isTimeUp) {
var Message;
var j;
if (isTimeUp) {
Message = "Times Up";
} else {
Message = "Quiz End";
for (j = 0; j < frameList.length; j++) {
var result = true;
var thisFrame = frameList[j];
var ansList = document.getElementById(thisFrame + "_a").innerHTML.split(",");
for (var k = 0; k < ansList.length; k++) {
var ele = document.getElementById(ansList[k]);
result = result & ele.checked ;
ansList = document.getElementById(thisFrame + "_n").innerHTML.split(",");
for (var k = 0; k < ansList.length; k++) {
if (ansList[k] !== "null")
result = result & (!document.getElementById(ansList[k]).checked);
if (result) {
score = Number(score) + Number(unitScore);
document.getElementById("QuestionPan").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("resultPan").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = Message;
document.getElementById("totalMarks").innerHTML = totalScore;
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = score;
var timetaken = count - document.getElementById("time").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("timetaken").innerHTML = timetaken + " minutes";
function submition() {
if (!answered) {
alert("Please select at least one Answer for this question.");
if (i === (frameList.length - 1)) {
document.getElementById(frameList[i++]).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById(frameList[i]).style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = (Number(i) + 1) + '/' + frameList.length;
answered = false;
Only the first answer i.e. Answer1 is causing this problem. Every thing else is working fine.

You probably want to use the boolean && operator, not the bitwise & operator.
result = result && ele.checked;
This also depends on the previous value of result. I'm not entirely sure this is your problem at this stage.
I can't reproduce the problem. See
My only other thought is that you have multiple radio buttons with the same ID as shown in this example -

Got the problem. The problem was with HTML not the JavaScript. I have by mistake set the name field of all inputs same i.e. Answer. Hence all the radio button in all replaceable divs were belonging to same group. So when I set the Answer2 of replaceable2 the radio button of replaceable1 is reset. Being invisible I was't able to track this bug. So simply I changed the html to
<div id="replaceAble1">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q
<span id ="question1">Do you live in Pakistan?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="Answer1" type="radio" name="Answers1" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();"/>True<br/>
<input type="radio" name="Answers1" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />False
<div id="replaceAble1_a" style="display: none;">Answer1</div>
<div id="replaceAble1_n" style="display: none;">null</div>
<div id="replaceAble2" style="display: none;">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q.
<span id ="question2">Do you go for cycling daily?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input type="radio" name="Answers2" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();" />True<br/>
<input id="Answer2" type="radio" name="Answers2" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />False
<div id="replaceAble2_a" style="display: none;">Answer2</div>
<div id="replaceAble2_n" style="display: none;">null</div>
<div id="replaceAble3" style="display: none;">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q
<span id ="question3">When Do you Sleep?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="notAnswer1" type="checkbox" name="Answers3" title="True" onclick="setAnswered();"/>Morning<br/>
<input id="notAnswer2" type="checkbox" name="Answers3" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Evening<br/>
<input id="Answer3" type="checkbox" name="Answers3" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Night
<div id="replaceAble3_a" style="display: none;">Answer3</div>
<div id="replaceAble3_n" style="display: none;">notAnswer1,notAnswer2</div>
<div id="replaceAble4" style="display: none;">
<span style="font-size: 14pt ;margin-top: 5px;">Q
<span id ="question4">What Do you Eat?</span>
<div style="margin-top: 30px; height: 270px;">
<input id="Answer4" type="checkbox" name="Answers4" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Launch<br/>
<input id="Answer5" type="checkbox" name="Answers4" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Break Fast<br/>
<input id="Answer6" type="checkbox" name="Answers4" title="False" onclick="setAnswered();" />Dinner<br/>
<div id="replaceAble4_a" style="display: none;">Answer4,Answer5,Answer6</div>
<div id="replaceAble4_n" style="display: none;">null</div>
And it worked properly.


How to select radio buttons with click to change color on click

I am trying to make a math quiz game for my classroom. I have created a page to select the type of game the user wants. I have created a function to select the the element when it is clicked to change colors but it is not changing colors. I have tried to hard code the styling and it works properly but I only want the styling when the radio container is selected.
const startForm = document.getElementById('start-form');
const radioContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.radio-container');
const radioInputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');
const bestScores = document.querySelectorAll('.best-score-value');
startForm.addEventListener('click', () => {
radioContainers.forEach((radioEl) => {
if (radioEl.childeren[1].checked) {
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99">
<span class="best-score">
<span>Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>
I think you mean this
Delegation from startForm is fine, then we can loop over the divs to see if the radio in the div was checked
const startForm = document.getElementById('start-form');
const radioContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.radio-container');
startForm.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const tgt =;
if ( === "Questions") {
const parent = tgt.closest('.radio-container')
radioContainers.forEach(container => container.classList.toggle('selected-label', container === parent && tgt.checked))
.selected-label { color: green }
<form id="start-form">
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99">
<span class="best-score">Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99">
<span class="best-score">Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>
Question is somewhat a duplicate.
change label color radio when checked
I got the answer from here, and it can be done using CSS without needing to use JavaScript.
(Notice some buttons have different colors when clicked)
Here's a snippet
input[type="radio"]:checked ~ span
input[type="radio"]:checked.correct ~ span
<form id="start-form">
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99">
<span class="best-score">Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99" class = "correct">
<span class="best-score">Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99">
<span class="best-score">Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>
<div class="radio-container">
<label for="value-99">99 Questions</label>
<input type="radio" name="Questions" value="99" id="value-99" class = "correct">
<span class="best-score">Best Score</span>
<span class="best-score-value">0.0</span>

Adding value from input field and checkbox

I'm trying to calculate values from the input field and checkbox values.
This is my html and js, with which I get the value in the input field:
function displayAbo(el) {
document.getElementById("contactFormFieldId_284").value =
el.querySelector('.product__title').textContent + " " +
<div class="product__item" onclick="displayAbo(this)" id="product-basic" tabindex="0" role="radio" aria-checked="false" aria-describedby="basic-desc">
<div class="product__inner" id="basic-desc" onclick="smoothScroll(document.getElementById('scroll'))">
<h3 class="product__title">LEUWIN M</h3>
<ul class="product__features">
<li class="product__features-item">40 Mbit/s</li>
<li class="product__features-item"><img src="themes/zuerich/images/I.png" style="width: 100px; margin-right: 110px;"></li>
<div class="product_footer">
<h4 class="product__price">CHF 39.–</h4>
<p class="product__bestellen">Zum Bestellformular</p>
<div class="product__item" onclick="displayAbo(this)" id="product-medium" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false" aria-describedby="medium-desc">
<div class="product__inner" id="medium-desc" onclick="smoothScroll(document.getElementById('scroll'))">
<h3 class="product__title">LEUWIN L</h3>
<ul class="product__features">
<li class="product__features-item">100 Mbit/s</li>
<li class="product__features-item"><img src="themes/zuerich/images/I.png" style="width: 100px; margin-right: 110px;"></li>
<div class="product_footer">
<h4 class="product__price">CHF 49.–</h4>
<p class="product__bestellen">Zum Bestellformular</p>
<!--Checkbox and Result Field-->
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_284" style="color: #003664; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">[[284_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_text" id="contactFormFieldId_284" type="text" name="contactFormField_284" value="[[284_VALUE]]" />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_385">[[385_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_checkbox" id="contactFormFieldId_385" type="checkbox" name="contactFormField_385" value="5" [[SELECTED_385]] />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_386">[[386_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_checkbox" id="contactFormFieldId_386" type="checkbox" name="contactFormField_386" value="15" [[SELECTED_386]] />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_387">[[387_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_checkbox" id="contactFormFieldId_387" type="checkbox" name="contactFormField_387" value="20" [[SELECTED_387]] />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_388" style="color: #003664; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">[[388_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_text" id="contactFormFieldId_388" type="text" name="contactFormField_388" value="0" />
With this code, I can count the values from the checkbox
var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('contactFormClass_checkbox'),
total = document.getElementById('contactFormFieldId_388');
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].onchange = function() {
var add = this.value * (this.checked ? 1 : -1);
total.innerHTML = parseFloat(total.innerHTML) + add
var new_total = parseFloat(document.getElementById('contactFormFieldId_388').value);
document.getElementById('contactFormFieldId_388').value=new_total + add
Now that I have to collect values from the field, I thought that I am parse and value, I did it with this code, and the rest I still have to include the code, but I did not succeed ..
var price = document.querySelector('[aria-checked=true] .product__price').innerHTML;
var multiplier = price.substr(price.indexOf(" ")+1,price.indexOf('.') - price.indexOf(" ")-1);
var new_total = multiplier *
can someone help me and see where I make a mistake when adding up.
Thank you!
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName('contactFormClass_checkbox');
var sum = 0,
inputField = document.getElementById('contactFormFieldId_284'),
finalInput = document.getElementById('contactFormFieldId_388'); (checkBox) => {
checkBox.addEventListener('change', calculateTotal, false);
inputField.addEventListener('blur', calculateSumWithInput, false);
function calculateTotal(e) {
if( {
sum += parseInt(, 10);
} else {
sum -= parseInt(, 10);
finalInput.value = sum;
function calculateSumWithInput(e) {
var value =;
if(value && !isNaN(value) && Number(value) === parseInt(value, 10)) {
sum = parseInt(value, 10);
finalInput.value = sum;
<div class="product__item" onclick="displayAbo(this)" id="product-basic" tabindex="0" role="radio" aria-checked="false" aria-describedby="basic-desc">
<div class="product__inner" id="basic-desc" onclick="smoothScroll(document.getElementById('scroll'))">
<h3 class="product__title">LEUWIN M</h3>
<ul class="product__features">
<li class="product__features-item">40 Mbit/s</li>
<li class="product__features-item"><img src="themes/zuerich/images/I.png" style="width: 100px; margin-right: 110px;"></li>
<div class="product_footer">
<h4 class="product__price">CHF 39.–</h4>
<p class="product__bestellen">Zum Bestellformular</p>
<div class="product__item" onclick="displayAbo(this)" id="product-medium" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false" aria-describedby="medium-desc">
<div class="product__inner" id="medium-desc" onclick="smoothScroll(document.getElementById('scroll'))">
<h3 class="product__title">LEUWIN L</h3>
<ul class="product__features">
<li class="product__features-item">100 Mbit/s</li>
<li class="product__features-item"><img src="themes/zuerich/images/I.png" style="width: 100px; margin-right: 110px;"></li>
<div class="product_footer">
<h4 class="product__price">CHF 49.–</h4>
<p class="product__bestellen">Zum Bestellformular</p>
<!--Checkbox and Result Field-->
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_284" style="color: #003664; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">[[284_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_text" id="contactFormFieldId_284" type="text" name="contactFormField_284" value="" />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_385">[[385_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_checkbox" id="contactFormFieldId_385" type="checkbox" name="contactFormField_385" value="5" [[SELECTED_385]] />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_386">[[386_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_checkbox" id="contactFormFieldId_386" type="checkbox" name="contactFormField_386" value="15" [[SELECTED_386]] />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_387">[[387_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_checkbox" id="contactFormFieldId_387" type="checkbox" name="contactFormField_387" value="20" [[SELECTED_387]] />
<div class="contact row">
<label for="contactFormFieldId_388" style="color: #003664; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">[[388_LABEL]]</label>
<input class="contactFormClass_text" id="contactFormFieldId_388" type="text" name="contactFormField_388" value="0" />

How to put text next to the answers in quiz, after clicking the submit button

The idea is that when somebody click on submit and for example had question 1 wrong, there will be some info after the wrong answer like: ... is a mammal species.
So far I tried things and looked it up, I can't really get it to work.
.quizbox {
width: 58%;
max-width: 950px;
border: 1px gray solid;
margin: auto;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
margin-top: 7%;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
.quizstyle {
padding-right: 50%;
.row {
text-align: left;
margin-left: 10%;
<div class="quizbox">
<!-- open main div -->
<form id="form1" action=" ">
<div class="quizstyle">
<h3>Moths are a member of what order?</h3>
<div class="row">
<input name="variable" type="radio" value="0" />Octagon</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="variable" type="radio" value="0" />Leprosy</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="variable" type="radio" value="33" />Lepidoptera</div>
<h3>Question 2</h3>
<div class="row">
<input name="sub" type="radio" value="33" />Answer 1</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="sub" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 2</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="sub" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 3</div>
<h3>Question 3</h3>
<div class="row">
<input name="con" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 1</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="con" type="radio" value="33" />Answer 2</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="con" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 3</div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
</form>Your grade is: <span id="grade">__</span>
<p id="grade2"></p>
<!-- close main div -->
document.getElementById("form1").onsubmit = function() {
variable = parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name = "variable"]:checked').value);
sub = parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name = "sub"]:checked').value);
con = parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name = "con"]:checked').value);
result = variable + sub + con;
document.getElementById("grade").innerHTML = result;
var result2 = "";
if (result == 0) {
result2 = "I don't think you studied."
if (result == 33) {
result2 = "You need to spend more time. Try again."
if (result == 66) {
result2 = "I think you could do better. Try again."
if (result == 99) {
result2 = "Excellent!"
document.getElementById("grade2").innerHTML = result2;
return false; // required to not refresh the page; just leave this here
} //this ends the submit function
Please find below solution. I hope it will works for you.
document.getElementById("form1").onsubmit = function(e) {
variable = parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name = "variable"]:checked').value);
sub = parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name = "sub"]:checked').value);
con = parseInt(document.querySelector('input[name = "con"]:checked').value);
result = variable + sub + con;
document.getElementById("grade").innerHTML = result;
var result2 = "";
if (result == 0) {
result2 = "I don't think you studied."
if (result == 33) {
result2 = "You need to spend more time. Try again."
if (result == 66) {
result2 = "I think you could do better. Try again."
if (result == 99) {
result2 = "Excellent!"
document.getElementById("grade2").innerHTML = result2;
return false; // required to not refresh the page; just leave this here
} //this ends the submit function
.quizbox {
width: 58%;
max-width: 950px;
border: 1px gray solid;
margin: auto;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
margin-top: 7%;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
.quizstyle {
padding-right: 50%;
.row {
text-align: left;
margin-left: 10%;
<div class="quizbox">
<!-- open main div -->
<form id="form1" action=" ">
<div class="quizstyle">
<h3>Moths are a member of what order?</h3>
<div class="row">
<input name="variable" type="radio" value="0" />Octagon</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="variable" type="radio" value="0" />Leprosy</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="variable" type="radio" value="33" />Lepidoptera</div>
<h3>Question 2</h3>
<div class="row">
<input name="sub" type="radio" value="33" />Answer 1</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="sub" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 2</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="sub" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 3</div>
<h3>Question 3</h3>
<div class="row">
<input name="con" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 1</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="con" type="radio" value="33" />Answer 2</div>
<div class="row">
<input name="con" type="radio" value="0" />Answer 3</div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
</form>Your grade is: <span id="grade">__</span>
<p id="grade2"></p>
<!-- close main div -->

Click on each first child radio (undefined child length)

I would like to click each first child of class="cf" and should be in order, first cf first because the other radio is disabled unless you click the first one. The cf length is undetermined (in this example I put 3) so I need to first get the length of the child of ol > li and loop the clicking there.
Here is the structure of the HTML
<div id="group-attr-selects" class="grouped-select">
<li class="opt-label">Dimensions</li>
<div id="conf-container-1549" class="cf">
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-0" id="conf-radio-1461" type="radio" value="1461">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-1461">3" H x 3" W</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-0" id="conf-radio-1421" type="radio" value="1421">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-1421">4" H x 4" W</label>
<div id="err-attribute1549" style="color: red; margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
<li class="opt-label">Color</li>
<div id="conf-container-1379" class="cf">
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12791" type="radio" value="12791">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12791">Black on Almond</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12796" type="radio" value="12796">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12796">Black on Brushed Aluminum</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12798" type="radio" value="12798">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12798">Black on Brushed Brass</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12794" type="radio" value="12794">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12794">Black on Brushed Gold</label>
<div id="err-attribute1379" style="color: red; margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
<li class="opt-label">Mounting Type</li>
<div id="conf-container-2605" class="cf">
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-2" id="conf-radio-76" type="radio" value="76">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-76">Adhesive</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-2" id="conf-radio-762" type="radio" value="762">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-762">No Mounting</label>
<div id="err-attribute2605" style="color: red; margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
Got the solution from this answer
I just made a few adjustments.
.findAllByCssSelector('#group-attr-selects > ol >')
.then(function (elementArray) {
return Promise.all( (element) {
return element.getVisibleText()
.then(function (children) {
for(var i=0; i < children.length; i++){
return element.findByCssSelector('.optdiv > input')
.then(function (inp) {
This should work:
$('.cf').each(function(i, item){$(item).find('input[type="radio"]')[0].click()})
Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('cf')).forEach(function(item){item.querySelector('input[type="radio"]').checked = true})

Good and CLEAN way to check this? (JS + HTML)

I am trying to make a system that will check what radio button is pushed. (Side note there WILL always be 1 checked.) The code I have so far is rather lacking and I'm not entirely sure how to improve. Any help??
NOTE: I have multiple 'systems' that look just like this, so I'll give you just 1 chunk. That being said, there are multiple chunks like this. I need a way to make this easy on my end.
<div class="panel">
<div class="panel-header">Storage</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-2">
<input name="STORAGE" type="radio" id="STORAGE" checked>
<label class="radio" for="STORAGE">
<img src="../images/Parts/Western_Digital_Caviar_Blue_320GB.png" class="comp-img"><br><br>
<p>320GB Western Digital Caviar Blue 3.5" 7200RPM HDD</p>
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-2">
<input name="STORAGE" type="radio" id="STORAGE2">
<label class="radio" for="STORAGE2">
<img src="../images/Parts/Western_Digital_Caviar_Blue_320GB.png" class="comp-img"><br><br>
<p>500GB Western Digital WD5000AAKX 3.5" 7200RPM HDD</p>
<p class="money">+$55</p>
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-2">
<input name="STORAGE" type="radio" id="STORAGE3">
<label class="radio" for="STORAGE3">
<img src="../images/Parts/Western_Digital_Caviar_Blue_320GB.png" class="comp-img"><br><br>
<p>1TB Western Digital WD10EZEX 3.5" 7200RPM HDD</p>
<p class="money">+$55</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-2">
<input name="SSD" type="radio" id="SSD" checked>
<label class="radio" for="SSD">
<img src="../images/Parts/None.png" class="comp-img"><br><br>
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-2">
<input name="SSD" type="radio" id="SSD2">
<label class="radio" for="SSD2">
<img src="../images/Parts/A-DATA_SSD.png" class="comp-img"><br><br>
<p>120GB A-Data ASP550SS3-120GM-C SSD</p>
<p class="money">+$40</p>
function Check(){
if(document.getElementById('STORAGE3').checked & HDD3Clicked==0){
if (HDD2Clicked>0) {
HDD2Clicked = 0;
HDD3Clicked = 1;
HDD3Clicked = 1;
}else if (document.getElementById('STORAGE2').checked & HDD2Clicked==0) {
if (HDD3Clicked>0) {
HDD2Clicked = 1;
HDD3Clicked = 0;
HDD2Clicked = 1;
}else if (document.getElementById('STORAGE').checked & HDD3Clicked>0) {
HDD3Clicked = 0;
}else if(document.getElementById('STORAGE').checked & HDD2Clicked>0){
HDD2Clicked = 0;
setTimeout(function() {Check()}, 5000);
If you can use jQuery it's fairly simple...
var clickedID;
clickedID = $(this).attr("id");
That will give you the id of whichever radio element has been clicked. Then you can do with it what you'd like.
var radioButtons = selectorQueryAll("input[type=radio]:checked");
for (button in radioButtons) {
1) Return all checked radio buttons
2) Output their ID to console.
If you don't want to use jQuery, this is a pure javascript solution:
<input type="radio" name="radioGroup" onclick="handleClick(this);" value="1"/>
<input type="radio" name="radioGroup" onclick="handleClick(this);" value="2" />
var handleClick = function(e){

