Return Multiple li's as a "slide" - javascript

I'm putting together a quick little status board that shows active and upcoming github issues.
I have them all pulled in and formatted as a simple list and found a nice jQuery plugin that cycles through each item as a sort of slideshow. However, it was requested that it show multiple issues at once to fill up the screen more.
So on each slide swap it would display, say 5 LI items at once versus just 1. And then swap to show the next 5 and so on.
<ul id="issue-list">
<li class="issue"></li>
<li class="issue"></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
swapTime: 900, // Speed of effect in animation
transitionTime: 700, // Speed of Transition of ul (height transformation)
time: 4000, // How long each slide will show
timer: 1, // Show (1) /Hide (0) the timer.
css: 0 // Apply plugin css on the list elements.
(function(e) {
e.fn.swapmyli = function(t) {
function s() {
var e = i.parent().find(".timer span");
width: "100%"
}, r);
var n = i.find("li:first").outerHeight(true);
height: n
}, t.transitionTime);
width: "0%"
}, 60);
var n = {
swapTime: 300,
transitionTime: 900,
time: 2e3,
timer: 1,
css: 1
var t = e.extend(n, t);
var r = t.time - t.swapTime;
var i = this;
i.wrap('<div class="swapmyli clearfix"></div>');
i.after('<div class="timer"><span></span></div><br class="clear" />');
e(window).load(function() {
var e = i.find("li:first").outerHeight(true);
if (t.timer == 0) {
if (t.css == 0) {
setInterval(s, t.time)

I'm not sure if outerHeight() will function correctly with slice, but you may try changing these lines:
var n = i.find("li:first").outerHeight(true);
To the following:
var n = i.find("li").slice(0, 4).outerHeight(true);
i.find("li").slice(0, 4).fadeOut(120);
That's sort of a quick answer, but hopefully you're catching my drift. Probably need to play around with it a little bit :)


How can i stop javascript (marquee) on hover?

I want to stop the text from moving when i hover it, and then restart when m not hovering.
This is the javascript i use to make the text move.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.scrollingtext').bind('marquee', function() {
var ob = $(this);
var tw = ob.width();
var ww = ob.parent().width();
ob.css({ right: -tw });
ob.animate({ right: ww }, 30000, 'linear', function() {
This is for the text.
<div class="scroller">
<div class="scrollingtext">
Moving text
You can stop an animation with the stop() function. However, the animation is then fully stopped and needs to be recreated afterwards. To animate the element again, you need a smaller amount of time (because the element has done already a certain path). So, you need to calculate the amount of milliseconds to finish the animation in the same speed. The hover() function allows you to react on mouse over and mouse out events. I didn't rename your variables, but I suggest you to use meaningful variable names. ob, ww and tw is not meaningful and therefore not maintainable. Of course, my code snippet could be improved according to the DRY concept: it is however just a prove of concept. I'm also not sure, why you are working with events here. You could refactor your code and not use a marquee event.
$(document).ready(function() {
var ob = $('.scrollingtext');
var speed = 10000;
ob.bind('marquee', function() {
var tw = ob.width();
var ww = ob.parent().width();
ob.css({ right: -tw });
ob.animate({ right: ww }, speed, 'linear', function() {
ob.hover(function() {
}, function() {
var tw = ob.width();
var ww = ob.parent().width();
var cur = parseInt(ob.css('right'), 10);
var speedDecrease = 1 - ((cur + tw) / (ww + tw));
ob.animate({ right: ww }, speedDecrease * speed, 'linear', function() {
Here is a fiddle:

How do I cycle the background-url of a div through several images?

I've read through a few similar questions but can't find an answer to my specific problem.
My html is:
<div id="top-area">
<div class="container">
// Show title of website here
My css is:
#top-area { background-image: url(""); }
I would like to have the background of my div fade between up to 5 images.
I've tried defining a #top-area2 and #top-area3 in css and then doing this in jQuery:
But that doesn't give the effect I'm looking for. All the other examples I've found seem to point towards filling the div with hidden images and then revealing them one by one but this doesn't give me the background-image behaviour I'm looking for.
Is this possible? Thanks.
This will crossfade and cycle through an array of images:
var images = ['image1.jpg', 'image2.jpg', 'image3.jpg'],
index = 0,
$top = $('#top-area');
setInterval(function() {
$top.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 500, function() {
$top.css('background-image', 'url('+images[++index]+')');
$top.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500, function() {
if(index === images.length) index = 0;
}, 6000);
I'd put the image URLs in an array:
var backgrounds = [
var i = 0;
Then use an interval function to loop through them, updating the CSS:
setInterval(function() {
$('#top-area').css('background-image', 'url(' + backgrounds[i] + ')');
if (i == backgrounds.length) {
i = 0;
}, 1000);

Jquery animating width accordion style banner

I built this simple accordion style banner. Here's what it's supposed to do:
Grab <li> containing images from selected <ul>.
Divide them equally within the container (div.banner)
On 'mouseenter', add class .active to the hovered <li>
Shrink the other <li>s widths (half their original width).
Enlarge active <li> to new width (remainder after halving the others)
On 'mouseleave', all return to original widths.
Works fine until you swipe over multiple panes quickly. If you do, the last of the floated <li>'s break to the next line. It appears the total width of the panes is exceeding their container.
Rounding error while animating? Does it have something to do with animate's default 'swing' easing?
var banner = $('.banner');
var list_items = banner.find('li');
var banner_width = $(banner).width();
var num_of_images = $(banner).find('li').length;
var original_width = banner_width / num_of_images;
var half_width = (banner_width / num_of_images) / 2;
var init = function () {
$(list_items).css('width', original_width);
$(list_items).on('mouseenter', function () {
$(list_items).on('mouseleave', function () {
var doAnimation = function () {
width: half_width + "px"
}, 500);
width: (original_width + (half_width * (num_of_images - 1))) + "px"
}, 500);
var resetAnimation = function () {
width: original_width + "px"
}, 500);
I could fix it by changing this line, slowing the animation of the others, giving things time to equal out. But, I'd rather solve what's going on here, hopefully learning a bit more about how jQuery's animate() works.
width: half_width + "px"
}, 480); // changed 500 to 480
For those interested, I realized I only needed the reset on the banner area. Now it works, as described, without all the jitteriness and the subsequent layout mis-alignments.
New Fiddle:
$(list_items).on('mouseenter', function () {
$(list_items).on('mouseleave', function () {
$(banner).on('mouseleave', function () {

JQuery Slider animation only happens for one cycle

Ive been attempting to create my own Javascript slider plugin, (I realise there are many out there, but i wanted to treat it as a learning exercise),
an example can be seen here:
the problem I'm having is that the animation goes round once, and then stops, Ive tried to examine this to see what i have done wrong but i can't find any reason for it, if anyone can help me i would be very grateful.
<div id="cjwSlider">
<div style="background-color: #6495ed"></div>
<div style="background-color: #62ed43"></div>
<div style="background-color: #ed5943"></div>
var cjwSlider = $('#cjwSlider');
var sliderItems = cjwSlider.children('div');
$(document).ready(function () {
sliderItems.each(function( index ) {
$(this).css('z-index', index);
var maxValue = findMaxZIndex();
var currentItem = sliderItems.filter(function() {
return $(this).css('z-index') == maxValue;
currentItem.addClass("hiddenDiv").delay(1000).queue(function() {
sliderItems.each(function( index ) {
$(this).css('z-index', parseInt($(this).css('z-index')) + 1);
currentItem.css('z-index', 0);
}, 4000);
function findMaxZIndex() {
var maxValue = undefined;
$(sliderItems).each(function() {
var val = $(this).css('z-index');
val = parseInt(val, 10);
if (maxValue === undefined || maxValue < val) {
maxValue = val;
return maxValue;
You said you want a plugin so here you go.
It even stops on mouseenter. (I personally hate when I cannot stop a gallery by just hovering it.)
I don't understand the need of z-index at all, so you can calmly remove it all from your HTML and don't bother at all.
<div class="cjwFader" id="el1">
<div style="background: red;"> 1 </div>
<div style="background: green;"> 2 </div>
<div style="background: gold;"> 3 </div>
(the only needed, but you can also make jQ apply the children position)
.cjwFader > div {
position: absolute;
And finally the plugin:
$.fn.cjwFader = function(opts){
// Default Settings
var S = $.extend({
fade: 400,
wait: 2000,
startAt: 0
//, need more? add more.
return $(this).each(function(){
var that = $(this),
child = $('>*',that),
nOfChildren = child.length,
function animate(){
child.eq( S.startAt = ++S.startAt % nOfChildren )
.fadeTo( S.fade,1 )
function loop(){
sI=setInterval( animate, S.wait+S.fade );
return e.type==='mouseenter'? clearInterval(sI) : loop();
Plugin usage:
$(function(){ // DOM ready
// $('#el1').cjwFader(); // Use default plugin settings
$('#el1').cjwFader({ // Let's apply some custom stuff
startAt : 1,
fade : 1000,
wait: 700
Here is the working slideshow:
I've updated the HTML slightly to remove the initialization code from your JS. You may decide to revert that back
<div id="cjwSlider">
<div style="background-color: #6495ed; z-index: 0;"></div>
<div style="background-color: #62ed43; z-index: 1;"></div>
<div style="background-color: #ed5943; z-index: 2;"></div>
I had to remove a lot of JS code to nail down the problem. I think the current JS is all you may need and don't need to go back to your original one:
var cjwSlider = $('#cjwSlider');
var sliderItems = cjwSlider.children('div');
$(document).ready(function () {
window.setInterval(function () {
var maxValue = $('#cjwSlider').find('div').length - 1;
var currentItem = sliderItems.filter(function () {
return $(this).css('z-index') == maxValue;
currentItem.addClass("hiddenDiv").delay(1000).queue(function () {
sliderItems.each(function (index) {
$(this).css('z-index', parseInt($(this).css('z-index')) + 1);
currentItem.css('z-index', 0);
}, 4000);
The crux of the problem was the missing call to dequeue() at the end of the function that was queued up. The function executed fine for the first time but then stayed at the head of the queue and prevented execution of functions queued later on. This is why your animation played for one cycle but not after that.

Multiple rows with jcarousel

I'm trying to use jcarousel to build a container with multiple rows, I've tried a few things but have had no luck. Can anyone make any suggestions on how to create it?
This is .js code substitutions according to #Sike and a little additional of me, the height was not set dynamically, now it is.
var defaults = {
vertical: false,
rtl: false,
start: 1,
offset: 1,
size: null,
scroll: 3,
visible: null,
animation: 'normal',
easing: 'swing',
auto: 0,
wrap: null,
initCallback: null,
setupCallback: null,
reloadCallback: null,
itemLoadCallback: null,
itemFirstInCallback: null,
itemFirstOutCallback: null,
itemLastInCallback: null,
itemLastOutCallback: null,
itemVisibleInCallback: null,
itemVisibleOutCallback: null,
animationStepCallback: null,
buttonNextHTML: '<div></div>',
buttonPrevHTML: '<div></div>',
buttonNextEvent: 'click',
buttonPrevEvent: 'click',
buttonNextCallback: null,
buttonPrevCallback: null,
moduleWidth: null,
rows: null,
itemFallbackDimension: null
}, windowLoaded = false;
position: 'relative',
height: this.options.rows * this.options.moduleWidth
position: 'relative',
height: this.options.rows * this.options.moduleWidth
if (li.size() > 0) {
var moduleCount = li.size();
var wh = 0, j = this.options.offset;
wh = this.options.moduleWidth * Math.ceil(moduleCount / this.options.rows);
wh = wh + this.options.moduleWidth;
li.each(function() {
self.format(this, j++);
//wh += self.dimension(this, di);
this.list.css(this.wh, wh + 'px');
// Only set if not explicitly passed as option
if (!o || o.size === undefined) {
this.options.size = Math.ceil(li.size() / this.options.rows);
This is the call in using the static_sample.html of the code bundle in the download of jscarousel:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel( {
scroll: 1,
moduleWidth: 75,
animation: 'slow'
In case you need to change the content of the carousel and reload the carousel you need to do this:
// Destroy contents of wrapper
$('.wrapper *').remove();
// Create UL list
$('.wrapper').append('<ul id="carousellist"></ul>')
// Load your items into the carousellist
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
$('#carouselist').append('<li>Item ' + i + '</li>');
// Now apply carousel to list
jQuery('#carousellist').jcarousel({ // your config });
The carousel html definition needs to be like this:
<div class="wrapper">
<ul id="mycarousel0" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">
Thanks to Webcidentes
We have had to make a similar modifiaction. We do this by extending the default options, to include a rows value, and the width of each item (we call them modules) then divide the width by the number of rows.
Code added to jCarousel function...
Add to default options:
moduleWidth: null,
Then set when creating jCarousel:
$('.columns2.rows2 .mycarousel').jcarousel( {
scroll: 1,
moduleWidth: 290,
itemLoadCallback: tonyTest,
animation: 'slow'
The find and edit the lines in:
$.jcarousel = function(e, o) {
if (li.size() > 0) {
moduleCount = li.size();
wh = this.options.moduleWidth * Math.ceil( moduleCount / this.options.rows );
wh = wh + this.options.moduleWidth;
this.list.css(this.wh, wh + 'px');
// Only set if not explicitly passed as option
if (!o || o.size === undefined)
this.options.size = Math.ceil( li.size() / this.options.rows );
Hope this helps,
Tony Dillon
you might want to look at serialScroll or localScroll instead of jcarousel.
I found this post on Google Groups that has a working version for multiple rows. I have used this and it works great.
I tried the above solutions and found changing the original jCarousel code to be troublesome - it introduced buggy behaviour for me because it didn't play nice with some of the features of jCarousel such as the continous looping etc.
I used another approach which works great and I thought others may benefit from it as well. It is the JS code I use to create the li items to support a jCarousel with multiple rows with elegant flow of items, i.e. fill horizontally, then vertically, then scrollpages:
123 | 789
456 | 0AB
It will add (value of var carouselRows) items to a single li and as such allows jCarousel to support multiple rows without modifying the original jCarousel code.
// Populate Album photos with support for multiple rows filling first columns, then rows, then pages
var carouselRows=3; // number of rows in the carousel
var carouselColumns=5 // number of columns per carousel page
var numItems=25; // the total number of items to display in jcarousel
for (var indexpage=0; indexpage<Math.ceil(numItems/(carouselRows*carouselColumns)); indexpage++) // for each carousel page
for (var indexcolumn = 0; indexcolumn<carouselColumns; indexcolumn++) // for each column on that carousel page
// handle cases with less columns than value of carouselColumns
if (indexcolumn<numItems-(indexpage*carouselRows*carouselColumns))
var li = document.createElement('li');
for (var indexrow = 0; indexrow < carouselRows; indexrow++) // for each row in that column
var indexitem = (indexpage*carouselRows*carouselColumns)+(indexrow*carouselColumns)+indexcolumn;
// handle cases where there is no item for the row below
if (indexitem<numItems)
var div = document.createElement('div'), img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = imagesArray[indexitem]; // replace this by your images source
$ul.append(li); // append to ul in the DOM
After this code has filled the ul with the li items jCarousel should be invoked.
Hope this helps someone.
If you need a quick solution for a fixed or one-off requirement that definitely doesn't involve changing core library code which may be updated from time to time, the following may suit. To turn the following six items into two rows on the carousel:
<div class="item">contents</div>
<div class="item">contents</div>
<div class="item">contents</div>
<div class="item">contents</div>
<div class="item">contents</div>
<div class="item">contents</div>
you can use a little JS to wrap the divs into LI groups of two then initialise the carousel. your scenario may allow you to do the grouping on the server isn't always possible. obviously you can extend this to however many rows you need.
var $pArr = $('div.item');
var pArrLen = $pArr.length;
for (var i = 0;i < pArrLen;i+=2){
$pArr.filter(':eq('+i+'),:eq('+(i+1)+')').wrapAll('<li />');

