Passing a hidden field to a javascript function - javascript

I need to pass in the selector a hidden field to a javascript function.
This is my function
function deleteAttachments(id,selector){
$('#proof' + id).remove();
//show warning about save
var tmp = selector.val();
var sep = "";
if (tmp != "")
sep = ",";
selector.val(tmp + sep + id);
The above function call is inside the following method,
function listAttachments(proofs,selector,hiddenField,after){
var rows = "<table width=\"70%\">";
for(var i=0; i<proofs.length; i++) {
var proof = proofs[i];
rows += "<tr id=\"proof" + proof["ID"] + "\" width=\"40%\">"
rows += "<td><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + proof["filename"] + "\" id=\"Proof" + i + "\" />Uploaded: " + proof["uploaded"] + "</td>"
rows += "<td width=\"90px\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"View...\" onclick=\"viewProof('" + proof["URL"] + "'); \" id=\"btnProof" + i + "\" class=\"btn\"></td>"
rows += "<td width=\"90px\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" id=\"btnDelete" + i + "\" onclick=\"deleteAttachments(" + proof["ID"] + "," + hiddenField + ");\" class=\"btn\"/></td></tr>";
rows += "</table>";
Please find the listAttachments function calls (I am using and tried different ways) below,
listAttachments(visualIds,$('#tblProofs'),$('#' + <%= hidDeletedAttachments.ID%>'),true)
When this is rendered the deleteAttachments function accepts the argument as an object (as displayed in the image below).
My question is how I can pass the selector to the function and use it with in the calling function.

You are not passing the selector, you are passing a collection of elements that match the selector.
Instead of passing the hiddenField to listAttachments, pass the hiddenField id.
listAttachments(visualIds,$('#tblProofs'), 'hidDeletedAttachments'),true)
Then create the object in the deleteAttachment function
function deleteAttachments(id,hiddenFieldId){
var selector = $('#' + hiddenFieldId);
$('#proof' + id).remove();
//show warning about save
var tmp = selector.val();
var sep = "";
if (tmp != "")
sep = ",";
selector.val(tmp + sep + id);


How to retrieve only one row with getJSON

I'm pretty new to web dev and I have a hard time here to retrieve some info from the database... I'm doing this:
function readLine(i) {
$.getJSON('../php/database.php', function(data) {
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
var output = "";
var borderBegin = "<td style='border-left: 1px solid black;border-right:1px solid black;'> ";
var borderEnd = " </td>";
key = i;
output = "<tr>" + borderBegin + key + borderEnd + borderBegin + + borderEnd + borderBegin + value.firstname + borderEnd + borderBegin + + borderEnd + "</tr>";
I try to display only the row with the i index passed in argument to the function. I know the $.each(..) retrieves rows one by one (but displays all). I cannot figure how to do it with only one row... Thanks for the help!
I try to display only the row with the i index passed in argument to
the function
If you only want to render the line from the index equal to i don't append unless you have a match.
At the start of each iteration, check if the key matches i and if not skip to the next item.
if(key != i){return true;}
Ones key matches i, process the lines, append it and then break out of the .each loop using return false.
I also commented out key = i as that doesn't seem right.
function readLine(i) {
$.getJSON('../php/database.php', function(data) {
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
if(key != i){return true;}
var output = "";
var borderBegin = "<td style='border-left: 1px solid black;border-right:1px solid black;'> ";
var borderEnd = " </td>";
//key = i; Not sure what this is for?
output = "<tr>" + borderBegin + key + borderEnd + borderBegin + + borderEnd + borderBegin + value.firstname + borderEnd + borderBegin + + borderEnd + "</tr>";
return false;
So your data contains multiple rows but you only want the first? Then $.first() should work.

Unknown error when calling Array.length

first of all i need to say that i don't have much experience with JS. currently i'm trying to implement an web application with MVC framework. I'm in a work to develop an app that is also compatible with Internet explorer. in that case i'm using following JS method to populate a table which is working fine with all the browsers....
function populateTable(array) {
document.getElementById("instalationTable").style.display = "block";
var table = document.getElementById("ActivityDescription_installationID");
table.innerHTML = "";
elementsInTable = array;
var x = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (array.length * 2) ; i++) {
if ((i % 2) == 0) {
//ID Row
var row = table.insertRow(i);
var cell_1 = row.insertCell(0);
cell_1.innerHTML = "<input type='text' disable='' class='form-control' value=" + array[x] + ">";
x = x + 1;
var cell_2 = row.insertCell(1);
cell_2.innerHTML = "<span class='btn btn-default' onclick='showEditRow(this)'><img src='../../Content/images/1414409386_48-24.png' /></span>";
var cell_3 = row.insertCell(2);
cell_3.innerHTML = "<span class='btn btn-default' onclick='removeRow(this)'>X</apan>";
else {
//Detail Row
var rowDetails = table.insertRow(i);
var cell = rowDetails.insertCell(0);
//cell.colspan = "3";
cell.innerHTML = "<table style='background-color:rgb(98, 98, 98);color:black;border- radius: 5px;' margin:2%; >" +
"<tr>" +
"<td><input type='checkbox' id='"+x+"_appServer'/> Application Server</span></td>" +
"<td>" +
"<select id='" + x + "_appServerVersion'>" +
"<option>Application version</option>" +
"</select>" +
"</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td colspan='2'><input type='radio' name='database' id='"+x+"_emptyDb' onChange='enableOptions(1)'/>" +
" Empty Database</br><input type='radio' name='database' id='" + x + "_instalationSlt' onChange='enableOptions(2)'/> Something Databse</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr id='emptyDB'>" +
"<td>" +
"Oracle Version"+
"<select id='JS_OraVersion' name='" + x + "_oraVersion' style='width:100%'>" +
"<option>Ora version</option>" +
"</select>" +
"</td>" +
"<td>" +
"Character Set" +
"<select id='JS_ChaSet' name='" + x + "_ChaSet' style='width:100%'>" +
"<option>Cha Set</option>" +
"</select>" +
"</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr id='dbImport'>" +
"<td>" +
"Something version" +
"<select id='JS_ImportVersion' name='" + x + "_ImportVersion' style='width:100%'>" +
"<option>Something version</option>" +
"</select>" +
"</td>" +
"<td>" +
"Something Charachter" +
"<select id='JS_ImportChaSet' name='" + x + "_ImportChaSet' style='width:100%'>" +
"<option>Something Cha</option>" +
"</select>" +
"</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td colspan='2'>" +
"Additional Requests </br>" +
"<textarea rows='4' id='" + x + "_specialReq' cols='37'> </textarea>" +
"</table>"; = 'none';
document.getElementById("instalationTable").style.display = "block";
i'm populating a form on the above table row, that collects some data to continue. to collect data i'm using following function which works fine with Google chrome but not with Internet explorer..
function getAllData() {
var StringtoSent = "";
for (i = 0; i < (elementsInTable.length) ; i++) {
var InsId = elementsInTable[i];
var _appServer = document.getElementById((i + 1) + "_appServer").checked;
var _appServerVersionDropDown = document.getElementById((i + 1) + "_appServerVersion");
var _appServerVersion = _appServerVersionDropDown.options[_appServerVersionDropDown.selectedIndex].value;
var _emptyDb = document.getElementById((i + 1) + "_emptyDb").checked;
var _instalationSlt = document.getElementById((i + 1) + "_instalationSlt").checked;
var _oraVersionDropDown = document.getElementsByName((i + 1) + "_oraVersion")[0];
var _oraVersion = _oraVersionDropDown.options[_oraVersionDropDown.selectedIndex].value;
var _ChaSetDropDown = document.getElementsByName((i + 1) + "_ChaSet")[0];
var _ChaSet = _ChaSetDropDown.options[_ChaSetDropDown.selectedIndex].value;
var _ImportVersionDropDown = document.getElementsByName((i + 1) + "_ImportVersion")[0];
var _ImportVersion = _ImportVersionDropDown.options[_ImportVersionDropDown.selectedIndex].value;
var _ImportChaSetDropDown = document.getElementsByName((i + 1) + "_ImportChaSet")[0];
var _ImportChaSet = _ImportChaSetDropDown.options[_ImportChaSetDropDown.selectedIndex].value;
var _specialReq = document.getElementById((i + 1) + "_specialReq").value;
StringtoSent = StringtoSent + "," + InsId + "," + _appServer + "," + _appServerVersion + "," + _emptyDb + "," + _instalationSlt + "," + _oraVersion + "," + _ChaSet + "," + _ImportVersion + "," + _ImportChaSet + "," + _specialReq + "|";
//return StringtoSent;
document.getElementById("ActivityDescription_instalationDetails").value = StringtoSent;
following image shows the error that im getting when it is ruining on VS 2012s IIS Express.
for (i = 0; i < (elementsInTable.length) ; i++) {
is the place that indicates as the error place . it always highlight the "elementsInTable.length" code segment.
Actually this error message elaborate nothing. i found some articles about the same error but occurring when trying to change the inner HTML of an element. but those solutions are not compatible for this situation.. Please help me with the problem
thanks in advance
Finally i found the Error
cell.innerHTML = "<table style='background-color:rgb(98, 98, 98);color:black;border- radius: 5px;' margin:2%; >" +
in above line i mistakenly added a CSS attribute "margin:2%;" in to a wrong place. Google chrome is intelligence enough to manage the situation and proceed the activity but Internet Explorer is not. as i found, this is the fact that prompt same error in different situations.
So if you got any unknown error in your Java Script code which uses "element.InnerHTML" or "document.Write" its better to check whether your tags are properly closed.
and i found several other situations that is generating same error
IE shows run time error for innerHTML
InnerHTML issue in IE8 and below
most of the times you can avoid this error by following W3C tag recommendations (

How to add new class to the existing class in this case

I am new to Javascript and Jquery so please excuse if this is a dumb question
HTML is being constructed dynamically as shown
var favoriteresultag = '<ul>';
favoriteresultag += "<section id='"+name+"' class='ulseWrap lielement'>" + "<div class='intit someclassss'>"+ name + "</div>" + "</section>";
How can i add/concat one more variable to the class ulseWrap lielement ??
I tried this way
var classactive = '';
if (some condition) {
classactive = 'activeRest';
} else {
classactive = '';
favoriteresultag += "<section id='" + name + "' class='ulseWrap lielement '+classactive+' '>" + "<div class='intit someclassss'>" + name + "</div>" + "</section>";
String concatenation, just like you're doing:
favoriteresultag += "<section id='"+name+"' class='ulseWrap lielement " + classactive + "'>" + "<div class='intit someclassss'>"+ name + "</div>" + "</section>";
Try this with jquery if you are using it
In your case can be

How to validate text boxes with in a div javascript or jQuery

how do I integrate a type of validation in my JavaScript to the idea of If value of var firstName is = to null do NOT append the var sHtml and summaryHtml and change the class to change the textbox border and clear the field
firstName = must contain at least 1 letter and no more than 15 letters
lastName = must contain at least 1 letter and no more than 15 letters
jobTitle = must contain something other than an option value of "" (in the html option tag)
eSculation = must contain something other than an option value of "" (in the html option tag)
mobilePhone = must contain 9 numbers. This field has a mask attached: (999) 999-99999
officePhone = = must contain 9 numbers. This field has a mask attached: (999) 999-99999
eMail = Must contain the following symbol: an # sign and a . to represent
The JavaScript I am using to submit to a table is below:
newRow = 1;
currentRow = -1;
function CompanyContacts() {
var rowID = parseInt(document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value, 10);
if (currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var firstName = $("#ccFirst").val();
var lastName = $("#ccLast").val();
var jobTitle = $("#ccjTitle").val();
var eSculation = $("#ccEsculation").val();
var mobilePhone = $("#ccMobile").val();
var officePhone = $("#ccOffice").val();
var eMail = $("#ccEmail").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row" + rowID + "'>" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccFirst" + rowID + "\">" + firstName + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + firstName + "\" name=\"cFirst" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccLast" + rowID + "\">" + lastName + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + lastName + "\" name=\"cLast" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccjTitle" + rowID + "\">" + jobTitle + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + jobTitle + "\" name=\"cJobTitle" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccEsculation" + rowID + "\">" + eSculation + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + eSculation + "\" name=\"cContactPoint" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccMobile" + rowID + "\">" + mobilePhone + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + mobilePhone + "\" name=\"cMobilePhone" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccOffice" + rowID + "\">" + officePhone + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + officePhone + "\" name=\"cOfficePhone" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccEmail" + rowID + "\">" + eMail + "</td>" +
"<input type='hidden' value='" + eMail + "' name='cEmail" + rowID + "' />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' ><button type='button' class='XsmallButtons' onclick='editRow(" + rowID + ")'>Edit</button>" +
"</td><td class='tblStyle68wlb' ><button type='button' class='XsmallButtons' onclick='deleteRow(" + rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" +
var summaryHtml = "<tr id='SummaryRow" + rowID + "'>" +
"<td id='ccFirst" + rowID + "'>" + firstName + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccLast" + rowID + "'>" + lastName + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccjTitle" + rowID + "'>" + jobTitle + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccEsculation" + rowID + "'>" + eSculation + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccMobile" + rowID + "'>" + mobilePhone + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccOffice" + rowID + "'>" + officePhone + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccEmail" + rowID + "'>" + eMail + "</td>" +
document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value = rowID;
function editRow(rowID) {
$('#ccFirst').val($('#ccFirst' + rowID).html());
$('#ccLast').val($('#ccLast' + rowID).html());
$('#ccjTitle').val($('#ccjTitle' + rowID).html());
$('#ccEsculation').val($('#ccEsculation' + rowID).html());
$('#ccMobile').val($('#ccMobile' + rowID).html());
$('#ccOffice').val($('#ccOffice' + rowID).html());
$('#ccEmail').val($('#ccEmail' + rowID).html());
currentRow = rowID;
function saveEdits() {
$('#ccFirst' + currentRow).html($('#ccFirst').val());
$('#ccLast' + currentRow).html($('#ccLast').val());
$('#ccjTitle' + currentRow).html($('#ccjTitle').val());
$('#ccEsculation' + currentRow).html($('#ccEsculation').val());
$('#ccMobile' + currentRow).html($('#ccMobile').val());
$('#ccOffice' + currentRow).html($('#ccOffice').val());
$('#ccEmail' + currentRow).html($('#ccEmail').val());
currentRow = -1;
function deleteRow(rowID) {
$('#row' + rowID).remove();
$('#SummaryRow' + rowID).remove();
var rowCount = parseInt(document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value, 10);
document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value = rowCount;
function ccClear() {
Add a validation="regex here" to the input tags first of all to give them an easy visual notification. Beyond if you want to validate with jQuery, you can check each value and not send out an ajax request if any are invalid, using something like this to verify that ( string in this case ) values are correct $(your_element_here).val().match(your_regex_here)
Perhaps an if ($(#id).val().match(some_verification_regex) == null){ return false }
only letters: /^[A-z]+$/
phone number like you mentioned above: /^\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}$/
What i would suggest is a validation jQuery plugin and you can find many of them and choose what suites your needs from bellow:
jzae fferer-jquery-validation
Or you search on site to get many jquery compatible validation plugins.
But if you don't want to use any plugin then you have to write your own validation code.
Email and other fields validation functions:
function emailValidate(e){
var p = new RegExp(/^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))#((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i);
return p.test(e);
function validate(val, min, max){
return (val.length < min || val.length > max?false:true);
vfirstName = validate(firstName,1,15);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vlastName = validate(lastName ,1,15);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vjobTitle = validate(jobTitle ,1,50);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
veSculation = validate(eSculation ,1,50);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vmobilePhone = validate(eSculation ,1,50);//if between 1 and 15 will return true
vofficePhone = validate(officePhone,12,12);//because `(999) 999-99999` length is 12
veMail = emailValidate(eMail);//also will return false if wrong email format
if(vfirstName && vlastName && vjobTitle && veSculation && vmobilePhone && vofficePhone && veMail)
var errors = false;
var errors = true;
Then before appending the generated row you can add some condition like:
// of your code
alert('please correct the fields');//or any other event

jquery won't update dynamically generated html

I have an ajax function that loads my inbox messages and each of the messages has a user_type and read field.
I'm looping over the messages and generating the html for them.
function initializeMailbox() {
// get all mailbox data
user.GetInboxMessages(function (response) {
if (response) {
inboxMessages['inbox'] = response;
inboxDataTable = $("#inboxTable").dataTable();
function loadInboxTable() {
for (var i = 0; i < inboxMessages['inbox'].length - 1; i++) {
first_msg_id = inboxMessages['inbox'][0].message_id;
var user_type = "";
if (inboxMessages['inbox'][i].user_type = 1)
user_type = "DONOR";
else if (inboxMessages['inbox'][i].user_type = 0)
user_type = "CANDIDATE";
else if (inboxMessages['inbox'][i].user_type = 2)
user_type = "GROUP";
"<tr class='data-row' style='height: 75px;'> " +
"<td>" +
"<input type='hidden' id='user_type' value='" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].user_type + "'/>" +
"<input type='hidden' id='read' value='" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].read + "'/>" +
"<input type='checkbox' id='" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].message_id + "'></input></td>" +
"<td>" +
"<p class='left'>" +
"<img class='td-avatar' style='margin-top: 0px !important;' src='/uploads/profile-pictures/" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].image + "' alt='avatar'/>" +
"<br/>" +
"<span class='user-type'>" + user_type + "</span>" +
"</p></td><td>" +
"<h2 onclick='displayMessage(" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].message_id + ");'>" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].firstname + " " + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].lastname + "</h2><br/>" +
"<h3 class='message-subject' onclick='displayMessage(" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].message_id + ");'>" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].subject + "</h3><br/><br/>" +
"<h3 style='font-size: 0.7em; margin-top: -25px; float:left;'><span>" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].datesent.toString().split(" ")[0] + "</span></h3>" +
"</td>" +
"<td><button class='delete-item' onclick='deleteMessage(" + inboxMessages['inbox'][i].message_id + ");' src='/images/delete-item.gif' alt='Delete Message' title='Delete Message' style='cursor: pointer; float:left; margin-left: 5px; margin-top:-3px;'></button></td>" +
// check if the message has been read
if (inboxMessages['inbox'][i].read == 0) {
// not read
} else {
// read
Now if I alert out the values of user_type and read, I get the correct values, based on the message it's iterating over. But when it outputs, it's only using the value of the first message.
I need to be able to dynamically style the messages with jquery, based on these values. Can someone please tell me why this isn't working...
Well, for one thing, you are using an ID selector:
When you actually have a class:
<h3 class='message-subject'...
Secondly, you are making an assignment (=) instead of doing a comparison (==) on user_type.
Might I suggest a different approach instead of a big if..then..else?
Use an array to index your user_types:
var user_type_labels = [ 'CANDIDATE', 'DONOR', 'GROUP' ];
function loadInboxTable() {
for (var i = 0; i < inboxMessages['inbox'].length - 1; i++) {
first_msg_id = inboxMessages['inbox'][0].message_id;
// One line instead of an if/then/else
var user_type = user_type_labels[ inboxMessages['inbox'][i].user_type ];
Third, you are adding multiple items with the same ID to your DOM. This is not legal and has undefined consequences.
<input type='hidden' id='user_type' value='...
<input type='hidden' id='read' value='...
You need to use classes for this.
<input type='hidden' class='user_type' value='...
<input type='hidden' class='read' value='...
In your code I think you meant to do the following
if (inboxMessages['inbox'][i].user_type === 1)
Notice the equal signs. What you currently have will always be true and user_type will always be assigned to DONOR

