Is it possible to call GCM expire time in javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In my phonegap application i like to call this function, where i should this piece of code whether inside the receiver or inside third party plugin

You have no reason to call this function.
You should be aware that GCMRegistrar is deprecated. In addition, the getRegisterOnServerLifespan wasn't very useful even when it wasn't deprecated.
BTW, that method has nothing to do with the question that the answer in your link was supposed to answer. It returns an arbitrary time period after which the registration ID is considered expired, while the question was about expiration of the API key.


javascript comma separators and session storage [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new to javascript and so I don't fully understand passing objects... my final product is simple build a comma separated counter that doesn't reset when someone refreshes the page. Guymid build a jsbin demo It seems that the solution to my problem is pretty straightforward but I can't seem to put them together.
to not reset, someone suggested using sessionStorage which seem to work on another code but I can't seem to incorporate it to the codes that I have as reflected in the JSBin Link.
Any help is much appreciated.
The way to do it is simply do localStorage: i basically just store values in localStorage and that's the only difference. However, there are a few more: Instead of just using +=1 to increment values, I use parseInt because localStorage values are strings.

passing array as javascript function argument from php [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to pass an array as a function argument from php to js.I need a way to pass them to the function.Can anyone please help me with this. Thanks a lot..
Convert your PHP array to JS Object (in JSON).
var obj = <?= json_encode($phpArr); ?>;

GigaPixel panorama in HTML 5 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking to build a gigapixel panorama in HTML 5 and Javascript. Similar to this one -
Any ideas of places to start or any APIs to look at?
Well, firebug is your friend with this. It turns out that the site uses 'panopress' which luckily turns out to be free -
Unluckily, it also turns out to be a Wordpress plugin - you could however have a look at the associated javascript and work it out from there . ..

How Can I edit and save at same place any Text file present in my computer using javascript? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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want these things when a function call :
1.Open a text file (not visible to user)
2.Select a Text which is to be change
3.change the text
4.And save it at same place.
This is not possible in JavaScript. JavaScript is sandboxed by the browser and doesn't have access to the local computer.
Also, what you're trying to do sounds dodgy, and may well be the exact reason why it's sandboxed.

Why javascript callbacks are asynchronous? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Why Javascript callbacks are asynchronous and how it works into the javascript engine ?
Why Javascript callbacks are asynchronous
They don't have to be, but if the function that accepts a callback isn't asynchronous then you might as well just get the data using a return value instead.
and how it works into the javascript engine ?
Usually by binding an event listener.

