jQuery Autofill textbox with information from another autofill - javascript

I am having an issue with jQuery autocomplete. Basically I have a search bar, and when you type in what you're looking for the jQuery code I have calls a php script which does a MySQL query and returns everything I need and fills in the text boxes accordingly. What I then want to do is take the value I receive from that autocomplete, and use it in another autocomplete to fill in more data. The tricky part is that the data I need to get with the 2nd query is located in a different table than the first query, which share a relationship. My question is do I need a completely separate function to do this, or can I simply put both queries in the 1 php script and have the information from the first query be used for my 2nd query.
Any help is appreciated thanks!
Here is the jQuery function:
$(function() {
/* $('#abbrev').val("");
source: "location_query.php",
minLength: 1,
select: function(event, ui) {
and the php script:
/* If connection to database, run sql statement. */
if ($conn)
$fetch = mysql_query("
SELECT Location.LocationID,
CONCAT_WS(' ', Location.SiteCity, Location.SiteProvince, Location.SitePostalCode) AS SiteCPP,
CONCAT_WS(' ', Location.ContactName, Location.ContactPhone, Location.ContactEmail) AS Contact,
CONCAT_WS(' ', SystemName, SiteNameLocation, SiteAddress1, SiteCity, SiteProvince, SitePostalCode) as expr2
FROM Location
WHERE Location.SystemName like '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term'])."%'
OR Location.SiteNameLocation like '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term'])."%'
OR Location.SiteAddress1 like '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term'])."%'
OR Location.SiteCity like '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term'])."%'
OR Location.SiteProvince like '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term'])."%'
OR Location.SitePostalCode like '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term'])."% '
LIMIT 0,15");
/* Retrieve and store in array the results of the query.*/
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($fetch, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$row_array['LocationID'] = $row['LocationID'];
$row_array['value'] = $row['expr2'];
$row_array['SystemName'] = $row['SystemName'];
$row_array['SiteAddress1'] = $row['SiteAddress1'];
$row_array['SiteAddress2'] = $row['SiteAddress2'];
$row_array['SiteCPP'] = $row['SiteCPP'];
$row_array['Contact'] = $row['Contact'];
$row_array['SiteLocationHours'] = $row['SiteLocationHours'];
/* Free connection resources. */
/* Toss back results as json encoded array. */
echo json_encode($return_arr, $return_arr2);
So when the user types in "New York" they can can select that option. In my example New York has an ID of 5. I also have a query that selects different streets in new york but this is in a separate table. in my streets table however, there is a "LocationID" column that for every street in new york will have a value of 5. So I want to take that ID of 5 when a user enters in new york and generate all the streets from a different table which also have that ID. I have tried multiple things in terms of creating a new function but I am just unsure of how I would pass that ID to the function.

You can use one PHP script for this. Here's about what I'd think the basic structure will look like:
Pass two values to "location_query.php". The first value would be the name of the table that you want to query. The second value could be the selection result from the auto-complete text box.
Create a prepared statement in "location_query.php" from the two values that were passed to "location_query.php".
Perform your query.
JSON encode the result (just like you did before).
I'd also like to point out a security concern with your code. You should be using Mysqli and prepared statements instead of PHP's MySQL and mysql_real_escape_string. mysql_real_escape_string has been shown to have security deficiencies that can lead to security breaches and PHP's MySQL class has been deprecated. Mysqli and Prepared statements are much safer, and, in my opinion, provide for cleaner code since it allows for the separation of the SQL and the parameters.
Hope this helps!
EDIT: I think I understand what you're trying to do now, but I think there's a better way to go about doing it. Instead of assigning the id value to a hidden field and trying to have jquery detect every time that field is changed, I would just do the following:
For your first text box's select method:
select:function(event, ui) {
$.get("location_query.php", {
}, yourFunction);
Here's an example implementation of "queryFinished":
function queryFinished(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var mJSON = $.parseJSON(data);
/* mJSON is the parsed JSON data returned from your "location_query.php"
//TODO the rest of your code
Here's what's going on:
We define a custom function to be called when the first text box has a new item selected. This functions only purpose is to call a GET on "location_query.php".
Then, we pass the value of the selected field from the first text box via our GET call.
We then create a function to be called when GET returns.
Finally, we parse the encoded JSON that is returned by "location_query.php". After that, you can perform whatever tasks you need with the parsed JSON (mJSON in our example).
Taking this approach keeps us from having to worry about "listening" for a value change in our hidden ID field and makes everything nice and clean.


How to solve syntax error or access violation for PHP Laravel project?

I have two tables which are claim table and claim_type table. Currently, I want to get the name of the claim inside the claim_type table. So, from the table Claim, we will get which type of claim (in the form of id) and after that, we can get the name of the type. I already have queried it inside MySQL workbench like this.
SELECT claim_types.name, count(*), sum(amount) FROM myteduh_v1.claims
join claim_types on claim_type_id = claim_types.id
group by claim_type_id;
When I post to the PHP, which to query it is like below. It turns out some error.
$ClaimsType = ClaimType::pluck('name')
->join('claim_types','claim_type_id','=', 'claim_types.id')
$Claims_pie_chart = Charts::create('pie', 'highcharts')
->title('Total Claims Based On Type of Claims')
After that, I want to insert the $ClaimsType into the labels variable to be pie chart labels. The question is, is it wrong the way I query the database inside the PHP controller?
If you want to use aggregation in one query, you should use DB:raw() in select
$ClaimsType = Claim::select(['claim_types.name', DB:raw('count(*)'), DB:raw('sum(amount)')])
->join('claim_types','claim_type_id','=', 'claim_types.id')
now you can use ->toSql() instad of ->get(), and you will see that query is same as yours raw query.

Jquery exporting table to csv hidden table cells

I need to be able to export a HTML table to CSV. I found a snippet somewhere; it works but not entirely how I want it to.
In my table (in the fiddle) I have hidden fields, I just use quick n dirty inline styling and inline onclicks to swap between what you see.
What I want with the export is that it selects the table as currently displayed. so only the td's where style="display:table-cell". I know how to do this in normal JS.
but how can I do this using the code I have right now in the exportTableToCSV function?
(sorry but the text in the fiddle is in dutch as its a direct copy of the live version).
The fiddle:
In your grabRow method you can filter out the hidden table cells using jQuery's :visible selector. Below is an example
function grabRow(i, row) {
var $row = $(row);
//for some reason $cols = $row.find('td') || $row.find('th') won't work...
//Added :visisble to ignore hidden ones
var $cols = $row.find('td:visible');
if (!$cols.length) $cols = $row.find('th:visible');
return $cols.map(grabCol)
Here's how i solved it. Decided to step away from a pure javascript solution to take processing stress off the client and instead handle it server side.
Because i already get the data from the database using a stored procedure i use this to just get the dataset again and convert it into an ViewExportModel so i have a TotalViewExport and a few trimmed variations (reuse most of them) based on a Selected variable i fill a different model.
Added to the excisting show function to update a Selected variable to keep track of the currently selected view.
When the user clicks Export table to excel it calls to the controller of the current page, IE. AlarmReport (so AlarmReportController) and i created the action ExportReports(int? SelectedView);
In addition i added CsvExport as a manager. This takes data results (so c# models/ iqueryables/ lists/ etc). and puts them into a Csv set. using the return type BinaryContent one can export a .csv file with this data.
The action ExportReports calls the stored procedure with the selectedview parameter. The result gets pumped into the correct model. this model is pumped into the CsvExport model as rows.
The filename is made based on the selected view + What object is selected + current date(yyyy-MM-dd). so for example "Total_Dolfinarium_2016-05-13". lets
lastly the action returns the .csv file as download using the BinaryContent Returntype and ExportToBytes from the CsvExport
The export part of this action is programmed like so(shortened to leave some checks out like multiple objects selected etc)(data and objectnames are gathred beforehand):
public ActionResult ExportCsv(CsvExport Data, string ObjectName, string Type){
var FileName = Type + "_" + ObjectName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
return BinaryContent("text/csv", FileName + ".csv", Data.ExportToBytes());

How do I pull rows from mysql with Javascript onchange

I have a website where info of registered member from various countries and states are collected. On my search form, I have 3 fields; Country, State and Sex.
I listed all the countries of the world in my search (as a dropdown), but the state field is empty. Want I want is that once a visitor select a country, i want only the states of that country which registered members have are in my database to be pulled into the state field, instead of all the state of that country.
Eg 3 members from USA are from New York, New Jersey and Georgia. On selecting USA in the country dropdown, only these 3 state should appear under the state instead of the 50 states in america.
You would need to do a script, for example, in php(or any server side language), that does the query, it would look like:
$countryId = $_POST['countryId'];
$sql = "SELECT fields FROM states WHERE countryId = $countryId";
$result = .... etc;
returning an json object for example to the main page.
And from the main page you should do a Ajax request to the php page, getting the json object returned depending on your option selected and populating the next field.
You could have a look at jQuery framework as at least I, find easier than using raw javascript.
You could pull the the states of the registered members from your database using php or any server-side language you are using. Then you can use AJAX to get the states as an xml or a JSON object. You can the use the members of the object to populate the dropdown.
Example sql query string to get states of registered users: Select state From user_details WHERE country = 'USA'. This should return the states (probably in an array);
Example PHP code that will be retrieved by an AJAX call: $reply = {states: [NJ, NY, AZ]}.
Example JS code to parse the above reply: var reply = JSON.parse(serverReply);
var states = reply.states;
. I hope this helps

Too much JSON crashes browser :(

I have an ajax country/city selector. When I select United States the browser crashes. Doh!
I have a dropdown list of countries. When I select a country a jQuery ajax call is run which gets a JSON response of cities belonging to that country.
I should have seen it coming when I had to increase my allowed memory during execution. Here's the JSON response from selecting the UK.
{"5947":"Aberdeen","12838":"Aberystwyth","15707":"Aldershot","18575":"Alsagers Bank","18682":"Altrincham","4863":"Andover","41802":"AOL","6471":"Armagh","18945":"Ascot","4864":"Ashby-de-la-Zouch","4865":"Ashford","5948":"Aviemore","12985":"Aylesbury","12281":"Ballymena","14446":"Banbury","12445":"Bangor","13631":"Barking","4866":"Barnet","17004":"Barnsley","16423":"Barrow-in-Furness","16254":"Basildon","12402":"Basingstoke","5826":"Bath","13289":"Beddgelert","15082":"Bedford","4868":"Belfast","4869":"Belper","13874":"Benfleet","5827":"Benson","15514":"Berkhamsted","4870":"Berwick Upon Tweed","12948":"Betws-y-Coed","18776":"Bexley","14530":"Bicester","4871":"Billericay","18436":"Birkenhead","4872":"Birmingham","14592":"Blackburn","14686":"Blackpool","12526":"Bolton","12480":"Bournemouth","13062":"Bracknell","18772":"Bradford","4873":"Braemar","4874":"Brecon","4875":"Brentwood","18820":"Brighton","14260":"Bristol","4876":"Broomfield","42004":"Burgess Hill","14654":"Burnley","4877":"Burton Upon Tren","13812":"Bury","15835":"Bury St Edmunds","16500":"Camberley","4878":"Cambridge","4879":"Canterbury","5957":"Cardiff","14443":"Carlisle","14065":"Carrickfergus","42384":"Chalgrove","5832":"Chatham","13641":"Chelmsford","4880":"Cheltenham","4881":"Chester","42879":"Chesterfield","12160":"Chichester","41768":"Chorley","14056":"Church Stretton","5949":"Cladich","4884":"Colchester","16204":"Congleton","17534":"Coniston","42888":"Corsham","4885":"Coventry","13575":"Crawley","15410":"Crewe","13913":"Croydon","4886":"Cumbernauld","13711":"Dartford","4887":"Dartmouth","5833":"Derby","17468":"Derry","4889":"Doncaster","13696":"Dorchester","15377":"Dorking","5834":"Dover","16659":"Dudley","41867":"Dumbarton","18091":"Dumfries","4890":"Dunbar","14217":"Dunblane","4891":"Dundee","14067":"Dunfermline","4892":"Durham","16058":"East Molesey","17521":"East Preston","12501":"Eastbourne","12374":"Eastrea","4893":"Edinburgh","18992":"Elgin","41763":"Ellesmere","12883":"Ely","16825":"Enfield","14510":"Epsom","5835":"Exeter","4894":"Falkirk","5836":"Falmouth","42388":"Faringdon","42034":"Farmington","14604":"Farnham","42347":"Feltham","12829":"Fleet","4895":"Forres","42315":"Frosterley","5950":"Glasgow","4896":"Glastonbury","12562":"Gloucester","15956":"Gosport","4898":"Grangemouth","12626":"Gravesend","16057":"Grays","4899":"Great Wilbraham","4900":"Greenock","12752":"Grimsby","11747":"Guildford","14506":"Guilford","11938":"Halifax","5010":"Hamilton","15553":"Harlow","41733":"Harpenden","14713":"Harrow","4902":"Hartlepool","18952":"Haslemere","13977":"Hastings","14917":"Hatfield","12529":"Haverfordwest","4903":"Haverhill","4904":"Hawarden","5951":"Hawick","11776":"Hemel Hempstead","15302":"Hereford","14999":"Hertford","41893":"Heston","16056":"Hexham","13019":"High Wycombe","13643":"Hoddesdon","5958":"Holyhead","12420":"Hornchurch","14160":"Horsham","12108":"Huddersfield","5837":"Hull End","13296":"Huntingdon","14801":"Hyde","17707":"Ilford","41721":"Inverkeithing","4905":"Inverness","5838":"Ipswich","4906":"Keighley","4907":"Kelso","18628":"Kendal","17805":"Kenilworth","4908":"Kennet","4909":"Kettering","18578":"Kidsgrove","18984":"Kilmarnock","4910":"Kingston Upon Hull","5952":"Kirkwall","18257":"Lakenheath","15425":"Lampeter","13182":"Lancaster","4911":"Laughton","13488":"Leamington","18824":"Leeds","13135":"Leek","17849":"Leicester","17716":"Leigh","12836":"Lerwick","13387":"Letchworth","4912":"Lewes","41767":"Leyland","13546":"Lichfield","5840":"Lincoln","19039":"Little Chalfont","16778":"Liverpool","13442":"Llandrindod Well","5953":"Loch Ness","12008":"London","15035":"Loughborough","15518":"Loughgall","15011":"Louth","18492":"Lowestoft","14023":"Luton","4913":"Machynlleth","12416":"Maidenhead","12230":"Maidstone","14722":"Manchester","4914":"Mansfield","4915":"Margate","4916":"Marlborough","17889":"Marlow","18870":"Melborne","16170":"Melton Mowbray","4917":"Merton","5844":"Middlesbrough","5959":"Milford","15181":"Millom","12315":"Milton Keynes","12089":"Mold","18816":"Montrose","5954":"Motherwell","18574":"Nantwich","4918":"Newark","17097":"Newbury","5845":"Newcastle","4919":"Newcastle Upon Tyne","19040":"Newport","41682":"Newquay","13629":"Northallerton","4922":"Northampton","18577":"Northwich","42209":"northwold","15080":"Norwich","5847":"Nottingham","4923":"Oban","11975":"Oldham","6474":"Omagh","17161":"Oxford","15422":"Oxshott","18627":"Penrith","4925":"Penzance","16404":"Perth","5848":"Peterborough","4926":"Plains","4927":"Plymouth","15551":"Pontypridd","14208":"Poole","4928":"Portsmouth","17642":"Portstewart","41766":"Preston","5011":"Prestwick","18579":"Radway Green","42069":"Ramsgate","11775":"Reading","14706":"Redditch","16276":"Ringwood","15522":"Ripon","14673":"Rochester","15968":"Romford","41857":"Rugby","15289":"Runcorn","17520":"Rustington","14052":"Saint Albans","16462":"Salford","4931":"Salisbury","42295":"Sandwich","17690":"Sandy","4932":"Scarborough","13975":"Seaford","12003":"Shaftesbury","18891":"Sheffield","5850":"Shrewsbury","13178":"Slough","14708":"Solihull","4935":"Southampton","4936":"Southborough","14524":"Southend-on-Sea","13970":"Southport","42260":"St Albans","5955":"St Andrews","15841":"St Asaph","18576":"St Helens","16114":"St Ives","12717":"Stafford","41746":"Staines","14051":"Stanmore","16656":"Stansted","42032":"Stevenage","5012":"Stirling","11801":"Stockport","14198":"Stockton-on-Tees","4937":"Stoke On Trent","42386":"Stranraer","4938":"Stratford-Upon-Avon","4939":"Stroud","18615":"Sudbury","11860":"Sunderland","16393":"Sutton","5960":"Swansea","12853":"Swindon","4941":"Taunton","5851":"Teeside","13973":"Telford","4943":"Truro","17702":"Virginia Water","5852":"Waddington","12059":"Wakefield","4945":"Wallingford","4947":"Wareham","5853":"Warrington","4948":"Warwick","4949":"Watford","12009":"Wellingborough","12528":"Wellington","13366":"Wells","12530":"Welwyn Garden City","16785":"Weston Under Lizard","16334":"Wetherby","18171":"Weymouth","4950":"Whitby","13308":"Whitehaven","42387":"Whitehead","5956":"Wick","17581":"Wilmslow","5854":"Wimbledon","12524":"Wimborne Minster","12551":"Winchester","15946":"Windsor","18573":"Winsford","4952":"Wisbech","4953":"Wisborough Green","12982":"Woking","18769":"Wokingham","13287":"Wolverhampton","17904":"Woodford","18086":"Woolavington","11783":"Worcester","12128":"Worthing","5961":"Wrexham","13630":"Yarm","17015":"Yeovil","11824":"York"}
Here is my Javascipt:
$('#current-country').change(function(){ //any select change on the dropdown with id country trigger this code
$("#current-cities > option").remove(); //first of all clear select items
var country_id = $('#current-country').val(); // here we are taking country id of the selected one.
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url()?>map/get_cities/"+country_id, //here we are calling our user controller and get_cities method with the country_id
success: function(cities) //we're calling the response json array 'cities'
$.each(cities,function(id,city) //here we're doing a foeach loop round each city with id as the key and city as the value
var opt = $('<option />'); // here we're creating a new select option with for each city
$('#current-cities').append(opt); //here we will append these new select options to a dropdown with the id 'cities'
Has anyone any suggestions on how I can process this much data in the browser?
I'm using PHP (Codeigniter), MySQL and jQuery.
I would recommend creating an array of your new option nodes, and then appending them en masse. Doing them one at a time may be what's killing you.
var newOptions = [];
$.each(cities,function(id,city) {
var opt = $('<option />', { "val": id, "text": city });
newOptions.push(opt[0]); //need to push actual dom node - thanks RightSaidFred
Or should this be clearing previous options in the dropdown? If so:
First double check you are not making the same AJAX request more than once.
A quick and easy solution would be to split your AJAX requests in more than one. Start by dividing it into two, and if that still isn't enough, divide them by 3 or more.
You can then check which JSON size is the right one for you, and use that one. Or you can have your php determine how much requests are needed based on the number of total cities.
For really large lists, I had to split the requests into 100 items each. The first request I would get the first piece of list along with a bit of data indicating how much requests I had to make to obtain the full list, append the new nodes, then I would make the remaining requests, until I got the full list.
I don't see how that would crash for you. Here I am doing the worst possible thing and it is blazing fast:
Each time you select something, I remove all elements one by one and then append them one by one, and it's still instant. Actually my CPU doesn't even make a note of it.

Django Dynamic Drop-down List from Database

I wanted to develop a Django app and one of the functionalities I'd like to have is dynamic drop-down lists...specifically for vehicle makes and models...selecting a specific make will update the models list with only the models that fall under that make....I know this is possible in javascript or jQuery (this would be my best choice if anyone has an answer) but I don't know how to go about it.
Also, I'd want the make, model, year and series to be common then the other attributes like color, transmission etc to be variables so that one needs only enter the make, model, year, and series only for a new vehicle. Any ideas would be highly appreciated.
The 3 things you mention being common, make, model, year, would be the 3 input values. When given to the server, an object containing the details would be returned to the calling page. That page would parse the object details (using JavaScript), and update the UI to display them to the user.
From the Django side, there needs to be the facilities to take the 3 inputs, and return the output. From the client-side, there needs to be the facilities to pass the 3 inputs to the server, and then appropriately parse the server's response.
There is a REST api framework for Django that makes it rather easy to add the "api" mentioned above -- Piston. Using Piston, you'd simply need to make a URL for that resource, and then add a handler to process it. (you'll still need to skim the Piston documentation, but this should give you an idea of what it looks like)
vehicle_details = Resource(handler=VehicleDetails)
url(r'^vehicle/(?<make>.*)/(?<model>.*)/(?<year\d{2,4}/(?P<emitter_format>[a-z]{1,4}), vehicle_details, name='vehicle_details'),
class VehicleDetails(BaseHandler):
methods_allowed = ('GET',)
model = Vehicles #whatever your Django vehicle model is
def read(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# code to query the DB and select the options
# self.model.objects.filter()...
# Build a custom object or something to return
return custom_object
This simply sets up the url www.yoursite.com/vehicle/[make]/[model]/[year]/json to return a custom data object in JSON for jquery to parse.
On the client side, you could use jquery to setup an event (bind) so that when all 3 drop downs have a value selected, it will execute a $.get() to the api URL. When it gets this result back, it passes it into the Jquery JSON parser, and gives the custom object, as a javascript object. That object could then be used to populate more drop down menus.
(Big warning, I just wrote the following off the top of my head, so it's not meant to be copy and pasted. It's just for the general idea.)
<script type="text/javascript">
// On document load
$(function() {
$('#dropdown_make').bind('change', checkForValues());
$('#dropdown_model').bind('change', checkForValues());
$('#dropdown_year').bind('change', checkForValues());
function checkForValues() {
if ($('#dropdown_make').val() && $('#dropdown_model').val() && $('#dropdown_year').val())
function updateOptions() {
url = '/vehicle/';
url += $('#dropdown_make').val() + '/';
url += $('#dropdown_model').val() + '/';
url += $('#dropdown_year').val() + '/';
url += 'json/';
$.get(url, function(){
// Custom data object will be returned here
This is uncanny: Dynamic Filtered Drop-Down Choice Fields With Django
His question:
"Here is the situation: I have a database with car makes and models. When a user selects a make, I want to update the models drop-down with only the models associated with that make. ... Therefore I want to use Ajax to populate the data."
You're not the same guy? :)

