Setting img.src to dataUrl Leaks Memory - javascript

Below I've created a simple test case that shows that when an img tag's src is set to different dataUrls, it leaks memory. It looks like the image data is never unloaded after the src is changed to something else.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Leak Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
canvas = null;
context = null;
image = null;
onLoad = function(event)
canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
image = document.getElementById('image');
setTimeout(processImage, 1000);
processImage = function(event)
var imageData = null;
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i ++)
context.fillStyle = "rgba(" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) + "," + Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) + "," + Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) + "," + Math.random() +")";
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", .5);
image.src = imageData;
setTimeout(processImage, 1000);
<body onload="onLoad(event)">
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<img id="image"></img>
If you load this html page, RAM usage builds over time and is never cleaned up. This issue looks very similar: Rapidly updating image with Data URI causes caching, memory leak . Is there anything I can do to prevent this memory leak?

I ended up doing a work around for the issue. The memory bloat only happens when the image.src is changed, so I just bypassed the Image object altogether. I did this by taking the dataUrl, converting it into binary ( then parsing it using jpg.js ( Using jpg.js I can then copy the image back to my canvas, so the Image element is completely bybassed thus negating the need to set its src attribute.

Panchosoft's answer solved this for me in Safari.
This workaround avoids the memory increase by bypassing the leaking Image object.
// Methods to address the memory leaks problems in Safari
var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,';
var temporaryImage;
var objectURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
function convertDataURIToBlob(dataURI) {
// Validate input data
if(!dataURI) return;
// Convert image (in base64) to binary data
var base64Index = dataURI.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) + BASE64_MARKER.length;
var base64 = dataURI.substring(base64Index);
var raw = window.atob(base64);
var rawLength = raw.length;
var array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength));
for(i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) {
array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
// Create and return a new blob object using binary data
return new Blob([array], {type: "image/jpeg"});
then, in the processImage rendering loop:
// Destroy old image
if(temporaryImage) objectURL.revokeObjectURL(temporaryImage);
// Create a new image from binary data
var imageDataBlob = convertDataURIToBlob(imageData);
// Create a new object URL
temporaryImage = objectURL.createObjectURL(imageDataBlob);
// Set the new image
image.src = temporaryImage;

I'm also experiencing this issue and I do believe it's a browser bug. I see this happening in FF and Chrome as well. At least Chrome once had a similar bug that was fixed. I think it's not gone or not completely gone. I see a constant increase in memory when I set img.src repeatedly to unique images. I have filed a bug with Chromium, if you want to put some weight in :)
(The bug triggering example does not necessarily generate a new unique image every time around, but at at least it does with a high probability)

Some solutions not mentioned in the other answers:
For browser
Similar to jpgjs mentioned by #PaulMilham, but with additional features and a nicer API (imo).
For NodeJS/Electron
General purpose image-processing library for NodeJS, with functionality to both read and write jpeg, png, etc. images (as files, or just in memory).
Since my program is in Electron, I ended up using sharp, as jpeg-js mentioned it as a more performant alternative (due to its core being written in native code).

Setting the source to a fixed minimal dataURI after handling the image seems to fix the issue for me:
img.onload = () => {
// ... process the image
img.onload = null;
img.src = dummyPng;
img.src = URL.createObjectURL(new window.Blob([new Uint8Array(data)], {type: 'image/png'}));


EaseJS applying Color filter to Bitmap

I use easeJS in the implementation of the game robolucha, currently we display different colors of the characters by using shapes under transparent images.
We want to use Bitmaps and apply color filters to it.
Sadly the ColorFilter is not working.
The Fiddle is here for the code :
And here is the code I´m using
var stage = new createjs.Stage("filter");
var head = new createjs.Container();
head.x = 300;
head.y = 300;
head.regX = 100;
head.regY = 100;
var path = "";
var layer1 = new createjs.Bitmap(path + "layer1-green.png");
layer1.image.onload = function(){
layer1.filters = [ new createjs.ColorFilter(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 255, 1) ];
var layer2 = new createjs.Bitmap(path + "layer2.png");
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", headTick);
function headTick() {
head.rotation += 10;
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
function handleTick() {
The ColorFilter does not work in this example because the image is being loaded cross-domain. The browser will not be able to read the pixels to apply the filter. I am not exactly sure why there is no error in the console.
EaselJS has no mechanism to automatically handle cross-origin images when it creates images behind the scenes (which it does when you pass a string path). You will have to create the image yourself, set the "crossOrigin" attribute, and then set the path (in that order). Then you can pass the image into the Bitmap constructor.
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
img.onload = function() {
// apply the filter and cache it
img.src = path + "layer1.png";
layer1 = new createjs.Bitmap(img);
You don't have to wait for the image to load to create the Bitmap and apply the filter, but you will have to wait to cache the image.
This fix also requires a server that sends a cross-origin header, which git does. Here is an updated fiddle with that change. Note that if your image is loaded on the same server, this is not necessary.

JS Upload image from Canvas without "toDataURL" method

I'm trying to upload image from canvas to the server. The common solution is to get data from canvas using toDataURL method but unfortunately some images leads Chrome to crush. I was trying to use image/png and image/jpeg mime types, I was also trying to reduce quality for image/jpeg up to 0.4 but Chrome (vesrion 45.0.2454.85 m) was crushing anyway. Is there any way to extract image from cavnas without this method, like retrieving Blob object or something like this?
Your problem is that the images are too big, and chrome fails with an Out of memory crash. Maybe your solution is reduce the quality of the images returning it in JPEG.
var fullQuality = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
var mediumQuality = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.5);
var lowQuality = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.1);
You can try too the image format image/webp special in chrome.
Good luck.
You've got the method toBlob() available too, if you need to change the logic:
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
var newImg = document.createElement("img"),
url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
newImg.onload = function() {
// no longer need to read the blob so it's revoked
newImg.src = url;
According to MDN website, you have a polyfill.
if (!HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob) {
Object.defineProperty(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, 'toBlob', {
value: function (callback, type, quality) {
var binStr = atob( this.toDataURL(type, quality).split(',')[1] ),
len = binStr.length,
arr = new Uint8Array(len);
for (var i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
arr[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i);
callback( new Blob( [arr], {type: type || 'image/png'} ) );

Saving current work from multiple canvas elements

Here is my problem: I have created an image collage function in javascript. (I started off with some code from this post btw: dragging and resizing an image on html5 canvas)
I have 10 canvas elements stacked on top of each other and all parameters, including 2dcontext, image data, positions etc. for each canvas is held in instances of the function 'collage'.
This is working fine, I can manipulate each canvas separately (drag, resize, adding frames, etc). But now and I want the user to be able to save the current work.
So I figure that maybe it would be possible to create a blob, that contains all the object instances, and then save the blob as a file on disk.
This is the function collage (I also push each instance to the array collage.instances, to be able to have numbered indexes)
function collage() {
this.canvas_board = '';
this.canvas = '';
this.ctx = '';
this.canvasOffset = '';
this.offsetX = '';
this.offsetY = '';
this.startX = '';
this.startY = '';
this.imageX = '';
this.imageY = '';
this.mouseX = '';
this.mouseY = '';
this.imageWidth = '';
this.imageHeight = '';
this.imageRight = '';
this.imageBottom = '';
this.imgframe = '';
this.frame = 'noframe';
this.img = '';
collage.instances = [];
I tried with something like this:
var oMyBlob = new Blob(collage.instances, {type: 'multipart/form-data'});
But that doesn't work (only contains about 300 bits of data).
Anyone who can help? Or maybe suggest an alternative way to save the current collage work. It must of course must be possible to open the blob and repopulate the object instances.
Or maybe I am making this a bit more complicated than it has to be... but I am stuck right now, so I would appreciate any hints.
You can extract each layer's image data to DataURLs and save the result as a json object.
Here's a quick demo:
The process literally takes each canvas and saves out its data for later import.
The use of jquery here is for convenience:
$(".save-button").click(function() {
var imgData = JSON.stringify({
layers: getLayerData()
save(imgData, "myfile.json");
function save(filecontents, filename) {
try {
var $a = $("<a>").attr({
href: "data:application/json;," + filecontents,
download: filename
return filecontents;
} catch (err) {
return null;
function getLayerData() {
var imgData = [];
$(".layer").each(function(i, el) {
return imgData;
To restore, you can use a FileReader to read the contents of the JSON back into the browser, then make <img>s for each layer, set img.src to the dataURLs in your JSON and from there you can draw the <img> into onload canvases.
Add a reference (src URL) for the image to the instance, then serialize the instance array as JSON and use f.ex. localStorage.
localStorage.setItem("currentwork", JSON.stringify(collage.instances));
Then to restore you would need to do:
var tmp = localStorage.getItem("currentwork");
collage.instances = tmp ? JSON.parse(tmp) : [];
You then need to iterate through the array and reload the images using proper onload handling. Finally re-render everything.
Can you store image data on client? Yes, but not recommended. This will take a lot of space and if too much you will not be able to save all the data, the user may refuse to allow more storage space etc.
Keeping a link to the image on a server is a better approach for these things IMO. But if you disagree, look into IndexedDB (or WebSQL although deprecated) to have local storage which can be expanded in available space. localStorage can only hold between 2.5 - 5 mb, ie. no image data and only strings. Each char takes two bytes, data-uris adds 33% on top, so this will run empty pretty fast...

Load file into IMAGE object using Phantom.js

I'm trying to load image and put its data into HTML Image element but without success.
var fs = require("fs");
var content ='logo.png');
After reading content of the file I have to convert it somehow to Image or just print it to canvas. I was trying to conver binary data to Base64 Data URL with the code I've found on Stack.
function base64encode(binary) {
return btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(binary)));
var base64Data = 'data:image/png;base64,' +base64encode(content);
Returned Base64 is not valid Data URL. I was trying few more approaches but without success. Do you know the best (shortest) way to achieve that?
This is a rather ridiculous workaround, but it works. Keep in mind that PhantomJS' (1.x ?) canvas is a bit broken. So the canvas.toDataURL function returns largely inflated encodings. The smallest that I found was ironically image/bmp.
function decodeImage(imagePath, type, callback) {
var page = require('webpage').create();
var htmlFile = imagePath+"_temp.html";
fs.write(htmlFile, '<html><body><img src="'+imagePath+'"></body></html>');
var possibleCallback = type;
type = callback ? type : "image/bmp";
callback = callback || possibleCallback;, function(){
page.evaluate(function(imagePath, type){
var img = document.querySelector("img");
// the following is copied from
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
// Copy the image contents to the canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Get the data-URL formatted image
// Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to
// guess the original format, but be aware the using "image/jpg"
// will re-encode the image.
window.dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(type);
}, imagePath, type);
var dataUrl = page.evaluate(function(){
return window.dataURL;
callback(dataUrl, type);
You can call it like this:
decodeImage('logo.png', 'image/png', function(imgB64Data, type){
or this
decodeImage('logo.png', function(imgB64Data, type){
I tried several things. I couldn't figure out the encoding of the file as returned by I also tried to dynamically load the file into the about:blank DOM through file://-URLs, but that didn't work. I therefore opted to write a local html file to the disk and open it immediately.

Save captured png as arraybuffer

I'm trying to save an image to dropbox, and having trouble getting the convertion correct. I have an img (captured using this sample) and I want to store it to dropbox that accepts an ArrayBuffer (sample here)
This is the code I found that should to the two conversions, first to a base64, then into a ArrayBuffer
function getBase64Image(img) {
// Create an empty canvas element
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
// Copy the image contents to the canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Get the data-URL formatted image
// Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to
// guess the original format, but be aware the using "image/jpg"
// will re-encode the image.
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
return dataURL.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "");
function base64ToArrayBuffer(string_base64) {
var binary_string = window.atob(string_base64);
var len = binary_string.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var ascii = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
bytes[i] = ascii;
return bytes.buffer;
Saving is started like this
var img = $('#show-picture')[0];
var data = base64ToArrayBuffer( getBase64Image(img));
dropbox.client.writeFile(moment().format('YYYYMMDD-HH-mm-ss')+'.png', data, function (error, stat) {
if (error) {
return dropbax.handleError(error);
// The image has been succesfully written.
Problem is that I get a corrupted file saved, and is a bit confused on what's wrong.
Here's the link to the original file and here to the corrupted.
I'm using this version of the dropbox.js: //
As you can see the corrupted is slighty bigger 23,3KB vs 32,6 KB
Thanks for any help
Moving my comment to an answer, since it seems that this works in the latest Datastore JS SDK but perhaps not in dropbox.js 0.10.2.
What browser and what version of the Dropbox library? And what's wrong with the image that's saved? (I assume by "corrupted" you mean that it won't open in whatever tool you're using... any more hints? Is the file size reasonable?) I just did a very similar test (toDataURL, atob, and Uint8Array) with Chrome on OS X and, and it seems to work.

