Meteor re-render template after user login - javascript

Ok so im using Facebook API graph when the user is logging in using facebook
im getting the user friend list + friends pictures like that:{
"click #fb": function (e, tmp) {
requestPermissions: ['user_likes',
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error when login with facebook " + err);
} else {
FB.api('/' + Meteor.user() + '/friends', { fields: 'name,picture' }, function (response) {
if (response && {
friends =
and as expected i get friends array inside there are objects(represented as friends).
at some point when the user clicks a link i want to show the user his friends list.
so i got this html:
friends_list: friends
template name="add_friends">
<div class="friends_Page">
{{#each friends_list}}
the problem is that the friends object gets updated after the app as started and when the user clicked the login button using facebook.
so how to re-render when i get the callback from facebook graph api?
i dont want to store the friends in database (its already available thanks to facebook )

The most natural way to force a redraw when data is changed is to use a dependency on that data.
var friends = [];
var friends_dep = new Deps.Dependency();
Template.myTemplate.friends_list = function() {
friends_dep.depend(); /* Causes the helper to rerun when data changes */
return friends;
function callback() {
friends =;
friends_dep.changed(); /* Call this after you set the new data */


reset the star-rating component, VUE JS

I am using star-rating plugin in vue js, and I am using v-model to show the ratings from db. Everything works fine as when user is not logged in and he/she tries to rate it shows an error "login to rate", but the stars dont reset to db value instead it shows the rating of not logged in user. Currently after the error msg I am refreshing the whole page. Is there a simple way to reset the stars instead of refreshing the whole page?
:show-rating="false" #rating-selected="setRating" v-model="rating"
above is the start rating and while clicking it calls a function where I am checking if user is logged in or not with an api call. Thanks in advance.
setRating: function (rating) {
axios.get('/checkuser').then(response => {
this.user =;
if (this.user === "Logout") {
toastr.error('Please login to rate', 'Error', {
positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right'
window.location = "/menu/" + this.menu_id;
} else {
// save in to db
}).catch(error => {
// TODO: Handle error
You will have to reset rating object if it's not logged in.
setRating: function (rating) {
axios.get('/checkuser').then(response => {
if (this.user === "Logout") {
this.rating = 0; <=== reset rating here (in data, not the rating parameter)
managed to fix it by using "this.load()" after the api call, which refreshes all components. :)

Twitter authentication in Codebird JS

I am very new to integrating social sites into a website. I somewhat managed to integrate Facebook, but I have no idea how to integrate Twitter.
I want to login through a Twitter account, then get the username and some other data from Twitter. I have a consumer key and consumer secret. I'm not sure how to proceed from here, and my Google searches haven't helped so far.
I am trying with codebird js:
$(function() {
$('#twitter').click(function(e) {
var cb = new Codebird;
cb.setConsumerKey("redacted", "redacted");
{ oauth_callback: "" },
function (reply, rate, err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error response or timeout exceeded" + err.error);
if (reply) {
// stores it
cb.setToken(reply.oauth_token, reply.oauth_token_secret);
// gets the authorize screen URL
function (auth_url) {
window.codebird_auth =;
function(reply) {
But I get
Your credentials do not allow access to this resource
How can I resolve this and get the user data? I am open to using an alternate Twitter implementation.
You cannot call cb._call( "account_verifyCredentials"... there.
The code only has a request token, NOT an access token, which you will only receive after the user authorizes your app (on the Twitter auth popup).
You are using the "callback URL without PIN" method, as documented on the README. So you'll need to implement that example code on your page.
Also, this essentially requires that you store the oauth credentials somewhere. In my example below, I've used localStorage.
$(function () {
$('#twitter').click(function (e) {
var cb = new Codebird;
cb.setConsumerKey("CeDhZjVa0d8W02gWuflPWQmmo", "YO4RI2UoinJ95sonHGnxtYt4XFtlAhIEyt89oJ8ZajClOyZhka");
var oauth_token = localStorage.getItem("oauth_token");
var oauth_token_secret = localStorage.getItem("oauth_token_secret");
if (oauth_token && oauth_token_secret) {
cb.setToken(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret);
} else {
"oauth_requestToken", {
oauth_callback: ""
function (reply, rate, err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error response or timeout exceeded" + err.error);
if (reply) {
console.log("reply", reply)
// stores it
cb.setToken(reply.oauth_token, reply.oauth_token_secret);
// save the token for the redirect (after user authorizes)
// we'll want to compare these values
localStorage.setItem("oauth_token", reply.oauth_token);
localStorage.setItem("oauth_token_secret", reply.oauth_token_secret);
// gets the authorize screen URL
"oauth_authorize", {},
function (auth_url) {
console.log("auth_url", auth_url);
// JSFiddle doesn't open windows:
$("#authorize").attr("href", auth_url);
// after user authorizes, user will be redirected to
// then follow this section for coding that page:
Also made a JSFiddle

Getting Facebook Avatar in Meteor when Autopublish is removed

Currently when auto publish is removed, only {{}} works.I'm trying to get {{currentUser.profile.first_name}} and the avatar from Facebook but have not been able to do so. Here is my code...
On the Server side:
Meteor.publish('userData', function() {
if(!this.userId) return null;
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {fields: {
'services.facebook': 1
On Iron Router:
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('userData');
From my understanding, I see that Meteor is publishing all the userData and then subscribing to it via Iron Router. What I don't understand is why this is not working -- as I think {{currentUser.profile.first_name}} should work but isn't.
Like Richard suggests, when a user is created, you can copy the services document to the profile doc.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
// We still want the default hook's 'profile' behavior.
if (options.profile) {
user.profile = options.profile;
user.profile.memberSince = new Date();
// Copy data from Facebook to user object
user.profile.facebookId =;
user.profile.firstName =; =; =;
return user;
Your publication to get their first name and Facebook ID would look like this...
/* ============== Single User Data =============== */
Meteor.publish('singleUser', function(id) {
check(id, String);
return Meteor.users.find(id,
{fields: {'profile.facebookId': 1, '': 1, 'profile.firstName': 1, '': 1}});
You can access a user's Facebook avatar with a template helper function...
userPicHelper: function() {
if (this.profile) {
var id = this.profile.facebookId;
var img = '' + id + '/picture?type=square&height=160&width=160';
return img;
In your template, you can then use the following helper (provided you are wrapping this in a block that contains user data):
<img src="{{userPicHelper}}" alt="" />
I believe you're trying to access the first_name field from the services subdocument. It should be {{}}
If you want to transfer first_name to the profile subdocument, you can have the following event handler:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
// ... some checks here to detect Facebook login
user.profile.firstName =;
user.profile.lastName =;

AngularJS redirection after ng-click

I have a REST API that read/save data from a MongoDB database.
The application I use retrieves a form and create an object (a job) from it, then save it to the DB. After the form, I have a button which click event triggers the saving function of my controller, then redirects to another url.
Once I click on the button, I am said that the job has well been added to the DB but the application is jammed and the redirection is never called. However, if I reload my application, I can see that the new "job" has well been added to the DB. What's wrong with this ??? Thanks !
Here is my code:
Sample html(jade) code:
button.btn.btn-large.btn-primary(type='submit', ng:click="save()") Create
Controller of the angular module:
function myJobOfferListCtrl($scope, $location, myJobs) {
$ = function() {
var newJob = new myJobs($scope.job);
newJob.$save(function(err) {
console.log('Impossible to create new job');
else {
console.log('Ready to redirect');
Configuration of the angular module:
var myApp = angular.module('appProfile', ['ngResource']);
myApp.factory('myJobs',['$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('/api/allMyPostedJobs',
save: {
method: 'POST'
The routing in my nodejs application :'/job', pass.ensureAuthenticated, jobOffers_routes.create);
And finally the controller of my REST API:
exports.create = function(req, res) {
var user = req.user;
var job = new Job({ user: user,
title: req.body.title,
description: req.body.description,
salary: req.body.salary,
dueDate: new Date(req.body.dueDate),
category: req.body.category}); {
if(err) {
else {
console.log('New job for user: ' + user.username + " has been posted."); //<--- Message displayed in the log
//res.redirect('/offers'); //<---- triggered but never render
I finally found the solution ! The issue was somewhere 18inches behind the screen....
I modified the angular application controller like this :
$ = function() {
var newJob = new myJobs($scope.job);
newJob.$save(function(job) {
if(!job) {
$log.log('Impossible to create new job');
else {
$window.location.href = '/offers';
The trick is that my REST api returned the created job as a json object, and I was dealing with it like it were an error ! So, each time I created a job object, I was returned a json object, and as it was non null, the log message was triggered and I was never redirected.
Furthermore, I now use the $window.location.href property to fully reload the page.

Using Facebook request dialog with Meteor

I'm trying to send an "app" invite to user friends using the Facebook JavaScript SDK.
Here is a template event when click the Facebook button:
"click #fb": function (e, tmp) {
requestPermissions: ['user_likes',
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error when login with facebook " + err);
} else {
FB.api('/' + Meteor.user() + '/friends', { fields: 'name,picture' }, function (response) {
if (response && {
friends =;
after that i want the user to invite people to my app, my code looks like this (another template event):
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
message: 'My Great Request'
}, function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
alert('Post was published.');
} else {
alert('Post was not published.');
And it's working. There is a Facebook dialog with all the user friends, but when trying to send the message, I get the response error = 'Post was not published.'
What am I doing wrong here?
Basically the user can build a group - and I want the user to be able to invite his facebook friends into that group. Is there anyway that when sending the request the reciver will just press "yes" and will be automatically added to the sender group?
note I'm using my local machine aka localhost:3000
Can you try removing the && response.post_id portion from the if statement?
According to the Facebook API docs for the Requests Dialog: the response will just have 'request' and 'to' data. It looks like you've copy and pasted your callback from an example they give for the Posts Dialog. If you still get an error after removing this then you aren't getting a response, I am unsure how the JS SDK handles responses. If you can get other API calls to work using js sdk then I'm really not sure.
I recently worked with the Facebook API and opted not to use the JS SDK because it seemed to be at odds with using the accounts-facebook package. I'm curious if you're using that too.
Some Facebook API calls like creating a Post (and possibly this one) do require a dialog box, I'll outline how I got around this without using the JS SDK in case it helps you or anyone else. I would just form the URL client side and open a popup window e.g. here's how I handled sending a post:
'click .send-message': function() {
var recipient = this.facebook_id;
var config = Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.findOne({service: 'facebook'});
var url = "" + config.appId +
"&display=popup&to=" + recipient + "&redirect_uri=" + Meteor.absoluteUrl('_fb?close');, "Create Post", "height=240,width=450,left=100,top=100");
Then to get the response server side:
.use(function(req, res, next) {
if(typeof(Fiber)=="undefined") Fiber = Npm.require('fibers');
Fiber(function() {
try {
var barePath = req.url.substring(0, req.url.indexOf('?'));
var splitPath = barePath.split('/');
if (splitPath[1] !== '_fb') {
return next();
if (req.query.post_id) {
//process it here
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
var content = '<html><head><script>window.close()</script></head></html>';
res.end(content, 'utf-8');
} catch (err) {
This code is very similar to the code used in the oauth packages when opening the login popup and listening out for responses.

