Make onclick work on iphone - javascript

I have been using "onclick" in my javascript, but now I want it to work on Iphone as well. Is there a simple way to make all "onclick" to work like ontouchstart for devices that support ontouchstart?
Or do I need to write all script twice (one that uses onclick and one that uses ontouchstart)? :S
Note: I dont want to use jquery or any other library.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>li:hover dropdown menu on mobile devices</title>
window.onload = function () {
if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
// all "onclick" should work like "ontouchstart" instead
document.getElementById('hbs').onclick = function () {
alert('element was clicked');
<a id=id1 href=#>button</a>

This post got more attention, so I'm going to add another commonly used, more up to date, trick:
// First we check if you support touch, otherwise it's click:
let touchEvent = 'ontouchstart' in window ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
// Then we bind via thát event. This way we only bind one event, instead of the two as below
document.getElementById('hbs').addEventListener(touchEvent, someFunction);
// or if you use jQuery:
$('#hbs').on(touchEvent, someFunction);
The let touchEvent should be declared out of function (also not in a document.ready) at the top of your javascript. This way you can use this in all your javascript. This also allows easy (jQuery) usage.
Old answer:
This fixes the need for copying your code (well at least to a minimum). Not sure if you can combine them
function someFunction() {
alert('element was clicked');
document.getElementById('hbs').onclick = someFunction;
document.getElementById('hbs').ontouchstart= someFunction;
.addEventListener('click', someFunction)
.addEventListener('touchstart', someFunction);

The reason javascript is not working on the iPhone in Safari is because iPhones have the option to turn off Javascript.
Go to "Settings"
Then scroll down to "Safari"
Then scroll all the way to the bottom "Advanced"
Then turn on Javascript!
Also, you can check if Javascript is enabled with this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Javascript is working.")
<noscript>JavaScript is DISABLED!!!!!!</noscript>


Trigger a button click on a moon.Button or moon.IconButton with jQuery/Javascript directly

I know the click action can be triggered by assigning ontap a specific function like so:
kind: "moon.Button",name :"search_button",
content : "Search" , ontap : "searchAction", classes: "menu-button-style"
searchAction : function(){ //do some stuff on click}
I've tried
and none of those seem to work.
simplified jsFiddle
Any ideas
Why trigger the click with jquery? You can force an event with Enyo, as well:
this.$.someButton.bubble("ontap", {...});
Here, try this:
Enyo has a global handle (enyo) you can use if you need to access any part of its structure. It's not recommended for use from within our app, since it breaks encapsulation, but since you're already outside enyo (by using jQuery or plain JavaScript) I don't see as much harm.
function TapThat() {
// 'enyo' is the global namespace.
// The '$' refers to the children of the object/kind.
Using the native click function of elements seems to work in your case, like this:
window.onload = function (){
Your problem in the fiddle is that you haven't included jQuery. Also, probably that you don't wait for the element to be added to the DOM before binding a click listener to it.
Demo with jQuery

How to generate a "onNOmousemove" Event with JQuery

I played around with a webdesign where jQuery is available. There is now a point where I need the opposite Eventwatching, so I realized it already with a jQuery routine which installs an "onnomousemove" event. Yes, you read correct, an NOT HAPPENING EVENT.
(Below) you find my allready working solution in jQuery. The idea is to have control over not happening Events and to react on that via this extra specified jQuery.Event
Hehe, I know most stupid would be to handle "onnoerror" Events with this. But thats not desired. Its working now and I want to go a step forward here. So what is my problem?
Here it comes: How to fire the same behavior with native Javascript EventListening so element.addEventListener(...); can handle the same Events too?
Problem: newer Web browser like Chrome, Firefox have an implemented CustomEvent handling to make this happen, but in older browsers there should be a way with prototype or so.
I'm a bit jQuery blind now, anyway is there somebody out there who knows the freaky trick to generate Custom Events in a traditional way without prototype.js or other libraries? Even a solution with jQuery would be fine, but desired goal is the native listener should be able to handle it.
// extends jQuery with the opposite Event Listener
var onnotimer = null;
var jqueryevent = {};
$(this).on( eventname, function(e){
function OnNoEventFn(){
jqueryevent = jQuery.Event( "onno"+eventname );
e.timer=t; e.type="onno"+eventname;
onnotimer = window.setTimeout( OnNoEventFn, t);
return $(this);
$(document).ready(function() {
// installs "onnomousemove" and fires after 5sec if mousemove does not happen.
$(window).onno('mousemove', 5000, function(e){
console.log('function fires after:'+e.timer+'ms at:'+e.timeStampVision+'ms with:"'+e.type+'" event, exact fired:', e.timeStamp);
// installs "onnoclick" and fires after 4sec if click does not happen.
$(window).onno('click', 4000, function(e){
console.log('function fires after:'+e.timer+'ms at:'+e.timeStampVision+'ms with:"'+e.type+'" event, exact fired:', e.timeStamp);
// just for demonstration, routine with "onno.." eventnamescheme
console.log( 'tadaaaa: "'+e.type+'" works! with jQuery Event',e);
// same for "onnoclick"
console.log( 'tadaaaa: "'+e.type+'" works! with jQuery Event',e);
// but how to install Custom Events even in older Safari ?
// newer Chrome, Firefox & Opera have CustomEvent.
console.log('native js is watching you',e);

event.preventDefault() in a href="#" doesn't prevent jumping to top of page in IE and Firefox

<a href="#" class="button" onclick="sendDetails(\'Edu\')">
function sendDetails(type) {
if (event.preventDefault) {
} else {
event.returnValue = false;
names = $("#names" + type).val();
Input = encodeURIComponent($("#Input" + type).val());
The link jumps to top of page. I tried to use event.preventDefault() to stop jumping to top of page. However, it works only in Chrome and not in IE and Firefox. How can I solve it?
instead of "#" you can use javascript:; so there is no jumping, make sure to return false to disable the link-behavior
You can't only use the window.event to control an event. Try standardizing it like:
function sendDetails(e, type) {
var evt = window.event || e;
if (evt.preventDefault) {
} else {
evt.returnValue = false;
// ...
And your HTML would have to be:
One other non-jQuery solution is to just modify your HTML to be:
in which case you wouldn't have to use anything dealing with event in your sendDetails function. The return false; will prevent the default behavior automatically. But note - if any exceptions occur in your sendDetails function, the return false; won't execute and will allow the default behavior. That's why I like using preventDefault - you can call it immediately in the function to immediately stop the behavior, then do what you need.
At the same time, if you're using jQuery, try binding the click event like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".button").on("click", function (e) {
// Your sendDetails code (without the "event" stuff)
// OR call sendDetails (and remove the "event" stuff in the sendDetails function)
in which case your HTML would be:
Although it would be a lot easier to target the specific elements that this applies to, instead of using the .button selector I provided. I'm sure the "button" class applies to more than just these targeted <a>, but maybe I'm wrong :)
Using jQuery is nice in this situation because it already standardizes the event object in a way that you can just use that e variable I included in the click callback. I'm sure it does a little more than just window.event || e, so I'd prefer/suggest using jQuery for handling events.
You are already using jQuery, just do it the jQuery way. jQuery wraps the event object and provides a normalized event object so you can just use the standard preventDefault, you don't need to fork depending on what the browser supports.
<button class="senddetail" data-type="edu">Education</button>
<button class="senddetail" data-type="com">Commercial</button>
<!-- why not just use a button instead of styling a link to look
like a button? If it does need to be a link for some reason
just change this back to an anchor tag, but keep the data
attributes and change the class to "button senddetail" -->
function sendDetails(type) {
// Assuming names and input are not globals you need to declare
// them or they will become implicit globals which can cause
// all sorts of strange errors if other code uses them too
var names, input;
names = $("#names" + type).val();
// you should only use capitalized variables for
// Constructor functions, it's a convention in JS
input = encodeURIComponent($("#Input" + type).val());
// just calling $ with a function inside of the invocation
// is the same as using $(document).ready
$(function () {
// instead of using onClick, use jQuery to attach the
// click event in a less intrusive way
$('.senddetail').on('click', function (event) {
// no matter what browser this runs in jQuery will
// provide us a standard .preventDefault to use
// jQuery sets 'this' to the DOM element that the event fired on,
// wrapping it in another jQuery object will allow us to use the
// .data method to grab the HMLM5 data attribute
var type = $(this).data('type');

Explicitly initializing Jquery Mobile?

I am using jquery mobile. I just wanted to stop jquery mobile to do anything unless I explicitly call trigger('create') method. Is there a way to stop jquery mobile auto initialization for some time.
You can do it by adding this attribute:
to a wanted container.
And you also need to turn this on in the app loading phase:
$(document).one("mobileinit", function () {
More about this can be found here:
You can test it by enabling/disabling $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled=true;
Second option is to do it manually with this line:
To recreate a page again use this:
$('#index').live('pagebeforeshow', function (event) {
$.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled = false;

href="javascript:Function() how does it work

like this ,how does Function work?can i intercept it and if i dont use mouse how can trigger it?
It will be triggered when ever the link is "triggered", i.e. on click or when tabbing to it and pressing ENTER. You can "intercept" it by replacing Function with a custom function:
var oldFunc = window.YourFunction;
window.YourFunction = function() {
// do something
oldFunc(); // call the old function if necessary
// do more if necessary
By the way: You shouldn't do this at all. Use onclick="..." or even better, register an event via JavaScript. Both cases will also trigger when the link is not actually mouse-clicked but triggered by pressing ENTER.
To use onclick, the link should look like this:
To register the event in a modern browser (IE before v9 is not a modern browser in case it matters to you):
document.getElementById('whatever').addEventListener('click', YourFunction, false);
To keep it short and cross-browser compatible I'd highly suggest you to use jQuery:
$('#whatever').on('click', YourFunction);
You can use this if you want to use href
<script lang="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function smfunction(){

