JavaScript variable getting set to 0 confusingly - javascript

I have a piece of code that I've written that is supposed to keep track of which image is going to appear next on the page depending on which button is pressed
var negoff = "false";
$("#slideshow>ul>li").animate({left: '-=' + actualwidth + 'px'}, 500);
console.log("Offset: " + offset);
if(offset > 4){
offset = 0;
if(offset < 0){
offset = offset * -1;
negoff = true;
$("#slideshow>ul").append('<li><img src="images/' +
contentcategories[offset] + '.jpg"/></li>');
$("#slideshow>ul>li:last-child").css({width: picturewidth + "px",
left: + 6 * actualwidth + "px"});
offset = offset * -1;
negoff = false;
var posoff = "false";
$("#slideshow>ul>li").animate({left: '+=' + actualwidth + 'px'}, 500);
console.log("Offset: " + offset);
if(offset < -4){
offset = 0;
console.log("Offset: " + offset);
if(offset > 0){
offset = offset * -1;
console.log("Posoff: " + posoff);
$("#slideshow>ul").prepend('<li><img src="images/' +
contentcategories[(contentnum - 1) + offset] + '.jpg"/></li>');
$("#slideshow>ul>li:first-child").css({width: picturewidth + "px",
left: + 0 + "px"});
offset = offset * -1;
posoff = false;
The confusing thing about this is that if I click on the #moveright button 2 times in a row the offset goes to -1 then to 0 and keeps looping through the 2 values. Nearly the same thing happens with the #moveleft button. It cycles through the values 0 and 1.
I am confused by this because the only place where I set the offset variable to 0 is if goes above 4 or goes below -4 and I'm not seeing a reason for it to be set to 0 after it goes to 2 or -2.

Let's take a look at what you're doing here. You're writing a string into a variable, trying to use it as a boolean value, i. e. true and false, and then, in your if statements, you are checking whether or not the variable is: not null, not undefined, not false. The tricky thing here's that it actually is defined, it is not null, and it is a string ("false")
Long story short: Remove the "" around your "false", it should be fine then.

Remove the quotes from var negoff = "false"; and var posoff = "false";.
Your code could be refactored a bit but that's neither here nor there. The crux of the problem is that "false" == true since non-empty strings are truthy values in JavaScript. I assume it's just a typo, but here's what's happening:
offset starts at 0. If #moveLeft is clicked, it gets incremented to 1. Then it gets multiplied by -1 because if(negoff) will be true. So now it's -1 and the next click increments it back to 0. Rinse and repeat. The opposite is happening for #moveRight.


Does jQuery limit the value greater than statements?

I'm trying to make a scrolling image that switches to a different 16:9 section using navigation buttons. Everything works, except jQuery seems to be limiting if(igBase.css('left') > igMaxLeft) to -1200px or greater, even though igMaxLeft is, for example, -2600px. Is there any reason for this behavior? The math looks right to me.
var igWrap = $('.infographic-wrapper');
var igBase = $('.infographic-base');
var igPrev = $('.infographic-previous');
var igNext = $('.infographic-next');
var igFrameWidth = igWrap.css('width');
var igMaxLeft = parseInt(igBase.css('width'), 10) + parseInt(igFrameWidth, 10);
igMaxLeft = '-' + igMaxLeft + 'px';{
if(igBase.css('left') < '0px'){
igBase.css('left','+=' + igFrameWidth);
if(igBase.css('left') > igMaxLeft){
igBase.css('left','-=' + igFrameWidth);
Here's the full example:
Converting the css pixel strings into integers solved the problem. Thanks user2864740 for the tip.
var igMaxLeft = (parseInt(igBase.css('width'), 10) - parseInt(igFrameWidth, 10)) * -1;{
if(parseInt(igBase.css('left'), 10) < 0){
igBase.css('left','+=' + igFrameWidth);
if( 0 >= parseInt(igBase.css('left'), 10) && parseInt(igBase.css('left'), 10) > igMaxLeft){
igBase.css('left','-=' + igFrameWidth);

Passing a function arguments into an array's position

What is the right way to increment an array in a loop? I'm passing in a non zero based number and want to get the right starting position for the Array.
I can get it to work using eval:
arrayPosition = "articleArray[" + (goTo - 1) + "][0]";
window.scroll(eval(arrayPosition), 0);
But I know this isn't proper coding and now that I'm using //"use strict"; it will no longer run.
I've tried variations of:
var x = arrayPosition[goTo - 1][0];
But these don't work.
function scrollToArticle(referrer, goTo, showSection) {
// referrer, goTo are required
var showSection = (typeof showSection) !== "undefined" ? showSection : false;
var tmpNum = Math.round(articleArray.length / 2);
if (goTo !== tmpNum && goTo !== articleArray.length) {
arrayPosition = "articleArray[" + (goTo - 1) + "][0]";
window.scroll(eval(arrayPosition), 0);
} else if (goTo === tmpNum) {
window.scrollTo(mainContentCenterScrollTo - (window.innerWidth / 2), 0);
} else {
arrayPosition = "(articleArray[" + (goTo - 1) + "][0]) + (articleArray[" + (goTo - 1) + "][1])";
window.scrollTo(eval(arrayPosition), 0);
There should be no need for eval, just a reference to the array:
var arrayPosition = articleArray[goTo - 1][0];
window.scroll(arrayPosition, 0);
Sorry to all it was my on fault as was noted above the value being past into to array was a string and not a number which is why eval worked and [i-1] didn't.

Negation the functionality of the function

I im quite confused in the negation of the functionality of my function. The original function takes 9 elements starting at nth index and decrease their transform position.
function pushIt(max, target, index, count) {
if (count == max || count == img.children ) {
running = false;
var tmp = target[index];
var matrix = window.getComputedStyle(tmp).getPropertyValue("transform");
var translate_left = matrix.split(",")[4];
var translate_top = matrix.split(",")[5].split(")")[0]-215; = "translate3d(" + translate_left + "px," + translate_top + "px,0)";
pushIt( max, target, index + 1, count + 1 );
What i wanted to do is to negate its functionality , e.g it wont decrease but increase transform position of (nth * 3) - 1 element ( counting down 9 elements )
function pushItDOWN(max, target, index , count) {
if ( count == max || index < 0 ) {
running = false;
var tmp = target[index];
var matrix = window.getComputedStyle(tmp).getPropertyValue("transform");
var translate_left = matrix.split(",")[4];
var translate_top = matrix.split(",")[5].split(")")[0]+215; = "translate3d(" + translate_left + "px," + translate_top + "px,0)";
pushItDOWN(max, target, index - 1, count + 1 );
What second function does is takes elements and set their transform to oblivion (e.g out of viewport) and somehow break the functionality of first function.
Did i overlook some key fact that is causing the problem , i seem to fail to find the root of the problem.
Live demo for better understanding
I'm not 100% sure, but most likely this is your error:
This will result in a string:
Lets say it is "500", then
matrix.split(",")[5].split(")")[0] + 215
// equals
"500" + 215
// results in (because + is both used as string concatenation as addition)
// - will work, because it only has one meaning
"500" - 215 // results in 285
Parse the value as an int (or float if necessary) before adding the 215:
parseInt(matrix.split(",")[5].split(")")[0]) + 215

Jquery each loop + setTimeout problems with increments - example with setTimeout - this is the demo without setTimeout. All elements on right place, but i really need that delayed animation =/
I want to place 6 cards per row via css transition and setTimeout. The point is, that i cant use increment for my left and top parameters inside setTimeout, because this thing just summarizes all my increments and sets elements onto final place.
var self = $(this);
if (increment % 6 === 0 && increment !== 0) {
leftIncrement = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
self.css({'left' : 10 + leftIncrement * (resizedWidth + 20),
'top' : $("#controlPanel").height() + 10 + topIncrement * (resizedHeight + 20)});
}, increment * 500)
So the issue is the variable is being shared accross the timeouts, you want to the javascript to close on each x and y position (you want each tmeout to take a snapshot of the x/y values - javascript closure).
So taking your above code and changing the setTimeout to the following I believe did the trick (please see updated fiddle)
var valuex = 10 + leftIncrement * (resizedWidth + 20);
var valuey = $("#controlPanel").height() + 10 + topIncrement * (resizedHeight + 20)
setTimeout(function() {
self.css({'left' : valuex,
'top' : valuey});
}, increment * 500)

background-position change in increments with jQuery

I'm trying to workout an efficient way to cycle though in 25% increments the background image of an element, but when it gets to 100% it would go back to 0% on the next increment.
I can do something like this:
var currentPos = $('.ele1').css('background-position');
var elementPositions = currentPos.split(' ');
var x = Number(elementPositions[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ''));
//var y = Number(elementPositions[1].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ''));
// only want to do the x axis
x = (x == 100) ? 0 : x += 25;
$('.ele1').css('background-position', x + "%" + " 0");
But I don't like the fact I have to call the element twice. Is there a more efficient way to increment a % with jQuery and have it reset back to 0% after 100%?
I did think to do it with CSS .classes. But I don't really want to be restricted to what's in my style sheet.
You can pass a callback function to jQuery's .css() method:
$('.ele1').css('background-position', function (i, value) {
var x = parseInt(value, 10);
return (x == 100 ? 0 : x + 25) + "%" + " 0";
If you're calling this from within a loop/timer/event/whatever, you should cache the $('.ele1') object.

