SocketIO can not serve static content after I upgraded nodejs - javascript

I upgraded my nodejs from 0.6 to 0.10
before socketIO works fine, but now whenever client request ""
The response is only one line.
Welcome to
Not the actual file "". My app crash because of this.
The output of sever console seems to be fine:
debug - served static content /
My version is 0.9.*. What could possibly be the problem here?
found this is duplicated:
Socket.IO client library gives "welcome to" message


WebSockets working on localhost, but do not work on remote Ubuntu host

I have two applications - browser based client and NodeJS based server that are both communicating using WebSockets (I'm using ColyseusJS library). Problem is, that everything works fine while I'm testing them on localhost but when I deploy the application to my Ubuntu VPS server it stops working.
The message I receive in the browser while trying to connect is:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://X.X.X.X:8001/?colyseusid=' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
So it reaches the server (because when server is disabled the message is "Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED") but it looks like it fails on Upgrade connection operation.
What is strange is that I managed to make it work yesterday (don't know how exactly), but had so much mess on my VPS that I decided to revert machine to it's starting state. After that it stopped working (code is unchanged). Maybe there are some additional dependencies that I need to install in order to make it work on my Ubuntu Server?
I would really appreciate your help.
Have you tried to port forward the port to the ip address of the said VPS in your router config? And also check out the firewalls.

Python WebSocket is not working on Raspbery

Running the server and client on mac with localhost everything works fine.
Running the python program (server) on the raspberry pi and try to access it using its url doesn't work.
Python Server:
class Strompreisgenerator:
def __init__(self): = websockets.serve(self.echo, 'localhost', 5001)
async def echo(self, websocket, path):
async for message in websocket:
Javascript Client:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
While trying to instantiate the WebSocket the error "WebSocket network error: The operation couldn’t be completed. Connection refused" occurs in safari.
The Port 5001 is open on RPi. I also tried local IP. I forwarded the Port on my router but still nothing. If i trie other urls i get another error, so i suppose the url is correct but i have no rights somehow.
On my RPi i have ssh enabled, also php, apache, mysql and all the pip packages for my python server.
If you know, where the problem lies, i'd be happy to know. Thank you very much!
Now the websocket is running and available via url from external!
Following is the solution for completeness. All I had to do is:
Update to Python Version 3.6. The websockets package seems to work only from Python Version 3.6. Here's the tutorial I used to install Python 3.6 on my RPi:
use instead of localhost as host within python. On sudo netstat -lptu in the RPi terminal, I could see that all the other ports (mqtt, ssh, etc) where set to instead of localhost so I just tried and it works.
Having set all that, the websocket is now running. Thanks to #YonatanKiron & #Reto!

How to access remote node.js app in browser, not on localhost

I'm trying to set up a simple "Hello world" node.js app.
I've created the following index.js file:
var app = require("express")();
var http = require("http").Server(app);
app.get("/", function(req, res){
res.send("<h1>Hello worlddddd</h1>");
http.listen(8080, function(){
console.log("listening on *:8080");
When I open up my local console, and perform node index.js, I get the message "listening on *:8080", as expected. I point my browser to localhost:8080, and I see the HTML page saying "Hello worlddd", as desired.
Now, I'm trying to do the same on my Virtual Private Server, so I can access the same app from different computers, but all I get is connection timeouts. I've followed these steps:
Install node.js on my VPS
Install express via npm install --save express#4.10.2
Upload my index.js file to the var/www/html folder on my server with IP (an example, this isn't my real IP).
Access the server via PuTTY, and run node index.js, where I get "listening on *:8080", so I know node.js is working.
Now I point my browser to and after about 20 seconds, I get the browser error: "The connection has timed out".
I've tried listening to port :80 instead, but I get the error that this port is already in use.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Am I using the wrong port? Am I pointing to the wrong URL? Do I need to modify my server preferences? (running Apache on CentOS). I've only found dozens of tutorials that teach you how to run a node.js app on your local computer(pointing the browser at localhost:8080), but I need it to run on my remote server so multiple computers can access the same app.
The issue is that your current filters (iptables) block traffic unless you explicitly allow it.
You just need to open port TCP 8080 inbound, and you should be able to reach your node.js server!

Node.js / not found express 4.0

So I'm trying to get chat working on my website, and when I was testing locally it worked great, because port 8080 on my localhost was available and all that good stuff. But now I pushed my code to my Heroku app, and when I try and load my chat page, I get the error stating that it can't get localhost:8080/
I've seen node.js / not found
and tried the suggestions, but none worked, even moving the file into a resource file did not work. I'm guessing this is because I'm using express 4.0?
Any help would be appreciated
So to add more details, since my question could seem a little vague, here is my relevant app.js code:
var client = require('').listen(8080).sockets;
In my jade file for the chat page, I have:
script (src = `'http://localhost:8080/`')
and later on
var socket = io.connect(`'http://localhost:8080`');
and all this works on localhost (I load up on port 5000, is connected to port 8080). I do this using 'foreman start' with the heroku toolbelt.
When I try and change these to work on heroku, it breaks and I'm not sure how to fix it. I hope this clarifies the question a bit.
Edit 2:
I'm running:
express 4.0.0 0.9.16
node 0.10.x
Do you have an explicit route in express which catches all other routes? Something like this perhaps:
app.get("/", handlers.home);
app.get("/..." ...);
app.get("*", handlers.error);
This might keep from being able to host it's own js file for the client. There is an easy way to fix this, since you probably already have a public or static folder setup in express. Something like:
Make a new folder called and copy over the appropriate file into said folder, and all should be well. However note that there are two files named!! So, if you see something like "Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined" it means you copied the "node-ey" server side file. Here is the correct client file to copy:
Note #BHendricks: I would have just posted as a reply to your comment, but I currently lack the required reputation.
The OPs question probably has more to do with the "localhost" issue. When connecting from a client (say your home IP), as far as your browser knows - localhost implies a connection with the machine which is locally hosting stuff. Since your home machine (or phone) does not host, this is failing.
What you need to do is have your server embed the socket connection information (either a fully qualified hostname, ip etc). This can be done when the server "renders" the page with the client connection.
What happens when you go to http://localhost:8080/
Does it 404? If it does you need to make sure you have it in a directory that Express is set to serve statically.
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Then put your file in public/ (relative to your app.js file)
Restart your server and see if that fixes it.
Basically, Express doesn't serve files statically from the file system unless you explicitly tell it where to map from.

How to browserify a Node.js WebSocket server?

Using examples from node-chromify I managed to run a Node.js Http server on a client side - inside a Chrome browser.
Then I tried to do exactly the same with a WebSocket server. Unfortunately I failed.
I think I tried most of the popular WebSocket libraries (npm modules) from Github.
While they work fine in configurations:
(a) both a WebSocket server and a WebSocket client are started from a Node command line
(b) the server runs from the command line and the client is included as a JavaScript in a html page (runs on a client side)
the scenario
(c) both the WebSocket server and the client running in a browser
is still unattainable for me so far.
During my attempts I tried the same approach by calling a command:
browserify server-ws.js -o bundle-server-ws.js
but when I included the generated bundle file into a html page I got always some critical errors regarding missing object definitions, etc.
In other words the above command seems not to bundle everything as the server code would expect during a runtime.
Should I use different switches/options during calling browserify?
Maybe it is not possible for browserify at all? For a client OK but with a server not...
I realize that migrating WebSocket stuff to the client side is much more complicated process than a regular npm module.
browserify v. 2.36.1
Node 0.10.22

