Regex for empty string or white space - javascript

I am trying to detect if a user enter whitespace in a textbox:
var regex = "^\s+$" ;
if($("#siren").val().match(regex)) {
$(".div-error").append("- Champ Siren/Siret ne doit pas etre vide<br/>");
if($("#siren").val().match(regex)) is supposed to match whitespace string, however, it doesn' t seems to work, what am I doing wrong ?
Thanks for your helps

The \ (backslash) in the .match call is not properly escaped. It would be easier to use a regex literal though. Either will work:
var regex = "^\\s+$";
var regex = /^\s+$/;
Also note that + will require at least one space. You may want to use *.

If you are looking for empty string in addition to whitespace you meed to use * rather than +
var regex = /^\s*$/ ;

If you're using jQuery, you have .trim().
if ($("#siren").val().trim() == "") {
// it's empty

If one only cares about whitespace at the beginning and end of the string (but not in the middle), then another option is to use String.trim():
" your string contents ".trim();
// => "your string contents"
This is my solution
var error=0;
var test = [" ", " "];
if(test[0].match(/^\s*$/g)) {
} else {

Had similar problem, was looking for white spaces in a string, solution:
To search for 1 space:
var regex = /^.+\s.+$/ ;
example: "user last_name"
To search for multiple spaces:
var regex = /^.+\s.+$/g ;
example: "user last name"


Regex match cookie value and remove hyphens

I'm trying to extract out a group of words from a larger string/cookie that are separated by hyphens. I would like to replace the hyphens with a space and set to a variable. Javascript or jQuery.
As an example, the larger string has a name and value like this within it:
(notice the leading "C")
So first, I need to match()/find facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; with regex. Then break it down to "Conner Department Store"
var cookie = document.cookie;
var facilityValue = cookie.match( REGEX ); ??
var test = "store=874635%7Csomethingelse;facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;store=874635%7Csomethingelse;";
var test2 = test.replace(/^(.*)facility=([^;]+)(.*)$/, function(matchedString, match1, match2, match3){
return decodeURIComponent(match2);
console.log( test2 );
console.log( test2.split('|')[1].replace(/[-]/g, ' ') );
If I understood it correctly, you want to make a phrase by getting all the words between hyphens and disallowing two successive Uppercase letters in a word, so I'd prefer using Regex in that case.
This is a Regex solution, that works dynamically with any cookies in the same format and extract the wanted sentence from it:
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;";
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
Use this Regex (/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g to match the words between -.
Replace any - occurence in the matched words.
Then just join these matches array with white space.
first, you should decode this string as follows:
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;"
var decoded = decodeURIComponent(str);
// decoded = "facility=34222|Conner-Department-Store;"
Then you have multiple possibilities to split up this string.
The easiest way is to use substring()
var solution1 = decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length)
// solution1 = "Conner-Department-Store;"
solution1 = solution1.replace('-', ' ');
// solution1 = "Conner Department Store;"
As you can see, substring(arg1, arg2) returns the string, starting at index arg1 and ending at index arg2. See Full Documentation here
If you want to cut the last ; just set decoded.length - 1 as arg2 in the snippet above.
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1)
//returns "Conner-Department-Store"
or all above in just one line:
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1).replace('-', ' ')
If you want still to use a regular Expression to retrieve (perhaps more) data out of the string, you could use something similar to this snippet:
var solution2 = "";
var regEx= /([A-Za-z]*)=([0-9]*)\|(\S[^:\/?#\[\]\#\;\,']*)/;
if (regEx.test(decoded)) {
solution2 = decoded.match(regEx);
/* returns
length:4] */
solution2 = solution2[3].replace('-', ' ');
// "Conner Department Store"
I have applied some rules for the regex to work, feel free to modify them according your needs.
facility can be any Word built with alphabetical characters lower and uppercase (no other chars) at any length
= needs to be the char =
34222 can be any number but no other characters
| needs to be the char |
Conner-Department-Store can be any characters except one of the following (reserved delimiters): :/?#[]#;,'
Hope this helps :)
edit: to find only the part
facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; just modify the regex to
match facility= instead of ([A-z]*)=:
You can use cookies.js, a mini framework from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network).
Simply include the cookies.js file in your application, and write:
docCookies.getItem("Connor Department Store");

Javascript replace regex any character

I am trying to replace something like '?order=height' and I know it can be easily done like this:
data = 'height'
x = '?order=' + data
x.replace('?order=' + data, '')
But the problem is that question mark can sometimes be ampersand.. What I really wish to do is make blank whether the first character is ampersand or question mark so basically whether
can be made a blank string
x.replace(/[&?]order=height/, '')
If data is string variable
x.replace(/[&?]order=([^&=]+)/, '')
Use regex for that .replace(/[?&]order=height/, '')
[?&] means any character from this list.
/ is start and end delimiter.
Please note that pattern is not enclosed as string with ' or ".
This is how you may do it. Create a RegExp object with
"[&?]order=" + match
and replace with "" using String.prototype.replace
function replace(match, str) {
regex = new RegExp("[&?]order=" + match,"g")
return str.replace(regex, "")
console.log(replace("height", "Yo &order=height Yo"))
console.log(replace("weight", "Yo ?order=weight Yo"))
console.log(replace("age", "Yo ?order=age Yo"))

Regex to replace all but the last non-breaking space if multiple words are joined?

Using javascript (including jQuery), I’m trying to replace all but the last non-breaking space if multiple words are joined.
For example:
Replace A String of Words with A String of Words
I think you want something like this,
> "A String of Words".replace(/ (?=.*? )/g, " ")
'A String of Words'
The above regex would match all the   strings except the last one.
Assuming your string is like this, you can use Negative Lookahead to do this.
var r = 'A String of Words'.replace(/ (?![^&]*$)/g, ' ');
//=> "A String of Words"
Alternative to regex, easier to understand:
var fn = function(input, sep) {
var parts = input.split(sep);
var last = parts.pop();
return parts.join(" ") + sep + last;
> fn("A String of Words", " ")
"A String of Words"

How to ignore newline in regexp?

How to ignore newline in regexp in Javascript ?
for example:
data = "\
var reg = new RegExp( "\<" + "test" + "\>(.*?)\<\/" + "test" + "\>" )
var match = data.match(reg)
result: undefined
In JavaScript, there is no flag to tell to RegExp() that . should match newlines. So, you need to use a workaround e.g. [\s\S].
Your RegExp would then look like this:
var reg = new RegExp( "\<" + "test" + "\>([\s\S]*?)\<\/" + "test" + "\>" );
You are missing a JS newline character \ at the end of line 2.
Also, change regexp to:
var data = "\
var reg = new RegExp(/<test>(.|\s)*<\/test>/);
var match = data.match(reg);
By reading this one: How to use JavaScript regex over multiple lines?
I came with that, which works:
var data = "<test>11\n1</test>\n#EXTM3U\n";
reg = /<test>([\s\S]*?)<\/test>/;
var match = data.match(reg);
Here is a fiddle:
Better you can use [\s\S] instead of . for multiline matching.
It is the most common JavaScript idiom for matching everything including newlines. It's easier on the eyes and much more efficient than an alternation-based approach like (.|\n).
EDIT: Got it:
I tried to use this regex in notepad++ But the problem is that it finds the whole text from beginning to end
<hostname-validation>(.|\s)*<\/pathname-validation> (finds everything)
/<hostname-validation>(.|\s)*<\/pathname-validation>/ (finds nothing)
/\<hostname-validation\>([\s\S]*?)\<\/pathname-validation\>/ (finds nothing)
**<hostname-validation>([\s\S]*?)<\/pathname-validation> (my desired result)**
The text where I use in:
<pathname-validation>pathname</pathname-validation> <response-validation nil="true"/>
<validate-absence type="boolean">false</validate-absence> (...) <hostname-validation></hostname-validation>
<pathname-validation>pathname</pathname-validation> <response-validation nil="false"/>
<validate-absence type="boolean">false</validate-absence> (...) <hostname-validation></hostname-validation>
<pathname-validation>pathname</pathname-validation> <response-validation nil="true"/>
<validate-absence type="boolean">false</validate-absence> (...)

How to check for uppercase alphabets in an input string, using jQuery

I am using following code snippet, but its not working :-(
//First four characters of input Text should be ALPHABATES (Letters)
if (($("#txtId").val()).length >= 4) {
var firstFourChars = $("#txtId").val().substring(0, 4);
var pattern = new RegExp('[^A-Z]');
if (firstFourChars.match(pattern))
isValid = true;
isValid = false;
change /[^A-Z]/ to /^[A-Z]/
example :
var a = "ABCJabcd";
you don't need to use substring(). Your regexp can do all the work for you. The RegExp you are using matches against characters that are NOT between A and Z. As Avinash said, ^[A-Z]{4} will match if your first 4 characters are uppercase. "^" at the beginning of your regexp tells that the following should be the beginning of the string. When placed inside square brackets, it reverts the range of characters you want to match.
The regex should be /[^A-Z]{4}/ if you want to match the 4 lowercase characters.
To detect in the middle of the big papers change /^[A-Z]/ to /[A-Z]/
Example text: " asşldla ABCJ abcd AÇALASD"
$('.Order input').change(function (){ucheck($(this).val())});
$('.Order input').keyup(function (){ucheck($(this).val())});
function ucheck(a) {
$('.Order #Error').html(' UPPERCASE');
}else{$('.Order #Error').html('Capitalize');}
If they need to be capital:
const startsWithCapitals = /^[A-Z]{4}/.test(string);
Or if they just need to be letters, add an i for ignore case:
const startsWithLetters = /^[a-z]{4}/i.test(string);
^ means start of the string and {number} means x copies

