setInterval and Ajax - javascript

I have this problem when I use setInterval and ajax for retrieving data from the database and if the data that I retrieve from the database is equal to saveHere then it will loop again until it does not match the variable saveHere, it freeze the browser until the data that I retrieve is not equal to saveHere.
Here is an example:
var saveHere = 'RED';
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var sample = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: 'database.php',
data : data
if (sample != 'RED') {
saveHere = sample;
else {
console.log('load again');
I really need advice. Thank you in advance. Sorry for the grammar.

$.ajax is asynchronous and requires you to use a callback to get the response text.
Take a look at the documentation at
What you want to do is to add a success parameter. Something like this:
var saveHere = 'RED';
function doAjax() {
type: 'GET',
url: 'database.php',
data: data,
success: function (sample) {
if (sample != 'RED') {
saveHere = sample;
} else {
console.log('load again');
Notice how I've removed setInterval and instead wrapped the Ajax code in a function. The success callback will be called when the Ajax query has successfully finished, and give you the response. Once we have evaluated the response, we can run the doAjax function again to run the query again.

Without knowing the exact scenario, or what you're looking to achieve, I'd say the way you're going about your AJAX calls is very dangerous as it has the potential to constantly make a request every second, regardless of whether the server has had a chance to respond yet.
I'd be tempted to only make one request at a time, something like:
var saveHere = 'RED';
function makeAjaxCall() {
var url = 'database.php';
var data = {};
$.get(url, data, function(response_text){
if (response_text != 'RED')
saveHere = response_text;
// do whatever else you need...
// make another call...
console.log('calling again...');
}, "text");

You are clearing interval that means no interval will occur after that.
Instead what you can do is wrap interval inner code inside if condition as below.
var interval = setInterval(function()
if(sample != 'RED') {
var sample = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: 'database.php',
data : data
saveHere = sample;
console.log('load again');

In your code you test for not equal to 'RED'.
if(sample != 'RED'){ . . .
That part of the loops stops the interval
If it doesn't equal red
It simple logs 'load again' without clearing the interval
What exactly are you trying to achieve ?


Javascript AJAX Call Scope - Probably silly

I'm having a problem with something that is likely a simple error.
As you will notice below, I have a check for duplicate function that references external PHP checking a database. The PHP is working, and returning data.
When I use duplicationCheck.done() and parse the data, my if statement responds correctly (i.e., if the user has entered a duplicate, this checks that. HERE'S the issue: Despite my if statement below functioning correctly, when isDuplicate is set to true, it appears as undefined when the console.log command is called below the done() function. I can't figure out why. With my research, I think that it is a problem with the async nature of the AJAX call?
Thank you for your time. Any ideas?
$("#username_submit").click(function() {
function checkForDuplication(username) {
return $.ajax({
url: 'static/experiments/computerized_handwriting/random_assignment.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {userName: username}
var duplicationCheck = checkForDuplication($('input:text').val());
var isDuplicate;
var response = JSON.parse(data);
if(['json_array'] == "duplicate"){
isDuplicate = true;
} else {
isDuplicate = false;
This is due to the asynchronous nature of ajax.
You need to check for the duplication once it returns from the server in the done function.
But your duplicationCheck variable is not a reference to the function, but what it is returning.
The proper way would be like this:
$("#username_submit").click(function() {
url: 'static/experiments/computerized_handwriting/random_assignment.php',
type: 'POST',
data: { userName: $('input:text').val()}
}).done(function() {
var response = JSON.parse(data);
if (['json_array'] == "duplicate") {
isDuplicate = true;
else {
isDuplicate = false;
});//submit click

jQuery : How can I call $.ajax when a particular condition is met in the nested ajax calls scenario?

Updated Question with Code
I have a situation where I am calling two nested ajax calls one after another. The first ajax call submits a form without the attachment. The result of the first ajax call will create a requestId and using second ajax call I have to attach multiple attachments to the created requestId.
The result of below code, both first and second ajax calls are being called N times of attachment. For ex:- If there are 3 attachments, createRequestId ajax call(first ajax call) called 3 times which creates 3 requestIds. My issue is, createRequestId ajax call needs to be called only one time (first time) and during rest of the loop, only the second ajax call should be called. How can I achieve this in the below code?
Current situation
RequestId 1,Attachment 1
RequestId 2,Attachment 2
RequestId 3, Attachment 3
Expected output
RequestId 1, Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3
//loop through number of attachments in the form
$("#myDiv").find("input[type=file]").each(function(index,obj) {
var fObj = $(obj),
fName = fObj.attr("name"),
fileDetail = document.getElementById(fName).files[0];
//FileSize Validation
if(fileDetail !=undefined && fileDetail !=null)
if(fileDetail.size > 5*Math.pow(1024,2))
alert("Please upload the attachment which is less than 5 MB");
return false
$.ajax({ //First Ajax Call
url: 'http://..../createRequestId'
data: stringify(formData)
success: function(resObj){
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("hide");
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("alert-success");
var requestId = resObj.requestId;
if(requestId>1 && fileDetail !=undefined && fileDetail !=null) {
$.ajax({ //Second Ajax Call
url: 'http://..../doAttach?fileName=' + +
'&requestId=' +requestId,
data: fileDetail,
success: function(resObj){
alert("Attachment Successful");
error : function(data) {
alert("Failed with the attachment");
error: funciton(resObj) {
alert("Some Error Occured");
I know this doesn't really answer your question in full, but if you don't mind me offering a little constructive code review. It's hard to really manage and debug code when it's all thrown into one big function with many lines, especially if you're nesting async calls (you're getting close to nested callback hell). There's a reason code like this can get hard to maintain and confusing.
Lets incorporate some Clean Code concepts which is to break these out into smaller named functions for readability, testability, and maintainability (and able to debug better):
First you don't need all those !== and undefined checks. Just do:
if (fileDetail)
if(requestId>1 && fileDetail)
that checks for both null and undefined on fileDetail.
Then I’d start to break out those two ajax calls into several named functions and let the function names and their signatures imply what they actually do, then you can remove unnecessary comments in code as well as once you break them out, typically you can find repeated code that can be removed (such as redundant post() code), and you will find that code you extracted out can be tested now.
I tend to look for behavior in my code that I can try to extract out first. So each one of those ​if​ statements could easily be extracted out to their own named function because any if statement in code usually translates to "behavior". And as you know, behavior can be isolated into their own modules, methods, classes, whatever...
so for example that first if statement you had could be extracted to its own function. Notice I got rid of an extra if statement here too:
function validateFileSize(fileDetail)
if(!fileDetail && !fileDetail.size > 5*Math.pow(1024,2)){
alert("Please upload the attachment which is less than 5 MB");
return false
So here's how you could possibly start to break things out a little cleaner (this could probably be improved even more but here is at least a start):
$("#myDiv").find("input[type=file]").each(function(index,obj) {
var fObj = $(obj),
fileName = fObj.attr("name"),
file = document.getElementById(fileName).files[0];
post(file, 'http://..../createRequestId');
// guess what, if I wanted, I could slap on a test for this behavior now that it's been extracted out to it's own function
function validateFileSize(file){
if(!file && !file.size > 5*Math.pow(1024,2)){
alert("Please upload the attachment which is less than 5 MB");
return false
function post(url, data){
url: url,
data: stringify(data),
success: function(res){
var id = res.requestId;
if(id > 1 && file){
var url = 'http://..../doAttach?fileName=' + + '&requestId=' + id;
postData(file, url);
error: function(err) {
alert("Some Error Occurred: " + err);
// I didn't finish this, and am repeating some stuff here so you could really refactor and create just one post() method and rid some of this duplication
function postData(file, url){
url: url,
data: file,
success: function(res){
alert("Attachment Successful");
error : function(data) {
alert("Failed with the attachment");
// this is behavior specific to your form, break stuff like this out into their own functions...
function showSuccess() {
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("hide");
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("alert-success");
I'll leave it here, next you could get rid of some of the duplicate $ajax() code and create a generic post() util method that could be reused and move any other behavior out of those methods and into their own so that you can re-use some of the jQuery ajax call syntax.
Then eventually try to incorporate promises or promises + generators chain those async calls which might make it a little easier to maintain and debug. :).
I think your loop is simply in the wrong place. As it is, you're iterating files and making both AJAX calls once.
Edit: I now show the appropriate place to do extra validations before the first AJAX call. The actual validation was not part of the question and is not included, but you can refer to JavaScript file upload size validation.
var fileSizesValid = true;
$("#myDiv").find("input[type=file]").each(function(index, obj) {
// First loop checks file size, and if any file is > 5MB, set fileSizesValid to false
if (fileSizesValid) {
$.ajax({ //First Ajax Call
url: 'http://..../createRequestId',
type: 'POST',
data: stringify(formData),
success: function(resObj) {
var fObj = $(obj),
fName = fObj.attr("name"),
fileDetail = document.getElementById(fName).files[0];
//loop through number of attachments in the form
$("#myDiv").find("input[type=file]").each(function(index, obj) {
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("hide");
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("alert-success");
var requestId = resObj.requestId;
if (requestId > 1 && fileDetail != undefined && fileDetail != null) {
$.ajax({ //Second Ajax Call
url: 'http://..../doAttach?fileName=' + +
'&requestId=' + requestId,
type: 'POST',
data: fileDetail,
success: function(resObj) {
alert("Attachment Successful");
error: function(data) {
alert("Failed with the attachment");
error: function(resObj) {
alert("Some Error Occured");
As a side note, take care where you place your braces. In JavaScript your braces should always be at the end of the line, not the start. This is not a style preference thing as it is most languages, but an actual requirement thanks to semicolon insertion.
Try following code (Just a re-arrangement of your code and nothing new):
//loop through number of attachments in the form
var requestId;
$("#myDiv").find("input[type=file]").each(function(index,obj) {
var fObj = $(obj),
fName = fObj.attr("name"),
fileDetail = document.getElementById(fName).files[0];
//FileSize Validation
if(fileDetail !=undefined && fileDetail !=null)
if(fileDetail.size > 5*Math.pow(1024,2))
alert("Please upload the attachment which is less than 5 MB");
return false
} else if(!requestId || requestId <= 1){
$.ajax({ //First Ajax Call
url: 'http://..../createRequestId'
data: stringify(formData)
success: function(resObj){
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("hide");
$("#showResponseArea span").removeClass("alert-success");
requestId = resObj.requestId;
error: funciton(resObj) {
alert("Some Error Occured");
} else if(requestId>1) {
function secondAjaxCall(fileDetail) {
$.ajax({ //Second Ajax Call
url: 'http://..../doAttach?fileName=' + +
'&requestId=' +requestId,
data: fileDetail,
success: function(resObj){
alert("Attachment Successful");
error : function(data) {
alert("Failed with the attachment");

how to wait check ajax request has completed before other element?

I have following code, where for each Image it makes ajax call. but my problem is like when it make ajax call for first image,at that time without waiting for respose it invokes for the it hasn't get effect of first call,means I missed the first call effect. similary without waiting for second it is inovking for third,...
so how to wait in above each function until response come?
jQuery('.xxx img[src*="mainimage"]').each(function () {
vobj = $(this);
var inmainurl = 'https://xxx.kki/api/oembed.json?url=' + $(this).attr('src');
url: inmainurl,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result) {
You should use a recursive function for these purposes. Basic example (jsFiddle):
var myMethod = function(index){
var total_images = $('img').length;
if( index == total_images ) return; // job finished
var current_image = index || 0;
success: function(/*...*/){
myMethod(current_image + 1);
You could make it synchronous by adding async: false to the ajax parameters. Then you can call them one after the other.
Or, if you want a bit more flexibility, put the ajax call into a function, passing in the image to load. Then in the "success" method of the ajax call, call the function again, passing in the next image name. You'll need some sort of list of image names so that the recursive calls can work out the next image to pass in, in each case.
After every ajax success callback, set some data-* attribute to loaded element and call the same function again.
Try this:
function loadOnlyOneImage() {
var vobj = $('.xxx img[src*="mainimage"][data-loaded!="true"]:first');
if (vobj.length) {
var inmainurl = 'https://xxx.kki/api/oembed.json?url=' + vobj.attr('src');
url: inmainurl,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(result) {
vobj.attr('src', result.thumbnail_url);
vobj.attr('data-loaded', true);

Looping through array with callback

I am trying to run through a array send to a php file and on a callback send the next value after the php has completed its download. Here what i have so far.
my array come through as follows.
["", "", "", "", ""]
above is the output from console.log(values); below. it grabs some urls from checkbox values.
var values = new Array();
$.each($("input[name='downloadQue[]']:checked"), function() {
return false;
this then calls a ajax function which i am trying to do a callback on.
function ajaxRequest(urlSend,callback){
var send = {
url: urlSend
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/upload",
data: send,
//dataType: "json",
//timeout: 8000,
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(response) {
error: function (response) {
this will then send to a php file.
function upload(){
$output = shell_exec("wget {$_POST['url']} 2>&1");
return true;
What i am trying to do is after the callback from one url which it has download fully then grab the next value from the array and download that url and so on until all the urls in the array are downloaded fully.
at the moment it just downloads the first value and then crashes because it doesn't restart the loop after a return value of true is returned.
Hope this makes sense to someone just looking for some help on the best way to loop through an array of values with a callback after complete.
May be this structure can help you. In this variant you go next URL only after successful completion of the previous Ajax call.
var arr = ['url0','url1','url2','url3'];
var index = 0;
function Run(){
function Next( ){
if(arr.count = index-1)
index =0;
DoAjax(arr[index ]);
function DoAjax(url){
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: send,
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(response) {
index ++;
// Addition logic if needed
error: function (response) {
Now that I have a bit more time, I thought it would be good to show an alternative which takes advantage of the fact that jquery ajax is now implemented as a deferred. Meaning you can use pipe chaining to do all the work for you. I've also eliminated the callbacks by taking advantage of the deferred behavior.
This should give you the idea.
// Use jquery deferred pipe chaining to force
// async functions to run sequentially
var dfd = $.Deferred(),
dfdNext = dfd,
values = [],
// The important thing to understand here is that
// you are returning the value of $.ajax to the caller.
// The caller will then get the promise from the deferred.
ajaxRequest = function (urlSend) {
var send = {
url: urlSend
return $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/upload",
data: send,
// Starts things running. You should be able to put this anywhere
// in the script, including at the end and the code will work the same.
// Deferred pipe chaining. This is the main part of the logic.
// What you want to note here is that a new ajax call will
// not start until the previous
// ajax call is completely finished.
// Also note that we've moved the code that would
// normally be in the callback.
// Finally notice how we are chaining the pipes by
// replacing dfdNext with the return value from the
// current pipe.
for (x = 1; x <= 4; x++) {
dfdNext = dfdNext.pipe(function () {
var value = values.shift();
return requestAjax(value).
done(function(response) {
// Code here that you would have
// put in your callback.
fail(function(response) {
Working example you can play with on jsFiddle.

Facebook Style AJAX Search

I've created a Facebook style ajax search for my site where as you type it will bring up the results in a nice list below your search.
$("#s").keyup(function() {
var searchbox = $(this).val();
var dataString = 's='+ searchbox;
if(searchbox!='') {
type: "POST",
url: "/livesearch.php",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
} else {return false; }
$("body").click(function() {
The problem with this is it's a little ineffective as the user will type a word for example "football". This will carry out 8 requests to the server. What would be a more effective way to do this? ideally i think it should store the request for 1 second before doing a search rather than instant keyup. but not 100% sure how to do that...
the method you are referring to is called "Debouncing"
I usually have a "Debounce" function at the bottom of all my scripts
var debounce=function(func, threshold, execAsap) {
var timeout;
return function debounced () {
var obj = this, args = arguments;
function delayed () {
if (!execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = null;
if (timeout)
else if (execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
And then whenever I do anything that will benefit from a debounce I can use it generically
So your code would be re-written as
$("#s").keyup(debounce(function() {
var searchbox = $(this).val();
var dataString = 's='+ searchbox;
if(searchbox!='') {
type: "POST",
url: "/livesearch.php",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
} else {return false; }
,350 /*determines the delay in ms*/
,false /*should it execute on first keyup event,
or delay the first event until
the value in ms specified above*/
Another option would be to start searching after 2/3 characters. Waiting for 1 second before making every request doesn't look good to me. Also try to send very less data back to server which might also make the request and response faster.
You could have a JSON object sitting somewhere and searching that instead of searching the database multiple times. It won't bring too much overhang, as long as it's not a list of 1,000 friends or something.

