Javascript show menu on hover for iPad only - javascript

The menu on this site doesn't show when using an iPad. It's designed so that the menu is hovered on and the ul li list below should show, but it doesn't. When you click the menu, nothing appears.
I need to write some JS using onclick events instead to make the sub menu show. But this needs to be specific for iPad ONLY.
Is it possible to write JS specific to only certain devices?
I just need to get this menu working, it seems iPads will not show hover items even when you click... which renders the entire use of :hover defunct on iPads.

You will need to use browser sniffing to detect the mobile touch devices. Don't do it yourself, use one of the excellent scripts from
You will needs to do this for iphones, androids, phones etc. anything with a touch screen.


Use Mobile Browser UI for menu

On my travels I found this website, which uses an interesting mobile menu.
As someone always on the lookout for a solution for a mobile menu, I was intrigued on how the menu for this site worked. When the burger nav is pressed on my android phone, this expands a menu which seems to have been generated by the browser.
This image shows how the menu appears on the site
I have inspected the source on desktop and mobile but I can't understand how this is achieved. Is this some kind of plugin or script? I'm sure the answer is quite simple but I can't discern it myself.
Any help?
Many thanks.
I think they used two menu :
one for large devices and second for small devices.
They used select dropdown for mobile devices so it looks like dropdown menu...

Bootstrap 3 Navigation Javascripts Disabled

I started using bootstrap and had a very good experience with it.
Today when I was testing it, I understood that the navigation menu doesn't work when javascript is disabled. i.e. drop down menus don't work (i know that they cannot work without javascript but atleast some alternative should be there) and the menu is not at all accessible for mobile devices having javasript turned off.
I didn't find any resources which helped to fix this online. So, is there any way (if not fix drop down menus) make the menu work on mobile devices?
Or do I have to stop using bootstrap?
Most modern mobile devices should be able to support JavaScript. And it is the recommended way of doing responsive Web pages.
However you may be able to use css for this type of function by using a hover which will display a div that you've defined and hidden further up in the css
There is also css animations if you wish to have some sort of movement.

Opening mobile menu in Chrome for Android by setting width only works first time.

So I'm trying to have a mobile menu that slides out on the left when an icon is clicked, and disappears again after you click outside the menu. Like this: (old, see new codepen below)
And it works fine on desktop and in Android's default Browser.
On my phone, in Chrome, the menu will only open the first time. Each subsequent time it closes itself before it finishes opening.
I can see that it tries to open... so I assume, because the #menu-icon is actually within the #content, it tries to run them both... but I don't exactly know what to do.
Edit: So I've changed it to just manually set the width instead of adding/remove a class that specifies the width:
The menu consistently opens now, however the links in the menu seem to be 'transparent' on subsequent opens. I.e, I see the blank background of the menu, but nothing in/on it, but I can still click the links. If I zoom in, even just a little bit, it seems to force the browser to repaint and the menu items appear.
Everything seems to work fine in Android's default browser, just not in Chrome for Android.
I've tried commenting out the css transitions, to no effect. I've tried giving the menu items a z-index higher than the menu itself (I'm desperate, lol), no change.
I just don't understand what's going on.
Chrome for Android v32
Android 4.3
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
What navigator are you testing it on? I can't reproduce the error on my phone nor my tablet.
However, it seems that as the button is over the #content div, when you click on it, you are clicking both elements.
Try to remove the class only when the menu has it:
$("#content").bind( "click", function() {
if ($('#mobile-menu').hasClass('open'))
Let's try to put an intermediate layer between the menu and the content. Let's bind the menu-closing event to this layer.
Have a look at this:
After much searching, tweaking, and hair pulling I began to narrow the problem down to having overflow:hidden; on my menu.
I came across a few random posts of various sources that described a problem similar to mine, and there were always suggestions that it had something to do with the overflow property, but at first I didn't understand.
I was 'hiding' the menu by setting width:0;, so in order to hide the content as well, I had to set overflow:hidden;. If I commented that line out, the menu opened fluidly and consistently, but of course: I could see the menu items all the time. Not what I wanted.
I tried transition the display property to learn that you can't do that. So I tried the visibility property, and at first that didn't work either. However, I came across this post from a guy trying to transition the display property, and this answer happened to work for me.
I still don't understand exactly why this works, I think it has something to do with delaying the second transition so it doesn't stop the first... Here's the article he linked in his answer.
So I guess the problem really had something to do with Webkit and fixed/absolute elements with ul's in them... not repainting after certain... anchor tag clicks? Or transitions? Yeah, I still don't really understand. But it works now!

How to modify Kwicks.js with links for mobile/touch navigation?

I am trying to build a website with the excellent Wordpress theme Minimatica. Problem is, Minimatica uses a Kwicks.js (jQuery) based slider of image links for its main navigation. These are rollover slides and they don't behave nicely on mobile, since touching any of the slides causes a click-through. I want to tweak it so that on mobile/touch devices, the first touch causes the slider to open, and the second touch actually clicks through. I am not sure how to do this.
A working demo of the theme and the Kwicks panel can be found here:
Opening it on a mobile device should readily demonstrate the problem.

Facebook's mobile app/site horizontal slide menu : Jquery plugin?

Does anybody know a good horizontal slide menu jquery plugin that could emulate Facebook's relatively new mobile site/app's menu?
Basically you have a view of all the content, and when you click a button, a menu slides from the left, moving the content a little to the right (to the width of the menu sliding in). When a button on the menu is clicked, the menu slides out of view, the content slides back, and then changes corresponding to whatever menu button was clicked.
Aldomatics code doesn't behave well in windows phone and doesn't handle orientation issues
This topic is old but here is a working solution for mobile devices (Build with Jquery) :
it's working on Windows phone, iOs and Android Devices.
I've tried to keep the code as simple as possible, it's easy to understand and modifiy.
I was looking for the same thing.
The best example I can find is a paid mobile Wordpress theme:
Pretty slick and you could at least see how it is done.
I find this implementation the best example currently available:
It's not a jQuery plug-in, per se, but it should to the trick!

