How can I create a custom, shareable and colaborative map? - javascript

My situation is this: I have my API code and my website running, then I can load a map, access it from JavaScript and create overlays or functions, but I'm trying to store (save) these custom markers (overlays obtained from script) in a map in a permanent way, but I'm unable to do it as every time I refresh my webpage the markers (and all overlays) disappear and the map reloads without any overlays or any markers, and I don't know how can I solve this.
How can I create a custom, shareable and colaborative map?
Note that I can get a map and create temporary overlays through a JavaScript in my website, but I can't save (store) these overlays or create permanent markers.
Is it possible do it through JavaScript Code (API v3) direct in my website?
Do I need to purchase a Map Engine (for Business) license?
I would not like to use my own database, but use something based on a Google Maps, like a layer e.g., where I could store markers. Is there any way? Google Maps Engine does this?
I've been reading something about "layerID" and "MapID" from Maps Engine (for business) where I think it would be possible to store custom markers (and drawings) in a custom layer direct in google maps Engine. But I didn't find anything about this in internet and I don't have access to Maps Engine (for business) to try.

Look in the articles section of the documentation
These two articles will allow you to collect data from InfoWindows, and display data from the database on a map (make the data persistent):
Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps
Shows how to use PHP/MySQL and the Google Maps API v3 to create a map that polls data from a database and shows as markers.
From Info Windows to a Database: Saving User-Added Form Data
Shows how to prompt users to fill out information in an infowindow, and then save that information back into a database.
Extend to save and retrieve data from the Drawing Manager if you need to save other geographic data besides markers.


Is there a way to access Google Maps Placelists via an API?

Placelists are the user generated lists of places that a user can create by starring a location and adding it to a list
Google is providing place library for Place List for map

Google Maps draw route without calling server

I have a bunch of routes stored in database. When a user visits a page, I want him to see all of these routes on a map. I would prefer that the Google Maps server not have to resolve the route from scratch every time.
I would like to store the route and simply print it to the map each time it's requested.
I found the Polyline object in Google Maps API and it seems that calling setMap() draws the Polyline onto the map without talking to the server.
Does anyone know if/how I would be able to confirm this?

Google Maps API v3, what counts as a hit if I'm not geocoding?

I'm building an application that will be getting sets of gps coordinates from the database, and then converting them to an array of location objects. Then it will render a Google map using the API and put markers and pop up info for the markers at the determined locations. The user will be able to filter to different locations and different markers. In the documentation it talks a lot about query limits and how fast/how many queries you are allowed to do. Most of what I've found involves geocoding addresses though, if I'm not geocoding and just using my own coordinates for the markers, then what will be considered a query counted towards the limit? I need to make sure I'm designing this right and my company has the right access for what we need. Thanks.

Draw markers on GMAPS API V3, and send location to Google Fusion

I did a google maps api v3 drawing tool (polygons, lines, markers). Right now I am trying to make the markers I draw get inserted into a google fusion I created. I found out how to view markers I put on the fusion table. But I cant find anywhere any example concerning direct insert to google fusion, plus the documentation isnt helping me find out the correct way to use INSERT for google fusion. Is there something I should learn?
It's not yet possible to directly write to a fusion tables from the browser. You have 2 options:
Use a server side script to POST your messages to Fusion Tables or consider using the PHP client library
Become a trusted tester, because with the new API it's possible to do it. Once your in the group you'll find example code from Google.

API access to a manually-created Google Map

I have a number of public custom Google Maps created via - obviously associated with my google account.
Can I access these maps via the Google Maps javascript api? The api doesn't appear to work with the manually created maps located on from what I can tell?
And if not, is there another way to store overlay data (markers, etc) that the javascript api can grab and load into the map on the client's browser?
Am thinking a service like dabbleDB, except that I don't think they offer write access via javascript (this would be necessary for the user adding markers to the map, for example)
Obviously I could create a db layer on my server, but am looking for a 'cloud' solution that removes the strain from my databases!!
Digging into the no longer available Google Maps Data API lead me to that powerful and comprehensive Google Fusion where you can search nearest places within your own dataset such as find features within a radius. Enjoy !
See if GData Maps API is what you need.

