Add another value to nested javascript object? - javascript

I have the following JavaScript object, with a property called rates, which contains another object with the actual rates. Now I want to add a new rate "CAD":0.972254 to the rates. How can I add this one value to the list?
var Currency = {
rates: {"USD":1.0,"EUR":1.3497,"GBP":1.60403},
convert: function(amount, from, to) {
return (amount * this.rates[from]) / this.rates[to];

You can do it either way
Currency['rates']['CAD'] = 0.972254;
Currency.rates.CAD = 0.972254
Fiddle Here

You can assign a new property to existing object like:
Currency.rates.CAD = 0.972254

Currency.rates.CAD = 0.972254;


Pass object and properties by reference in Javascript

I've seen lots of questions about passing objects by reference in Javascript, but not the object and properties by reference. Is it possible?
Right now I only found a way to do it by going through some type of logic like this, which is terribly inconvenient:
let multipliers = {
incMultiplier(shapesMovements[index], "rotation", "x", "sin")
function incMultiplier(shapeMovement, kind, dimension, multiplier){
var numOfKeys = Object.keys(multipliers).length;
if(kind === "rotation"){
if(dimension === "x"){
if(multiplier === "sin"){
if(shapeMovement.rotation.x.multiplier !== numOfKeys){
shapeMovement.rotation.x.multiplier += 1
shapeMovement.rotation.x.multiplier = 1
I'd just like to increase the property value by one with whatever object and property I've thrown into that function.
I've seen another post where you can pass parameters, but this looks to assemble a new object, and is not by reference. I need to actually edit the values on the object's properties.
Originally, this is what I was trying, and it did not seem to alter the object on a global level. Only locally to the function:
function incMultiplier(multiplier){
var numOfKeys = Object.keys(multipliers).length;
if(multiplier !== numOfKeys){
multiplier = multiplier + 1
multiplier = 1
// always results in the same number.
// Does not keep increasing every time the function is called.
Originally, this is what I was trying
You're not passing an object with its properties there. You're passing the value of a single property, and assignments to multiplier do indeed just overwrite the local variable in the function. You need to pass an object and explicitly assign to its property:
function incMultiplier(valueObj) {
var numOfKeys = Object.keys(multipliers).length;
if (valueObj.multiplier !== numOfKeys) {
} else {
valueObj.multiplier = 1
It's not necessary to pass the whole shapesMovements objects and everything nested within them, passing a single mutable object is enough.

Why does map work differently when I return an array instead of some primitive in the callback function?

var companies=[
{name:'Dummy 1',category:'dummyCategory',start:1993,end:2029}
var>{company.start+10;return company});
console.log("mapped company function");
In the above snippet there is no change in start field of companies array . Why ?
In case I do below I do get modified values for start field from companies array.
You aren't assigning the result of company.start+10 to anything - it's just an orphaned expression.
var mappingComp = => {
company.start + 10;
return company
is just like
var mappingComp = => {
return company
The expression is evaluated to a value and then discarded. If you want to add 10 to company.start, use += or =:
var companies=[
{name:'Dummy 1',category:'dummyCategory',start:1993,end:2029}
var mappingComp = => {
company.start += 10;
return company;
But this will mutate the original array, which is (often) not a great idea when using map. If you don't want to change the original array, map to a new object:
var companies=[
{name:'Dummy 1',category:'dummyCategory',start:1993,end:2029}
var mappingComp ={ start, }) => ({
start: start + 10,
company.start + 10 is a simple expression. It's not an assignment statement, that you are expecting it to be. And you are returning the initial array company so it makes sense that it will be returned unaltered.
when you tried the single line fat arrow function with the map. What happens is that you created another entirely different array of mutated values. The array created was populated with values (company.start +10) and returned. Note: This actually didn't change the initial array ie company.
Read up on fat arrow functions, map, filter.

Adding meta data to a primitive in javascript

We have much of our data formatted like
var X = {value:'some val',error:'maybe an error',valid:true}
as a result we find ourselves calling X.value ALL the time.
We don't use the .error or .valid nearly as much, but we do use it.
What I want
To quit calling .value everywhere, but to still have access to meta data on a per data point level.
The Question
Is there one of
A) A way to put meta data on a primitive? attaching .error to an int for example? Is it possible for bools or strings?
B) A way to make a class that can be treated as a primitive, providing a specific data member when I do? IE X.value = 5, X+3 returns 8.
C) A better design for our data? Did we just lay this out wrong somehow?
You can set the method toString() to your object and return value.
var X = {
value: 1,
error:'maybe an error',
toString: function() {
return this.value;
X.value = 5;
You can represent you data as a function object that also has properties:
var X = () => 1;
X.value = 1;
X.error = 'maybe an error';
X.valid = true,
console.log(X()); // 1
console.log(X.valid); // true
For better design you can encapsulate the creation of the data object in another function.

Read html's elements attributes like an array?

I'm thinking for develop a web component form, so... I was wondering my self if it's possible read attributes from a html elements. For example:
<my-component input="3" data-input='"name", "address", "email"' textarea="1" data-textarea='"mensaje"'></my-component>
while i <= elementattributes.length{
I know that I can access through .getAttribute, but this way will take more code... I just want to be something smart :P
Sorry, my english is poor... I hope you can understand what I want to do :P
If you want to get all of the attributes and their values, you can do something like this:
function getElementAttrs(el) {
var attributes = [];
return {
return {
value: attr.value
var allAttrs = getElementAttrs(document.querySelector('my-component'));
<my-component input="3" data-input='name,address,email' textarea="1" data-textarea='"mensaje"'></my-component>
The function getElementAttrs returns an array of objects to you with attribute name-value pairs as keys on the object so that you can loop over it, or just pull by key.
You can use dataset to get specific data attribute
var data = document.querySelector('my-component').dataset.input.split(',');
data.forEach(function(e) {
<my-component input="3" data-input='name,address,email' textarea="1" data-textarea='"mensaje"'></my-component>
If you want to return all attributes from element you can use attributes which return array-like object, but you can create object with name-value from that
var data = document.querySelector('my-component').attributes, attr = {};
Array.from(data).forEach(function(e) {
attr[] = e.value;
<my-component input="3" data-input='name,address,email' textarea="1" data-textarea='mensaje'></my-component>
You can just use .attributes:
This will return an object containing each attribute with its associated value. You can then index the attributes array for specific attributes and use .value for it's corresponding value.

How can I compare a string to an object key and get that key's value?

I want to do something relatively simple, I think anyways.
I need to compare the pathname of page with an object's kv pairs. For example:
if("pathname" === "key"){return value;}
That's pretty much it. I'm not sure how to do it in either regular Javascript or jQuery. Either are acceptable.
You can see my fiddle here:
var pageID = "/electrical-electronic-tape/c/864";
var pageList = [{
"/electrical-electronic-tape/c/864": "ElectronicTape",
"/industrial-tape/c/889": "IndustrialTape",
"/sandblasting-tape/c/900": "SandblastingTape",
"/Foam-Tape/c/875": "FoamTape",
"/double-coated-d-c-dhesive-tape/c/872": "DCTape",
"/Adhesive-Transfer-Tape/c/919": "ATTape",
"/Reflective-Tape/c/884": "ReflectiveTape",
"/custom-moulding": "CustomMoulding",
"/request-a-quote": "RequestQuote"
var label = pageID in pageList;
First, your "pageList" should just be a plain object, not an object in an array:
var pageList = {
"/electrical-electronic-tape/c/864": "ElectronicTape",
"/industrial-tape/c/889": "IndustrialTape",
"/sandblasting-tape/c/900": "SandblastingTape",
"/Foam-Tape/c/875": "FoamTape",
"/double-coated-d-c-dhesive-tape/c/872": "DCTape",
"/Adhesive-Transfer-Tape/c/919": "ATTape",
"/Reflective-Tape/c/884": "ReflectiveTape",
"/custom-moulding": "CustomMoulding",
"/request-a-quote": "RequestQuote"
Then you can set "label" to the value from the mapping:
var label = pageList[pageID] || "(not found)";
That last bit of the statement above will set the label to "(not found)" if the lookup fails, which may or may not be applicable to your situation.
It depends kinda on the logic you want to implement. If you want to say "if object has the key, then do X, and if not, then do Y", then you handle that differently than "set label to the object's key's value if the key is there, or else set it to undefined or something else".
For the first case you do:
if (pageList.hasOwnProperty(pageID) ) {
label = pageList[pageID];
else {
// do whatever, maybe some error?
For the second case, you can just say
var label = pageList[pageID] || 'notFound';
As indicated by #Pointy, either get rid of the array or subsiture pageList[0] for pageList and pageList[0][pageID] for pageList[pageID] above, if you need to keep the array.

