XUL: Accessing Hotmail Message sender field. Modify its appearance - javascript

I am new to Add-on development.
I am writing a Firefox extension for Hotmail using XUL tutorial. My knowledge of Javascript is pretty limited. My Firefox extension must do the following:
When the user opens a received message in MSN Hotmail to read it, locate and read the sender's email address.
Verify whether this email address is on a list. The list is stored in a simple text file in the local file system. The Add-on must read the list into memory. (I've read this is difficult with Javascript due to security concerns).
Depending on whether the address is in the list, modify the appearance of the "sender" field (I was thinking of changing the background color to green if it exists and red if it does not). The list is supposed to be a group of "secure" senders.
I don't want to use other Add-ons like Greasemonkey, since I believe it would be overkill and I want to learn how this would be done behind curtains.
Any general guides or pointers to specific documents which would help me understand how to achieve all this would be REALLY appreciated.
Which mechanism is best to perform the text-file-reading part? I've read about FileReader objects, or fopen() function, XMLHttpRequest(), and I am confused which is the best route. The file is guaranteed to be a simple text stored in the local filesystem.
I have been looking through the documentation and so far I have only a limited Add-on with a listener that can display a message when a page is loaded. If somebody can help me narrow my search I would be grateful.
Thanks and regards!

You have a couple of questions in there.
The best place to reference when developing an addon is MDN. You may also find help here on Stackoverflow's previous answers, and probably the best way to learn is to find an addon that does something similar to what you are doing, see the source code and see how they did it.
For reading/writing to a file, you can check this question on that matter.
Having that, you have to make sure you are on the desired page. You can get the current tab url with:
Then you see if the element that you are trying to style is on the page (meaning you are on the message window), and then you style it they way you want.
Hope this gives you some idea, but to get better and faster answers for next time, try to isolate a problem and ask a specific question about it. The scope of this question is a bit broad.


Is there a way to get current user system colors in Nodejs?

Is there any way to do this? I've searched all over and can't come up with anything. For instance, if the user's current window or window text color is black, how would I find that out programmatically?
I'm currently working on a project that parses Excel documents in Nodejs. According to this documentation, themes pull system colors for the current user. I'm aware that CSS2 had pretty much identical system color properties, but I need to know how to get that information within the context of my Nodejs program. So if the Excel file is stating "windowText," what would I use in Nodejs (if anything) to extract that information from the user's system profile? As far as I know, it's nothing to do with the terminal, but I could be wrong.
The proposed answer/dupe at this post does not answer my question for two reasons:
This has nothing to do with Nodejs, the library I'm specifically asking for (at least not that I could see)
This answers how to find and manipulate terminal colors. Believe it or not, I actually know how to do that and it doesn't solve this problem for me. If one could elaborate how I could implement that solution into a Nodejs Excel parsing program to progrommatically pull actual color information from a user's system profile, I'd love to read it
Please review the edit along with the linked documentation above for more information about what I'm actually trying to accomplish.

Breach injection through shadow root

I'm not a JS programmer. I don't have enough skill to test it myself, so asking for help.
Is it possible to inject script or HTML tag into shadow_root element to check for holes on web?
For example <script>alert("alert");</script>
Maybe something else like by using <content>?
Main question: Is it possible or not?
And additional question: How?
According to what I could dig up in comments, you want to know if your users can inject code in your website pages. The answer is yes, the user has all the rights to play with the DOM in front of him. The easy way is by simply opening your favorite browser's developers' tools.
Do it yourself... Open your developer's tools window here, reach the console and write
As you can see, you can change anything even directly on StackOverflow. But that causes absolutely no harm to others, just you. While you can do that on SO does mean that it is insecure at all! It is just that your browser has full control on what it received...
Now, the question should be more how can I detect possible points in my application where such injection can be harmful.
The answer is simple, never trust client input. The server should always validate the inputs, and make sure there is no database injection possible. When displaying user provided content, one should also make sure there is no hidden code tag that would be ran by the browser of the users looking at the webpage.
StackOverflow is not suited for this kind of knowledge sharing. I suggest you read about website security in general and then find more in depth resources related to your technology stack and the usage you have with your users' input.
Also, if you are asking this for a real job task you have been given. The most important thing to do would be to tell your manager you are not fit for the task. Not because you lack the talent, but because you lack the knowledge. This shows that you are smart enough to see the task as very important (security IS very important) and you are not willing to play with the company's reputation.
See workplace.stackexchange.com if you'd like to know how to best explain that to your superiors.

hidden class can be edited using console window. how to prevent someone to do this? [duplicate]

I would like to know if there is a way to prevent an html page with jQuery or javascript to be modified by the user to change its behavior.
A user can modify it using tools such as FireBug or the Google Chrome developer bar to hide or show divs, add event listeners to page elements and so on.
I've seen some web pages showing a blocking div when the page is loaded and a pop-up telling to answer some question. If you answer it, the div hides and you can see the page normally.
But if you try to hide the blocking div using FireBug, the page reloads and there is no way to see the page correctly if you don't ansewer the question asked in the pop-up.
I want to know how could I prevent user from doing such things.
Thanks a lot.
It is not possible (which is a very good thing).
To defeat the method described in the question:
You can use the keyboard shortcuts to the console/tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome)
You can use the resource/net panel to see the source
You can see it at any other level, e.g. Fiddler
You can use a bookmarklet for easier access
No, you can't prevent people seeing or modifying your source/script if they want to...the ones you most want to prevent are the most able to circumvent any deterrent (and that's all anything you do is, a deterrent, not a stop) you put in place.
The only way to do it (in my opinion) is not have the page content load until the user does your desired action. After he answers the question (or whatever) you send an AJAX request for the content (of course, as thejh said, you should also validate the answer on the server, preferably in the same request). So you load page header, banners and anything not critical, but the actual content (say an article on a blog) should not be loaded until the user does your action.
Everything that a user's browser receives belongs to the user, so you can't enforce anything on that.
For sure you can't prevent anybody from doing what he wants to, but you can make changes more difficult.
Take a look at the DOMEvents, especially the Mutation-Events.
Those give you the ability to see when something has changes(attributes, removed/inserted nodes, data in textnodes ...). For example you could build a function that watches some special attributes you would'nt have to get changed and reload the page, if this happens.
As others have already said, it isn't possible to control what the end user does with data you've sent them.
It may be possible to detect the console object that Firebug and others use, but what can your site do with that information once you've got it? You can't disable firebug or prevent it from being used, or even know whether it has been used.
The bottom line is that once the web page and javscript code have been sent to the browser, it is out of your control.
The closest you can get to what you want is to move some of your code out of Javascript and to the server, where it will be untouchable by the user. However you'll still have to have some client-side code, which will still be at the mercy of malicious users.
The other alternative is to move to Flash or something similar, where the end user doesn't have direct access to the code or the object model. This has it's own downsides though, and you'd be bucking the trend, which is to move away from Flash toward HTML5 and Javascript.
It's impossible. When you send code to the client, the client can look at it and modify it. Only code that runs on your server is protected aganist that.
I don't think it's possible to do that unless you can make sure (or force) users to use browsers that don't have developer tool.
Use ajax to get remote information don't send the user all the information such as answers to polls etc get the answer after he picked a choice from the server using ajax for example. Client-side validation is never a good thing hell thats how I used to delete other stupid people's databases due to that unless people learn properly how things REALLY work they should get taught the hard way such as losing everything in a case of root access vulnerability.
I don't know why HTML has to be blocked it wasn't blocked since browsers came out he'll I could make my own browser with a socket and get HTML transfered right to some textbox and see it in my favorite notepad/editor etc..
As for javascript you can simply send javascript commands in browser address bar (how convenient of browsers in supporting hackers hehe but it's also used for inter-op communication with other technologies such as flash so it has a evil/good side to it as everything.)
If you didn't know you can just do
javascript: alert('hi');
or if your javascript game or whatever has globally scoped variables you can modify em easily
javascript: score=9999;damage=99999;
etc etc like i said it's all good it weeds out the bad programmers and gets em fired or teaches em a lesson in the future.
I've seen many big sites still fall to a SIMPLE XSS attack (Cross-site scripting) which is just baffling how these programmers get a job, I'd do a better interview or some shit it's ridiculous

How do I open the Microsoft Office Web Viewer with a search term already applied?

I want to be able to open an Excel sheet using Office Web Viewer, HTML viewing component. (This seems to also be called the "Office Web Apps Viewer".) The viewer component is a really excellent HTML office document rendering engine, but I can find absolutely no documentation online for it. It's even hard to discern what its correct name is. (Does anyone have details on the API?)
I need to be able to load the document and immediately call a JavaScript function to do a search so that the document opens with the search result already highlighted. Even better would be to be able to set the search term in the query string given to the viewer component.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how?
I can say with quite some certainty that there is no such API as the viewer is not intended for such usage. Yeah, I know, not the answer you wished to hear, but then again, that's just the way it is. It's just a viewer, not a component to be used as part of applications.
The quick & dirty solution: Using an extension
One way to achieve what you want is to write an extension that would expose this functionality to you. Of course this would require your users to install this extension, but it is definitely an option and such an extension would be relatively simple to write.
The better solution: PDF.js
Convert your documents to PDF's using some server side solution.
On Linux with OpenOffice.org this could for example look like oowriter -convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export doc_file.doc or swriter for LibreOffice.
Present them using Mozilla's cross browser PDF.js library.
Figure out the PDFFindController how to trigger the highlighting. Take a look at this demo and next at this source file. In there they are definitely triggering the highlighting (search for the object I named before), but as it is not directly addressing this question I am not going to figure that one out for you.

Access to global JS variables without owning the page

overflow community,
I've read several posts trying to solve the problem, but they dont answer my question.
Is there any legal way to find out what events (?) another site sends?
I dont ask because of illigal buissness and i am ready to find out more myself as soon as i know what i realy have to look for in terms of topic and methods.
In particular its about advertising and finding out if someone registered on another via a referal link. Like a sign that is sent as soon as the registration (on the other site which is not mine) is completed.
I want to find this out during the visit of the client on my site.
I just need to know if such a thing is legally possible and what JS topics i should give a go to find out more.
I hope my post is comprehensible enough. :)
edit: It's not about global variables.
You can use your browser's developer tools to see what's happening behind your back while you're visiting a web page (I recommend Firebug in Firefox). Alternatively, you may use a network spoofer like Wireshark to capture the traffic from the browser and analyze it in any way.
It's all up to you to find the information you think is relevant inside it in URLs, in request headers and bodies, etc. In your case, this would include script generated content and referal codes that may help keeping track of a user's browsing history across domains.
You don't really need Javascript knowledge to do this, but you need some basics about networking protocols.
This is probably as illegal as using a text editor, but just ask your lawyer if you're unsure :D

