dojo Setting dgrid indentWidth - javascript

i have created a new dgrid with a selector and tree column. I can get my data populated and the grid working properly, with the exception of the indent on childNodes in the tree column. I have created my tree as follows :
var treeGrid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection]))({,
id: + ".tree",
selectionMode: "none",
loadingMessage: "Loading...",
noDataMessage : "No results found.",
showHeader :false,
columns : [
tree({field:"displayName", sortable:false, indentWidth:20})
My thinking is that I should be able to set indentWidth property as part of the column itself but it doesn't seem to working and all my children render directly below the parent without any indentation. Any ideas? Thanks!

So the problem was with my getChildren method of my store. In order to get my indentWidth to register I added a call before returning my queryResults to store.put for the object whose children I was adding after making changes to it in getChildren().
var children = [];
array.forEach(infos, lang.hitch(this, function(info) {
var child = {
object.fetchedChildren = true;;
return new;


jquery kendo grid filter property is undefined

I have a jquery function that should filter the datasource based on the Service Type value of the button that was clicked.
I used this post on telerik to get my guidance:
Adding filters to Grid's source
From that, I created this buttonFilter() function:
function buttonFilter() {
var buttonText = 'All';
var button = $('#ReadTypeBtnGroup >');
if (button != null) {
buttonText = button.val();
console.log('buttonFilter:: buttonText: ' + buttonText);
var dataSource = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').dataSource;
if (dataSource.filter() != undefined) {
dataSource.filter().length = 0; // remove any existing filters
if (buttonText != 'All') {
dataSource.filter().push({ field: "serviceType", operator: 'eq', value: buttonText });
return buttonText;
The error I am getting is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
The filter() property is supposed to be an array, but I am not great when it comes to javascript or jquery.
What am I doing wrong?
You got it wrong. You can't change filter properties changing the result of filter() method. Instead, you have to use it passing parameters. That method only returns readonly values.
var filters = dataSource.filter(); // Getting current filters
dataSource.filter(null); // Clearing filters
dataSource.filter({ field: "abc", value: "1" }); // Setting new filters
Always check the docs
#Dontvotemedown is largely correct, and that answer will work well for what you specifically want to do (i.e. clear filters completely and apply your own). However, if you want to manually add a filter to existing filters, your original path was close to correct. I found this answer in my original search, then this when I couldn't add to an undefined filter. My full solution for adding a filter, either to an undefined filter set, or along with an existing one:
var grid = $("#ActivityGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataSource = grid.dataSource;
var gridFilter = dataSource.filter();
var upcomingFilter = {
field: "ActivityDate",
operator: "gte",
value: new Date(),
FilterName: "UpcomingOnly"
if ($("#UpcomingOnlyCheckbox")[0].checked) {
if (gridFilter == undefined) {
else {
I had the same problem. If no filters exist, dataSource.filter() returns undefined which is a problem if you want to add filters. But using something like
dataSource.filter({ field: "abc", value: "1" });
results in a datasource read operation which was undesired in my case. Therefore I manipulated the datasource properties.
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataSource = grid.dataSource;
var filterConfig = dataSource.filter();
if (typeof filterConfig == 'undefined') { //no filters exist
filterConfig = { filters: [], logic: "and" };
grid.dataSource._filter = filterConfig;

Deleting a row using api.updateRowData(transaction) has no effect on data source

I have a custom cell renderer to delete given entity.
function ActionButtonsCellRenderer() {}
ActionButtonsCellRenderer.prototype.init = function(cellRenderParams) {
var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
var deleteButton = document.createElement("a");
deleteButton.href = "javascript:void(0)";
deleteButton.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-trash'></i>";
cellRenderParams.api.updateRowData({remove: []})
this.eGui = tempDiv.firstChild;
ActionButtonsCellRenderer.prototype.getGui = function() {
return this.eGui;
It actually deletes the row from GUI. No problem there.
But when user adds another row using below logic;
function addRow() {
var row = {t1 : "test"}
dataSource[dataSource.length] = row;
Deleted row also became visible again in the grid. Which means that the dataSource object is not updated.
What am I doing wrong here ? The dataSource must be updated in my scenario.
Isn't there a two-way binding which I can use ?
For deleting the selected rows use this code,
this.selectedNodes = this.GridOptions.api.getSelectedNodes();
Now selected Row will be deleted.
Ag-grid makes a copy of the data that you provide to it. So when you are using updateRowData, ag-grid will update the data that it has, not your original data array. This is good design to avoid unexpected results and loss of original data.
There are two possible solutions to your issue:
mutate your original data anytime you need to update the data - this will likely get really messy really fast
--- OR ---
use the ag-grid's built in functionality of allowing it to update row data, then when you need to do something with the dataSource (such as downloading in an excel or sending to some other function) use the getModel() function to get the data that ag-grid is aware of.
For anyone that come across this post i know its a long time ago but.
I had to add and remove a row from one table to another without UI selection
Lets say we have a grid with common columnDefs e.g. headersName, fields ( its important to have fields) and etc.
We gonna have 2 columns:
headerName: 'Name',
field: 'name',
cellRenderer: params =>,
headerName: 'Age',
field: 'age',
cellRenderer: params =>,
What i did was:
const item = {
'name': 'New name',
'age': 25,
* Remove a row - if the grid already have this item
this.gridApi.updateRowData({ remove: [item] });
* Add row - if the grid doesn't have it
gridApi2 is your seconds grid table api
this.gridApi2.updateRowData({ add: [item] });
add/remove: [item] - it has to be array
if you need to refresh for some reasons (sometime change detector does't update ) there is 2 AgGrid refresh options: Refresh Cells and Redraw Rows..for this case i will use refreshCells()
this.gridApi.refreshCells({ force: true });
this.gridApi2.refreshCells({ force: true });
used materials:
section: Full CRUD & Bulk Updating
method: Method 2 - Transaction
This works for me. Of course here we are assuming that we have a grid working e.g. (gridReady)="onGridReady($event)"

Custom filter for an ng dynamic table

I have a dynamic ngTable for which I created a custom datetime filter like this:
// Generate table columns.
function generateColumns(sampleData) {
var colNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sampleData);
var cols = (name, idx) {
if (name == 'date') {
var filter = {};
filter[name] = 'partials/dateFilter.tpl.html';
return {
title: name,
sortable: name,
filter: filter,
filterOptions: { filterFn: dateFilter },
filterLayout: "horizontal",
show: true,
field: name
This way in my table, on the correct column I can see a datepicker instead of the usual text input for a filter.
My table data is initialized by simply doing:
// Initialize table parameters.
$scope.tableParams = new NgTableParams({
page: 1, // show first page.
count: 25 // counts per page.
}, {
filterDelay: 0,
dataset: $scope.testDataList
What I dont know how to do though is actually filter the data once I pick a date. My dateFilter function right now only contains a log message, but it is never called.
Basically the fact that I will change the date on my element but ngTable does not react in some way is by biggest issue.
How can I filter the table content based on the selected date?

dgrid not showing all rows in the store

I have a data array with 165 elements, and I am showing them in an OnDemandGrid, sorted by a date field. However, when the grid shows up, only the last 140 elements in the data array are shown (i.e., the elements with the 140 most recent dates). Still, if I click the date header to reverse the sort, the first 140 elements show (i.e., the elements with the 140 oldest dates). So my guess is that somehow the mechanism of lazy loading is not working, still I don't get why only the last portion of the array is shown instead of the first. I am not using pagination, nor I set other options related to the size. Any suggestion?
The grid is added to a div which is already in the page:
<div id="navList" class="dgrid-autoheight"></div>
Here's the code for the grid, below you can find the data array:
function fillNavList(data) {
var columns =
field : "date",
label : L["date"]
field : "value",
label : L["value"]
field : "dateModification",
label : L["dateModification"]
field : "status",
label : L["status"]
field : "valueRefId",
label : L["valueRefId"]
], function(on, Memory, Filter, OnDemandGrid, declare) {
var store = new Memory({
data : data
var navList = new (declare(
columns : columns,
sort: "date",
collection : store,
addUiClasses : false
}, "navList");
And here's the data:
Thanks in advance
Found it! Turns out my data elements did not have an id attribute, and this is somehow messing up the grid's ability to render the rows. I found a pointer to the solution in where it says:
The data should be an array of objects, and all the objects are considered to be existing objects and must have identities
After adding a unique identifier to my data, everything works ok.

Dojo: option[selected ='selected'] not working for run-time change

I am working on a multi-select box and found
var count = dojo.query("option[selected ='selected']", dojo.byId('select_id')).length;
Always returns whatever original from the page(database) but yet what user selected at run-time. I am running on Dojo 1.6. So how can I count number of selected options from multi-select box AT RUN-TIME?
I made a page that shows users and the groups they are in. Here is some of the code. I had to rip some stuff out to make it concise. The last line of code answers the question. It returns an array with the checked values.
// Programattically create the select.
var _groups = new dojox.form.CheckedMultiSelect({
multiple : true,
class : "cssThing"
}, "groups" + _userNumber);
// Fill the CheckedMultiSelect boxes with unchecked data.
var tempArray = new Array();
dojo.forEach(groupList, function(row, index) {
value : row.value,
label : row.label,
selected : false,
// Populate the CheckedMultiSelect with an array.
var tempArray = [];
dojo.forEach(user.groups, function(row) {
_groups.set('value', tempArray);
// Get the CheckedMultiSelect values as an array.

