Using HTML5 file input to select file from web server - javascript

Is there anyway I could javascript or just modify the html5 file input tag to select files from my web server? this is a content management kind of problem so security is not an issue, and if possible i would like to restrict it to a particular directory in the web server. Am not trying to upload or download anything, I already have a way of uploading the files to the web server, am just looking for a way to point to them if you will.
Thanks in advance


Is there a way to get a full filepath from an input in Html?

I'm developping a web application with ASP Core 3.0 that will be used with Google Chrome.
The user of this app need to be able to specify the location of a file.
I don't need to upload the file I just need the full path of its location. The file can be in different folders on my company network (this folder is accessible by all future users of the app and by the server hosting it).
Is there a way to get this information ? I know that it's not possible to get it via the html5 input type="file" on chrome.
Since my server has access to this repository, I was thinking of doing ajax call to build the path of this file (basically building a light version of an html5 input file) but I was wondering if there were an easier way...
Any idea ?

How to disable pdf file download option using JQuery?

How to disable pdf download using jquery or javascript.
In my website I am loading some pdf files in iframe. I need to protect my files.
So how can I dissable pdf file download, print those kind of options.
Please help me.
My website created using html. jquery, mysql and php
Since you are delivering pdf file directly into the browser, displayed using Adobe Reader ActiveX, how can it be possible to prevent file download, since the files are displayed after downloaded into your temp directory?
So it is not possible using ANY JavaScript library.
The only way to secure your master PDF files is by creating Images for each page and present those to the user on the web via your own interface (html, flash etc).
You may use ImageMagick along with GhostScript for this.
You may go through
Hope this helps...:)

Is it possible to use the File JavaScript api to load a server side file?

A quick question, I recently checked out the new html5 File api for javascript. See it here. Is it possible to use it to pull in a server side file without ajax? I know there's a File object in JavaScript, could I do a "new File("serverSideStuff.xml");" with that?
From the API description -
Using the File API added to the DOM in HTML5, it's now possible for
web content to ask the user to select local files, then read the
contents of those files.
So no, you can't select server side files
No, it is only for local files, as I know.
It is not possible because the user must be aware of what your are loading, and is the user who can tell you what you can load or not.

HTML5 Synchronization Between User and Server

I am trying to create a HTML5 app that will allow an user to automatically upload files from a user's computer to my server (similar to Dropbox for Windows where file transfers are updated between computer and server in the background).
The user will have around 100+ .csv files in a single folder. The HTML5 app will ask the user to select the folder. Afterwards, the files will be uploaded to the server in the background.
Is this possible in HTML5 using WebSockets or FileStream? Any advice will be appreciated! Thanks.
You can achieve this by using JWebSocket framework.Visit it has got lot of plug-ins and one such plug-in is FileUpload plug-in. this will help you.

Browsing and upload file in / Jquery / Javascript

From the Page, user can browse and select a folder on their local drive. after selection it populate list of file names in listbox.
Then I will use these file paths randomly to upload to server.
Is this possible?
I am asking because what i know due to security browser prevent to access client files.
The HTML5 File API might contain something you can use to accomplish your goal, but then your application will only work with browsers that implement that API.

