jqgrid edited cellurl with javascript - javascript

I am using struts2-jqgrid and javascript. when jqgrid load completed this get <s:url var="updateurl" action="pagosActualizar"/> and the jqgrid generate in view source html options_gridtable.cellurl = "/Cuenta_Corriente_LBS/pagosActualizar.action";, now the problem i have a var in javascript and want add a paramater to this url for example: options_gridtable.cellurl = "/Cuenta_Corriente_LBS/pagosActualizar.action?cod=1";. Any form of editad this line with javascript?
$.subscribe('rowsel', function(event) {
var id = event.originalEvent.rowid;// this is the parameter for the url
var data = jQuery("#gridtable").jqGrid('getRowData',id);
var estado = data['estado.descripcion'];
var cod = data['correlativo'];
if(estado === 'PENDIENTE'){
jQuery("#gridtable").jqGrid('setColProp', 'fecha_acuerdo', {editable:true});
// here cod for edited url in jqgrid
<s:url var="remoteurl" action="jsontableModificar"><s:param name="codigo"><s:property value="cuentacorriente.idcuentacorriente"/></s:param></s:url>
<s:url var="updateurl" action="pagosActualizar"/>
caption="Plan de Pagos Modificar"
options_gridtable.datatype = "json";
options_gridtable.url = "/Cuenta_Corriente_LBS/jsontableModificar.action?codigo=12";
options_gridtable.cellurl = "/Cuenta_Corriente_LBS/pagosActualizar.action";
options_gridtable.height = 'auto';
options_gridtable.pgbuttons = true;
options_gridtable.pginput = true;
options_gridtable.gridview = true;
options_gridtable.autowidth = true;
options_gridtable.caption = "Plan de Pagos Modificar";
options_gridtable.autoencode = true;
options_gridtable.cellEdit = true;
options_gridtable.oncellselecttopics = "rowsel";
Well the flow is he user click in cell of jqgrid, later trigger a event that get the rowid and validated the field to be edited, the problem is that when edited the cell is use the cellurl but only send the content cell to edited and not the rowid that need for update the register, i need the two the rowid and cell content.

You can use "beforeSubmitCell" Event. Documentation is given in following link.
Documentation of "beforeSubmitCell"
1st cod is name of variable posted to a server
2nd cod is value of variable comes from your javascript

that is me banned acc, i found answer: jQuery("#gridtable").jqGrid('setGridParam',{editurl:"jsontable.action?searchString="+valor}).trigger('reloadGrid');
PD: Me banned because i was new, but now i know more.


Show image after button click

I have a controller method that returns image in byte array, from MongoDB, and I want to show it in my view:
Function ShowImage(id As String) As FileContentResult
Dim Handler = New MongoDBHandler()
Dim newString = id.Replace(vbLf, "").Trim().Replace("""", String.Empty)
Dim byteArray = Handler.ReadImage(newString)
Return File(byteArray, "image/png")
End Function
I have the javascript function:
function postCardNumber(elm) {
var CardNumber = $(elm).closest("tr").find(".card-number").html();
var $img = $('<img>');
$img.attr("src", "/MyController/MyMethod/CardNumber");
The Table:
When the "Show" button click, on the table, the "No." cell (and is data) is sent to the JS function, and pass to the controller, then i try to create new image element with, and add it to my popup modal for show.
The problem is i cant get the controller response, and spent hours in google search for it, any solutions please?
try following and check if it work. Please verify that the controller name you are specifying in following URL is correct.
I am not sure that your controller name is "MyController". check it and change if it is wrong.
If following code doesn't work, send me the url it generated in comment
function postCardNumber(elm) {
var CardNumber = $(elm).closest("tr").find(".card-number").html();
var $img = $('<img>');
$img.attr("src", "#(Url.Action("ShowImage","CreditCard"))/" + CardNumber);

Pushing Cookie Value Data to Hidden Fields

I recently installed a script that creates a Google __utmz cookie for my site visitors, and it sets all of the fields. Below is a look at it.
function get_campaign_info()
var utma = get_utm_value(document.cookie, '__utma=', ';');
var utmb = get_utm_value(document.cookie, '__utmb=', ';');
var utmc = get_utm_value(document.cookie, '__utmc=', ';');
var utmz = get_utm_value(document.cookie, '__utmz=', ';');
source = get_utm_value(utmz, 'utmcsr=', '|');
medium = get_utm_value(utmz, 'utmcmd=', '|');
term = get_utm_value(utmz, 'utmctr=', '|');
content = get_utm_value(utmz, 'utmcct=', '|');
campaign = get_utm_value(utmz, 'utmccn=', '|');
gclid = get_utm_value(utmz, 'utmgclid=', '|');
session_count = get_session_count(utma);
pageview_count = get_pageview_count(utmb, utmc);
if (gclid !="-") {
source = 'google';
medium = 'cpc';
Looking through my cookies I can see that it is being created. For example heres a bit of it:
I have another script which is cleaning it all up and posting it to my console.
The issue that I am finding is that I can't figure out how to push those fields, like Campaign Medium, to hidden form fields on my site. Below is a look at how my typical Marketo form creates hidden fields with user data.
GA_User_ID__c : ga.getByName('gtm1').get('userId')
Does anyone have an idea of how I can push medium, session, etc. to hidden fields? Thanks for any advice or just for reading! If it helps, the page I've been running tests on is powerreviews.com/form-test
For Marketo forms you should use the Marketo Form API. Go to this page and scroll down to the hidden field example.
In case the URL changes, here is the example code:
MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-sjst.marketo.com", "785-UHP-775", 1057, function (form) {
// Set values for the hidden fields, "userIsAwesome" and "enrollDate"
// Note that these fields were configured in the form editor as hidden fields already
form.vals({"userIsAwesome":"true", "enrollDate":"2014-01-01"});

Google Script Table Chart link as text

I am working with a google script to make my data show in a more user friendly way then just a huge spreadsheet with multiple people filtering at the same time.
Using script shown further below I was able to create :
My problem is the red highlighted part. this column (the next as well) would always either be blank or show a link. Now this is an example so it is a short link which you could easily copy from there and paste to the top.
1.What I want to achieve: is to have that link clickable (redirect link in the spreadsheet) 2.Ideally I would set up in spreadsheet a word like "link" with a hyperlink like "https://www.google.de/" and you would then in the chart just click the word link and it takes you to the link.
Below I will add the script I have been using so far.
//Get the spreadSheet Url
var ssKey ="-Link to Spreadsheet-";
function doGet()
var uiApp = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle("Database");
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(ssKey);
//Get the compelte data from sheet name "-Name-"
var dataRange = ss.getSheetByName("OPEN").getDataRange().setNumberFormat
('#STRING#');//getRange(1, 1, lastRow, lastColumn);
//To provide a category or dprodown filter
var oneFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter().setFilterColumnLabel("Type of Request").build();
var secondFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter().setFilterColumnLabel("Work: Business").build();
var thirdFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter().setFilterColumnLabel("Work: ").build();
var forthFilter = Charts.newStringFilter().setFilterColumnLabel("IDEA").build();
var fifthFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter().setFilterColumnLabel("REGION / FUNCTION").build();
var sixthFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter().setFilterColumnLabel("-name of filter 6-").build();
// To get data of spreadhseet in table format
var tablechart = Charts.newTableChart()
.setOption('width', '100%')
.setOption('lenght', '100%')
// To Add Age filter and table data in dashboard
var dashboard = Charts.newDashboardPanel()
var app = UiApp.createApplication()
var filterPanel = app.createHorizontalPanel();
var filterPanel2 = app.createHorizontalPanel();
var chartPanel = app.createVerticalPanel();
return app;
To create a link from the script, you'll have to set the value of the cell as if it was a formula you are writting within the Spreadsheet. For this, we will use 'HYPERLINK(url, value)' into the cell. You can perhaps create a method that will create the string with the formula, and just set that value to the cell.
Try this approach:
function getHyperLink(url,val) {
return "=HYPERLINK("+"\""+url+"\""+","+"\""+val+"\""+")";
//Example to obtain the value of the url and the text to set in as a link
var aSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var curRow = aCell.getRow();
var val = aSheet.getRange(curRow, 0).getValue();
var url = aSheet.getRange(curRow, 1).getValue();
aSheet.getRange(curRow, 2).setHorizontalAlignment('center').setValue(getHyperLink(url,val));

Execute JS in sharepoint display template

In my sharepoint list, I am dealing with items that should have attachments. I customized the template so that it would allow me to add attachments, but I see no possibilities to mark attachments as mandatory. I managed to check for attachments with the script
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function PreSaveAction()
var elm = document.getElementById("idAttachmentsTable");
if (elm == null || elm.rows.length == 0)
alert("Please attach Documents");
return false ;
else { return true ;}
but I was only able to use it in a custom form (not the template). Since the template is used for pretty much any interaction with the list, I want to use it and would like to execute the js code after the template has loaded. The template is referenced in between the tags <ZoneTemplate> and </ZoneTemplate>. There's much more code inside that form, but sharepoint-designer won't let me edit anything apart the stuff between those two tags.
It's really frustrating, because I seem to miss an obvious point. Hope I delivered enough information as I am not used to work with sharepoint and it's forms and templates for them...
When you need to add a JavaScript to a list form, you can browse to the form directly. For example, if your list is called MyList, then the new item form would be at http://url/Lists/MyList/newform.aspx and the edit form would be at EditForm.aspx. Browse to the page or pages where you want to insert your javascript code, then under Site Actions, click Edit Page. Add a Content Editor Web Part and either insert the javascript directly into the HTML of the content editor web part or add a link to an HTML file that has the javascript.
As for marking an attachment as mandatory, you may just need to include some wording to the form that will instruct the user to click Attach File button. Maybe something like this that would add a row to the bottom of the form table
<script type="text/javascript">
function addRow() {
var required = document.createTextNode("*");
var table = document.getElementsByClassName("ms-formtable")[0];
var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td1 = document.createElement("td");
var h31 = document.createElement("h3");
var text1 = document.createTextNode("Attachment");
var span1 = document.createElement("span")
span1.setAttribute("title","This is a required field");
var td1.appendChild(h31);
var tr.appendChild(td1);
var td2 = document.createElement("td");
var text2 = document.createTextNode("Click the Attach File button in the ribbon to add an attachment");
var td2.appendChild(text2);
var tr.appendChild(td2);
var tbody.appendChild(tr);
This is pretty ugly and can be simplified with jQuery.
<script type="text/javascript">
function addRow() {
var h3 = $('<h3 class="ms-standardheader">Attachment</h3>').append('<span class="ms-formvalidation">*</span>');
var td1 = $("<td></td>").append(h3);
var td2 = $("<td>Click the Attach File button in the ribbon to add an attachment</td>");
var tr = $("<tr></tr>").append(td1);
Keep in mind this is untested and probably has some bugs in it.

How to get the id value from check box?

1 naga naga123
2 Tamil tamil123
3 vinod vinod123
4 naveen naveen123
5 jakkir jakkir123
save edit delete
I have check box at the end of each row. When I click the check box and select edit the values should get displayed in the text boxes corresponding to userId, userName & Password.
My js code for edit is
function Edit(){
var i=dwr.util.getValue("userId");
dwr.util.setValues({userId:userId, userName:login.userName,
My js code for checkbox is
function Intialize(){
var x = "";
for(var i=0; i<loginList.length; i++){
var login =loginList[i];
x += "<tr><td>"+login.userId+"</td><td>"+login.userName+"</td><td>"+login.passWord+"</td><td><input type = 'checkbox' id = 'cbid"+login.userId+"'</td></tr>";
How should i get the id value in edit so that if i click the button it should display the values corresponding. Any suggestion please?
Hope I understand you correctly.
Remove Edit() from onclick of edit link and continue the Initialize function as follows:
ids = ['userId', 'userName', 'Password']; // Ids of text boxes to be populated
$("#editlink").click(function(){ // Assuming edit link has id="editlink"
var tds = $("#loginTable").find("input:checked[type=checkbox]").parent().siblings();
for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){
$('#' + ids[i]).html($(tds[i]).html());
Edit(); // Better copy the code of Edit() directly in here
return false; // Prevent default click action (go to href)
If this is wrong please post the complete HTML as well.
the id can be retrieved by using the attr var idvalue = $("input:last").attr("id"); but you have to get reference to the checkbox in your scenario .. if you have a css class name associated with it use that like $(.classname) and then use the attr to get the value.

