Using values from Array to execute function in jQuery - javascript

I have a page that contains several divs. The divs have the same postfixes but different prefixes. What I want to do is loop through them and if one of them contain a 0 hide the description div.
The divs look like this:
<div id="first_desc">First</div><div id="first_note1">0</div>
<div id="second_desc">Second</div><div id="second_note1"></div>
<div id="third_desc">Third</div><div id="third_note1"></div>
My script is this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Variables
var firstdiv = 'first';
var seconddiv = 'second';
var thirddiv = 'third';
// Array
var myArray = new Array(firstdiv, seconddiv, thirddiv);
for(var x = 0; x < myArray.length; x++) {
if('$("#' + myArray[x] + '_note1").text() === $.trim("0")') {
'$("#' + myArray[x] + '_desc").hide()';
So far this code is not working. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

You have some extra ' in there.
if($("#" + myArray[x] + "_note1").text() === $.trim("0")) {
$("#" + myArray[x] + "_desc").hide();


Sort divs (added dynamically) by classname

I have been struggling to find a way in which I could sort Divs after being displayed .So far, I have used prepend() and append() and I have managed to show at first the players that are streaming, but the next divs are random. I want to be able to show who's online, who's not and who has closed the account in order.
I have already tried deferred method: $.when(makeDivs()).then(sortDivs());
but it's not working properly, any idea how I can fix this?
My codepen:
I don't have the reputation to comment yet. But from my understanding, you want to make the classNames of divs in alphabetical order after they have been applied to the document?
function reOrder() {
var div = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
var cn = []; //ClassNames of each div.
for (var i = 0; i < div.length; i++) {
cn = cn.sort(); //sort the array in alphabetical order.
var oDiv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) {
//for each array item in cn, find where it's element is, remove the element, continue.
for (var ii = 0; ii < div.length; ii++) {
if (div[ii].className == cn[i]) {
var newDiv = [];
for (var iii = 0; iii < div.length; iii++) {
//Remove the element from the array.
if (div[iii] != div[ii]) {
div = newDiv;
return oDiv;
This will return an array of the elements, but sorted. You can then replace all of the elements of the document with these sorted elements.
Sorting is expensive, should be avoided if possible, and isn't a particularly good solution here.
It's way simpler to create a container (div) for each of your streamer categories, (online|offlie|nonExistent) then simply append HTML, as it is generated, to the appropriate container.
$(document).ready(function() {
var streamers = ["ESL_SC2", "OgamingSC2", "cretetion", "freecodecamp", "storbeck", "habathcx", "RobotCaleb", "noobs2ninjas", "comster404", "brunofin", "HorussTV"];
var link = "";
// Create/append containers here (or hard-code them in HTML) ... in correct order of presentation within #streamers.
var $onlineStreamers = $("<div/>").appendTo($('#streamers'));
var $offlineStreamers = $("<div/>").appendTo($('#streamers'));
var $nonExistantStreamers = $("<div/>").appendTo($('#streamers'));
streamers.forEach(function getStatus(element) {
$.getJSON("" + element + "?callback=?", function(json) {
var img = json.logo || "";
$.getJSON("" + element + "?callback=?", function(json) {
// Append HTML to the appropriate container
if( {
$onlineStreamers.append('<div class="online"><h4>' + element + '</h4><img src="' + img + '" class="profPic"><div class="content text-center"><span><b>Game:</b></br>' + + ' </br><b>Status: </b>' + + '</span></div></div>');
} else if(json.status == 422) {
$nonExistantStreamers.append('<div class="nonExistant"><h4>' + element + '</h4><img src="' + img + '" class="profPic"><div class="content text-center"><span>Account Closed</span></div></div>');
} else {
$offlineStreamers.append('<div class="offline"><h4>' + element + '</h4><img src="' + img + '" class="profPic"><div class="content text-center"><span>Offline</span></div></div>');
No sorting required unless the entries need to be sorted within each category.
You can probably purge class="online" etc from the appended HTML, unless those classes are used elsewhere.

Cloning a div using a For-Loop isn't giving the right amount of clones

I am trying to make a script that will clone a div, cards in bootstrap 4, and change text in the div. I want this to happen a certain number of times., depending on the variable. However, when I use the script below I'm getting 8 cards (7 clones), instead of the 3 clones that it is supposed to be making. Does anyone know what is happening here?
var cards = 3;
var id = "";
var newClass = "";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < cards; i++) {
id = id + "1";
newClass = newClass + "1"
$("#" + id + " " + "h1").text("$5000");

Jquery- Dynamic added fields - prevent the last Item to be removed

I have a form field that is being duplicated / removed dynamically
See the fiddle here :
In this feature, I also need to increment the NAME of the field ( and ID etc.. ) like so :
o99_brsa_settings[brsa_dash_wdgt_content][2] ...
It is working, but the problem is that when I add / remove fields , when it gets to the last ( actually first one ) , it will give me "undefined" and will not add anymore fields .
To see the problem you will need to "play" a bit with add/remove .
I believe the main problem is how to keep all of those on the same array level if we have [0] and [0][2]
I am far from a JS guru, and this code was somehow assembled from various sources. But I am kind of stuck right now, So any help will be appreciated .
Try this way:
$(function () {
$(".addScnt").on("click", function () {
var i = checkNumberOfElements();
var scntDiv = $("div[id^='widget_dup']:last");
var prevDiv = scntDiv.clone();
var newname = $(prevDiv).find("textarea").attr("name").substring(0, $(prevDiv).find("textarea").attr('name').indexOf(']'));
prevDiv.find('textarea').attr('name', newname + "][" + i + "]");
prevDiv.find('textarea').attr('id', newname + "][" + i + "]");
prevDiv.find('label').attr('for', newname + "][" + i + "]");
prevDiv.attr('id', $(prevDiv).attr('id') + "_" + i);
$(document).on("click", ".remScnt", function (event) {
var i = checkNumberOfElements();
if (i <= 1) {
return false;
} else {
var target = $(event.currentTarget);
function checkNumberOfElements() {
// Number of textareas
var i = $("textarea[name^='o99_brsa_settings[brsa_dash_wdgt_content]']").length;
// Number of divs
// var i = $("div[id^='widget_dup']").length;
if (typeof i === undefined) {
return 0;
} else {
return i;

Get index element which has a specific initial in listview

I have a problem with listview.
I'm filling the list with an array, this list is completely custom, and I want that if an element of this array begins with "-R", then that cell must be different from the others (color, font, etc.).
the problem is that I can not take the index of the cell that begins with "-R".
this is the code:
arrayEserCardio = "try;find;-Reply;Again;"
var indexEserSplit = arrayEserCardio.toString().split(";");
for (var i =0; i<indexEserSplit.length;i++) {
var eserSingle = indexEserSplit[i];
var link_markup ='<li id="listCardio2"><a onclick="rowSelectedEserCardio()" href="#" class="ui-link-inherit"><div class="textScheda"><p style="white-space: normal" class="titleEs">'+eserSingle+'</p></div></a></li>';
if(eserSingle.substring(0,2)=='-R') {
var initial = eserSingle.substring(0,2);
var index = arrayEserCardio.indexOf(initial);
//but index return wrong
I hope I was clear, I do not know javascript very well.. thanks to all
I would write it like this:
arrayEserCardio = "try;find;-Reply;Again;",
var indexEserSplit = arrayEserCardio.split(";"),
for (var i = 0; i < indexEserSplit.length; i++) {
eserSingle = indexEserSplit[i];
cls = "titleEs";
if (eserSingle.substring(0,2) == '-R') {
cls += " with_min_r";
link_markup ='<li id="listCardio2"><a onclick="rowSelectedEserCardio()" href="#" class="ui-link-inherit"><div class="textScheda"><p style="white-space: normal" class="' + cls + '">' + eserSingle + '</p></div></a></li>';
It should have been
if (eserSingle.substring(0, 2).equals("-R")) {
The == operator compares the object references, not the value of the Strings.

Changing radio buttons name using Javascript

I'm using a simple JS duplicate function to duplicate a div. Inside is form information with radio buttons, including one group called 'getOrRequest'. Each div represents a book and needs to have its own 'getOrRequest' value.
The name needs to be changed in order to make each duplicated group of radio buttons selectable without affecting every other radio button. What is the best way to change these values?
Here is how I'm duplicating the div, in case that is the issue.
var bookInfo = document.getElementById('bookInformation');
var copyDiv = document.getElementById('addListing').cloneNode(true);
I then have tried a couple methods of changing the name value. Like this:
bookInfo.copyDiv.getOrRequest_0.setAttribute("name", "'getOrRequest' + idNumber + '[]'");
bookInfo.copyDiv.getOrRequest_1.setAttribute("name", "'getOrRequest' + idNumber + '[]'");
As well as this: = 'getOrRequest' + idNumber + '[]'; = 'getOrRequest' + idNumber + '[]';
getOrRequest_0 and getOrRequest_1 are the ID's of the input values, but I've tried it a few ways now and nothing seems to work. Thanks in advance!
Here is the specific code I'm using:
function addAnotherPost(){
var bookInfo = document.getElementById('bookInformation');
var copyDiv = document.getElementById('addListing').cloneNode(true);
var size = copyDiv.childNodes.length; = 'addListing' + idNumber;
for(var j = 0; j < size; j++){
if(copyDiv.childNodes[j].name === "getOrRequest[]"){
copyDiv.childNodes[j].name = "getOrRequest" + idNumber + "[]";
And it just doesn't seem to work.. The divs are duplicating, but the name value is not changing.
You can try this -
<div id="bookInformation">
<div id="addListing">
<input type="radio" name="addListing0[]" />
<input type="radio" name="addListing0[]" />
<button id="button">Add Listing</button>
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener("click", AddListing, false);
var i = 1;
var bookInfo = document.getElementById('bookInformation');
function AddListing() {
var copyDiv = document.getElementById('addListing').cloneNode(true);
var size = copyDiv.childNodes.length; = "listing" + i;
for ( var j = 0; j < size; j++ ) {
if ( copyDiv.childNodes[j].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'input' ) {
copyDiv.childNodes[j].name = "addListing" + i + "[]";
The trouble is you are looking for child nodes of the div, but the check boxes are not child nodes, they are descendant nodes. The nodes you are looking for are nested within a label. Update your code to look for all descendant inputs using copyDiv.getElementsByTagName("input"):
var idNumber = 0;
function addAnotherPost() {
var bookInfo = document.getElementById('bookInformation');
var copyDiv = document.getElementById('addListing').cloneNode(true); = 'addListing' + idNumber;
var inputs = copyDiv.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++){
if(inputs[j].name === "getOrRequest[]"){
inputs[j].name = "getOrRequest" + idNumber + "[]";

