ListView doesn't fire selectionchanged - javascript

<div id="listViewBoxOffice"
data-win-options="{ itemTemplate: select('#movieThumbnailTpl'), selectionMode: 'single' }">
My Javascript:
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/home/home.html", {
// This function is called whenever a user navigates to this page. It
// populates the page elements with the app's data.
ready: function (element, options) {
api.getBoxOffice().done(this.boxOffice, this.errBoxOffice);
listViewBoxOffice.winControl.addEventListener('selectionchanging', this.selectionchanging);
listViewBoxOffice.winControl.addEventListener('selectionchanged', this.selectionchanged);
boxOffice: function (movies) {
var list = new WinJS.Binding.List(movies);
listViewBoxOffice.winControl.itemDataSource = list.dataSource;
errBoxOffice: function (err) {
selectionchanged: function (evt) {
selectionchanging: function (evt) {
My problem:
The event selectionchanged is never fired. The event selectionchanging is fired but with bad value in newSelection.

While the documentation isn't as clear about this as I think it should be, you'll need to set the tapBehavior property to "toggleSelect" so that an item is fully selected. By default, the behavior is invokeOnly and with that it doesn't fully select the item. It clicks, but isn't selected.
There's a decent example located in the MSDN documentation.
If you store off a copy of the listViewBoxOffice instance, then from the events, you can get the current list via a promise:
listViewBoxOffice.selection.getItems().done(function(items) {
// do something with the items...

To check wheather the selectionchanged event is working or not Right click on the listview item.I think when we just only click on the listview item it needs iteminvoke event and for selection we need to right click on the item.
Following is the code snipet which is firing the selectionchanged event
<div id="UserListView" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView" style="border-top: 5px solid #000; min-width:500px;"
and in the js
UserListView.addEventListener("selectionchanged", selection);
function selection(evt) {
var test = "testing";
set the breakpoint and you can check in the evt the type="selectionchanged"

please try using Item invoked. Here's the Msdn link
Item invoked Winjs Listview
And try changing the selection accordingly.
Also if this does not work or you want selection changed only then Please post in the Template that you have designed. Will need to go through the entire code :)


JS: prototype event-observer not fireing

I have a magento test-shop with onepagecheckout extension. This uses a onepagecheckout.js. There should be added 'click'-event observers to the payment radio buttons. But when clicking on them, nothing happens.
The observers are added to the single input elements while each-ing through them:
addObservers: function () {
$$('input[name="payment[method]"]').each(function (el) {
el.observe('click', function () {
'review': 1,
'payment-changed': 1
The eached elements are, as can be seen in the Chrome debugger and fit to the input-element ids and names:
el =
el =
el =
el =
The update function is calling new content via AJAX when page is loaded, but is not executed and no network-activity can be seen, when events should be fired.
The installation can be seen here:
(Put something in the cart/Warenkorb, go to checkout/Zur Kasse, not further)
Can somebody tell me why the observers are not working? Other installations are working with this extensions, what's
Your input elements are hidden by
so nobody can click them. If you remove display:none in dev-tools and then click the radio button, an alert 'Click' pops up.
Try to use a change event instead of click
addObservers: function () {
$$('input[name="payment[method]"]').each(function (el) {
el.observe('change', function () {
'review': 1,
'payment-changed': 1
I've taken a closer look to this. This could not work with a change event, because there are onclick Attributes on each radiobutton. These are not triggered 'onchange'. So try to trigger the (example):
event with something like this
$$('input[name="payment[method]"]').each(function (el) {
el.observe('change', function () {
'review': 1,
'payment-changed': 1

Selectize.js: onItemAdd event triggered when silently adding an item

Using Selectize.js, I'm trying to initialize the dynamically pre-select one of the item of the list without triggering the onItemAdd event. In the following code, the event is triggered even if the silent parameter is truthy:
$(function () {
onItemAdd: function () {
alert("Add item");
// this triggers an the event
$('select')[0].selectize.addItem('2', true);
According to the documentation:
addItem(value, silent): "Selects" an item. Adds it to the list at the current caret position. If "silent" is truthy, no change event will be fired on the original input.
Any idea how to avoid triggering the onItemAdd event? Is the silent parameter b0rked or should I use the change event instead?
A quick fix that worked for me was to keep a state flag and refer to it in the event handler...
$(function () {
var initialising = true;
onItemAdd: function () {
if(!initialising) {
alert("Add item");
// this triggers an the event
$('select')[0].selectize.addItem('2', true);
initialising = false;
The silent parameter in addItem(value, silent) affects only to the fact whether or not the change event. You can't avoid item_add event with silent = true.
The only thing that worked for me was to store item_add event locally, remove it from selectize instance and set it back after I added the item:
onItemAdd: function(val) {
var e = this._events['item_add'];
delete this._events['item_add'];
this._events['item_add'] = e;

Avoid clicking twice to begin editing boolean (checkbox) cell in Backgrid

We are using Backgrid and have discovered that to begin editing a "boolean" (checkbox) cell in Backgrid, you must click twice: the first click is ignored and does not toggle the state of the checkbox. Ideally we would get to the root of what is causing this behavior (e.g. is preventDefault being called) and solve it there, but I at first I tried a different approach with the following extension of BooleanCell's enterEditMode method which seemed like a logical place since it was upon entering edit mode that the checkbox click was being ignored.
Problem is my attempt also toggles the state of the previously edited checkbox. Here is the code.
var BooleanCell = Backgrid.BooleanCell.extend({
* see
enterEditMode: function () {
Backgrid.BooleanCell.prototype.enterEditMode.apply(this, arguments);
var checkbox = this.$('input');
checkbox.prop('checked', !checkbox.prop('checked'));
The following seems to work:
var BooleanCell = Backgrid.BooleanCell.extend({
editor: Backgrid.BooleanCellEditor.extend({
render: function () {
var model = this.model;
var columnName = this.column.get("name");
var val = this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(columnName), model);
* Toggle checked property since a click is what triggered enterEditMode
this.$el.prop("checked", !val);
model.set(columnName, !val);
return this;
This is because the render method gets called by Backgrid.BooleanCell's enterEditMode method on click, and said method destroys and re-creates the checkbox as follows but in so doing loses the checked state (after the click) of the original "non-edit-mode" checkbox
A simpler approach:
var OneClickBooleanCell = Backgrid.BooleanCell.extend({
events: {
'change input': function(e) {
This bypasses the CellEditor mechanism entirely and just reacts to the input event on the checkbox by updating the model.

How to update hidden field value when clicking on jQuery Accordion Header?

I am using a hidden field to store the active index for the accordion:
var activeIndex = parseInt($('#ContentPlaceHolder1_hidAccordionIndex').val());
changestart: function () {
var value = $(this).scrollTop();
window.scrollTo(0, value);
autoHeight: false,
event: "mousedown",
active: activeIndex,
collapsible: true,
disabled: false,
change: function (event, ui) {
var index = $(this).children('h4').index(ui.newHeader);
Currently, the hidden field value is set in the codebehind. Therefore, if the user clicks on the accordion header, I would like to update the value of the hidden field according to the header that has been clicked.
Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks in advance.
Use following function for change event handler:
change: function (event, ui) {
var index = $(this).accordion("option", "active");
I have made an exact same example as yours in this fiddle and it works like a charm.
The only possible reason for you to not find the index of the current header is that you might have <h3> headers in your markup and your selecting <h4> in your change handler.
Change one or the other and it should normally work.
One way to handle this, is by adding a class called accordionHeader or something to each of the h3s. Then after the initial build of the accordian, call another event handler.
In my example I just performed a bind on h3 for quickly providing a demo.
$('h3').bind('click', function() {
Simple working example Fiddle

JavaScript click has different behavior than manual one

With prototype I'm listening for a click event on several checkboxes. On checkbox click I want to disable all <select> elements. I'm using prototype. So, I have this code:
$$('.silhouette-items input[type="checkbox"]').invoke('observe', 'click', function(event) {
var liItem = this.up('li.item');
if(this.checked) {
var selectItem ='select');
for(i=0;i<selectItem.length;i++) {
if (selectItem[i].hasClassName('super-attribute-select')) {
} else {
var selectItem ='select');
if (selectItem[i].hasClassName('super-attribute-select')) {
When I manually click on the checkbox, everything seems to be fine. All elements are disabled as wanted.
However, I have also this button which on click event it fires one function which fires click event on that checkbox.
In Opera browser it works. In others, not. It's like Opera first (un)check and then executes event. Firefox first fires event, then (un)check element.
I don't know how to fix it.
<ul class="silhouette-items">
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="include-item-17" class="include-item"/>
<select name="super_attribute[17][147]">(...)</select>
<select name="super_group[17]">(...)</select>
<button type="button" title="button" onclick="addToCart(this, 17)">Add to cart</button>
<!-- Repeat li few time with another id -->
Another JS:
addToCart = function(button, productId) {
inactivateItems = function(productId) {
$$('.include-item').each(function(element) {
var itemId =[a-z-]*/, '');
if (itemId != productId && element.checked) {
if (itemId == productId && !element.checked) {
simulateClickOnElement = function(linkElement) {
fireEvent(linkElement, 'click');
Where fireEvent is a Magento function that triggers an event
Don't bother simulating a onclick if you can get away with not doing so. Having a separate function that can be called from within the event handler and from outside should work in your case.
var handler = function(){
var nodeW = $('#node');;
Of course, this doesn't trigger all onclick handlers there might be but it is simpler so it should work all right. Points to note for when you use .call to call a function:
Whatever you pass as the first parameter is used as the this inside the call. I don't recall exactly what JQuery sets the this too but you should try passing the same thing for consistency.
The other parameters become the actual parameters of the function. In my example I don't pass any since we don't actually use the event object and also since I don't know how to emulate how JQuery creates that object as well.
fireEvent(linkElement, 'click');
works in firefox 5 and safari 5.1, so maybe the problem lies in the fireEvent() method.

