Underscore.js findLast() method - javascript

Does Underscore.js have a findLast() method or equivalent?
What is the best way to do .find() but return the last item that matches in Collection?

Reverse the list and then use find:
_.find(list.slice().reverse(), iterator);
Read MDN for the documentation on reverse.
Unfortunately a collection in underscore may be either an array or an object. If your collection is an array then you're in luck. You can use reverse. However if it's an object then you'll need to do this instead:
_.find(Object.keys(list).reverse(), function (key) {
return iterator(list[key], key, list);
You could write a findLast function for yourself:
findLast: function (list, iterator, context) {
if (list instanceof Array)
return _.find(list.slice().reverse(), iterator, context);
else return _.find(Object.keys(list).reverse(), function (key) {
return iterator.call(context, list[key], key, list);
Now you can use findLast like any other underscore method.

Underscore 1.8.0 introduced a method findLastIndex which can be used to accomplish this.
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var index = _.findLastIndex(numbers, isOddNumber);
if (index > 0) { console.log(numbers[index]); }
// returns 3

Using reverse, as suggested by #AaditMShah, is the easiest solution, but be aware that it manipulates the array in place. If you need to preserve the order of elements, you'd have to call reverse a second time, after you are done.
If you don't want to use reverse, you can
use Lodash instead, which provides _.findLast
grab the relevant code from Lodash, spread out over findLast and forEachRight and make your own findLast.
This is what it looks like if you only deal with arrays and don't care about objects:
function findLast (array, callback, thisArg) {
var index = array.length,
callback = callback && typeof thisArg == 'undefined' ? callback : _.bind(callback, thisArg);
while (index--) {
if (callback(array[index], index, array) == true) {
last = array[index];
return last;
(It works, but I haven't tested it properly. So to anyone reading this, please run a few tests first and don't just copy the code.)


Check if a word matches another in a map function in JS [duplicate]

I would like to filter an array of items by using the map() function. Here is a code snippet:
var filteredItems = items.map(function(item)
if( ...some condition... )
return item;
The problem is that filtered out items still uses space in the array and I would like to completely wipe them out.
Any idea?
EDIT: Thanks, I forgot about filter(), what I wanted is actually a filter() then a map().
EDIT2: Thanks for pointing that map() and filter() are not implemented in all browsers, although my specific code was not intended to run in a browser.
You should use the filter method rather than map unless you want to mutate the items in the array, in addition to filtering.
var filteredItems = items.filter(function(item)
return ...some condition...;
[Edit: Of course you could always do sourceArray.filter(...).map(...) to both filter and mutate]
Inspired by writing this answer, I ended up later expanding and writing a blog post going over this in careful detail. I recommend checking that out if you want to develop a deeper understanding of how to think about this problem--I try to explain it piece by piece, and also give a JSperf comparison at the end, going over speed considerations.
That said, **The tl;dr is this:
To accomplish what you're asking for (filtering and mapping within one function call), you would use Array.reduce()**.
However, the more readable and (less importantly) usually significantly faster2 approach is to just use filter and map chained together:
[1,2,3].filter(num => num > 2).map(num => num * 2)
What follows is a description of how Array.reduce() works, and how it can be used to accomplish filter and map in one iteration. Again, if this is too condensed, I highly recommend seeing the blog post linked above, which is a much more friendly intro with clear examples and progression.
You give reduce an argument that is a (usually anonymous) function.
That anonymous function takes two parameters--one (like the anonymous functions passed in to map/filter/forEach) is the iteratee to be operated on. There is another argument for the anonymous function passed to reduce, however, that those functions do not accept, and that is the value that will be passed along between function calls, often referred to as the memo.
Note that while Array.filter() takes only one argument (a function), Array.reduce() also takes an important (though optional) second argument: an initial value for 'memo' that will be passed into that anonymous function as its first argument, and subsequently can be mutated and passed along between function calls. (If it is not supplied, then 'memo' in the first anonymous function call will by default be the first iteratee, and the 'iteratee' argument will actually be the second value in the array)
In our case, we'll pass in an empty array to start, and then choose whether to inject our iteratee into our array or not based on our function--this is the filtering process.
Finally, we'll return our 'array in progress' on each anonymous function call, and reduce will take that return value and pass it as an argument (called memo) to its next function call.
This allows filter and map to happen in one iteration, cutting down our number of required iterations in half--just doing twice as much work each iteration, though, so nothing is really saved other than function calls, which are not so expensive in javascript.
For a more complete explanation, refer to MDN docs (or to my post referenced at the beginning of this answer).
Basic example of a Reduce call:
let array = [1,2,3];
const initialMemo = [];
array = array.reduce((memo, iteratee) => {
// if condition is our filter
if (iteratee > 1) {
// what happens inside the filter is the map
memo.push(iteratee * 2);
// this return value will be passed in as the 'memo' argument
// to the next call of this function, and this function will have
// every element passed into it at some point.
return memo;
}, initialMemo)
console.log(array) // [4,6], equivalent to [(2 * 2), (3 * 2)]
more succinct version:
[1,2,3].reduce((memo, value) => value > 1 ? memo.concat(value * 2) : memo, [])
Notice that the first iteratee was not greater than one, and so was filtered. Also note the initialMemo, named just to make its existence clear and draw attention to it. Once again, it is passed in as 'memo' to the first anonymous function call, and then the returned value of the anonymous function is passed in as the 'memo' argument to the next function.
Another example of the classic use case for memo would be returning the smallest or largest number in an array. Example:
[7,4,1,99,57,2,1,100].reduce((memo, val) => memo > val ? memo : val)
// ^this would return the largest number in the list.
An example of how to write your own reduce function (this often helps understanding functions like these, I find):
test_arr = [];
// we accept an anonymous function, and an optional 'initial memo' value.
test_arr.my_reducer = function(reduceFunc, initialMemo) {
// if we did not pass in a second argument, then our first memo value
// will be whatever is in index zero. (Otherwise, it will
// be that second argument.)
const initialMemoIsIndexZero = arguments.length < 2;
// here we use that logic to set the memo value accordingly.
let memo = initialMemoIsIndexZero ? this[0] : initialMemo;
// here we use that same boolean to decide whether the first
// value we pass in as iteratee is either the first or second
// element
const initialIteratee = initialMemoIsIndexZero ? 1 : 0;
for (var i = initialIteratee; i < this.length; i++) {
// memo is either the argument passed in above, or the
// first item in the list. initialIteratee is either the
// first item in the list, or the second item in the list.
memo = reduceFunc(memo, this[i]);
// or, more technically complete, give access to base array
// and index to the reducer as well:
// memo = reduceFunc(memo, this[i], i, this);
// after we've compressed the array into a single value,
// we return it.
return memo;
The real implementation allows access to things like the index, for example, but I hope this helps you get an uncomplicated feel for the gist of it.
That's not what map does. You really want Array.filter. Or if you really want to remove the elements from the original list, you're going to need to do it imperatively with a for loop.
Array Filter method
var arr = [1, 2, 3]
// ES5 syntax
arr = arr.filter(function(item){ return item != 3 })
// ES2015 syntax
arr = arr.filter(item => item != 3)
console.log( arr )
You must note however that the Array.filter is not supported in all browser so, you must to prototyped:
//This prototype is provided by the Mozilla foundation and
//is distributed under the MIT license.
if (!Array.prototype.filter)
Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp*/)
var len = this.length;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw new TypeError();
var res = new Array();
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (i in this)
var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this
if (fun.call(thisp, val, i, this))
return res;
And doing so, you can prototype any method you may need.
TLDR: Use map (returning undefined when needed) and then filter.
First, I believe that a map + filter function is useful since you don't want to repeat a computation in both. Swift originally called this function flatMap but then renamed it to compactMap.
For example, if we don't have a compactMap function, we might end up with computation defined twice:
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let mapped = array
.filter(x => {
let computation = x / 2 + 1;
let isIncluded = computation % 2 === 0;
return isIncluded;
.map(x => {
let computation = x / 2 + 1;
return `${x} is included because ${computation} is even`
// Output: [2 is included because 2 is even, 6 is included because 4 is even]
Thus compactMap would be useful to reduce duplicate code.
A really simple way to do something similar to compactMap is to:
Map on real values or undefined.
Filter out all the undefined values.
This of course relies on you never needing to return undefined values as part of your original map function.
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let mapped = array
.map(x => {
let computation = x / 2 + 1;
let isIncluded = computation % 2 === 0;
if (isIncluded) {
return `${x} is included because ${computation} is even`
} else {
return undefined
.filter(x => typeof x !== "undefined")
I just wrote array intersection that correctly handles also duplicates
// array intersection that correctly handles also duplicates
const intersection = (a1, a2) => {
const cnt = new Map();
a2.map(el => cnt[el] = el in cnt ? cnt[el] + 1 : 1);
return a1.filter(el => el in cnt && 0 < cnt[el]--);
const l = console.log;
l(intersection('1234'.split``, '3456'.split``)); // [ '3', '4' ]
l(intersection('12344'.split``, '3456'.split``)); // [ '3', '4' ]
l(intersection('1234'.split``, '33456'.split``)); // [ '3', '4' ]
l(intersection('12334'.split``, '33456'.split``)); // [ '3', '3', '4' ]
First you can use map and with chaining you can use filter
state.map(item => {
if(item.id === action.item.id){
return {
id : action.item.id,
name : item.name,
price: item.price,
quantity : item.quantity-1
return item;
}).filter(item => {
if(item.quantity <= 0){
return false;
return true;
following statement cleans object using map function.
var arraytoclean = [{v:65, toberemoved:"gronf"}, {v:12, toberemoved:null}, {v:4}];

Javascript, looping through an array and the arguments "object"

I can't get my head around this, i'm using filter to loop through an array and filter out all the integers passed as arguments ,i'm not limited in the number of arguments.
But i'm stuck here when it's about to get back to the function the value of the arguments object, at least more that once.
In my code below, obviously it's not fully working because i'm doing a return within the for…in loop, this is where i don't get how I can get the this second loop without having i re-initialised to 0…
function destroyer(arr) {
var args = arguments.length;
var arg0 = arguments[0];
var Nargs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var newArr = [];
newArr = arg0.filter(filtre);
/*Only the first argument is
filtered out,here it's the value "2",
but should filter out [2,3].
The expected result is [1,1]*/
return newArr;
function filtre(e){
for (var i in Nargs){
return e !== Nargs[i];
destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2,3);
Hope this is clear enough,
Thanks for any input !
While rgthree provided a solution very similar to what you already had, I wanted to provide a solution that takes advantage of newer ES6 features for modern browsers. If you run this through Babel, it will result in essentially the same code as in that solution, though it will still require a shim for the includes call.
function destroyer(source, ...args) {
return source.filter(el => !args.includes(el));
...args uses the spread operator to get all but the first argument into an array named args.
We can directly return the filtered array, assuming you don't need to log it and that was just for debugging.
el => !args.includes(el) is an anonymous arrow function. Since no braces are used, it will automatically return the result of the expression.
Since args is an array, we can directly use Array.prototype.includes to check if the current element is in the arguments to be removed. If it exists, we want to remove it and thus invert the return with !. An alternative could be the following: el => args.includes(el) == false.
Since your return statement in your filtre function is always executed on the first run, it's only returning the whether the first number in Nargs is equal to the current item. Instead, you can use indexOf for full browser support (which returns the index of the item in an array, or "-1" if it's not in an array) instead of a loop (or includes, or a loop, etc. as shown further below):
function destroyer(arr) {
var args = arguments.length;
var arg0 = arguments[0];
var Nargs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var newArr = [];
function filtre(e){
return Nargs.indexOf(e) === -1;
newArr = arg0.filter(filtre);
return newArr;
destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2,3);
If you don't need Internet Explorer support, you could use Array.includes:
function filtre(e){
return !Nargs.includes(e);
And finally, if you really wanted to use a loop, you would only want to filter an item (return false) once it's found otherwise allow it (return true):
function filtre(e){
for (var i = 0, l = Nargs.length; i < l; i++) {
if (e === Nargs[i])
return false;
return true;

Adding and Removing Values from JavaScript Array

I have a JavaScript array of numbers. My array is defined like this:
var customerIds = [];
I have a function that is responsible for inserting and removing ids to/from this array. Basically, my function looks like this:
function addOrRemove(shouldAdd, customerId) {
if (shouldAdd) {
if (customerIds.contains(customerId) === false) {
} else {
This function is basically pseudocode. A JavaScript array does not have a contains or remove function. My question is, is there any elegant way of tackling this problem? The best I can come up with is always looping through the array myself and tracking the index of the first item found.
Thank you for any insights you can provide.
The contains can be achieved with Array.prototype.indexOf, like this
if (customerIds.indexOf(customerId) === -1) {
indexOf function returns -1, if it couldn't find the parameter in the array, otherwise the first index of the match. So, if the result is -1, it means that customerIds doesn't contain customerId.
The remove can be achieved with Array.prototype.indexOf and Array.prototype.splice, like this
var index = customerIds.indexOf(customerId);
if (index !== -1) {
customerIds.splice(index, 1);
Similarly, indexOf function returns -1, if it couldn't find the parameter in the array, otherwise the first index of the match. So, if the result is -1, we skip deleteing, otherwise splice 1 element starting from the position index.
You can extend the Array method like below after that you are free to use 'contains' and 'remove'
if (!Array.contains)
Array.prototype.contains = function(a) {
for (var i in this) {
if (this[i] == a) return true;
return false
if (!Array.remove)
Array.prototype.remove = function(a) {
for (var i in this) {
if (this[i] == a) {
this.splice(i, 1);
Use indexOf and splice
function addOrRemove(shouldAdd, customerId) {
if (shouldAdd) {
if (customerIds.indexOf(customerId) == -1) {
} else {
var index = customerIds.indexOf(customerId)
customerIds.splice(index, 1);
You could definitely use the splice and indexOf as stated by #thefourtheye, yet I would like to provide another approach.
Instead of using an array you could use an object.
var customerIds = {};
//This could also be stated as: var customerIds = new Object(); this is just shorthand
function addOrRemove(shouldAdd, customerId)
customerIds[customerId] = new Object();
customerIds[customerId].enabled = true;
customerIds[customerId].enabled = false;
You now can query against the customerIds object for a specific customerId
Using this method not only provides you with the capability of attaching multiple attributes to a given customerId, but also allows you to keep records of all customerIds after disabling (removing).
Unfortunately, in order to truely remove the customerId, you would need to loop through the object and append each property of the object to a new object except for the one you do not want. The function would look like this:
function removeId(customerId)
var n_customerIds = new Object();
for(var key in customerIds)
if(key != customerId)
n_customerIds[key] = customerIds[key];
customerIds = n_customerIds;
In no way am I stating that this would be the proper approach for your implementation, but I am just providing another method of achieving your goal. There are many equivalent ways to solve your dilemma, and it is solely decided by you which method will best suit your projects functionality. I have personally used this method in many projects, as well as I have used the methods posted by others in many other projects. Each method has their pros and cons.
If you do wish to use this method, I would only suggest doing so if you are not collecting many customerIds and do want a lot of customerData per each customerId, or, if you are collecting many customerIds and do not want a lot of customerData per each customerId. If you store a lot of customerData for a lot of customerIds, you will consume a very large amount of memory.

Javascript: Determine if all of the elements in the array are keys in the object

I am trying to figure out if all of the elements in an array are keys in the object.
var obj = { name: 'Computer', cost: '$1,000' };
var myArray = [ 'name', 'cost', 'bio' ]; //another example would be var myArray = [];
for(var x = 0; x < myArray.length; x++){
if (myArray[x] in obj)
return true;
How can I check if all of the elements in an array are keys in the object?
Do it the other way around. If you find someone in the array who is NOT in the object then you return false. If you reach the end of the loop then you return true because all the keys were in the object.
Depending on what you want, this might do the trick:
function hasKeys(obj, keys) {
for (var i=0; i != keys.length; ++i) {
if (!(keys[i] in obj))
return false;
return true;
One subtlety you need to ask yourself: do you want to know if the object has the keys directly (i.e. not somewhere in its prototype stack?) If so, then replace keys[i] in obj with obj.hasOwnProperty(keys[i])
function hasKeys(obj, keys) {
return keys.every(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(obj));
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every states, "The every method executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds one where callback returns a falsy value (a value that becomes false when converted to a Boolean). If such an element is found, the every method immediately returns false. Otherwise, if callback returned a true value for all elements, every will return true. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned values; it is not invoked for indexes which have been deleted or which have never been assigned values" (emphasis mine).
Array.some() makes for a clean solution.
// object in question
var obj = { ... };
// keys that need to be present in the object
var keys = [ ... ];
// iterate through the whitelist until we find a key that doesn't exist in the object. If all exist, that means Array.some() is false.
var valid = !keys.some(function(key) {
return !obj.hasOwnProperty(key);
An alternative solution would be using a similar concept, but with Array.every(). It is to note that this will generally be slower because it always has to touch every element in the whitelist.
// iterate through the whitelist, making sure the object has each key.
var valid = keys.every(obj.hasOwnProperty);
This problem can be expressed in terms of set inclusion: does the set of property keys completely include the array of required keys? So we can write it as
includes(Object.keys(obj), arr)
So now we just need to write includes.
function includes(arr1, arr2) {
return arr2.every(function(key) {
return contains(arr1, key);
For contains, we could use Underscore's _.contains, or just write it ourselves:
function contains(arr, val) {
return arr.indexOf(val) !== -1;
If we are interested in conciseness at the possible expense of readability, we could shorten our definition of includes to use Function#bind instead of the anonymous function:
function includes(arr1, arr2) {
return arr2.every(contains.bind(0, arr1));
Now we have functions we can use for other things, instead of mixing up the two different aspects of the problem--the keys of an object, and set inclusion. If we really want to write an all-in-one function, it becomes the somewhat more readable:
function hasMany(obj, arr) {
return arr.every(_.contains.bind(0, Object.keys(obj));
If we want more readability, like we were writing a novel:
function object_has_required_keys(object, required_keys) {
var object_keys = Object.keys(object);
function key_is_present(key) {
return object_keys.indexOf(key) !== -1;
return required_keys.every(key_is_present);
Underscore's _.intersection
If we're lazy (or smart), we could use Underscore's _.intersection to implement includes:
function includes(arr1, arr2) {
return _.intersection(arr1, arr2).length === arr2.length;
The idea is to take the intersection, and if the first array includes the second entirely, then the intersection will contain all the elements of the second array, which we can check by comparing their lengths.
Using ES6 sets
Thinking ahead to ES6, we could implement include using its sets, which ought to be faster:
function includes(arr1, arr2) {
var set = new Set(arr1);
return arr2.every(Set.prototype.has.bind(set));

Given an array and predicate, find the first matching element

Is there an existing function that finds the first array element that matches some general predicate?
$.fn.findFirstMatching = function(predicate) {
var result;
$.each(this, function(index, value) {
if (predicate(index, value)) {
result = {index: index, value: value};
if (result) {
return result;
As of ES2015, you can use Array.prototype.find
An example of using it looks like this:
// outputs the first odd number
console.log([2,4,10,5,7,20].find(x => x%2))
Another solution would be:
$.grep(yourArray, function (value, index) { return value == 42 } )[0]
Note that the order of the arguments should be value, index
Docs for jQuery.grep.
Of course, using _underscore is much more elegant and efficient (as $.grep applies the predicate on the all items of the array, it doesn't stop after the first match), but anyway :)
If you use underscore.js, then you could use find method. It works even with jQuery objects storing collection of elements without problems.
_.find(array, function(value,index) { /* predicate */ });
But besides this additional (but small) library you need to write it by yourself.
Custom implementation could be actually quite short and still readable:
function findFirst(array, predicate) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (predicate(array[i])) return array[i];
This returns first item matching predicate (or undefined) and then stops iteration - this could be handy for huge arrays or if predicate function is complex.
Use inArray method of jquery
You can easily find out the index of your searched element.

