Refreshing div content (php content) with ajax - javascript

i am trying to be able to edit my custom cms blog posts without leaving the page.
The way it works is each post has a edit button which when clicked hides the post text, and displays a ckeditor and also a save button.
All the code works correctly behind the scenes as to say, when saved an ajax call is made to another php page which updates the posts content. Now the issue is i want to on save, show again the text and hide the editor.
I can get this working, but i cant get the div text to update to the new content until the page is refreshed.
So the ajax looks like so:
// ... goes after Validation
if (check == true) {
type: "POST",
url: "process/updatepost.php",
data: $targetForm.serialize(),
dataType: "json",
success: function(response){
if (response.databaseSuccess)
$targetForm.find('.buildtext').load('http://localhost/buildsanctuary/viewbuild.php?id=134 +bt+'),
$ckEditor.after('<div class="error">Something went wrong!</div>');
and this is how im trying to use a variable in the selector...
var bt = $(this).attr(".buildtext");
hope this all makes sense?


Update HTML content after a webpage has been loaded without reload

I'm using php and jquery and trying to get a notification to appear after a user submits a form. I'm using ajax for the form submission so that the page does not reload. I want the notification to contain some of the information from the form so they know if it has been entered already. The notification is just a hidden div that is shown when the ajax data is sent. Is there any PHP statements or something in javascript or JQuery that can do this?
Use ajax like this:
ajaxCall("formHandler.php", yourForm);
function ajaxCall(url, postData){
$.ajax(url, {
dataType: "json",
method: "post",
data: {postData}
success: function(data) {
// your Code, example:
return true;

Ajax call when user presses back button

I have a problem in my current application. I load lots of page content via ajax and it works always as expected. However, every time user visits another page of my application and clicks back button, those ajax calls is sent every time. I found myself deleting all of the content before ajax call and load it after that. Is there a simple way for such a case ? I mean, I would like to know if there is a way that I can be informed as back button is clicked so I don't need to make another ajax call ?
This is html file:
<div id="contentToBeLoaded">
It's my current java script now:
$("#contentToBeLoaded").empty(); // This is to the handle back button is clicked
type: 'GET',
url: '/pageToLoadContent',
dataType: 'html',
success: function(html) {
error: function(error) {

Best Way to Load Pages w/o Reloading

I am working on building a website that will not reload to a new page every time a link is pressed. I want to make something kind of like all enterprise/popular websites. (When looking in the network dev tab: notice that youtube page doesn't completely reload when you click on a link, same with google, same with Facebook for the most part. They all usually just reload the page content and nothing else.)
I would like only the HTML between the body tags to be changed (nothing else: no js,css, no head tags, etc).
It would seem like it is pretty easy. Currently, I am just using ajax to go out and fetch the html of the page, and load that into the body. Done! Not so fast... Three things (my code is at the bottom)
The js includes are located at the bottom of the page, right before the closing body and html tags. When looking in the network tab, it shows that the same js is always gotten again and parsed again. How do I prevent that?
Some pages will not load styles that are set. (note that all css, js, etc. scripts are the same for every page)
I want to make sure that the page is completely reloaded if the user leaves the website.
I am not sure if I am looking for a fix to the way I am doing it, but probably just a completely better different way to do it.
Here is my code:
$('a').on('click', function () { //on click of any <a> tag
var where = $(this).attr('href'); //gets url of the <a> attribute
type: "GET",
url: where, //where is the variable defined above
success: function(a) {
// load next page
history.pushState({urlPath: where},"",where); //changes the link of the webpage
$('body').html(a); //changes the body of the webpage
document.title = $('#title').text(); //changes the title using some weird irrelevant method
return false;
$(window).on('popstate', function() {//on click of the back or forward button
type: "GET",
url: window.location.href, //the url is the url that the back or forward button is set to
success: function(data) {
$('body').html(data);//replaces data
document.title = $('#title').text();//changes title using weird irrelevant method

Link not firing inside Ajax success

I'm trying to get a custom pop up to actually pop-up when clicked by a link inside the success.
So the user comes to Profilestatus.php and inserts a new post to their feed.
All this information is sent back via Json and the posts are constructed within my success. Ajax for that is provided below.
Within that newly constructed post is a share button.. Now when the post is constructed with Ajax and pretended into the users feed the share button doesn't fire the called div lights"streamitem_id" but i think this has something to do with the fact the Ajax call is made inside Profilestatus.php and the div that its looking for is inside the Commentspage.php
Link that calls on Client side inside commentspage.php
<a style='cursor:pointer;' id="<? echo $streamitem_data['streamitem_id']; ?>" onclick = "document.getElementById('lights<? echo $streamitem_data['streamitem_id']; ?>').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display='block'" class="pop" title='Share this' href="#">Share</a></div>
The code below is what grabs the post content and has the share button attached - I have removed all the code that I don't need in the success other than the Share button that is a part of my question.
type: "POST",
url: "insert.php",
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
data: { toid: content, newmsg: newmsg, red: username, privacy: privacy},
success: function(data){
$.each(data.userpost, function(i, response) {
if (response.streamitem_type_id == 1) {
$("#homestatusid").prepend("<div id='streamshare'><a style='cursor:pointer;' id='"+response['streamitem_id']+"' onclick='document.getElementById(lights"+response['streamitem_id']+").style.display=block;' class='pop' title='Share this' href='"+response['streamitem_id']+")'>Share</a></div>");
So my question is.. How do i allow the share button to call the commentspage.php from Profilestatus.php so it will find the actual div and popup,
Or maybe a better approach would suit"
Thank you for any help or advise

Passing php variables on click without refresh

The problem:
I have a series of 'accept' buttons, on click it opens a lightbox (a modal- using bootstrap), of course this is done without refreshing the page.
On the lightbox I need to show information regarding what is being accepted (therefore I need to pass a PHP variable to the lightbox). So the problem is how can I pass on a variable on click without refreshing the page? I tried using javascript, but the thing is once I set up a variable in JS I can't get that variable to PHP without refreshing the page.
The button has this code.
<button class="btn btn-acceptColor m-t-lg">Accept</button>
The other code isn't relevant for the purpose of this question. I just need the concept of how to actually do it.
Any help!?
there are many examples.
I provides some links, you can use them in your code as you suitability..
1). Ajax Tutorial
2). jQuery Ajax POST example with php
3). jQuery Ajax POST example with php
4). show data in lightbox
5). How to add jquery lightbox to content added to page via ajax?
I hope above links helpful for you
$(".btn-acceptColor").click( function (){
var person = {
name: $("#id-name").val(),
type: "POST",
url: "exaple.php",
data: person,
success: function(msg) {
var msg = $.parseJSON(msg);
return true;
// fill you light-box form get value from example.php page
alert('Server error');
return false;

