How does one read JavaScript API like Mongoose - javascript

I'm a java developer. I really like to learn javascript. I'm finding it very difficult to pick-up a library and just learn/use it for two reasons:
1) There is no decent auto-complete. I've tried, eclipse, vjet, nodeclipse and webstorm...each has its own frustrating set of issues. Maybe the language is such that, autocomplete is super-difficult.
2) The API documentation is extremely confusing. I guess it is because I'm new to JavaScript.
For example, I wanted to figure what the callback function in mongoose.connect method does and how to declare it. So I checked the api doc. All it says is that the callback is a doesn't say how many params it takes, what the values of the params are under various invocation scenarios...etc.
I feel like I'm missing something...
How does one go about reading these docs?

It's not you. I often find myself scratching my head about what the callback arguments should be. It's a problem with many JavaScript libraries.
However, in Node at least there is a convention that most libraries follow:
In node.js, it is considered standard practice to handle errors in asynchronous functions by returning them as the first argument to the current function's callback. If there is an error, the first parameter is passed an Error object with all the details. Otherwise, the first parameter is null.
For what it's worth, I haven't yet found an IDE that offers JavaScript autocomplete at anything nearly approaching the level of what's available for Java.
For the connect function, the callback passes an error argument given failure:
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/dbname', function(err) {
if (err) {
// handle error

Generally, JavaScript tools are behind those for Java.
I feel like I'm missing something...
Me too. But, I think situation will change in 1-2 ears.
You can just wait for things to change or improve that you need by small step in a time.
Welcome to Nodeclipse.
It is time inefficient to solve problem only for one library (e.g. Mongoose),
but if there is web service like one for Node.js there is big chance for things change. Especially if you care enough to contribute, e.g. with ideas and materials or just raising an issue.


Send scenario result in after scenario hook to external endpoint [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Dynamic scenario freezes when called using afterFeature hook
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I want a common implementation to write the: request-body, request-method & response-body to an output file for all the HTTP requests that I make in any of the karate feature files.
I have read through the documentation, and the closest option that I found was the afterScenario hook. However this doesn't help me in cases where I want to make multiple API calls in the same scenario.
I also tried using karate.prevRequest object by passing it to java function that I wrote. While this helps me capture the information that I want, I have to keep calling my java function after every API call, which I don't want to do.
I want to be able to write a hook that gets called after every API call and gives me access to request-body, request-headers, response-headers, response-body, request-method and request URL.
This should be fairly straight forward, clearly I seem to be missing something here.
First, I personally think that this is a mis-use of Karate, and you seem to be more interested in reports than actually doing testing. Take some time to think about it. Karate has excellent report integration and you are just wasting your time doing this in my very honest, sincere opinion. No one has asked for this.
Anyway. There is a new ExecutionHook in 0.9.5.RC4, details here:
You can implement afterStep, see if it is a method step and then do this. If you need changes, open an issue. Also see:
EDIT: just remembered - in the develop branch we added a way to intercept all requests and responses: - will be happy to get your feedback and see if we can merge this concept with the above hook - or improve the interfaces if needed
EDIT: in many cases, the afterScenario may be sufficient, note that you can call any Karate feature, which means you can do HTTP requests:
EDIT - the hooks API has changed for 1.0:
The ExecutionHook supports quite a lot different use cases.
Steps can be aborted or changed
Request and Response can be sniffed
See ExecutionHookExampleTest on how to use an ExecutionHook.
The API has changed. With karate version 1.1.0 (correct me, if I'm wrong)
It's now and you can use or
method to add a hook to your karate test case execution.

Handling callbacks in code that is like an inheritance tree

I am working on a javascript based character sheet system for role playing games. Within the specific type of RPG I am trying to implement there exists something of an inheritance tree, so that there are the basic RPG-system rules, there are more specific rules for a given setting within that RPG-system, and then there might be differences between specific versions of that setting.
For a given user interaction the code should execute some actions for the overall RPG-system, and some other code for the specific setting and version that is being used.
Currently I am handling this by doing something in the form of:
CharacterSheet.prototype.handleSomeUserInteraction() {
// Empty implementations here to avoid errors, this will be overwritten with a
// function that does the actual handling in a separate file
CharacterSheet.prototype.handleSomeUserInteractionForSystem() {}
CharacterSheet.prototype.handleSomeUserInteractionForSetting() {}
CharacterSheet.prototype.handleSomeUserInteractionForVersion() {}
The above is of course inelegant and not efficient - some interactions don't require handling at all three levels, but I still have to call an empty callback. (It should be noted that, of course, I don't know in advance which of these callbacks are needed - it depends on the particular system/setting/version.)
Ideally I would like to achieve the following:
It should be lightweight - in rare circumstances these callbacks need to be called maybe hundred times per second.
Only required/non-empty callbacks should be called.
The interface to registering a callback should be intuitive and clean, so that other developers who are otherwise unfamiliar with the rest of the code can use it easily develop their own RPG system/setting/version code.
I.e. it should be obvious which parts of the code can be extended (e.g. where a callback can be registered) and how.
Related to the above, there should be as little juggling with e.g. 'this' arguments as possible.
How can I best achieve the above objectives?
NOTE: Since inheritance is a bit wonky for me in JavaScript I have not gone that path, I have also read that JS inheritance may decrease performance (though I suspect that at my required four levels of inheritance it would not be a problem).
NOTE: I am looking for a clean vanilla JS solution, I am not a big fan of all these frameworks that bloat the codebase needlessly.
This is what I have come up with so far - inspired by the event driven solution suggested by #Nope.
CharacterSheet.prototype.onUserInteraction = [];
var _this = this;
this.prototype.onUserInteraction.forEach(callback => {;});
// Implementers then first create an implementation of the callback:
CharacterSheet.prototype.handleOnUserInteracation = function()
// Do something here
// And then register the callback this way:
This is not as clean and intuitive as I would ideally like, but it ensures that the code written in the callback can be treated as if it was written directly for the CharacterSheet prototype, and I do not have to mess with true JS inheritance.
Feedback for this approach would be appreciated, and alternative solutions will be upvoted if you explain the advantages/disadvantages. If it's good enough I will gladly mark it as accepted also.
Please note that the above code was written from memory, so it might contain some minor mistakes.

What's a clean way to handle ajax success callbacks through a chain of object methods?

So, I'm trying to improve my javascript skills and get into using objects more (and correctly), so please bear with me, here.
So, take this example:
Here, I have a separate method for each of the following:
Loading the ajax data
Using the loaded ajax data
Obviously, I have to wait until the load is completed before I use the data, so I'm accessing it as a callback.
As I have it now, it works. I don't like adding the initData callback directly into the loadData method, though. What if I want to load data and do something to it before I use it? What if I have more methods to run when processing the data? Chaining this way would get unreadable pretty quickly, IMO.
What's a better, more modular way of doing this?
I'd prefer something that doesn't rely on jQuery (if there even is a magical jQuery way), for the sake of learning.
(Also, I'm sure I'm doing some other things horribly in this example. Please feel free to point out other mistakes I'm making, too. I'm going through Douglas Crockford's Javascript - The Good Parts, and even for a rank amateur, it's made a lot of sense, but I still haven't wrapped my head around it all)
I don't see a lot that should be different. I made an updated version of the fiddle here.
A few points I have changed though:
Use the var keyword for local variables e.g., self.
Don't add a temporary state as an object's state e.g., ajaxData, since you are likely to use it only once.
Encapsulate as much as possible: Instead of calling loadData with the object ajaxURL, let the object decide from which URL it should load its data.
One last remark: Don't try to meet requirements you don't have yet, even if they might come up in the future (I'm referring to your "What if...?" questions). If you try, you will most likely find out that you either don't need that functionality, or the requirements are slightly different from what you expected them to be in the past. If you have a new requirement, you can always refactor your model to meet them. So, design for change, but not for potential change.

Best practise for context mode at runtime in JS

I have a web application based on apache. php, js and jquery. All works fine.
On the client side there is a small library in JS/jquery, offering some generic list handling methods. In the past I used callbacks to handle those few issues where those methods had to behave slightly different. That way I can reuse methods like list handling, dialog handling and stuff for different part of the application. However recently the number of callbacks I had to hand through when stepping into the library grew and I am trying a redesign:
Instead of specifying all callbacks as function arguments I created a central catalog object in the library. Each module of the application registers its own variant of callbacks into that catalog upon initialization. At runtime the methods lookup the required callbacks in that catalog instead of expecting it specified in their list of arguments. This cleans up things quite a lot.
However I have one thing I still cannot get rid of: I require a single argument (I call it context, mode might be another term) that is used by the methods to lookup the required callback in the catalog. This context has to be handed through to all methods. Certainly better than all sorts of different callbacks being specified everywhere, but I wonder if I can get rid of that last one to.
But where do I specify that context, if not as method argument ? I am pretty new to JS and jquery, so I failed to find an approach for this. Apparently I don't want to use global vars, and to be frank I doubt that I can simply store a context in a single variable anyway, since because of all the event handlers and external influences methods might be called in different contexts at the same time, or at least interleaving. So I guess I need something closer to a function stack. Maybe I can simply push a context object to the stack and read that from within the layers of the library that need to know ? The object would be removed when I leave the library again. Certainly other approaches exist too.
Here are so many experienced coders how certainly can give a newbie like a short hint, a starting point that leads to an idea, how to implement this. How is such thing 'usually' done ?
I tried round a while, exploring the arguments.callee.caller hierarchy. I thought maybe I could set a prototype member inside a calling function, then, when execution steps further down I could simply traverse the call stack upwards until I find a caller holding such property and use that value as context.
However I also saw the ongoing discussions that reveal two things: 1.) arguments.callee appears to be depreciated and 2.) it appears to be really expensive. So that is a no go.
I also read about the Function.caller alternative (which appears not to be depreciated and much more efficient, however until now I failed to explore that trail...
As written currently passing the context/mode down simply works by specifying an additional argument in the function calls. It carries a unique string that is used as a key when consulting the catalog. So something like this (not copied, but written as primitive example):
<!-- callbacks -->
// do something with args
// do something with args
<!-- catalog -->
// some plausibility checks...
return Catalog[context][slot];
<!-- callee -->
// callback as taken from the catalog
<!-- caller -->
But where do I specify that context, if not as method argument ?
Use a function property, such as Catalog.Callback.context
Use a monad

Debugging Techniques in JavaScript. Async Callbacks

In an existing Backbone/jQuery/CoffeeScript app I am working on, it appears there is a function (Backbone.Collection.fetch()) called multiple times (sometimes number may vary). I think it might be a timing thing as I am doing alot of nested callbacks (like AJAX etc) and its becoming hard to debug. I should probably try to convert the code to use jQuery deferred but in the mean time, what can I do?
Just tried walking through the code in Chrome, but it appears the code is jumping here and there, maybe its processing different callbacks at the same time?
I am thinking maybe I add a console.log to every function + its arguments, but there must be a better way?
You can add a stack trace to that fetch() function, and see where it's being called from. There are a number of decent stack trace implementations for JS. I've had good success with
Eric Wendelin's version, but there are plenty of others.
With the stack trace, perhaps you can at least see what the most common paths are into that function, and that might help narrow down where to search. It might even make clear the underlying culprit.

