Checking if box is checked - javascript

I have the following JS code:
else if ($('#tos').is(':not(:checked)')){
And the tos element:
<input type="checkbox" name="tos" value"1">
When I click my submit button, without checking it, the error doesn't pop up. Any reason why?

Your selector $('#tos') looks for an element with id tos which your checkbox does not have. You can either add the id attribute to the input element or use the name attribute to find the element
else if (!$('input[name="tos-pp"]').is(':checked')){

Your jQuery selector is not returning anything because the checkbox doesn't have an id of tos. Also, the correct syntax for checking if a checkbox/other input is checked is as follows:
else if (!$('input:checkbox').is(':checked')){
I composed a fiddle for your reference. Please see the code, it may help you out.


How to collect a string from a radio input and send it to a useState? (React) [duplicate]

I have a MVC3 app using Project Awesome (, but I am getting a weird behaviour on checkboxes. I have the following simple Html within a Modal popup <input type="checkbox" class="check-box" name="IsDeleted">
When I submit the form containing this element, its post value is 'on' instead of the expected 'true' (when element is checked).
Does anybody know why this is? I am assuming there may be some javascript somewhere messing with the form data, but wanted to check whether there isn't some HTML I am missing.
Set the checkboxes value attribute to true and you will get true in your post value.
It's browser specific, I suppose, what to send when value is undefined. You need to defined value attribute on your radios/checkboxes to be sure what will be passed back to you. I would suggest value="1"
set data-val="true" and value="true" by deafult...
if checkbox is checked then returns true
Check Checkbox is checked or not if checked set Hidden field true else set hidden field false.
Surely you should just check if it is set - the value that it sends across is irrelevant, if it's not checked, then nothing at all gets sent when you POST.
Nothing worked!
I ended up on a hacky way after seeing the serialised form object just before posting to controller/action. Its not safe in case if anyone would have any textboxes inside that may contain ampersands. In my case, i had an array of checkboxes, so I did this hack after I am very sure, i won't have problems.
var formData = $("#form").serialize();
formData = formData.replaceAll('=on&','=true&');
if (formData.endsWith('=on'))
formData = formData.substring(0, formData.length - 3) + "=true";
Hope it helps to those 'someone' with my scenario. Happy hacking.
Use jQuery for cross-browser decision. And it will return true or false anyway.
$('#check-box-id').attr('checked' ) == true
if your checkbox has an id check-box-id. For your current version use the next (select by class name):
$('.check-box').attr('checked' ) == true
Use jQuery
var out=$('.check-box').is('checked')
If checkbox is checked out=true
else out=false
In HTML, add a input type="hidden" above checkbox:
<input name="active" id="activeVal" type="hidden">
<input id="active" type="checkbox">
Then, add a script as below:
$('#active').change(function() {
When you do eg. $('#your-form').serialize() in jQuery, you will get value of checkbox when checked active: true or uncheck active: false

How to select and click all html checkboxes?

I desire to select and click all checkboxes in a webpage. I've tried:
Nothing happens, and devtool console outputs "undefined".
To reproduce you need to have an hotmail email account with messages already deleted.
In go to "Deleted items", there to "recover deleted items", and then a window will be opened with deleted conversations. Near to each conversation there will be a checkbox.
You're on the right track, but missing a few details. First, the query selector functions work. Finding elements is their bread and butter. If you're getting undefined, then your selector string is not correct. Does your HTML implement check boxes with <input type="checkbox">?
Second, don't use .click(). That may work, but is more work and cognitive effort for the followup/maintenance programmer. It additionally might trigger click events (unless of course you'd like that too). Just set the checked attribute:
document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]').forEach( (e) => e.setAttribute('checked', '') );
If your checkboxes are inputs you can use...
... or...
maybe instead of simulate click, try to manually set aria-checked attribute :
e.setAttribute("aria-checked", "true")
see here : jsFiddle
try following code
console.log($(this).attr("id")+" changed");
<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkbox1" checked="checked"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkbox2"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkbox3"/>

On checking "Mr." radio button it should select "Male" radio button. Please tell me what went wrong? Its not selecting Male radio button [duplicate]

With HTML a checkbox is created like this:
<input type="checkbox" id="category1">Category1<br>
With javascript we can check the checkbox like this:
$("#category1")[0].checked = true
Now I am trying to create the same page with jquery-mobile. The checkbox looks like this:
<input name="checkbox-0 " type="checkbox">Check me
Why is there is no id here? Is the name the id? Should I delete the attribute name and create one with the name id?
How can I check this checkbox here with Javascript/jQuery?
I tried the code above, but it doesn't seem to work for this checkbox.
You need to refresh it after changing its' .prop, using .checkboxradio('refresh'). This is the correct way to check checkbox/radio in jQuery Mobile.
$('.selector').prop('checked', true).checkboxradio('refresh');
Reference: jQuery Mobile API
You can do:
$('input[name="checkbox-0"]').prop("checked", true).checkboxradio('refresh'); //sets the checkbox
var isChecked = $('input[name="checkbox-0"]').prop("checked"); //gets the status
Straight from the jQ Mobile docs:
With the solution from #Omar I get the error:
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on checkboxradio prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh'
I actually had a flipswitch checkbox:
<div class="some-checkbox-area">
<input type="checkbox" data-role="flipswitch" name="flip-checkbox-lesson-complete"
data-on-text="Complete" data-off-text="Incomplete" data-wrapper-class="custom-size-flipswitch">
and found the solution was:
$("div.ui-page-active div.some-checkbox-area div.ui-flipswitch input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", true).flipswitch( "refresh" )
I don't usually specify ids for page content as jQuery Mobile loads multiple div.ui-page content into a single HTML page for performance. I therefore never really understood how I could use id if it might then occur more than once in the HTML body (maybe someone can clarify this).
If I use prop rather than attr the switch goes into an infinite flipping loop! I didn't investigate further...

check box validation javascript

I need to validate the selection of at least one check box on a table. I am not using an alert because I already have a class on CSS that highlights in red the inputs, selects and other elements if they are not filled out.
This is my JS:
var btnRegister= document.querySelector('#btnRegisterRegObr');
btnRegister.addEventListener('click', function () {
var bError= false;
//I am initializing this boolean variable so that it also shows an error
//message on the screen if the user has not selected any option at all...
var elementCheckRegObr = document.querySelector('#checkRegObr');
if (elementCheckRegObr.checked==false){
//This part of the code brings the error I have
//previously created on CSs if the checkbox is not checked
The button on HTML has the right id on the HTML: id="btnRegisterRegObr.
I was looking at some codes here and people were validating using the .checked==false
However this does not seem to work for mine.
As a matter of fact, I first thought I needed to use the syntax of if (elementCheckRegObr.checked=="") but that one does not seem to work either.
I dont have problems validating inputs, selects nor radio buttons, but I am not sure if I am doing it on the right way with the check boxes. Any help or advice would be greatly apprecciate it :)
I suggest that you use getElementById to get your elements, and test if the checkbox is checked this way:
alert('hey, im checked!');

Using depends with the jQuery Validation plugin

I've got a form with a bunch of textboxes that are disabled by default, then enabled by use of a checkbox next to each one.
When enabled, the values in these textboxes are required to be a valid number, but when disabled they don't need a value (obviously). I'm using the jQuery Validation plugin to do this validation, but it doesn't seem to be doing what I expect.
When I click the checkbox and disable the textbox, I still get the invalid field error despite the depends clause I've added to the rules (see code below). Oddly, what actually happens is that the error message shows for a split second then goes away.
Here is a sample of the list of checkboxes & textboxes:
<ul id="ItemList">
<label for="OneSelected">One</label><input id="OneSelected" name="OneSelected" type="checkbox" value="true" />
<input name="OneSelected" type="hidden" value="false" />
<input disabled="disabled" id="OneValue" name="OneValue" type="text" />
<label for="TwoSelected">Two</label><input id="TwoSelected" name="TwoSelected" type="checkbox" value="true" />
<input name="TwoSelected" type="hidden" value="false" />
<input disabled="disabled" id="TwoValue" name="TwoValue" type="text" />
And here is the jQuery code I'm using
//Wire up the click event on the checkbox
jQuery('#ItemList :checkbox').click(function(event) {
var textBox = jQuery(this).siblings(':text');
if (!jQuery(this).attr("checked")) {
textBox.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
//Add the rules to each textbox
jQuery('#ItemList :text').each(function(e) {
jQuery(this).rules('add', {
required: {
depends: function(element) {
return jQuery(element).siblings(':checkbox').attr('checked');
number: {
depends: function(element) {
return jQuery(element).siblings(':checkbox').attr('checked');
Ignore the hidden field in each li it's there because I'm using MVC's Html.Checkbox method.
Using the "ignore" option ( might be the easiest way for you to deal with this. Depends on what else you have on the form. For i.e. you wouldn't filter on disabled items if you had other controls that were disabled but you still needed to validate for some reason. However, if that route doesn't work, using an additional class to filter on (adding and removing with your checkboxes) should get you to where you want to go, but easier.
ignore: ":disabled",
Usually when doing this, I skip 'depends' and just use the required jQuery Validate rule and let it handle the checking based on the given selector, as opposed to splitting the logic between the validate rules and the checkbox click handler. I put together a quick demo of how I accomplish this, using your markup.
Really, it boils down to required:'#OneSelected:checked'. This makes the field in question required only if the expression is true. In the demo, if you submit the page right away, it works, but as you check boxes, the form is unable to submit until the checked fields are filled with some input. You could still put a .valid() call in the checkbox click handler if you want the entire form to validate upon click.
(Also, I shortened up your checkbox toggling a bit, making use of jQuery's wonderful chaining feature, though your "caching" to textBox is just as effective.)
Depends parameter is not working correctly, I suppose documentation is out of date.
I managed to get this working like this:
required : function(){ return $("#register").hasClass("open")}
Following #Collin Allen answer:
The problem is that if you uncheck a checkbox when it's error message is visible, the error message doesn't go away.
I have solved it by removing the error message when disabling the field.
Take Collin's demo and make the following changes to the enable/disable process:
jQuery('#ItemList :checkbox').click(function()
var jqTxb = $(this).siblings(':text')
if ($(this).attr('checked'))
jqTxb.attr('disabled', 'disabled').val('');
var obj = getErrorMsgObj(jqTxb, "");
function getErrorMsgObj(jqField, msg)
var obj = {};
var nameOfField = jqField.attr("name");
obj[nameOfField] = msg;
return obj;
You can see I guts remove the error message from the field when disabling it
And if you are worrying about $("form").validate(), Don't!
It doesn't revalidate the form it just returns the API object of the jQuery validation.
I don't know if this is what you were going for... but wouldn't changing .required to .wasReq (as a placeholder to differentiate this from one which maybe wouldn't be required) on checking the box do the same thing? If it's not checked, the field isn't required--you could also removeClass(number) to eliminate the error there.
To the best of my knowledge, even if a field is disabled, rules applied to it are still, well, applied. Alternatively, you could always try this...
// Removes all values from disabled fields upon submit
$(form).submit(function() {
I havent tried the validator plugin, but the fact that the message shows for a splitsecond sounds to me like a double bind, how do you call your binders? If you bind in a function try unbinding just before you start, like so:
$('#ItemList :checkbox').unbind("click");
...Rest of code here...
Shouldn't validate the field after disabling/enabling?
jQuery('#ItemList :checkbox').click(function(event) {
var textBox = jQuery(this).siblings(':text');
if (!jQuery(this).attr("checked")) {
textBox.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
I had the exact same problem.
I solved this by having the radio-button change event handler call valid() on the entire form.
Worked perfect. The other solutions above didn't work for me.

