responsive HTML5 application [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been searching about few details of HTML5 application but finding it hard or may be i am not searching in the right way. Basically i want to understand the new way of creating an application using HTML5 and CSS3 which will provide an experience of native application. Followings are my doubt.
How to navigate page by page. In typical web application every page is requested to the server and server will load the new page in browser with a refresh. In modern approch what is the way to do page navigation without page refresh effect.
In a typical web application a dynamic web programming such as, JSP are used to generate HTML files in browser. What is the modern approch do we still need to use the same way or plain static HTML files can be used and can be modified by jquery.
How the client server communication has to done so that page refresh does not happens. Can we use jquery for all the communication. Will it too much work for browsers.
How the HTML5 files are hosted. In server or each client has to have a copy of HTML files locally.
Any resources explaining this would be great.

The question is very generic, but I will attempt to answer it.
1. HTML5 is just a new version of HTML which is still under draft according to HTML5 is still HTML and HTML navigates to other pages by requesting a fresh copy of the next page from the server, which the server actively responds. This will however flush the existing page from the browser and the new page is brought in. ( And yeah when the same page is requested again, either a cached copy in the browser is displayed or a new request is sent to the server and all the contents,tiny or huge, are reloaded). This is the reload part. However, you can use asynchronous services that AJAX has to offer using which you can request part of a html page.
Ajax is a group of interrelated web development techniques used
on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax,
web applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server
asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the
display and behavior of the existing page.
2. Static pages are rarely used these days. However, if the site does not have too many user specific components or if the site only has static data to put in, then static pages are helpful, because loading the javascript stuff can be avoided. But then again, all modern web pages are dynamic.
There are a lots of ways of putting dynamic content on the web like
the Model View Controller approach and Event Based approaches.
And just to give you an idea, the new look is the one page look where all the content in the site is displayed in one single page and there are multiple controllers that feed various parts of the page and all of it is combined into a view.
Have a look here .
3. There are a lot of new js options these days with node.js and angular.js being the latest additions. Node.js is an excellent option if you want your site completely powered on javascript, however not many hosting sites support node.js yet. However, right now javascript seems to be the future.
4. This question is huge one, owing to the sheer lack of research from your point. Because, hosting and having copies are two different things because other than the hosting site and your client(that is the browser) there are lot of other servers which are put reasonably close to the client to serve pages on the fly, so that the file is brought quickly to the browser.
So, in a sense a lot of websites which have huge number of hits have
layers of fast cached servers upon slow back-end servers to serve
requests quickly. Then there are also fast cached database servers
upon huge slower ones.
So, what I want to stress here is that this is a purely performance related decision that YOU have to take. So, if there is something you want to achieve, whether it be speed or anything else, there are a lot of options to explore.
Coming to the CSS3 part, animations part of CSS3 is still to be accepted globally. There are still users all over the world who have browsers unable to process CSS3D transitions( users using older versions of IE etc). So thats about it.
That said, these things are purely related to performance and HTML5 or CSS3 for that matter have no part to play here.

Check out jQuery Mobile!
Basically jqm and other web mobile frameworks use Ajax to avoid any page refresh, with nice animations as a bonus.

This is more of a matter of how you want to pull data into your web app, from a server? then yes, it's gonna be an ajax request, and yes you will have to insert that into your html page, but again this doesn't mean your whole page has to come from a server. You can basically have a three tier setup, server, middleman, and your frontend. your middle part will have your html templates for your "pages" and will insert the incoming data from the server, and your front end will process and make everything happen. it can be like a php/angular or jquery setup, or php/handlebars/jquery or javascript setup, there are many others. Your page navigation again depends sort of on your framework setup.
Again kinda like the above. Routing is the most common way of communicating to a server these days. YOu basically requests data through different routes to the server and then process the incoming data -json perhaps- in whatever template engine you want to present to your end user. For routing, php solutions are the most popular, like slim or symfony.
Jquery is totally fine, angular is said to be much faster these days. Handlebars is excellent for creating template pages. Angular combines, qjuery, handlebars and some other stuff all in one. Backbone.js another good one.
THis is an odd question or tells me that you need to research some more about the whole concept. But think of in terms of frameworks and MVC type models.

I understand you require a single page HTML 5 app, For page navigations you can use Jquery mobile.It implements it via ajax.If you require the experience of native application.(In mobile devices JQM can be a little slow)You would require to make some performance improvements in jquery mobile, like removing unused widgets,unused themes,using clever javascript for minimal page reflow etc.
For such apps,for code maintainability we require the use of javascript frameworks like backbone js,knockout js etc(You have a wide variety of MVVM frameworks to choose from).
For client server communication you can make AJAX calls.


Client-side Website Localization Using URL Path

I'm working on localizing a website that I recently built -
The project is rather small, and I mostly use it to teach myself javascript along with Webpack and other web-related technologies/frameworks.
The website is 100% browser-based and does not have a lot of content. For that reason, I decided to go with this approach to translate the content itself.
The replacement of the placeholders with the 'real' content happens via javascript that is at the bottom of the HTML. Ultimately I want to have the content ready before the page renders. Just so that that search engines can index the new pages nicely.
What I want to achieve is that the page itself detects the language code (e.g., for Spanish) from the URL and then performs the translation based on that value.
What I'm struggling with is how to handle the part of the URL in the web page itself as the directory itself does not exist on the server directly.
So far, I tried redirecting all HTTP 404 codes to the index.html file itself (on the hosting side) - As suggested for SPAs.
This leads me to problems loading the resources as the relative paths now include the language code part of the URL.
Two ideas came to mind.
Improve the current Webpack build so that I only deliver a single file including all assets. That way I would not have problems with relative paths and I should be good. (Is Single page application just one page using for entire web application?)
Should I introduce a routing framework like Vue?
What I'm not asking for is
How to parse the URL itself.
For SEO reasons I also don't want to use URL parameters.
Hacky ideas or workarounds. I have no time pressure and want to know how this is done best.
Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated.
Under the circumstances that you have no time pressure, I'd personally recommend to use a JavaScript framework - or more specifically - Vue.js. Since you already mentioned it, I assume you have basic knowledge of it.
I see various ways to benefit from choosing this path:
The actual problem you're facing will no longer be an issue. The application will handle all the routing, so all you have to do is return the index.html and you're good to go
The developer experience (build process, hot reload, deployment, ...) will dramatically improve your daily work
Your bundle size will very likely reduce
You're prepared for future growth of your application
Best of all: you're challenging yourself by using a technology you probably have not much experience with. Speaking for myself, that should be reason enough. :-)
Happy coding!

PHP template system vs javascript AJAX template

My PHP template looks like this:
"{title}"=>"Title of my webpage",
"{other}"=>"Other information",
foreach(replace AS $search=>$replace){
echo $html;
I am considering switching to a javascript/ajax template system. The AJAX will fetch the $replace array in JSON format and then I'll use javascript to replace the HTML.
The page would then be a plain .html file and a loading screen would be shown until the ajax was complete.
Is there any real advantages to this or is the transition a waste of time?
A few of the reasons I think this will be beneficial:
Page will still load even if the Mysql or PHP services are down. If the ajax fails I can handle it with an error message.
Bot traffic (and anything else that doesnt run JS) will cause very little load to my server since the ajax will never be sent.
Please let me know what your thoughts are.
My 2cents is it is better to do the logic on the template side (javascript). If you have a high traffic site you can off load some of the processing to each computer calling the site. Maybe less servers.
With Javascript frameworks like AngularJs the template stuff is pretty simple and efficient. And the framework will do caching for you.
Yes, SEO can be an issue with certain sites. There at proxy tools you can put in place that will render the site and return the static html to the bot. Plus I think some bots render javascript these days.
Lastly, I like to template on the front-end because I like the backend to be a generic data provider (RESTful API). This way I can build a generic backend that drives web / mobile and other platforms in a generic way. The UI logic can be its separate thing in javascript.
But it comes down to the design needs of your application. I build lots of Software as a service applications so a single page application works well for me.
I've worked with similar design pattern in other projects. There are several ways to do this and the task would involve managing multiple project or application modules. I am assume you are working with a team of developers and not using either PHP or JavaScript MVC framework.
PHP Template
For many reasons, I'm against using “search and replace” method especially using server-side scripting language to parse HTML documents as a templating kit.
As you maintain business rules and project becomes larger, you will
find yourself reading through a long list of regular expressions,
parse HTML into DOM, and/or complicated algorithms for searching
nodes to replace with correct text(s).
If you had a placeholder, such as {title}, that would help the
script to have fewer search and replace expressions but the design
pattern could lead to messy sharing with multiple developers.
It is ok to parse one or two HTML files to manage the output but not
the entire template. The network response could be slower with
multiple and repetitive trips to server and that's just only for
template. There could be other scripts that is also making trips to
the server for different reason unrelated to template.
Initially, AJAX with JavaScript might sound like a neat idea but I'm still not convinced.
You can't assume web browser is JavaScript-enabled in every mobile
or desktop. You might need to structure the HTML template in few
ways to manage the output for non-JavaScript browsers. You might
need to include <noscript> and/or <iframe> tags on every page. And,
managing alternative template for non-JavaScript browser can be
Every web browser interpret JavaScript differently. Most developers
should know few differences between IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, and
to name few. You might need to create multiple JavaScript files to
detect then load JavaScript for that specific web browser. You
update one feature, you have to update script for all web browsers.
JavaScript is visible in page source. I wouldn't want to display
confidential JavaScript functions that might include credentials,
leak sensitive data about web services, and/or SQL queries. The idea
is to secure your page as much as possible.
I'm not saying both are impossible. You could still do either PHP or JavaScript for templating.
However, my “ideal” web structure should consist of a reliable MVC like Zend, Spring, or Magnolia. Those MVC framework include many useful features such as web services, data mapping, and templating kits. Granted, it's difficult for beginners with configuration requirements to integrate MVC into your project. But in the end, you could delegate tasks in configurations, MVC concepts, custom SQL queries, and test cases to developers. That's my two cents.
I think the most important aspects you forgot are:
SEO : What about search engine bots ? They wont be able to index your content if it is set by javascript only.
Execution and Network Latency : When your service is working, the browser will wait until the page is loaded (let's say 800ms) before making the extra Ajax calls to get your values. This might add an extra 500ms to get it (depending on network speed and geographic location...). If you have sent all the generated data by your server, you would have spent only ~1ms more to prepare the complete response. You would have a lot of waiting on a blank page.
Caching : You could cache the generated pages on your web app. That way your load will be minimized as well. And also, if you still want to deliver content while your backend services (MySQL/PHP..) are down you could even use Apache or Nginx caching.
But I guess it really depends on what you want to do.
For fast and simple pages, which seems to be your case, stick with backend enhancements.
For a dynamic/interactive app which can afford loading times, and doesn't care about SEO, you can delegate most things to the front-end. But then use an advanced framework like Angular, to handle templating, caching, etc...

Mobile Webapp: render data list in PHP or Javascript?

I am currently developing a webapp aimed for mobile devices which basically consists of a couple of long and complex lists, lots of data, collapsible cascading elements.
I'm getting the data to be displayed as XML, now as I see it I have two options:
build the list on the server and send HTML to the client
send XML to the client, build the list with Javascript/jQuery
Not sure which is more efficient, less data to transfer is good, less load on (especially older) phones is also good.
Any other pros/cons I'm not seeing? Suggestions?
The less data you send the better.
I often prefer to make a one-page application. All of the data needed is loaded via AJAX or Web Sockets (check out Socket.IO for a nice wrapper, with compatibility for mobile browsers that don't directly support Web Sockets). That way, you can have a much smoother user experience, and save bandwidth while doing it.
The con with this method is SEO. Search engines won't be running your JavaScript, and therefore won't index any data you are displaying. For "application" like sites, this is typically not a problem. If your site is more content based, then it might be an issue for you. There are ways around this, and progressive enhancement goes a long way to helping the problem. You will need to decide if this is right for you and your situation.
The presentation of Nicholas C. Zakas on velocity 2013 can help you.
Enough with the JavaScript Already. The peroformace or js rendering is very bad, especially for mobile webapp. We have changed the render of data list form js to php in some appliction. You should try to compare the performace or these two ways, and choose the better one. I recommend you do the render of big list in php, just for performce.

One page only javascript applications

Have you experimented with single page web application, i.e. where the browser only 'GETs' one page form the server, the rest being handled by client side javascript code (one good example of such an 'application page' is Gmail)?
What are some pro's and con's of going with this approach for simpler applications (such as blogs and CMSs)?
How do you go about designing such an application?
Edit: As mentioned in the response a difficuly is to handle the back button, the refresh button, bookmarking/copying url. The latter can be solved using location.hash, any clue about the remaining two issues?
I call these single page apps "long lived" apps.
For "simpler applications" as you put it it's terrible. Things that work OOTB for browsers all of a sudden need special care and attention:
the back button
the refresh button
bookmarking/copying url
Note I'm not saying you can't do these things with single-page apps, I'm saying you need to make the effort to build them into the app code. If you simply had different resources at different urls, these work with no additional developer effort.
Now, for complex apps like gmail, google maps, the benefits there are:
user-perceived responsiveness of the application can increase
the usability of the application may go up (eg scrollbars don't jump to the top on the new page when clicking on what the user thought was a small action)
no white screen flicker during the HTTP request->response
One concern with long-lived apps is memory leaks. Traditional sites that requests a new page for each user action have the added benefit that the browser discards the DOM and any unused objects to the degree that memory can be reclaimed. Newer browsers have different mechanisms for this, but lets take IE as an example. IE will require special care to clean up memory periodically during the lifetime of the long-lived app. This is made somewhat easier by libraries these days, but by no means is a triviality.
As with a lot of things, a hybrid approach is great. It allows you to leverage JavaScript for lazy-loading specific content while separating parts of the app by page/url.
One pro is that you get the full presentation power of JavaScript as opposed to non-JavaScript web sites where the browser may flicker between pages and similar minor nuisances. You may notice lower bandwidth use as well as a result of only handling with the immediately important parts that need to be refreshed instead of getting a full web page back from the server.
The major con behind this is the accessibility concern. Users without JavaScript (or those who choose to disable it) can't use your web site unless you do some serious server-side coding to determine what to respond with depending on whether the request was made using AJAX or not. Depending on what (server-side) web framework you use, this can be either easy or extremely tedious.
It is not considered a good idea in general to have a web site which relies completely on the user having JavaScript.
One major con, and a major complaint of websites that have taken AJAX perhaps a bit too far, is that you lose the ability to bookmark pages that are "deep" into the content of the site. When a user bookmarks the page they will always get the "front" page of the site, regardless of what content they were looking at when they made the bookmark.
Maybe you should check SproutCore (Apple Used it for MobileMe) or Cappuccino, these are Javascript frameworks to make exactly that, designing desktop-like interfaces that only fetch responses from the server via JSON or XML.
Using either for a blog won't be a good idea, but a well designed desktop-like blog admin area may be a joy to use.
The main reason to avoid it is that taken alone it's extremely search-unfriendly. That's fine for webapps like GMail that don't need to be publically searchable, but for your blogs and CMS-driven sites it would be a disaster.
You could of course create the simple HTML version and then progressive-enhance it, but making it work nicely in both versions at once could be a bunch of work.
I was creating exactly these kind of pages as webapps for the iPhone. My method was to really put everything in one huge index.html file and to hide or show certain content. This showing and hiding i.e. the navigation of the page, I control in a special javascript file where the necessary functions for handling the display of the parts in the page are.
Pro: Everything is loaded in the beginning and you don't need to request anything from the server anymore, e.g. "switching" content and performing actions is very fast.
Con: First, everything has to load... that can take its time, if you have a lot of content that has to be shown immediately.
Another issue is that in case when the connection goes down, the user will not really notice until he actually needs the server side. You can notice that in Gmail as well. (It sometimes can be a positive thing though).
Hope it helps! greets
Usually, you will take a framework like GWT, Echo2 or similar.
The advantage of this approach is that the application feels much more like a desktop app. When the server is fast enough, users won't notice the many little data packets that go back and forth. Also, loading a page from scratch is an expensive operation. If you just modify parts of it, the browser can keep a lot of the existing model in memory and just change the parts that changed.
Another advantage of these frameworks is that you can develop your application in pure Java. This means you can debug it in your IDE just like any other Java app, you can write unit tests and run them automatically, etc.
I'll add that on slower machines, a con is that a large amount of JavaScript will bring the browser to a screeching halt. Since all the rendering is done client-side, if the user doesn't have a higher-end computer, it will ruin the experience. My work computer is a P4 3.0GHZ with 2 GB of ram and JavaScript heavy sites cause it to chug along slower than molasses, which really kills the user experience for me.

When NOT to use AJAX in web application development? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm building a web application with the Zend Framework. I have wanted to include some AJAX type forms and modal boxes, but I also want my application to be as accessible as possible. I want my application to be enhanced by AJAX, but also fully functional without AJAX.
So as a general guideline...when should I not use AJAX? I mean, should I bother making my application usable without AJAX? Or does everyone have AJAX enabled browsers these days?
If you mean "accessible" in the ADA sense, AJAX is usually a no-no - your site should provide all its content and core functionality using only standard (X)HTML and CSS. Any javascript used should merely extend the core functionality, and your site should be coded to work elegantly in the absence of a javascript-enabled browser.
Examples: if you want a user to click on a thumbnail and get a full-size version of the image as a result, you can make the thumbnail a link. Then, the onclick event will fire a JQuery method that cancels the navigation behavior of the link and pops up a JQuery floating div to show the image on the current page. If the user's browser doesn't support JavaScript, the onclick event will never fire, and the user will be presented the image in a new page. The core functionality is the same with or without scripting.
EDIT: Skeleton example, sans JQuery-specific code.
Some URL
To cancel the navigation operation, simply make sure that the method invoked by the onclick event returns false at the end.
A neat example of the JQuery image popup I described can be found here.
Use ajax if it adds value for the user.
If the ajax version adds a lot more value than the non-ajax version then it might justify the expense to develop a solution that caters for both clients. Generally i wouldn't recommend doing the extra work (remember.. more code results in more maintenance).
I think one point is missing here: Use Ajax only for content any search engine does not need to know.
98% of users will have AJAX enabled browsers.
A significant percentage of those people won't have it turned on when they first visit your site though (or at all, ever perhaps).
I've seen websites that look like a blank page without javascript on. Don't be one of them. Javascript to fix layout issues is a horrible idea in my opinion. Make sure it loads and looks ok without Javascript. If people can atleast see what they are missing out on, they are likely to switch it on, but if your website looks like it's just broken, then...
I often have noscript block Flash and JavaScript until I make the decision that your site is worthy.
So be sure to tell me what I'm missing if I have JavaScript turned off.
It depends on the complexity of your web application.
If you can, having it functional with javascript disabled is great, because it makes your application usable not only by users on js-disabled browsers but also by robots. The day you decide to write an application to automatically fill your forms, for example, you don't have to write an API from the ground up.
In any case, do not user AJAX for EVERYTHING! I have just inherited a project that basically consists of a single page that is populated by a ton of AJAX calls and I can tell that you just thinking about it gives me physical pain. I guess the original developer didn't like the concept of using the back/forward button in the browser as a mean of navigation.
Unless you are targeting mobile devices or other non-standard web users, you can be fairly sure that the vast majority has Javascript enabled, because most major sites (including SO) rely heavily on it.
I want my application to be as accessible as possible.
You can do things like rendering your modals and forms as a page that can operate standalone.
The AJAX version pulls the template into a modal/container, the standalone version checks if it's an AJAX request and renders the page including the header/footer (this can occur from the same URL if planned well)
The AJAX version intercepts the submit and does AJAX submission then provides an inline thank you, the non-AJAX opens a thank you page. Once again you can likely use the same pages for each of these functions if thought out correctly.
Reusing templates and URL's helps avoid additional maintenance for the AJAX/non-AJAX versions.
I want my application to be enhanced by AJAX, but also fully
functional without AJAX.
Thinking through the structure of your URLs and templates can go a long way towards this, if you make most of your AJAX requests pull in completely rendered templates (as opposed to just data) then you can usually use the same URL to serve both versions. You just serve only the guts of the modal/form to the AJAX request and the entire page to a regular request.
When should I not use AJAX?
You should not use AJAX if doing so will cause a poor experience for a significant portion of your user base (there are of course techniques that can be used to mitigate this)
You should not use AJAX if the development time associated with implementing it will be too significant to justify the improvements in user experience
You should not use AJAX for content which has significant SEO value without implementing an appropriate fallback that allows it to be indexed (Crawlers are improving constantly but it's still a good idea)
I mean, should I bother making my application usable without AJAX? Or
does everyone have AJAX enabled browsers these days?
I'd say a lot of the time it's unnecessary as the vast majority of users will have AJAX enabled browsers, but there are scenarios where it's critical such as SEO optimization or when a large portion of your user base is likely to use browsers that are less likely to support Javascript as well or where they're likely to have Javascript/AJAX disabled.
A few examples of these scenarios:
A website for a company or government that uses an outdated browser as standard
A website where a large portion of the users may be disabled in a manner that may negatively impact their experience such as a website for vision or motor-skill impaired people may be negatively impacted by updating content via AJAX especially if it occurs rapidly.
A site accessed regularly via a less common device or browser that will cause a negative impact to a large portion of users
So what should I do?
Think about who is going to be using the site, how they're going to access it, and what they're going to access it with. Also try to think about not just the present but also the future.
Design the site in a manner that will cater to the majority of these users.
Think who will gain and who will loose based on my decision to use AJAX and if in doubt have a look at your analytics data to help weigh up the decision and if you lack the data it may be worth updating your tracking and obtaining a sample to aid the decision
Think does my decision to use AJAX cause any contradictions with core requirements for this project
Use AJAX to enhance content where possible as opposed to making it mandatory ie the content should work with or without JS/AJAX
Consider the additional development time involved with the use of AJAX (if any)
My experience is, we should use ajax after it works without it. For a couple of reasons.
First, if something breaks in the ajax, and you don't have it working without it, the site simply doesn't work. For example, a product list with pagination. It should work with the links alone, then use ajax when possible.
Second, for site indexing and accessibility. If it works without ajax, it's better.
And it's easier to break something (even if only for a few moments). A bad piece of code, an uncaught exception, an external library not loaded, a blocking browser extension,...
After everything works without ajax, its quite easier to add ajax. Just have the ajax catch the action, add ajax=1 and when returning the result, return only what you need if ajax=1, otherwise return everything.
In the product list example, I would only return the products and pagination html, and add to the correct div. If ajax stops working, the whole page is loaded and the customer sees the second page as it loads.
Ajax adds a lot of value to UX. If done right, the user gets a great feel when using the site, and better data usage because it doesn't load the whole page everytime.
But the question being "when not to use ajax", I would say, you should always count on it to improve UX but not rely on it for the site to work (as other users also mentioned). And nowadays we need both, great code and great user experience.
My practice is to use two main pages, let's say and First one is responsible for generating full website, and is default target of forms. Other one generates only output specific for adequate ajax query. Logic behind both of them is the same, only the method of generating output is a bit different.
In jquery I simply change action parameter when sending a request. It works both with and without ajax, although long time have I not seen someone with disabled js and ajax.
I like the thought of coding your application without JavaScript / Ajax and then adding it in later to enhance the UI without depriving users of functionality just because they don't have JavaScript enabled. I read about this in Pro ASP.NET MVC but I think I've seen it elsewhere in reading about unobtrusive JavaScript.
You should not make your service bloated with web 2.0 effects like accordion, modal/etc forms, image zoomers etc.
Use modern tech smarter (AJAX is one of them) and your users will be happy. Do not fear AJAX -- this is very good thing to make user expirience smooth. But don't do things because you like it - do them because your user need it ;)
When you want to make a website that looks like a website, not a fugly imitation of a desktop app?
You should not use AJAX or JavaScript in cases where:
your system needs to be accessible
your system needs to be search friendly
However, by using a modern JS framework with some solid "unobtrusive" practices, you can progressively enhance pages so that they remain accessible and search-friendly while offering a slick UI to users.
This totally depends on the type of application or feature you're developing. If it is crucial that the application is accessible despite the absence of Javascript, then it would help to have fallback methods (i.e. alternative forms) to allow your user to use said functionality/feature. For that, it will require you to invest some of your time developing methods for collecting information not just using client-side scripts but also on the server-side.
For miscellaneous features that only serves to enhance user experience, it's mostly not worth it to develop fallback methods.
There's no reason to totally not use AJAX. AJAX helps minimize your traffic after all.
You can if you wish always use AJAX and update the history state using Push State or for more compatibility use the hash with none HTML5 compliant browsers.
with this you can have your server load a page then javascript read the document.hash and resume the state of the application base on the state of the hash.
for example i got to /index.html i click into something for example a client to open the view client you can change the hash to #/view/client/{client_id}/ then if a reload or go back using the browser the hash with change and you can use the onhashchanged event to capture it and match the sites state to the new hash then same if a favorite a certain state
A couple of other scenarios where one may be better off NOT using AJAX:
Letting someone to log into the web application. Use traditional form submit instead.
Searching and returning more than a few 100 rows from the database. Either break the process down or let the server side language handle it.

