Remove css class with animation - javascript

I'm creating a table and i want to highlight a specific row.
I did this using:
$this.css('background-color', 'green');
$this.delay(3000).animate({ backgroundColor: $color }, 3000);
$this = the row in question.
$color = the previous row color.
But i want it to work with the a css class, so something like this
The class .highlight will only have a background-color.
The problems is that, after i add the class, i can't the background-color.
If i use:
$this.delay(3000).animate({ backgroundColor: $color }, 3000);
it doesn't seem to work because it doesn't overrides the background-color property of the class .highlight itself.
And i don't see a way to animate a removeClass method or even a switchClass from .highlight to ''.
Is there any solution i'm not thinking off to do this.
Thanks in advance.

Use CSS transitions instead. Better performance and simpler.
Fiddle example
transition:background-color 0.3s linear;
though this doesn't provide as much browser support for the animation, obviously.

You could use jQuery UI's .switchClass which animates all the style changes: .switchClass
Once completed highlighting, use the callback to switch it back.
$('div').click(function() {
$(this).switchClass( "normal", "color", 1000, "easeInOutQuad", function(){
$(this).delay(3000).switchClass( "color", "normal", 1000, "easeInOutQuad" );
Fiddle me here!

the .animate() function works with "numeric" properties like: height, width, left, etc.. but not with background-color.
You can try this:
$(document).ready( function() {
$('tr.normal').on('click', function() {

You could use jQuery's addClass and removeClass, consider:
if($(document).scrollTop() > 250)
What this is doing is replacing the original class, such as "hide" with the div class "show", this particular snippet of code displays a banner when the user scrolls 250px down the page.
Remember if you're using this code that it's still better (and smoother) to use CSS3 transitions UNLESS you're considering users who's browsers don't support this, such as IE8-.
EDIT: I just realized the reason you're doing it this way is because you're considering IE7 users. Perfect. I have literally just solved this issue myself.
The workaround I used was to have a css3 transition set up, and a detector with an if statement to use jQuery where transition isn't supported, see below:
var Detect = (function() {
//Add CSS properties to test for
props = "transition".split(","),
//Browser prefixes
CSSprefix = "Webkit,Moz,O,ms,Khtml".split(","),
d = document.createElement("detect"),
test = [],
p, pty;
// test prefixed code
function TestPrefixes(prop) {
Uprop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
All = (prop + ' ' + CSSprefix.join(Uprop + ' ') + Uprop).split(' ');
for (var n = 0, np = All.length; n < np; n++) {
if ([All[n]] === "") return true;
return false;
for (p in props) {
pty = props[p];
test[pty] = TestPrefixes(pty);
return test;
if (Detect.transition) {
$(window).scroll(function() {
//your code here
//remember to use an if else


Detecting the end of a overflow-x:scroll element and add a class before animation

As the title suggests I want to detect the start and end of a scrollable element built using overflow.
The following code works:
var scrollAmount = 150;
var scrollBox = $('.js-compare_scroll');
var arrowLeft = $('.js-compare_scroll_left');
var arrowRight = $('.js-compare_scroll_right');
var inactive = 'm-inactive';
$(arrowLeft).on('click', function () {
scrollLeft: '-='+scrollAmount
}, function() {
if(scrollBox.scrollLeft() === 0) {
$(arrowRight).on('click', function () {
scrollLeft: '+='+scrollAmount
}, function() {
if(scrollBox.scrollLeft() + scrollBox.innerWidth() >= scrollBox[0].scrollWidth) {
However the class to style the inactive colour of the arrows only appears once the animation completes. I need to add the class before the animation completes because it has a delay. I believe by default it is 400.
Is there anyway to detect this and apply the arrow classes where needed?
Came back from a break and realised I should take the checking if its at the end off the click event and onto a scroll event. This works a lot better now.

JavaScript: addClass when element is in viewport using animate.css

I am using animate.css which is nice and simple as I am a beginner. I can get the animation to work and can delay the animation with animation-duration: 3s and animation-delay: 0s; But I can't find how to trigger it when it comes into my viewport as I scroll down to it. Here is the code I have tried so far:
<div class="about-container">
<p>Content here...</p>
background-color: #a3c17f;
width: 500px;
margin: 0 auto;
$(function() {
if ($("#about-container").length > 0) {
addClass('animated pulse')
Look at your element. You are using class. So it should be $('.about-container'). However you can change it into ID.
$(function() {
if($('#about-container').length > 0) { // check if there's an element
$('#about-container').addClass('animated pulse'); // this is how you add class in jquery
Plain Javascript
var abtContainer = document.getElementById('about-container');
if(abtContainer.length > 0) {
abtContainer.classList.add('animated pulse');
However this method don't work on IE8 and below.
So you need to use this if you are supporting old browsers.
abtContainer.className += ' animated pulse';
Try this:
"OnScreen JS"
A jQuery plugin that does stuff to elements when they enter or leave the viewport
function addClass(elem, clazz) {
if (!elemHasClass(elem, clazz)) {
elem.className += " " + clazz;
function elemHasClass(elem, clazz) {
return new RegExp("( |^)" + clazz + "( |$)").test(elem.className);
try this
classToAdd: 'visible animated fadeInDown',
From your code, it seem you are adding addClass('animated pulse').
Since addClass supports multiple class your code is right.
For testing your code you can try applying class like this manner .addClass('animated ').addClass('pulse');
But use $(this).addClass('animated pulse') in order to append class to '.about-container' DIV.
From your given HTML DIV you dont have ID #about-container,
So replace ,
$(function() {
if ($(".about-container").length > 0) {
$(this).addClass('animated pulse'); // Add class supports multiple class
$(this).addClass('animated'). addClass('animated'); // But try this also

How would I make my Bootstrap navbar "collapse"?

I am trying to replicate the scrolling effect from here:
I have a feeling that they are using a heavily modified version of Bootstrap Navbar, which I have taken from here: and have changed it to fit into my specific case.
How would I make it so when you scroll down the page, the bar on the top gets "smaller" and scrolls along with the page as you scroll? Thanks
You can use css transitions for the height, font size and whatever else you want changed. Then simply set a scroll listener, which adds a class to the header so the size changes. Quick (and very ugly) example. jsFiddle
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(this).scrollTop()) {
else {
Maybe you should detect the scroll event of the window, after that, set the position of the navbar to fixed and then, perform the animation. Here's an example of the javascript part and a link see it in action:
var performingDownAnimation = false,
performingUpAnimation = false;
var performScroll = function(){
if($("body").scrollTop() > 0) {
if(performingUpAnimation) {
performingUpAnimation = false;
$('#logo').animate({ 'font-size': "12px" }, 1000, function(){
performingDownAnimation = false;
performingDownAnimation = true;
}else if($("body").scrollTop() == 0){
if(performingDownAnimation) {
performingDownAnimation = false;
$('#logo').animate({ 'font-size': "48px" }, 1000, function(){
performingUpAnimation = false;
performingUpAnimation = true;
$(document).on('scroll', performScroll);
On scroll event and position fixed
I edited my response for adding support for the "up" direction too. About using bootstrap for the animation, I have no idea how to do it, and I think it can't be done, because bootstrap is based mainly on applying CSS classes to different elements. CSS classes are discrete, but you are asking for animating something numerical, as the font-size property is. As much, you could create an animation that looks "staggered".

Want to show navbar smooth after scroll > 10

i have created a navigation and when scrolls down after 10 it changes its background color but i want to make it a little smooth to change its bg-color.
my jquery navigation code
var a = $(".navbar-default").offset().top;
if($(this).scrollTop() > 10)
the code i was trying but its not working
When transitioning CSS properties you use jQuery animate. However, you cannot transition non-numeric properties like colors. To do this you can use jquery.color.js :
(function(h,m){function n(a,b,c){var d=r[b.type]||{};if(null==a)return c||!b.def?null:b.def;a=d.floor?~~a:parseFloat(a);return isNaN(a)?b.def:d.mod?(a+d.mod)%d.mod:0>a?0:d.max<a?d.max:a}function s(a){var b=f(),c=b._rgba=[],a=a.toLowerCase();j(v,function(d,g){var e,;e=i&&g.parse(i);||"rgba";if(e)return e=b[i](e),b[k[i].cache]=e[k[i].cache],c=b._rgba=e._rgba,!1});return c.length?("0,0,0,0"===c.join()&&h.extend(c,o.transparent),b):o[a]}function p(a,b,c){c=(c+1)%1;return 1>6*c?
a+6*(b-a)*c:1>2*c?b:2>3*c?a+6*(b-a)*(2/3-c):a}var w=/^([\-+])=\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/,v=[{re:/rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,parse:function(a){return[a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]]}},{re:/rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,parse:function(a){return[2.55*a[1],2.55*a[2],2.55*a[3],a[4]]}},{re:/#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/,parse:function(a){return[parseInt(a[1],16),parseInt(a[2],16),
parseInt(a[3],16)]}},{re:/#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/,parse:function(a){return[parseInt(a[1]+a[1],16),parseInt(a[2]+a[2],16),parseInt(a[3]+a[3],16)]}},{re:/hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,space:"hsla",parse:function(a){return[a[1],a[2]/100,a[3]/100,a[4]]}}],f=h.Color=function(a,b,c,d){return new h.Color.fn.parse(a,b,c,d)},k={rgba:{props:{red:{idx:0,type:"byte"},green:{idx:1,type:"byte"},blue:{idx:2,type:"byte"}}},hsla:{props:{hue:{idx:0,
type:"degrees"},saturation:{idx:1,type:"percent"},lightness:{idx:2,type:"percent"}}}},r={"byte":{floor:!0,max:255},percent:{max:1},degrees:{mod:360,floor:!0}},{},u=h("<p>")[0],o,j=h.each;"background-color:rgba(1,1,1,.5)";t.rgba=-1<"rgba");j(k,function(a,b){b.cache="_"+a;b.props.alpha={idx:3,type:"percent",def:1}});f.fn=h.extend(f.prototype,{parse:function(a,b,c,d){if(a===m)return this._rgba=[null,null,null,null],this;if(a.jquery||a.nodeType)a=
h(a).css(b),b=m;var g=this,e=h.type(a),i=this._rgba=[];b!==m&&(a=[a,b,c,d],e="array");if("string"===e)return this.parse(s(a)||o._default);if("array"===e)return j(k.rgba.props,function(d,c){i[c.idx]=n(a[c.idx],c)}),this;if("object"===e)return a instanceof f?j(k,function(c,d){a[d.cache]&&(g[d.cache]=a[d.cache].slice())}):j(k,function(d,c){var b=c.cache;j(c.props,function(d,e){if(!g[b]&&{if(d==="alpha"||a[d]==null)return;g[b]}g[b][e.idx]=n(a[d],e,true)});if(g[b]&&h.inArray(null,g[b].slice(0,
3))<0){g[b][3]=1;if(c.from)g._rgba=c.from(g[b])}}),this},is:function(a){var b=f(a),c=!0,d=this;j(k,function(a,e){var i,h=b[e.cache];h&&(i=d[e.cache]||||[],j(e.props,function(a,d){if(null!=h[d.idx])return c=h[d.idx]===i[d.idx]}));return c});return c},_space:function(){var a=[],b=this;j(k,function(c,d){b[d.cache]&&a.push(c)});return a.pop()},transition:function(a,b){var c=f(a),d=c._space(),g=k[d],e=0===this.alpha()?f("transparent"):this,i=e[g.cache]||,h=i.slice(),c=c[g.cache];
j(g.props,function(a,d){var g=d.idx,e=i[g],f=c[g],j=r[d.type]||{};null!==f&&(null===e?h[g]=f:(j.mod&&(f-e>j.mod/2?e+=j.mod:e-f>j.mod/2&&(e-=j.mod)),h[g]=n((f-e)*b+e,d)))});return this[d](h)},blend:function(a){if(1===this._rgba[3])return this;var b=this._rgba.slice(),c=b.pop(),d=f(a)._rgba;return f(,function(a,b){return(1-c)*d[b]+c*a}))},toRgbaString:function(){var a="rgba(",,function(a,d){return null==a?2<d?1:0:a});1===b[3]&&(b.pop(),a="rgb(");return a+b.join()+")"},toHslaString:function(){var a=
"hsla(",,function(a,d){null==a&&(a=2<d?1:0);d&&3>d&&(a=Math.round(100*a)+"%");return a});1===b[3]&&(b.pop(),a="hsl(");return a+b.join()+")"},toHexString:function(a){var b=this._rgba.slice(),c=b.pop();a&&b.push(~~(255*c));return"#",function(a){a=(a||0).toString(16);return 1===a.length?"0"+a:a}).join("")},toString:function(){return 0===this._rgba[3]?"transparent":this.toRgbaString()}});f.fn.parse.prototype=f.fn;{if(null==a[0]||null==a[1]||null==a[2])return[null,
null,null,a[3]];var b=a[0]/255,c=a[1]/255,d=a[2]/255,a=a[3],g=Math.max(b,c,d),e=Math.min(b,c,d),i=g-e,h=g+e,f=0.5*h;return[Math.round(e===g?0:b===g?60*(c-d)/i+360:c===g?60*(d-b)/i+120:60*(b-c)/i+240)%360,0===f||1===f?f:0.5>=f?i/h:i/(2-h),f,null==a?1:a]};k.hsla.from=function(a){if(null==a[0]||null==a[1]||null==a[2])return[null,null,null,a[3]];var b=a[0]/360,c=a[1],d=a[2],a=a[3],c=0.5>=d?d*(1+c):d+c-d*c,d=2*d-c;return[Math.round(255*p(d,c,b+1/3)),Math.round(255*p(d,c,b)),Math.round(255*p(d,c,b-1/3)),
a]};j(k,function(a,b){var c=b.props,d=b.cache,,e=b.from;f.fn[a]=function(a){g&&!this[d]&&(this[d]=g(this._rgba));if(a===m)return this[d].slice();var b,q=h.type(a),k="array"===q||"object"===q?a:arguments,l=this[d].slice();j(c,function(a,d){var b=k["object"===q?a:d.idx];null==b&&(b=l[d.idx]);l[d.idx]=n(b,d)});return e?(b=f(e(l)),b[d]=l,b):f(l)};j(c,function(d,b){f.fn[d]||(f.fn[d]=function(c){var e=h.type(c),g="alpha"===d?this._hsla?"hsla":"rgba":a,f=this[g](),j=f[b.idx];if("undefined"===e)return j;
"function"===e&&(,j),e=h.type(c));if(null==c&&b.empty)return this;"string"===e&&(e=w.exec(c))&&(c=j+parseFloat(e[2])*("+"===e[1]?1:-1));f[b.idx]=c;return this[g](f)})})});f.hook=function(a){a=a.split(" ");j(a,function(a,c){h.cssHooks[c]={set:function(a,b){var e,i="";if("string"!==h.type(b)||(e=s(b))){b=f(e||b);if(!t.rgba&&1!==b._rgba[3]){for(e="backgroundColor"===c?a.parentNode:a;(""===i||"transparent"===i)&&e&&;)try{i=h.css(e,"backgroundColor"),e=e.parentNode}catch(j){}b=b.blend(i&&
"transparent"!==i?i:"_default")}b=b.toRgbaString()}try{[c]=b}catch(k){}}};h.fx.step[c]=function(a){a.colorInit||(a.start=f(a.elem,c),a.end=f(a.end),a.colorInit=!0);h.cssHooks[c].set(a.elem,a.start.transition(a.end,a.pos))}})};f.hook("backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor");h.cssHooks.borderColor={expand:function(a){var b={};j(["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"],function(c,d){b["border"+
d+"Color"]=a});return b}};o=h.Color.names={aqua:"#00ffff",black:"#000000",blue:"#0000ff",fuchsia:"#ff00ff",gray:"#808080",green:"#008000",lime:"#00ff00",maroon:"#800000",navy:"#000080",olive:"#808000",purple:"#800080",red:"#ff0000",silver:"#c0c0c0",teal:"#008080",white:"#ffffff",yellow:"#ffff00",transparent:[null,null,null,0],_default:"#ffffff"}})(jQuery);
GitHub link here.
Just copy the entire code, place it into a normal text file and include it after jQuery.
Now, you can animate colour based properties like this :
var a = $(".navbar-default").offset().top;
$(document).scroll(function () {
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 10) {
'background-color': "black"
} else {
'background-color': "red"
See working jSFiddle here.

Showing/hiding <div> using javascript

For example I have a function called showcontainer. When I click on a button activating it, I want a certain div element, in this case <div id="container">, to fade in. And when I click it again, fade out.
How do I achieve this?
Note: I am not accustomed with jQuery.
So you got a bunch of jQuery answers. That's fine, I tend to use jQuery for this kind of stuff too. But doing that in plain JavaScript is not hard, it's just a lot more verbose:
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var btn = document.getElementById('showcontainer');
btn.onclick = function() {
// Fade out
if( != 'none') {
var fade = setInterval(function(){
var opacity = parseFloat(;
opacity = isNaN(opacity) ? 100 : parseInt(opacity * 100, 10);
opacity -= 5; = opacity/100;
if(opacity <= 0) {
clearInterval(fade); = 0; = 'none';
}, 50);
// Fade in
} else { = 'block'; = 0;
var fade = setInterval(function(){
var opacity = parseFloat(;
opacity = isNaN(opacity) ? 100 : parseInt(opacity * 100, 10);
opacity += 5; = opacity/100;
if(opacity >= 100) {
clearInterval(fade); = 1;
}, 50);
Check the working demo.
Provided you're not opposed to using jQuery per se, you can achieve this easily:
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#showcontainer').click(function() {
<div id="container">
<input type="button" id="showcontainer" value="Show/hide"/>
Note the missing http: in the beginning of the source of jQuery. With this trick the browser will automatically use http: or https: based on whether the original page is secure.
The piece of code after including jQuery assigns the handler to the button.
Best thing you could do is start now and get accustomed to jQuery.
The page has all the example code that could be written here. Basically you want to have the call to fadeIn in your showcontainer function.
function showcontainer() {
You can have a look at jQuery UI Toggle.
The documentation turns the use of the library very simple, and they have many code examples.
You'd be as well off learning jQuery as it makes it a lot easier to do things!
From the sounds of it, you could have the container div already in the HTML but with a style of "display:none;", and then simply show it in your click event using (jQuery):
$('#container').fadeIn('slow', function() {
//Any additional logic after it's visible can go here

