Strange use of function within brackets [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How does the (function() {})() construct work and why do people use it?
(15 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Can someone explain to me what below code does, how it works and why it is used?
I don't understand why the function is within brackets or the brackets after the curly brackets.
(function () {
//Some javascript code...
Thank you.
Edit/Follow up question:
Now that I better understand what above does, what effect would this have when used with jQuery:
$(document).ready(function () {
(function () {
//code here

That is a self-executing function. It creates an anonymous function and immediately executes it.
It can be used for many purposes, such as creating a new scope.
var x = 10
(function () {
var x = 5
alert(x) // 10

This is a self executing anonymous function.
First is the anonymous function:
//Normal code goes here
The really interesting part is what happens when we add this right at the end:
Those brackets cause everything contained in the preceding parentheses to be executed immediately.
Javascript has function level scoping. All variables and functions defined within the anonymous function aren't available to the code outside of it, effectively using closure to seal itself from the outside world.
This design pattern is useful for modular Javascript.
You may read more here:
What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?

#doornob is correct. However, there is a syntax error in the original post. It should look like this:
(function() {
// your code goes here
While this is commonly described as a "self-executing function", a more accurate term is "Immediately Invoked Function Expression." We can call that an "iffy." This is a type of closure.
This pattern is is commonly extended into something called the module pattern, which looks like this:
var myModule = (function() {
var my = {};
var privateFoo = 'I am foo. I am a private field!';
my.publicMethodGetFoo = function() {
return privateFoo;
return my;
}) ();
This is very much like a class in a traditional OOP language such as C++ or Java. The properties declared using the var keyword cannot be accessed outside of the module. Though there is no such thing as access modifiers in JavaScript, these properties are for all intents and purposes 'private'.
Note that we created an object called 'my'. This object is returned at the end of the module, which means it is exposed to the 'outside world.' Therefore it's accessible outside of the module. Any field or method that we add to 'my' will therefore be public.


Explain the following JavaScript statement? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do JavaScript closures work?
(86 answers)
Why do you need to invoke an anonymous function on the same line?
(19 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
var ninja = (function(){
function Ninja(){};
return new Ninja();
Why is the function above encapsulated in parentheses and why is there a (); at the end?
I think it's a constructor function because of the (); at the end, but why is the object wrapped in parentheses?
This code is equivalent to:
function Ninja() {
// nothing here
var ninja = new Ninja();
Though in the code you listed, the function/object Ninja is not global scope.
The code (function() {...})(); basically says "take whatever function is contained inside here and execute it immediately". So it's creating an anonymous function and calling it right afterwards.
It's called an Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (or IIFE). It creates a new scope and executes the contents immediately. There are many uses for it; the one I use the most is when the this keyword would change meaning, e.g. in
var someClass = function() { = something;
this.update = (function(obj) {
function() {
$('.el').each(function() {
$(this).html( );
While I want to refer to inside the $('.el').each(), this changes meaning within that scope and refers to the current DOM element that is being looped through with .each(). So by passing this as a parameter into the IIFE (and calling that parameter obj) I can use to refer to what is when outside the scope of $('.el').each( ..., function() { ... });.
Let me know if that makes sense or if you have any questions :)
Why is the function declaration encapsulated in '('s and also why is
there a '();' in the end
Its declaring and executing the function at the same time.
You may see: Named function expressions demystified - by Juriy "kangax" Zaytsev
As suggested: Refering to Benalman
Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
Fortunately, the SyntaxError “fix” is simple. The most widely accepted way to tell the parser to expect a function expression is just to wrap in in parens, because in JavaScript, parens can’t contain statements. At this point, when the parser encounters the function keyword, it knows to parse it as a function expression and not a function declaration.
// Either of the following two patterns can be used to immediately invoke
// a function expression, utilizing the function's execution context to
// create "privacy."
(function(){ /* code */ }()); // Crockford recommends this one
(function(){ /* code */ })(); // But this one works just as well

What do these double parentheses do in JS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What do parentheses surrounding an object/function/class declaration mean? [duplicate]
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm reading the book secrets of the js ninja, and very often I saw code like this
something here;
Why do we need to enclose the function within parentheses and why do we add one more pair of parentheses after that?
Its a self calling function, that invokes its self as the script finishes loading. You can call it without arguments, or you can add arguments to it such as window or document.
You use it in a way that jQuery use it:
(function( window, undefined ) {
// jQuery code
An (almost) alternative syntax to do the same thing:
! function( window, undefined ){
// some code…
Read more at:
although it is a function is it called automatically so you dont/can't call it manually
These can be useful for for loops like so
This will fail because i would be equal to 9 after 5 seconds
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
}, 5000)
So you could do this
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
}, 5000)
Also good for creating a "private" scope like this
var test = 'hello';
console.log( test ); // 'hello'
console.log( test ); // 'undefined'
The last set of parentheses causes the function to execute immediately. A function is created and executed without ever assigning it anywhere. The reason one might wrap their code in a function like this is to encapsulate code. Take this for example:
var myVar = 'whatever';
function shout() { alert(myVar); }
Here, myVar and shout have just become global variables. You can open up your console and type window.myVar or window.shout and you'll be able to access and change those variables. By wrapping it in a function, those variables remain local to the outer function:
(function() {
var myVar = 'whatever';
function shout() { alert(myVar); }
window.myVar and window.shout are undefined. The only exist inside that function.
The pattern is also used to create a closure around local variables. See JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example.
Self invoking function, basically it calls itself stright away.
Used normally to pass in a variable like jQuery to insure that $ is truly the jQuery object!
// $ now is equal to jQuery
It runs the function you just created. The reason to do this is that it encloses all of the code you write within a new scope. This means when you define vars and functions, they will be kept within the scope of that function() you just created.
In short, it encapsulates code.

What is the purpose of an anonymous JavaScript function wrapped in parentheses? [duplicate]

(function() {})() and its jQuery-specific cousin (function($) {})(jQuery) pop up all the time in Javascript code.
How do these constructs work, and what problems do they solve?
Examples appreciated
With the increasing popularity of JavaScript frameworks, the $ sign was used in many different occasions. So, to alleviate possible clashes, you can use those constructs:
(function ($){
// Your code using $ here.
Specifically, that's an anonymous function declaration which gets executed immediately passing the main jQuery object as parameter. Inside that function, you can use $ to refer to that object, without worrying about other frameworks being in scope as well.
This is a technique used to limit variable scope; it's the only way to prevent variables from polluting the global namespace.
var bar = 1; // bar is now part of the global namespace
(function () {
var foo = 1; // foo has function scope
// code to be executed goes here
1) It defines an anonymous function and executes it straight away.
2) It's usually done so as not to pollute the global namespace with unwanted code.
3) You need to expose some methods from it, anything declared inside will be "private", for example:
MyLib = (function(){
// other private stuff here
return {
init: function(){
Or, alternatively:
MyLib = {};
(function({ = function(){
The point is, there are many ways you can use it, but the result stays the same.
It's just an anonymous function that is called immediately. You could first create the function and then call it, and you get the same effect:
(function(){ ... })();
works as:
temp = function(){ ... };
You can also do the same with a named function:
function temp() { ... }
The code that you call jQuery-specific is only that in the sense that you use the jQuery object in it. It's just an anonymous function with a parameter, that is called immediately.
You can do the same thing in two steps, and you can do it with any parameters you like:
temp = function(answer){ ... };
The problem that this solves is that it creates a closuse for the code in the function. You can declare variables in it without polluting the global namespace, thus reducing the risk of conflicts when using one script along with another.
In the specific case for jQuery you use it in compatibility mode where it doesn't declare the name $ as an alias for jQuery. By sending in the jQuery object into the closure and naming the parameter $ you can still use the same syntax as without compatibility mode.
It explains here that your first construct provides scope for variables.
Variables are scoped at the function level in javascript. This is different to what you might be used to in a language like C# or Java where the variables are scoped to the block. What this means is if you declare a variable inside a loop or an if statement, it will be available to the entire function.
If you ever find yourself needing to explicitly scope a variable inside a function you can use an anonymous function to do this. You can actually create an anonymous function and then execute it straight away and all the variables inside will be scoped to the anonymous function:
(function() {
var myProperty = "hello world";
alert(typeof(myProperty)); // undefined
Another reason to do this is to remove any confusion over which framework's $ operator you are using. To force jQuery, for instance, you can do:
... your jQuery code here...
By passing in the $ operator as a parameter and invoking it on jQuery, the $ operator within the function is locked to jQuery even if you have other frameworks loaded.
Another use for this construct is to "capture" the values of local variables that will be used in a closure. For example:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
The above code will make all three buttons pop up "3". On the other hand:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
(function(i) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
This will make the three buttons pop up "0", "1", and "2" as expected.
The reason for this is that a closure keeps a reference to its enclosing stack frame, which holds the current values of its variables. If those variables change before the closure executes, then the closure will see only the latest values, not the values as they were at the time the closure was created. By wrapping the closure creation inside another function as in the second example above, the current value of the variable i is saved in the stack frame of the anonymous function.
This is considered a closure. It means the code contained will run within its own lexical scope. This means you can define new variables and functions and they won't collide with the namespace used in code outside of the closure.
var i = 0;
alert("The magic number is " + i);
(function() {
var i = 99;
alert("The magic number inside the closure is " + i);
alert("The magic number is still " + i);
This will generate three popups, demonstrating that the i in the closure does not alter the pre-existing variable of the same name:
The magic number is 0
The magic number inside the closure is 99
The magic number is still 0
They are often used in jQuery plugins. As explained in the jQuery Plugins Authoring Guide all variables declared inside { } are private and are not visible to the outside which allows for better encapsulation.
As others have said, they both define anonymous functions that are invoked immediately. I generally wrap my JavaScript class declarations in this structure in order to create a static private scope for the class. I can then place constant data, static methods, event handlers, or anything else in that scope and it will only be visible to instances of the class:
// Declare a namespace object.
window.MyLibrary = {};
// Wrap class declaration to create a private static scope.
(function() {
var incrementingID = 0;
function somePrivateStaticMethod() {
// ...
// Declare the MyObject class under the MyLibrary namespace.
MyLibrary.MyObject = function() { = incrementingID++;
// ...MyObject's prototype declaration goes here, etc...
MyLibrary.MyObject.prototype = {
memberMethod: function() {
// Do some stuff
// Maybe call a static private method!
In this example, the MyObject class is assigned to the MyLibrary namespace, so it is accessible. incrementingID and somePrivateStaticMethod() are not directly accessible outside of the anonymous function scope.
That is basically to namespace your JavaScript code.
For example, you can place any variables or functions within there, and from the outside, they don't exist in that scope. So when you encapsulate everything in there, you don't have to worry about clashes.
The () at the end means to self invoke. You can also add an argument there that will become the argument of your anonymous function. I do this with jQuery often, and you can see why...
(function($) {
// Now I can use $, but it won't affect any other library like Prototype
Evan Trimboli covers the rest in his answer.
It's a self-invoking function. Kind of like shorthand for writing
function DoSomeStuff($)
What the above code is doing is creating an anonymous function on line 1, and then calling it on line 3 with 0 arguments. This effectively encapsulates all functions and variables defined within that library, because all of the functions will be accessible only inside that anonymous function.
This is good practice, and the reasoning behind it is to avoid polluting the global namespace with variables and functions, which could be clobbered by other pieces of Javascript throughout the site.
To clarify how the function is called, consider the simple example:
If you have this single line of Javascript included, it will invoke automatically without explicitly calling it:
So, take that idea, and apply it to this example:
(function() {
//anything I define in here is scoped to this function only
}) (); //here, the anonymous function is invoked
The end result is similar, because the anonymous function is invoked just like the previous example.
Because the good code answers are already taken :) I'll throw in a suggestion to watch some John Resig videos video 1 , video 2 (inventor of jQuery & master at JavaScript).
Some really good insights and answers provided in the videos.
That is what I happened to be doing at the moment when I saw your question.
function(){ // some code here }
is the way to define an anonymous function in javascript. They can give you the ability to execute a function in the context of another function (where you might not have that ability otherwise).

How does the (function() {})() construct work and why do people use it?

(function() {})() and its jQuery-specific cousin (function($) {})(jQuery) pop up all the time in Javascript code.
How do these constructs work, and what problems do they solve?
Examples appreciated
With the increasing popularity of JavaScript frameworks, the $ sign was used in many different occasions. So, to alleviate possible clashes, you can use those constructs:
(function ($){
// Your code using $ here.
Specifically, that's an anonymous function declaration which gets executed immediately passing the main jQuery object as parameter. Inside that function, you can use $ to refer to that object, without worrying about other frameworks being in scope as well.
This is a technique used to limit variable scope; it's the only way to prevent variables from polluting the global namespace.
var bar = 1; // bar is now part of the global namespace
(function () {
var foo = 1; // foo has function scope
// code to be executed goes here
1) It defines an anonymous function and executes it straight away.
2) It's usually done so as not to pollute the global namespace with unwanted code.
3) You need to expose some methods from it, anything declared inside will be "private", for example:
MyLib = (function(){
// other private stuff here
return {
init: function(){
Or, alternatively:
MyLib = {};
(function({ = function(){
The point is, there are many ways you can use it, but the result stays the same.
It's just an anonymous function that is called immediately. You could first create the function and then call it, and you get the same effect:
(function(){ ... })();
works as:
temp = function(){ ... };
You can also do the same with a named function:
function temp() { ... }
The code that you call jQuery-specific is only that in the sense that you use the jQuery object in it. It's just an anonymous function with a parameter, that is called immediately.
You can do the same thing in two steps, and you can do it with any parameters you like:
temp = function(answer){ ... };
The problem that this solves is that it creates a closuse for the code in the function. You can declare variables in it without polluting the global namespace, thus reducing the risk of conflicts when using one script along with another.
In the specific case for jQuery you use it in compatibility mode where it doesn't declare the name $ as an alias for jQuery. By sending in the jQuery object into the closure and naming the parameter $ you can still use the same syntax as without compatibility mode.
It explains here that your first construct provides scope for variables.
Variables are scoped at the function level in javascript. This is different to what you might be used to in a language like C# or Java where the variables are scoped to the block. What this means is if you declare a variable inside a loop or an if statement, it will be available to the entire function.
If you ever find yourself needing to explicitly scope a variable inside a function you can use an anonymous function to do this. You can actually create an anonymous function and then execute it straight away and all the variables inside will be scoped to the anonymous function:
(function() {
var myProperty = "hello world";
alert(typeof(myProperty)); // undefined
Another reason to do this is to remove any confusion over which framework's $ operator you are using. To force jQuery, for instance, you can do:
... your jQuery code here...
By passing in the $ operator as a parameter and invoking it on jQuery, the $ operator within the function is locked to jQuery even if you have other frameworks loaded.
Another use for this construct is to "capture" the values of local variables that will be used in a closure. For example:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
The above code will make all three buttons pop up "3". On the other hand:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
(function(i) {
$("#button"+i).click(function() {
This will make the three buttons pop up "0", "1", and "2" as expected.
The reason for this is that a closure keeps a reference to its enclosing stack frame, which holds the current values of its variables. If those variables change before the closure executes, then the closure will see only the latest values, not the values as they were at the time the closure was created. By wrapping the closure creation inside another function as in the second example above, the current value of the variable i is saved in the stack frame of the anonymous function.
This is considered a closure. It means the code contained will run within its own lexical scope. This means you can define new variables and functions and they won't collide with the namespace used in code outside of the closure.
var i = 0;
alert("The magic number is " + i);
(function() {
var i = 99;
alert("The magic number inside the closure is " + i);
alert("The magic number is still " + i);
This will generate three popups, demonstrating that the i in the closure does not alter the pre-existing variable of the same name:
The magic number is 0
The magic number inside the closure is 99
The magic number is still 0
They are often used in jQuery plugins. As explained in the jQuery Plugins Authoring Guide all variables declared inside { } are private and are not visible to the outside which allows for better encapsulation.
As others have said, they both define anonymous functions that are invoked immediately. I generally wrap my JavaScript class declarations in this structure in order to create a static private scope for the class. I can then place constant data, static methods, event handlers, or anything else in that scope and it will only be visible to instances of the class:
// Declare a namespace object.
window.MyLibrary = {};
// Wrap class declaration to create a private static scope.
(function() {
var incrementingID = 0;
function somePrivateStaticMethod() {
// ...
// Declare the MyObject class under the MyLibrary namespace.
MyLibrary.MyObject = function() { = incrementingID++;
// ...MyObject's prototype declaration goes here, etc...
MyLibrary.MyObject.prototype = {
memberMethod: function() {
// Do some stuff
// Maybe call a static private method!
In this example, the MyObject class is assigned to the MyLibrary namespace, so it is accessible. incrementingID and somePrivateStaticMethod() are not directly accessible outside of the anonymous function scope.
That is basically to namespace your JavaScript code.
For example, you can place any variables or functions within there, and from the outside, they don't exist in that scope. So when you encapsulate everything in there, you don't have to worry about clashes.
The () at the end means to self invoke. You can also add an argument there that will become the argument of your anonymous function. I do this with jQuery often, and you can see why...
(function($) {
// Now I can use $, but it won't affect any other library like Prototype
Evan Trimboli covers the rest in his answer.
It's a self-invoking function. Kind of like shorthand for writing
function DoSomeStuff($)
What the above code is doing is creating an anonymous function on line 1, and then calling it on line 3 with 0 arguments. This effectively encapsulates all functions and variables defined within that library, because all of the functions will be accessible only inside that anonymous function.
This is good practice, and the reasoning behind it is to avoid polluting the global namespace with variables and functions, which could be clobbered by other pieces of Javascript throughout the site.
To clarify how the function is called, consider the simple example:
If you have this single line of Javascript included, it will invoke automatically without explicitly calling it:
So, take that idea, and apply it to this example:
(function() {
//anything I define in here is scoped to this function only
}) (); //here, the anonymous function is invoked
The end result is similar, because the anonymous function is invoked just like the previous example.
Because the good code answers are already taken :) I'll throw in a suggestion to watch some John Resig videos video 1 , video 2 (inventor of jQuery & master at JavaScript).
Some really good insights and answers provided in the videos.
That is what I happened to be doing at the moment when I saw your question.
function(){ // some code here }
is the way to define an anonymous function in javascript. They can give you the ability to execute a function in the context of another function (where you might not have that ability otherwise).

How do you explain this structure in JavaScript?

What is special about this kind of syntax?
What does ()(); imply?
The creates an anonymous function, closure and all, and the final () tells it to execute itself.
It is basically the same as:
function name (){...}
So basically there is nothing special about this code, it just a 'shortcut' to creating a method and invoking it without having to name it.
This also implies that the function is a one off, or an internal function on an object, and is most useful when you need to the features of a closure.
It's an anonymous function being called.
The purpose of that is to create a new scope from which local variables don't bleed out. For example:
var test = 1;
(function() {
var test = 2;
test == 1 // true
One important note about this syntax is that you should get into the habit of terminating statements with a semi-colon, if you don't already. This is because Javascript allows line feeds between a function name and its parentheses when you call it.
The snippet below will cause an error:
var aVariable = 1
var myVariable = aVariable
(function() {/*...*/})()
Here's what it's actually doing:
var aVariable = 1;
var myVariable = aVariable(function() {/*...*/})
Another way of creating a new block scope is to use the following syntax:
new function() {/*...*/}
The difference is that the former technique does not affect where the keyword "this" points to, whereas the second does.
Javascript 1.8 also has a let statement that accomplishes the same thing, but needless to say, it's not supported by most browsers.
That is a self executing anonymous function. The () at the end is actually calling the function.
A good book (I have read) that explains some usages of these types of syntax in Javascript is Object Oriented Javascript.
This usage is basically equivalent of a inner block in C. It prevents the variables defined inside the block to be visible outside. So it is a handy way of constructing a one off classes with private objects. Just don't forget return this; if you use it to build an object.
var Myobject=(function(){
var privatevalue=0;
function privatefunction()
privatevalue=1; //no worries about the execution context
return this;})(); //I tend to forget returning the instance
//if I don't write like this
See also Douglas Crockford's excellent "JavaScript: The Good Parts," available from O'Reilly, here:
... and on video at the YUIblog, here:
The stuff in the first set of brackets evaluates to a function. The second set of brackets then execute this function. So if you have something that want to run automagically onload, this how you'd cause it to load and execute.
John Resig explains self-executing anonymous functions here.

