Hide querystring in javascriptPost Method - javascript

I have following javascript :
var link = AjaxLocation + "/createDataSet.aspx";
$j.post(link, null, function() {
}, "html");
createDataSet.aspx page returns businessId for SavedDataSet_edit.aspx page...
whenever page redirect to SavedDataSet_edit.aspx page, querystring displays in the addressbar of the browser.
how to hide Querystring ?? and if i hide querystring from the browser then how to fetch it in the SavedDataSet_edit.aspx page??

There are a number of ways to achive that: you can use cookies(I wouldn't recommend) you can post to our page hidden field and then retrieve it using FormCollection property of the Request object. To post to your page you would need to craete dynamically a form that then submit it, the code would look like:
var link = AjaxLocation + "/createDataSet.aspx";
$j.post(link, null, function() {
$("<form action='/admin/SavedDataSet_edit.aspx'><input name='businessId' type='hidden' value='"+ data +"'></form>").appendTo('body').submit();
}, "html");

The only way to hide it is to pass it to SavedDataSet_edit.aspx, store it in session, then have that page redirect to itself without the querystring. Or use a different page in-between the two to save in session. Or, you could encrypt the value and pass encrypted querystring, provided data is a value coming from the server.
Make sure, even though you may do that, to check permissions on the resource to see that the user is authorized.

window.location.replace is not a POST request, so it cannot send POST data. So your choices are:
Keep using the query string route and just live with the value showing, sounds like this is not a realistic option though
Put the query string data into a form and submit the form as described in various answers to pass post data with window.location.href.
Leverage the AJAX call you are already making to createDataSet.aspx and store the value you want to retrieve on SavedDataSet_edit.aspx page by storing the businessId data in Session when you are in the createDataSet.aspx and then retrieving it from Session cache when you are in the Page_Load of SaveDataSet_edit.aspx.


form submit and page redirect

I need some advise handling a form submit and page redirect. I have two pages, where the first is a landing page with a simple form, when user select a criteria and submits it, he is redirected to page2 that displays tabular data and some query related info.
When Submiting Page1 Form, data is passed in the url :
for ( var key in dataArray )
if ( dataArray[key] )
if (queryStr != "")
queryStr += "&" ;
queryStr += key + "=" + dataArray[key];
var url = "page2.html?" + queryStr;
window.location.href = url;
On the other hand, I am handling this POST using $_GET['xxx']), then build a query accordingly.The issue is not handling POST & GET requests but handling errors..
I dont like is that if the user types something in the url www.site.com/page2.html?Q1=red -> www.site.com/page2.html?Q1=red545454 it will logically not pass the server side validation and therefore just display an empty page template without data, which kind o bothers me.. Also if the user tries to load page2.html without any posted data(querystring).
I would like upon page2.html load event, check if there are any posted values, if not redirect back.. Is this the correct way of handling it? Thanks
You doesn't submit form through POST method because "on submitting" you usewindow.location.href (redirect) with param Q1 in query string.
If you want see only url like www.site.com/page2.html do next: set action to your form as action="www.site.com/page2.html",instead adding variable to QUERY_STRING dynamically insert Q1 in any hidden element like:
document.getElementById('Q1_ID').value = dataArray[key];
After call like document.forms[0].submit();. Now variable Q1 in $_POST['Q1'] and url look as www.site.com/page2.html.
An elegant way to handle this would be to submit your form using Ajax and respond with validation errors or success message. In case of errors, show them on the current page otherwise redirect user to whatever page you want.

How to pass value to another static page via javascript?

I am trying to pass value to another page and read the value in the another page. I use only JavaScript and jQuery. Not use others language as PHP. I don't want to be as like (http://www.example.com/?value=test). I am trying to use POST or GET method.
On first page:
On second page:
var location_query = window.location.search.substring(1);
var vars = location_query.split("&");
for (var i in vars) {
var param = vars[i].split("=");
params[param[0].toString()] = param[1];
If I pass value as like http://www.example.com/?q=test , the second page script is read the value, but I use this line: $.post("second.html",{q:"test"}); not read.
How to pass value from first page to another static page via JavaScript or jQuery or ajax?
See this post says:
POST data is data that is handled server side. And Javascript is on client side. So there is no way you can read a post data using JavaScript.
but you can use cookies to read and store values:
<script src="/path/to/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
you can get it from here
Try with reading the documentation and see if this works for you.
Without using GET or POST you can transfer the content using HTML5 Local Storage or
$.post and $.get send AJAX request and waiting response on current page, you cant send params for next window.location.replace by this.
Use url get-params window.location.replace("404.html?q=404"); and look this for get params on second page.

How can I refresh the page after an ajax call but passing parameters as well? I.e. not full refresh

I am using ajax from JQuery. I am doing in a page that I see the results of a POST/GET having provided specific parameters as filters to the server.
Assume I have provided parameters a&b&c to the user so that I see in the page the subset of the data that these parameters hold true.
In a specific case I do an ajax call to pass a value to the server that modifies this set that I am seeing.
What I need is a way to do a refresh of the page but that will only display the new version of the current subset of data I.e. somehow refreshing passing back to the server a&b&c
Right now I am doing: window.location.reload(true); which reloads all the data and it is time-consuming to re-apply the filters manually.
How can I solve this?
Essentially what I need is not full refresh?
If you are using Ajax from jQuery and want to do a partial reload but have chosen window.location.reload, then you are doing it wrong.
Use the format
$.get("someUrl?a=x&b=y",function(data) { $("#someDiv").html(data)});
for example this code in the head where .parameters could be checkboxes
$(function() {
$(".parameters").on("click",function() {
var url = "someUrl.php?"+$("#myForm").serialize();
$.get(url,function(data) {
You would have to return something from the server which will contain th einformation needed to update
And then update the content based on the returned data.

passing value from one page to another with javascript

How can I pass the value of textarea to a new page according to the groupwall method?
Here I just redirect the page. I want to make status update according to their semester.
Here is my code. Give me some code sample or suggest if this is not the right way to do that.
<form action="" method="get">
<textarea name="status" id="wall" cols="50" rows="2">
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="share" onclick="groupwall();"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function groupwall(){
var semster=document.getElementById('txtsamp').value;
if(semster == "4-1"){
window.location ='4-1hpage.php';
//header("location: member-index.php");
else if(semster =="3-1"){
window.location ='3-1hpage.php';
else if(semster == "2-1"){
window.location ='2-1hpage.php';
else {
window.location ='1-1hpage.php';
you might be better off posting the textarea content to your server and storing it somewhere, even in the session. the reason I say this is that while you could pass it in window.location as a GET parameter, the textarea content can be arbitrarily long and might be too long to be passed as a GET parameter. you might consider an AJAX request to post the textarea to the content, perhaps performing validation, before redirecting to the next page of your application.
Just give your form an id -
<form id="share-form" ...
Set the action of the form instead of redirecting
var share_form = document.getElementById('share-form');
share_form.action = '....';
Submit the form
1) do a form post to another PHP page and
a) Store it in a database (If you will really use this in future also)
b) Store it in Session Variable
2) do an ajax post to a server page and
a) Store it in a database
b) Store it in Session Variable
Then from any PHP pages you can access these values.
Send as a parameter through the query string yoururl.com?variable=value
Through $_SESSION environment variable
Using a cookie (if turned on)
AJAX - store in database or text file before leaving page, and retrieve when entering new page
The simplest way to pass some sort of variable to a new page if the data isn't large is to put it in a query string in the URL and then have the new page parse it out of there and act on it. A query string is the part of the URL that follows a question mark like this:
The query string values don't affect which page is called on your server, but can be used by either server or client to trigger different behavior in that page.
In the specifics of your particular question, it doesn't seem like you need to pass any data to the next page because you're already called a different page based on the results of the textarea, but you could pass the value like this if you needed to:
function groupwall() {
var semster=document.getElementById('txtsamp').value;
var url;
if(semster == "4-1") {
url ='4-1hpage.php';
} else if(semster =="3-1") {
url ='3-1hpage.php';
} else if(semster == "2-1") {
url ='2-1hpage.php';
} else {
url ='1-1hpage.php';
// encode the data for URL safety and make sure it isn't too long
window.location = url + "?semster=" + encodeURIComponent(semster.slice(0, 128));
If the textarea can be arbitrarily long and it needs to be capable of accepting very long values, then you will want to post it to your server and let the server decide where to redirect the user after the form post. When generating a new page, the server can then populate that page with whatever content is needed based on the values in the form post.
Other places that data can be stored temporarily so a future page can access it are cookies and HTML5 local storage. Cookies are somewhat restricted in size and it isn't efficient to put large data into cookies. HTML5 local storage isn't supported in all browsers so you generally need an alternate strategy as a fallback.

.load() with data

I want to load data into a checkout page using .load() to load the pages in a modal window. The data that needs to be loaded is a shipping price value, that needs to be usable on the loaded page.
function totalCalc() {
var shipping = ($('#shippingform input[name="shipping"]').val());
$('#cartdialog').load("/ash/shop/checkout.php",[$('#shippingform input[name="shipping"]')]);
$myTotal = ($subtotal + $_POST['shipping']);
I need the value which is shown through the "alert(shipping);" to be a usable value on checkout.php. You'll see I try to $_POST[] it in a php variable, but it wont work. I must be sending the data wrong...
Per the jQuery API, data sent as a query-string format string through .load() is treated as GET. Data sent as a JSON object is treated as POST. Basically, send it like this:
.load("/ash/show/checkout.php", {shipping: shipping});
As it seems you're using jQuery: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/
or if you want proper control over it, use the ajax method: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/
Alternatively, you could add the shipping cost to the URL and use $_GET

