Capture microphone in IE10 - javascript

I need to capture microphone audio in IE10. So far I have two semi-working solutions:
getUserMedia from Microsoft's experimental WebRTC plugin:
The issue with this is that while I can capture and replay the audio in the browser, I cannot send the audio to the server. In particular, it is not clear how to extract the audio data from the "blob" object:
function msStopRecordCallback(blob) {
console.log(blob) // outputs {}
console.dir(blob) // outputs {}
playMediaObject.Play(blob); // This works!
jRecorder: The issue with this is that it relies on Flash to capture the audio, which is something I would like to avoid.
Are there any other ways to capture audio in IE10?

I recognize that my answer a bit late, but...
You may upload a blob to a server as following (Javascript):
function saveBlob(blob)
var uploader = new CustomXMLHttpRequest();
uploader.onpartreceived = function (response)
// TODO: handle the server response here
var base = window.location.toString();
var uploadService = base.substr(0, base.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/api/upload";"POST", uploadService, true);
uploader.responseType = "text";
var form = new FormData();
form.append("fname", blob, "audio.wav");
On the server side, you may treat this blob as a file attachment, e.g. (C#):
public class UploadController : ApiController
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostFile()
// Check if the request contains multipart/form-data.
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
var root = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data");
var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(root);
// Read the form data and return an async task.
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
var fileName = "";
// get the uploaded files.
foreach (var data in provider.FileData)
var file = new FileInfo(data.LocalFileName);
// TODO: handle received file here
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch (System.Exception e)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e);
Hope this will help.


Using MP4box.js and onSegment callback is not called

Base problem: display a H264 live stream in a browser.
Solution: let's just convert it to fragmented mp4 and load chunk-by-chunk via websocket (or XHR) into MSE.
Sounds too easy. But I want to do the fragmentation on client side with pure JS.
So I'm trying to use MP4Box.js. On its readme page it states: it has a demo: "A player that performs on-the-fly fragmentation".
That's the thing I need!
However the onSegment callbacks which should feed MSE are not called at all:
var ws; //for websocket
var mp4box; //for fragmentation
function startVideo() {
mp4box = MP4Box.createFile();
mp4box.onError = function(e) {
console.log("mp4box failed to parse data.");
mp4box.onMoovStart = function () {
console.log("Starting to receive File Information");
mp4box.onReady = function(info) {
mp4box.onSegment = function (id, user, buffer, sampleNum) {
console.log("Received segment on track "+id+" for object "+user+" with a length of "+buffer.byteLength+",sampleNum="+sampleNum);
var options = { nbSamples: 1000 };
mp4box.setSegmentOptions(info.tracks[0].id, null, options); // I don't need user object this time
var initSegs = mp4box.initializeSegmentation();
ws = new WebSocket("ws://a_websocket_server_which_serves_h264_file");
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
ws.onmessage = function (event) { = 0; //tried also with, but resulted error.
var nextBufferStart = mp4box.appendBuffer(;
mp4box.flush(); //tried commenting out - unclear documentation!
window.onload = function() {
Now putting this into an HTML file would result this in the JavaScript console:
Starting to receive File Information
video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4d4028"; profiles="isom,iso2,avc1,iso6,mp41"
But nothing happens afterwards. Why is the onSegment not called here? (the h264 file which the websocket-server serves is playable in VLC - however it is not fragmented)
The problem was using the nextBufferStart in a wrong way.
This should be the correct one:
var nextBufferStart = 0;
ws.onmessage = function (event) { = nextBufferStart;
nextBufferStart = mp4box.appendBuffer(;

How to download the PDF in Jquery ajax call using java

I created a service to download a PDF file.
On my server-side(Java) the PDF is generated successfully. But I am unable to download that on the UI side (Using Jquery Ajax call).
Could anyone please help me with this?
$(document).on('click', '.orderView', function(event){
orderId = $(this).attr('data');
type : 'GET',
contentType : 'application/json',
url : '../service/purchase/generateInventoryPurchasePdf/'+orderId,
success : function(response) {
error : function(response) {
console.log("Error :" + response);
Java Code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/generateInventoryPurchasePdf/{purchaseId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<ByteArrayResource> generateInventoryPurchasePdf(HttpServletResponse response,#PathVariable("purchaseId") Long purchaseId) throws Exception {
PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder = null;
purchaseOrder = purchaseService.findByPurchaseOrderId(purchaseId);
// generate the PDF
Map<Object,Object> pdfMap = new HashMap<>();
pdfMap.put("purchaseOrder", purchaseOrder);
pdfMap.put("purchaseOrderDetail", purchaseOrder.getPurchaseOrderDetail());
pdfMap.put("vendorName", purchaseOrder.getInvVendor().getName());
pdfMap.put("vendorAddrs", purchaseOrder.getInvVendor().getVenAddress().get(0));
File file = util.generatePdf("email/purchasepdf", pdfMap);
MediaType mediaType = MediaTypeUtils.getMediaTypeForFileName(this.servletContext, file.getName());
System.out.println("fileName: " + file.getName());
System.out.println("mediaType: " + mediaType);
//Path path = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + file.getName());
Path path = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath());
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
ByteArrayResource resource = new ByteArrayResource(data);
return ResponseEntity.ok()
// Content-Disposition
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment;filename=" + path.getFileName().toString())
// Content-Type
.contentType(mediaType) //
// Content-Lengh
.contentLength(data.length) //
mediaUtil class:
public class MediaTypeUtils {
public static MediaType getMediaTypeForFileName(ServletContext servletContext, String fileName) {
// application/pdf
// application/xml
// image/gif, ...
String mineType = servletContext.getMimeType(fileName);
try {
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parseMediaType(mineType);
return mediaType;
} catch (Exception e) {
PDF Generation code:
public File generatePdf(String templateName, Map<Object, Object> map) throws Exception {
Assert.notNull(templateName, "The templateName can not be null");
Context ctx = new Context();
if (map != null) {
Iterator<Entry<Object, Object>> itMap = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (itMap.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Object, Object> pair =;
ctx.setVariable(pair.getKey().toString(), pair.getValue());
String processedHtml = templateEngine.process(templateName, ctx);
FileOutputStream os = null;
String fileName = "POLIST";
try {
final File outputFile = File.createTempFile(fileName, ".pdf",new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/")));
os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
renderer.createPDF(os, false);
System.out.println("PDF created successfully");
return outputFile;
} finally {
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
I'm not getting any error, PDF generate successfully in the server side. But In UI side not working.
Downloading files via AJAX isn't really a logical thing to do. When you make an AJAX call, the data returned from the server is returned into your page's JavaScript code (in the response callback value), rather than being returned to the browser itself to decide what to do. Therefore the browser has no way to initiate a download, because the browser is not directly in control of the response - your JavaScript code is in control instead.
As you've indicated in your comment below the question, there are workarounds you can use, but really the best approach is simply to use a regular non-AJAX request to download
For instance you could replace your jQuery code with something like
$(document).on('click', '.orderView', function(event){
orderId = $(this).attr('data');'../service/purchase/generateInventoryPurchasePdf/'+orderId);
This will download the document from a new tab without navigating away from the current page.

sending an AJAX request for an audio blob to an async API

I'm working on a legacy system and I'm trying to call an HTTP handler which I have added some logic which retrieves audio blob from an Azure service.
The thing is, I can't seem to get the content back to the client so I can play it.
The response that I get from a jQuery call is:
This is the processRequest code:
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
var text = "walk";
Authentication auth = new Authentication("subscriptionID");
Here's the getVoice function:
public async Task<string> getVoice(string text)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
.Add("User-Agent", "uagent");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", subscriptionKey);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.token);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("host", "");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-MICROSOFT-OutputFormat", "audio-16khz-32kbitrate-mono-mp3");
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(VoiceUri);
// send xml post
var voiceTest = "<speak version='1.0' xml:lang='en-US'><voice xml:lang='en-US' xml:gender='Female'\n\rname='Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (en-US, ZiraRUS)'>\n\rWalk\n\r</voice></speak>";
var data = new StringContent(voiceTest, Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml");
data.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/ssml+xml");
var result = await client.PostAsync(uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri, data);
return await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
catch (Exception e)
return null;
The server API call is successful but I can't seem to receive it on the client side in order to play it to the user afterward.
You have to unwrap the result of auth.getVoice. You can do it by using await key word. Also you need you handler to implement HttpTaskAsyncHandler class in order to make it work
public class TestHandler : HttpTaskAsyncHandler
public async override Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
var text = "walk";
Authentication auth = new Authentication("subscriptionID");
context.Response.Write(await auth.getVoice(text)); //added await here

Sending audio data (base64) using $resource

I'm working on an app where I need to record audio using a microphone and send it to a backend app (tomcat server).
It seems that sending too big streams drives angular crazy and freezes my browser.
To record my audio file, I use the native function RecorderWorkerFactory.getUserMedia() which allow me to get a RecordBlob object.
After that, still in Angular, I extract the audio content in base64 enconding, and I send it to the backend app using $resource.
The backend app correctly receives the data and process it, but the callback of this call is never executed, as Firefox detects an infinite loop and freezes.
However, if I keep running the program, after a very long time the page refresh will pass.
This is the code where I extract the audio content into base64 String, to send it:
var blob = $;
if (blob) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
$scope.audioContent = reader.result;
$scope.sendMessage = function(){
var outputStream = {
"audio": $scope.audioContent
Here I send outputStream via POST to the back, and in callback I launch loadData() function that reload my view.
services.FileCreation= $resource(URI_SERVICE_CREATION, {}, {
'post' : urlEncodedFormPost
$scope.sendIM = function(fluxSortie) {
And this is the Java code for the creation of the audio file:
private void createAudioFile(File file, byte[] content) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream stream = null;
try {
stream = new FileOutputStream(file.getPath());
IOUtils.write(content, stream);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.debug("creation failed");
} finally {
if (stream != null) {
Where content is the conversion of the base64 string sent.
After research I found that the infinite loop is in a native Angular function named shallowClearAndCopy() that occured after the Java execution but just before the callback. In this function the code apparently transforms each character of the audio string (base64 encoded) into an object property and do a loop on these to delete them. But this lead to a very long treatment that Firefox consider as an infinite loop.
function shallowClearAndCopy(src, dst) {
dst = dst || {};
angular.forEach(dst, function(value, key) { // This is where it freezes, as dst contains all my base64 encoded data and iterate over each character of it (which is veeeeeery long !)
delete dst[key];
for (var key in src) {
if (src.hasOwnProperty(key) && !(key.charAt(0) === '$' && key.charAt(1) === '$')) {
dst[key] = src[key];
return dst;
Is it because of angularjs performance (and there is nothing else to be done) ?
Or am I missing something that creates an infinite loop ? Or is something wrong in my callback definition ?
Cheers !
I found, the problem!
It was the angular.toJson(outputStream) that transformed the object without need.

Downloading a file in MVC app using AngularJS and $

Any help is most welcomed and really appreciated.
I have an MVC action which retries a file content from a web service. This action is invoked from a Angular service (located in services.js) using $, model), and the action is returning a FileContentResult object, which contains the byte array and the content type.
public ActionResult DownloadResults(DownloadResultsModel downloadResultsModel)
downloadResult = ... // Retrieving the file from a web service
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", downloadResult.FileName));
Response.BufferOutput = false;
return new FileContentResult(downloadResult.Contents, downloadResult.ContentType);
The issue I'm having is about the browser not performing the default behavior of handing a file (for example, prompting to open it, saving it or cancel). The action is completed successfully with having the content of the file and the file name (injected to the FileContentResult object), but there s no response from the browser.
When I'm replacing the post with $window.location.href, and construct the URI myself, I'm hitting the action and after it completes the browser is handling the file as expected.
Does anyone can think of any idea how to complete the 'post' as expected?
I am using below code to download the file, given that the file does exist on the server and client is sending server the full path of the file...
as per you requirement change the code to specify path on server itself.
public HttpResponseMessage DownloadFile(string filename)
filename = filename.Replace("\\\\", "\\").Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "");
if (!char.IsLetter(filename[0]))
filename = filename.Substring(2);
var fileinfo = new FileInfo(filename);
if (!fileinfo.Exists)
throw new FileNotFoundException(fileinfo.Name);
var excelData = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
var stream = new MemoryStream(excelData);
result.Content = new StreamContent(stream);
result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
result.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
FileName = fileinfo.Name
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed, ex);
and then on client side in angular:
var downloadFile = function (filename) {
var ifr = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none';
ifr.src = document.location.pathname + "api/GridApi/DownloadFile?filename='" + escape(filename) + "'";
ifr.onload = function () {
ifr = null;

