Edit image src with jQuery - javascript

I have one question I'm using this code for editing image src's thats creating js but its not working ...(after click on button jquery creating object and then this function will change src's in this created object )
that code where first creating objects and second will edit image src's
function addToplaylist(title)
/* some CODE */
var each = playlistts.join('</span><li><img class="plimg" src="/img/cover.png"><span onclick="playinToplaylist($(this).html());" class="titletrack">');
$("#playlist").html('<li><img onload="this.src = \'/img/playlist/\'+$(this).next(\'span.titletrack\').text()+\'.jpg\'" src="/img/cover.png"><span onclick="playinToplaylist($(this).html());" class="titletrack">' + each);
/* some CODE */
$("body .plimg").attr("src",
function (index) {
var title = $(this).next('span.titletrack').text();
var array = title.split(' - ');
var track = array[0];
var artist = array[1];
var output;
$.ajax({ //instead of getJSON as the function does not allow configurations.
url: "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=track.search",
data: {
track: track,
artist: artist,
api_key: "ca86a16ce762065a423e20381ccfcdf0",
format: "json",
lang: "en",
limit: 1
async: false, //making the call synchronous
dataType: 'json', //specifying JSON type
success: function (data) {
output = data.results.trackmatches.track.image[0]["#text"];
return output;


How to transfer a variable value from one function to anoter function?

Actually i want to transfer the value of my variable to another function in javascript. I tried many methods. In fact I search on stackoverflow but i didn't get correct output.
When i click on button show() function runs and form open
function show(){
var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
var id = target.id;
var x = document.getElementById(id).parentElement.id; // I am getting the value of 'x' when i alert it shows correct output
url: 'php/retrieve_characters.php',
type: 'post',
data: {},
success: function(response) {
var data = $.parseJSON(response);
if(data!='') {
$.each(data, function(i, item) {
$('#1').attr('src', data[1].charac);
Now when form opens i click a button which is in form and new function runs
function setimage(){
var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
var id = target.id;
url: 'php/retrieve_characters.php',
type: 'post',
data: {},
success: function(response) {
var data = $.parseJSON(response);
if(data!='') {
$.each(data, function(i, item) {
var parent=document.getElementById("par1");
var child = parent.lastElementChild;
while (child) {
child = parent.lastElementChild;
var li = document.createElement("img");
li.setAttribute("id", "char"+id);
li.setAttribute("src", data[id].charac);
li.setAttribute("onclick", "show()");
li.setAttribute("class", "imgs-thumbnail");
In function setimage() i want the value of x which is in first function.
Remember one thing I don't want to call one function into another because in both functions i m retrieving data from database which will be messed up if both functions will be concatenated.

Ajax success function to fire another ajax function whilst iterating through loop

I have the following js/jquery code:
var trigger = $('#loadTableData');
var wrapperClass = 'tableAccordionWrapper';
var url = 'data/tableData.json';
var template = 'includes/tableInput.html';
var parentWrapper = $('#selectedTables .sub-content .input-controls');
var href;
var intID;
var items;
var i;
// retrieve node data send from exteral source
addExternalTableInput = function(){
type: 'GET',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
items = data.items
for(i in items){ // this loops 3 times
console.log(status, "Something went wrong");
// append table input to document
addExternalTemplate = function(){
var wrapper;
type: 'GET',
url: template,
dataType: 'html',
intID = i;
wrapper = $('<li/>');
wrapper.attr('data-id','table-' +intID);
href = $('<a href="#"/>');
var anchor = wrapper.find('> a');
anchor.html(items[intID].tableName); // this returns 'DB_SOURCE_3' for all 3 templates added to the DOM
console.log(status, "Something went wrong");
The concept is that I am using a small json file to run another ajax request. The length of the data in the json file determines how many times the consecutive function should be fired.
The json contains very basic data, but as I loop through it I want the second ajax function to append a template of html to the document (at which point I want to be able to run other functions). One part of data from the json file needs to be injected into the template as it is iterating through the loop.
It appears that the loop works in that in this example the html template gets appended to the dom 3 times, but it passes the last table name in the json to each template that is added to the dom. The second function appears to run after the loop has finished.
Example JSON:
"tableName": "DB_SOURCE_1",
"tableID" : "14739",
"tableDescription" : "Main customer table"
"tableName": "DB_SOURCE_2",
"tableID" : "184889",
"tableDescription" : "Partitions table"
"tableName": "DB_SOURCE_3",
"tableID" : "9441093",
"tableDescription" : "Loans Table"
I have tried passing the function in the ajax complete function.
I have also tried to trigger the second ajax function inside the first ajax success function like so:
addExternalTableInput = function(){
type: 'GET',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
items = data.items
for(i in items){
type: 'GET',
url: template,
dataType: 'html',
intID = i;
wrapper = $('<li/>');
wrapper.attr('data-id','table-' +intID);
href = $('<a href="#"/>');
var anchor = wrapper.find('> a');
console.log(status, "Something went wrong");
But everything I have tried seems to return the same results.
The code has been rewritten somewhat, but here is what I am doing.
var templateData;
addExternalTableInput = function(){
type: 'GET',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
var items = data.items;
for(var i in items){
addExternalTemplate(items[i], i); // pass parameters to this function
// etc.
addExternalTemplate = function(item, intID){ // add parameters to our function so we can access the same data
var wrapper;
// load template data once
if(!templateData){ // only run this function if !templateData (should only run once).
type: 'GET',
url: template,
dataType: 'html',
async: false, // wait until we have a response before progressing
templateData = data;
console.log(status, "Something went wrong");
// append templateData to the dom
var href = $('<a href="#"/>');
var tableNameInput = wrapper.find('[name="tables"]');
// etc
// update for, id and name attributes etc.
updateInputAttributes = function(){
// do other stuff to each instance of the template
I have moved alot of the global variables out and instead I am using function parameters.
I am only calling the html template once, but for each iteration of the loop I can run functions to update certain atrributes in that instance of the template as well as match items in the json to items in the template.

Loading more posts not working

I am adding a LoadMore function to append more posts based on the length of current displayed posts and total posts in DOM. The issue I am having is when I console log the listofposts and I inspect the element in Google Chrome, I see the length is showing zero (0). I am not sure exactly where I have gone wrong or if the aproach I have taken is right or should I separate the two functions by first loading the first 4 posts, then create a new function separate to handle the appending?
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#blogposts', function() {
url: "http://howtodeployit.com/category/daily-devotion/?json=recentstories&callback=",
dataType: "json",
jsonpCallback: 'successCallback',
async: true,
beforeSend: function() { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(true); },
complete: function() { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); },
var $listofposts = $('data');
var $loadMore = $listofposts.parent().find('.load-more');
// console.log($loadMore);
currentPage = 0;
postsPerPage = 4;
var showMorePosts = function () {
$offset = currentPage * postsPerPage, //initial value is 0
posts = data.posts.slice($offset, $offset + postsPerPage);
$.each(posts, function(i, val) {
var result = $('<li/>').append([$("<h3>", {html: val.title}),$("<p>", {html: val.excerpt})]).wrapInner('');
if(posts.length !== postsPerPage){
alert ('True');
$loadMore.on('click', showMorePosts);
var $listofposts = $('data');
is asking jQuery for a list of all <data> tags in the document.
You might want to use $(data) instead.

Getting wrong Form Data name when posting

I am trying to pass multiple parameters to a javascript function. When reviewing the post data I get incorrect data names.
//Test function with button (HTML)
<button onClick='printList("projects",{"qid":1,"oid":3),getSampleEntity);'>Test getSampleEntity</button>
var getSampleEntity = function(oid, qid) {
//Returns Object
return $.ajax({
url: URL + 'downloadQuadrat_Organism.php',
type: 'POST',
data: { 'organismID': oid, 'quadratID': qid },
dataType: dataType
var printList = function(lid,options,get) {
var items = get(options);
var list = $("ul#"+lid);
$.each(data, function(item,details) {
var ul = $('<ul/>');
ul.attr('id', lid+'_'+details.ID);
var li = $('<li/>')
$.each(details,function(key,value) {
var li = $('<li/>')
.text(key+': '+value)
The resulting post data:
I see what is happening, but my question is how do I pass multiple parameters in to my printList() so that those parameters will be passed effectively to getSapleEntity()?
var items = get(options.oid, options.qid);

Please help optimize and write Jquery function that gets json data and appends it to select list options

Basically just need to write a jQuery/Ajax that fetches Json data (Price data) from server
and appends/overwrites each options text value so it would have the price difference between the
selected option and non selected option on the end of it. Only the non selected option should have the price difference showing on the end of it, see example below.
The code you will find below pretty much does this, but I can't seem to properly append/overwrite
it to the end of the option text value without the price difference being repeated (not replaced) onto the end with every onchange of the dropdown list. So I get [product name025252525] etc.
As well no idea how to not append the difference to the selected options text, I just get "0" there now as it minuses itself from itself.
The Json object (data) array is of the format {partid = 3, price = 234}, {partid = 6, price = 53} etc.
List should look like so:
[Intel i7 950] - selected visible option
[Intel i7 960 (+ $85)] - not selected but in the drop down list
[Intel i7 930 (- $55)] - not selected but in the drop down list
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var arr = new Array();
$('select option').each(function () {
type: "POST",
url: "/Customise/GetPartPrice",
data: { arr: arr },
traditional: true,
success: function (data) { mydata = data; OnSuccess(data) },
dataType: "json"
$('select').change(function () { OnSuccess(mydata); });
function OnSuccess(data) {
$('select').each(function () {
var sov = parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').attr('value')) || 0; //Selected option value
var sop; //Selected Option Price
for (i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].partid == sov) {
sop = data[i].price;
$(this).find('option').each(function () {
// $(this).append('<span></span>');
var uov = parseInt($(this).attr('value')) || 0; //Unselected option value
var uop; //Unselected Option Price
for (d = 0; d <= data.length; d++) {
if (data[d].partid == uov) {
uop = data[d].price;
var newtext = uop - sop;
var xtext = $(this).text().toString();
$(this).attr("text", xtext + newtext);
// mob.append(newtext)
// $(this).next('span').html(newtext);
//$(document).ready(function () { $("#partIdAndCount_0__PartID").prepend('<option value="0">Select Processor<option>'); });
You are close:
type: "POST",
url: "/Customise/GetPartPrice",
data: { arr: arr },
traditional: true,
success: OnSuccess,
dataType: "json"
OnSuccess is a function taking one parameter, data. So you simply use that method like above.
$('select').change(OnSuccess(data);); would compile if fixed like $('select').change(OnSuccess(data)); , minus the semicolon in the function. However, this is executing OnSuccess immediately. So again, $('select').change(OnSuccess); is what you want.
Declare a variable to store it in the outer scope:
var theJSON;
$(document).ready(function () {
var arr = new Array();
$('select option').each(function () {
type: "POST",
url: "/Customise/GetPartPrice",
data: { arr: arr },
traditional: true,
success: function (data) { theJSON = data; OnSuccess(theJSON)},
dataType: "json"
$('select').change(function(){ OnSuccess(theJSON); });

