Javascript setter and getter with key for object - javascript

I have an object in a variable var o={};
I want to do something like what .push() method doing in array for my object.
JS code:
// Array:
var ar=[];
var got=ar[1];
// above code is standard but not what I'm looking for !
// Object:
var obj={};
/* obj.push('key','value'); // I want do something like this
var got2=obj.getVal('key'); // And this
Is this possible at all ?

var obj = {}
// use this if you are hardcoding the key names
obj.key = 'value'
obj.key // => 'value'
// use this if you have strings with the key names in them
obj['key2'] = 'value'
obj['key2'] // => 'value'
// also use the second method if you have keys with odd names
obj.! = 'value' // => SyntaxError
obj['!'] = 'value' // => OK

Since Object-Literals use a Key->Value model, there is no JS method to "push" a value.
You can either use Dot Notation:
var Obj = {}; = "bar";
Or Bracket Notation:
var Obj = {},
foo = "foo";
Obj[foo] = "bar";
Obj["bar"] = "foo";
Consider reading, as arming yourself with this knowledge will be invaluable in the future.

Here is some javascript magic that makes it work.
Take a look.
var obj = {};
obj.push('name','whattttt'); <<<this works!!!
//{name:'whattttt'} or obj['name']..
The reason i defined .push function using Object.defineProperty because i didn't want it to show up as a property of object. So if you have 3 items in object this would have always been the 4th one. And mess up the loops always. However, using this method. You can make properties hidden but accessible.
Though i don't know why you would use this method when there is already a easy way to do it.
to assign a value do this
obj.variable = 'value';
if value key is number or weird do this...
obj[1] = 'yes';
to access number or weird name you also do that
and finally to assign random keys or key that has been generated in code, not hard coded, than use this form too.
var person= 'him';


How to access props inside a filter with an argument in React [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Add a property to a JavaScript object using a variable as the name? [duplicate]
(14 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to add a new property to 'myObj', name it 'string1' and give it a value of 'string2', but when I do it it returns 'undefined:
var myObj = new Object;
var a = 'string1';
var b = 'string2';
myObj.a = b;
alert(myObj.string1); //Returns 'undefined'
alert(myObj.a); //Returns 'string2'
In other words: How do I create an object property and give it the name stored in the variable, but not the name of the variable itself?
There's the dot notation and the bracket notation
myObj[a] = b;
ES6 introduces computed property names, which allow you to do
var myObj = {[a]: b};
Dot notation and the properties are equivalent. So you would accomplish like so:
// const myObj = new Object();
const myObj = {};
const a = 'string1';
myObj[a] = 'whatever';
(alerts "whatever")
Ecu, if you do myObj.a, then it looks for the property named a of myObj.
If you do myObj[a] =b then it looks for the a.valueOf() property of myObj.
obj = (function(attr, val){ var a = {}; a[attr]=val; return a; })('hash', 5);
attr = 'hash';
val = 5;
var obj = (obj={}, obj[attr]=val, obj);
Anything shorter?
You could just use this:
function createObject(propName, propValue){
this[propName] = propValue;
var myObj1 = new createObject('string1','string2');
Anything you pass as the first parameter will be the property name, and the second parameter is the property value.
You cannot use a variable to access a property via dot notation, instead use the array notation.
var obj= {
'name' : 'jroi'
var a = 'name';
alert(obj.a); //will not work
alert(obj[a]); //should work and alert jroi'
As $scope is an object, you can try with JavaScript by:
$scope['something'] = 'hey'
It is equal to:
$scope.something = 'hey'
I created a fiddle to test.
The following demonstrates an alternative approach for returning a key pair object using the form of (a, b). The first example uses the string 'key' as the property name, and 'val' as the value.
Example #1:
(function(o,a,b){return o[a]=b,o})({},'key','val');
Example: #2:
var obj = { foo: 'bar' };
(function(o,a,b){return o[a]=b,o})(obj,'key','val');
As shown in the second example, this can modify existing objects, too (if property is already defined in the object, value will be overwritten).
Result #1: { key: 'val' }
Result #2: { foo: 'bar', key: 'val' }

Add a child to a JavaScript object with a variable name

Let's say I have a blank JavaScript object:
myObject {}
And I also have a variable:
var myChildObject ='.')[1];
For the sake of an example, let's say that myChildObject equals "FooBar". Now, I want to add a child object to myObject with the name of "FooBar", only we can't hard code "FooBar". We have to use the variable name myChildObject.
I tried this:
That doesn't work.
The goal is this:
But I need to build the entire thing dynamically, without the names (other than the root) being known ahead of time.
An object is a "key value" type of thing, a little bit like a Map in Java. have you tried something like this:
let myObject = {};
let myChildObject = "fooBar";
myObject[myChildObject] = {};
This way you have a "fooBar" key for your Object... now you have to decide what you want the value to be for that key.
Objects can only have key value pair. You cannot use one without other. If you don't want to assign a value then simply give undefined. If you don't know the name of the property then you can simply use the array type notation for an object "[]". Refer to code below
var myObject = {};
var myChildObject ='.')[1];
myObject[myChildObject] = undefined;
console.log(myObject.hasOwnProperty(myChildObject)); // true
var myObject = {};
var myChildObject ='.')[1];
myObject[myChildObject] ={
I'd say
for(var key in myChildObject) {
myObject[key] = myChildObject[key]
No idea what your question means but myObject["foobar"] might be what you are looking for

Is it necessary to create nested jSON objects before using it?

I think I've seen how to create a JSON object without first preparing it. This is how i prepare it:
obj = {
Now I think I can insert a value like: obj.0.type = "type0"; But I'd like to create it while using it: obj['0']['type'] = "Type0";.
Is it possible, or do I need to prepare it? I'd like to create it "on the fly"!
I'd like to create JS object "On the fly".
var obj = {};
obj.test = "test"; //One "layer" works fine.
obj.test.test = "test" //Two "layers" do not work... why?
obj = {
Now i think i can insert value like: obj.0.type = "type0";
I guess you mean "assign" a value, not "insert". Anyway, no, you can't, at least not this way, because obj.0 is invalid syntax.
But I'd like to create it while using it: obj['0']['type'] = "Type0";
That's fine. But you need to understand you are overwriting the existing value of obj[0][type], which is an empty object ({}), with the string Type0. To put it another way, there is no requirement to provide an initialized value for a property such as type in order to assign to it. So the following would have worked equally well:
obj = {
Now let's consider your second case:
var obj = {};
obj.test = "test"; //One "layer" works fine.
obj.test.test = "test" //Two "layers" do not work... why?
Think closely about what is happening. You are creating an empty obj. You can assign to any property on that object, without initializing that property. That is why the assignment to obj.test works. Then in your second assignment, you are attempting to set the test property of obj.test, which you just set to the string "test". Actually, this will work--because strings are objects that you can set properties on. But that's probably not what you want to do. You probably mean to say the previous, string value of obj.test is to be replaced by an object with its own property "test". To do that, you could either say
obj.test = { test: "test" };
obj.test = {};
obj.test.test = "test";
You are creating a plain object in JavaScript and you need to define any internal attribute before using it.
So if you want to set to "Type0" an attribute type, inside an attribute 0 of an object obj, you cannot simply:
obj['0']['type'] = "Type0";
You get a "reference error". You need to initialize the object before using it:
var obj = {
0: {
type: ""
obj['0']['type'] = "Type0";
You could create your own function that takes key as string and value and creates and returns nested object. I used . as separator for object keys.
function create(key, value) {
var obj = {};
var ar = key.split('.');
ar.reduce(function(a, b, i) {
return (i != (ar.length - 1)) ? a[b] = {} : a[b] = value
}, obj)
return obj;
console.log(create('0.type', 'type0'))
console.log(create('lorem.ipsum.123', 'someValue'))
Is it necessary to create nested objects before using it?
Yes it is, at least the parent object must exist.
var object = {};
// need to assign object[0]['prop'] = 42;
create the first property with default
object[0] = object[0] || {};
then assign value
object[0]['prop'] = 42;
var object = {};
object[0] = object[0] || {};
object[0]['prop'] = 42;
Create object with property names as array
function setValue(object, keys, value) {
var last = keys.pop();
keys.reduce(function (o, k) {
return o[k] = o[k] || {};
}, object)[last] = value;
var object = {};
setValue(object, [0, 'prop'], 42);

JS using a variable name as a key in an array [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Add a property to a JavaScript object using a variable as the name? [duplicate]
(14 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to add a new property to 'myObj', name it 'string1' and give it a value of 'string2', but when I do it it returns 'undefined:
var myObj = new Object;
var a = 'string1';
var b = 'string2';
myObj.a = b;
alert(myObj.string1); //Returns 'undefined'
alert(myObj.a); //Returns 'string2'
In other words: How do I create an object property and give it the name stored in the variable, but not the name of the variable itself?
There's the dot notation and the bracket notation
myObj[a] = b;
ES6 introduces computed property names, which allow you to do
var myObj = {[a]: b};
Dot notation and the properties are equivalent. So you would accomplish like so:
// const myObj = new Object();
const myObj = {};
const a = 'string1';
myObj[a] = 'whatever';
(alerts "whatever")
Ecu, if you do myObj.a, then it looks for the property named a of myObj.
If you do myObj[a] =b then it looks for the a.valueOf() property of myObj.
obj = (function(attr, val){ var a = {}; a[attr]=val; return a; })('hash', 5);
attr = 'hash';
val = 5;
var obj = (obj={}, obj[attr]=val, obj);
Anything shorter?
You could just use this:
function createObject(propName, propValue){
this[propName] = propValue;
var myObj1 = new createObject('string1','string2');
Anything you pass as the first parameter will be the property name, and the second parameter is the property value.
You cannot use a variable to access a property via dot notation, instead use the array notation.
var obj= {
'name' : 'jroi'
var a = 'name';
alert(obj.a); //will not work
alert(obj[a]); //should work and alert jroi'
As $scope is an object, you can try with JavaScript by:
$scope['something'] = 'hey'
It is equal to:
$scope.something = 'hey'
I created a fiddle to test.
The following demonstrates an alternative approach for returning a key pair object using the form of (a, b). The first example uses the string 'key' as the property name, and 'val' as the value.
Example #1:
(function(o,a,b){return o[a]=b,o})({},'key','val');
Example: #2:
var obj = { foo: 'bar' };
(function(o,a,b){return o[a]=b,o})(obj,'key','val');
As shown in the second example, this can modify existing objects, too (if property is already defined in the object, value will be overwritten).
Result #1: { key: 'val' }
Result #2: { foo: 'bar', key: 'val' }

What does this JavaScript notation do: Object[key](value)

I'm not really sure what's going on here, but in a nutshell I've seen this:
In line 1088 of bootstrap-datetimepicker:
$.fn.datetimepicker = function ( option, val ) {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
data = $'datetimepicker'),
options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
if (!data) {
$'datetimepicker', (data = new DateTimePicker(
this, $.extend({}, $.fn.datetimepicker.defaults,options))));
// Line below:
if (typeof option === 'string') data[option](val);
Would anyone be able to answer what is going on?
I thought maybe it was assigning the value to the key in the object but when I tried doing something similar in the developer console (working in chrome v.33) it doesn't work.
Object is a Javascript object that you can declare like this:
var obj = {};
Then a property is created (whose name is contained in the key variable) with a function as its value:
var obj['myfunction'] = function() { alert('Hello!'); };
So now,you have a function stored in your object 'obj' in the 'myfunction' key.
Since it's a function you execute it using '()', which results in:
var property = 'method';
// multiple ways to access properties
object.method === object['method'] === object[property];
// and you can use any syntax to call the method
// These all call `object.method`:
object.method() === object['method']() === object[property]();
See also
To access properties of an object in JavaScript you can either use the dot notation. i.e: or the string notation (also called bracket notation) Object[property].
Both are valid, though the dot notation doesn't work with property names containing spaces for example, such as name is invalid, while Object['property name'] is valid.
Given your example, Object[key](value) you are accessing a property of which the name is stored in the key from the Object object. The property happens to be a method and you can execute it passing value as the parameter.
Imagine the object to look like this:
Object = {
myProp: function(newValue){
// do something with newValue
It would be perfectly fine to call it using the string notation if the method name is stored in a variable:
var key = 'myProp';
or if you don't need a variable you can also call it directly using the dot notation:
Resources: MDN on Property Accessors
Maybe just a hack to do something like:
var method = "create";
var prop = new String();
var str = Object[method](prop);
So you invoke a method create with parameter prop.

