Div stops at the top when scrolling - javascript

I am trying to make a div change class to fixed when it reach the top of the page.
I have this JavaScript code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var top = 200;
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y >= top) {
// if so, add the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it
What am i doing wrong?

Demo jsFiddle
$(function () {
var top = 200;
//this should be the offset of the top of your div
//which can be found by doing the following line
//var top = $("#kolonne-v").offset().top;
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
if (top <= $(window).scrollTop()) {
// if so, add the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it
This uses the jquery .on('scroll', handler) method, documentation here. The basic principal is that on document.ready you set the scroll point when your div becomes fixed to the top. Then you setup an .on('scroll', handler) event that triggers whenever the window is scrolled in. If the user scrolls to your point you add the fixed CSS class.


How to prevent a link outside a function from triggering it on scroll

This seems like an easy fix, but can't seem to figure it out. I have a table that spawns a fixed header whenever you scroll on it. It's working well, however, an unconnected link near the top of this page, via jquery, scrolls the cursor to the bottom of the page til it hits an anchor. As a result, it quickly moves over the table, spawning the fixed menu, then after reaching the anchor, the fixed menu awkwardly sits there for a second or two, then disappears.
I'm trying to prevent that by disabling the function on click of the link. I've tried e.preventDefault (), but no joy. Here's the fiddle and code (so looking to prevent the fixed "Header / Description" row when you click the link).
// top edge of table
var element_menu_hdr = $(".row-1").offset().top;
var element_menu_end_check = $(".row-12").offset().top;
$(window).on("scroll", function fixmenu() {
var y_scroll_pos = window.pageYOffset;
var scroll_menu_hdr = element_menu_hdr;
var scroll_menu_end_check = element_menu_end_check;
if(y_scroll_pos >= scroll_menu_hdr) {
if($('.affix').length === 0){
$('.row-1.odd').wrap('<table class="tablemain affix view"></table>');
} else if (y_scroll_pos < scroll_menu_hdr) {
} else {
// bottom edge of table
var element_menu_end = $(".row-12").offset().top;
$(window).on("scroll", function fixmenubtm() {
var y_scroll_pos2 = window.pageYOffset;
var scroll_menu_end = element_menu_end;
if(y_scroll_pos2 > scroll_menu_end) {
$('.tablemain.affix.view tbody').contents().unwrap();
} else {
var myVar = y_scroll_pos2;
console.log(myVar, "y_scroll_pos2");
var myVar2 = element_menu_end;
console.log(myVar2, "element_menu_end");
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$(this.hash).offset().top}, 500);

How to make an element become fixed when 50px from the top of the screen

I have a html div element that scrolls with the page but I would like it to become fixed once it reaches 50px from the top of the screen...
How is this done?
My div id is #box
If you want it to be fixed at the top of the page at some distance from the top, you can check the top offset of the element and change the class when it reach the distance you want.
Here is the jquery code for your reference
jQuery(document).scroll(function() {
var documentTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop();
console.log('this is current top of your document' + documentTop );
//box top is 891
if (documentTop > 841) {
//change the value of the css at this point
You need to be more specific about what have you done so far. For eg, how did you make the div element to scrolls inside the page. using css or js/jquery animation features?That will help us to give more specific answer.
**Edited According to your fiddle.
They are right, this question is duplicate. Here is a code I made with answers from the forum.
var box_top = $("#box").offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function (event) {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= (box_top - 50)) {
} else {
Hope it helps anyway.
Try something like this. It's a solution using jquery (hopefully not a problem) that checks the scrollHeight of the page every time the page scrolls. If the scrollHeight is greater than a certain threshold, the element becomes fixed. If not, the element is positioned relatively (but you can do whatever you want in that case.
$(document).ready(function() {
var navFixed = false;
var $box = $("#box");
var topHeight = 50;
$(document).scroll(function() {
if ($(document).scrollTop() >= topHeight && !navFixed) {
$box.css("position", "fixed");
navFixed = true;
else if ($(document).scrollTop() < topHeight && navFixed) {
$box.css("position", "relative");
navFixed = false;
You would have to write some additional CSS targeting the #box element that tells it what coordinates you'd like it to be fixed to.

Having the same nav bar become fixed after scrolling past a certain element

I currently have a nav bar within my header that I would like to become fixed after the user scrolls past a certain element. I would also like to achieve the same animation effect as seen at http://pixelmatters.com
When I say 'same' I mean using the same nav bar/header element that I'm using at the top, rather than using a duplicate somewhere else in my document.
I've tried to achieve he result with my own code shown below. I've also included a jsFiddle link of my current setup.
var bottomElement = $('.dividerWrap').offset().top + $('.dividerWrap').height();
$(window).on('scoll', function() {
var stop = Math.round($(window).scrollTop());
if (stop > bottomElement) {
} else {
I answered something like that few days ago. please take a look at this code:
$(window).scroll(function () {
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var scrollToVid = $('#test').offset().top
console.log(scrollTop); //see window scroll distance //
console.log(scrollToVid); //see scroll to div offest//
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= scrollToVid) {
alert('You reached to the video!');
Main Question
now for you some code must change:
$(window).scroll(function () {
var scrollToElem = $('.dividerWrap').offset().top
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= scrollToElem) {
} else {

add element offset to jQuery offset calculations

I am rather new to jquery and i'm trying to find the right offset for a div element inside the body. I want to make this div element sticky whenever I scroll down and pass the top offset of this element.
I followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utonytGKodc and it works but I have a metaslider in my header and the width/height of this element is left out of the calculations to find the right offset....
the result is that my element becomes a sticky element way to soon, is there a way I can manualy add the sliders coordinates (offset) to the offset calculation of the element i want to make sticky?
var offerteOffset = jQuery(".agendawrap").offset().top //+ metaslider coordinates??;
jQuery(window).scroll(function() {
var scrollPos = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
if (scrollPos >= offerteOffset) {
} else {
I cant believe people make such bad tutorials.
First of all: dont write jQuery all the time. Have a look at this thread.
Basically it says: use an invoking function with an own scope:
(function($) { /* all your jQuery goes here */ })(jQuery);
So you can just type $ instead of jQuery.
To your original question:
(function($) {
$(function() { // document ready...
var scrollTolerance = 50,
agendawrap = $(".agendawrap"),
offerteOffset = agendawrap.offset().top;
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
// OR: if (scrollPos - scrollTolerance >= offerteOffset) {
if (scrollPos + scrollTolerance >= offerteOffset) {
else {

script jQuery floating footer

I have a jQuery code which i am using to float a div when I scroll down
var top = jQuery('#sider').offset().top - parseFloat(jQuery('#sider').css('marginTop').replace(/auto/, 0));
jQuery(window).scroll(function (event) {
// what the y position of the scroll is
var y = jQuery(this).scrollTop();
// whether that's below the form
if (y >= top) {
// if so, ad the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it
But I have also a div which is at the bottom of body, and I want to show that div
what changes I need to made to this code.
something like this is acceptable?
maybe you need to change the floatDiv height of my example..

