Function call with additional sub functions - javascript

I'm asking myself if it's possible to call a function in js, while having additional subfunction inside it
for example to make utils like this
var s = "123";
string(s) // true
string.blank(s) // false
I think it's possible like this:
function string(s) {
if(s) return typeof(s) === "string";
return {
blank: function(s) {
return s.trim().length === 0;
but every time i call string(s) i'm redefining blank fn, with possible poor performances and poor code, or i'm wrong?

Functions are just objects, so yes, you can just add properties to them:
function string(s) {
return typeof(s) === "string";
string.blank = function(s) {
return s.trim().length === 0;
This would allow you to make the calls
just as shown in your example.
Comments to your code:
The function you defined returns an object when you call string, so you would require to call the function as
which would be different form the example you showed at the beginning.

You can create a Thing() class and instantiate "thing" objects to prevent redefining functions. (Thing() instead of string() to prevent any sort of collision.)
function Thing(s) {
return {
isString: function() {
return typeof(s) === "string";
isBlank: function() {
return s.trim().length === 0;
var t = new Thing("123");
t.isString() // true
t.isBlank() // false

You could try something like this (untested):
function string(s) {
if(s) return typeof(s) === "string";
string.blank = function(s) {
return s.trim().length === 0;
You might run into issues using "string" for the name of your function, though, because it may clash with the existing String object.


Check property exist in object or not in JavaScript?

I have one problem statement.
Implement a function propertyExists(obj, path) that takes in an object and a path (string) as arguments and returns ‘False’ if the property doesn’t exist on that object or is null, else returns the value of the property.
And here is solution.
function propertyExists(obj,path) {
// Write logic here
let result = obj.hasOwnProperty(path);
return (obj.path);
return result;
Is this correct way of doing it?
Multiple issues:
the first name of the function should represent what it is doing,
Path as variable name is vague but propertyName as a variable is clear.
what you should do is either:
write function called, "getValue" it returns value if exist or null
function getValue(obj,propertyName) {
if(!obj) { // if object not exist
return null;
return obj[propertyName];
write function called, "propertyExists" should return true if exist else false.
function propertyExists(obj,propertyName) {
if(!obj) { // if object not exist
return false;
return obj.hasOwnProperty(propertyName);
function propertyExists(obj,path) {
// Write logic here
for(i in path){
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(path[i]) === true){
obj = obj[path[i]];
return false;
return obj;
function propertyExist(obj, path){
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) return obj[path];
else return false;
Here, as far as I can understand, the objects could be nested also.
Let's take obj as {"a":{"b":"dadsa"}} and path as ab
Now, the the solution which you have posted will not work. Ideally, it should return dadsa, but it will return false.
Try the below code, it will work for nested objects also.
function propertyExists(obj,path) {
// Write logic here
var val=obj;
for(a of path){
return false;
return val;
function propertyExists(obj,path) {
var val = obj;
for (a of path) {
val = val[a];
if (!val){
return false;
return val;

Change a native function's body while keeping the same "identity"

I'm looking into a way to change a native JS function body, while making it not possible to see that it has been changed. Let's take an example with document.hasFocus():
document.hasFocus = ()=>true;
This method works well to spoof focus, but it can be easily detected that it was modified:
document.hasFocus.toString() // -> "()=>true"
Is there any way, in which I can modify such a function while making it impossible to see it has been tampered with?
You can overwrite toString method in Function prototype, and do something like that:
Function.prototype.clone = function() {
var that = this;
var temp = function temporary() {
return that.apply(this, arguments);
for (var key in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
temp[key] = this[key];
return temp;
Function.prototype.__oldToString = Function.prototype.toString.clone();
function __toStringHooked() {
if (( == "")||( == "hasFocus")) // on Firefox, hasFocus doesn't have any name
return eval+"" // this matches regexp
} else {
return this.__oldToString(); // we're returning default value
Function.prototype.toString = __toStringHooked
document.hasFocus = () => true
The code above is from Th3B0r3dD3v3l0p3r's GitHub repo, you can check it if you want:

Object has-property-deep check in JavaScript

Let's say we have this JavaScript object:
var object = {
value:'Here am I'
How can we check if value property exists?
I can see only two ways:
First one:
if(object && object.innerObject && object.innerObject.deepObject && object.innerObject.deepObject.value) {
console.log('We found it!');
Second one:
if(object.hasOwnProperty('innerObject') && object.innerObject.hasOwnProperty('deepObject') && object.innerObject.deepObject.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
console.log('We found it too!');
But is there a way to do a deep check? Let's say, something like:
There isn't a built-in way for this kind of check, but you can implement it easily. Create a function, pass a string representing the property path, split the path by ., and iterate over this path:
Object.prototype.hasOwnNestedProperty = function(propertyPath) {
if (!propertyPath)
return false;
var properties = propertyPath.split('.');
var obj = this;
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
var prop = properties[i];
if (!obj || !obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
} else {
obj = obj[prop];
return true;
// Usage:
var obj = {
innerObject: {
deepObject: {
value: 'Here am I'
You could make a recursive method to do this.
The method would iterate (recursively) on all 'object' properties of the object you pass in and return true as soon as it finds one that contains the property you pass in. If no object contains such property, it returns false.
var obj = {
innerObject: {
deepObject: {
value: 'Here am I'
function hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, prop) {
if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) { // only performs property checks on objects (taking care of the corner case for null as well)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { // if this object already contains the property, we are done
return true;
for (var p in obj) { // otherwise iterate on all the properties of this object.
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && // and as soon as you find the property you are looking for, return true
hasOwnDeepProperty(obj[p], prop)) {
return true;
return false;
console.log(hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, 'value')); // true
console.log(hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, 'another')); // false
Alternative recursive function:
Loops over all object keys. For any key it checks if it is an object, and if so, calls itself recursively.
Otherwise, it returns an array with true, false, false for any key with the name propName.
The .reduce then rolls up the array through an or statement.
function deepCheck(obj,propName) {
if obj.hasOwnProperty(propName) { // Performance improvement (thanks to #nem's solution)
return true;
return Object.keys(obj) // Turns keys of object into array of strings
.map(prop => { // Loop over the array
if (typeof obj[prop] == 'object') { // If property is object,
return deepCheck(obj[prop],propName); // call recursively
} else {
return (prop == propName); // Return true or false
}) // The result is an array like [false, false, true, false]
.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) {
return previousValue || currentValue;
} // Do an 'or', or comparison of everything in the array.
// It returns true if at least one value is true.
deepCheck(object,'value'); // === true
PS: nem035's answer showed how it could be more performant: his solution breaks off at the first found 'value.'
My approach would be using try/catch blocks. Because I don't like to pass deep property paths in strings. I'm a lazy guy who likes autocompletion :)
JavaScript objects are evaluated on runtime. So if you return your object statement in a callback function, that statement is not going to be evaluated until callback function is invoked.
So this function just wraps the callback function inside a try catch statement. If it catches the exception returns false.
var obj = {
innerObject: {
deepObject: {
value: 'Here am I'
const validate = (cb) => {
try {
return cb();
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (validate(() => obj.innerObject.deepObject.value)) {
// Is going to work
if (validate(() => obj.x.y.z)) {
// Is not going to work
When it comes to performance, it's hard to say which approach is better.
On my tests if the object properties exist and the statement is successful I noticed using try/catch can be 2x 3x times faster than splitting string to keys and checking if keys exist in the object.
But if the property doesn't exist at some point, prototype approach returns the result almost 7x times faster.
See the test yourself:
You can also check the library I wrote here:
I use try-catch:
var object = {
value:'Here am I'
var object2 = {
a: 10
let exist = false, exist2 = false;
try {
exist = !!object.innerObject.deepObject.value
exist2 = !!object2.innerObject.deepObject.value
catch(e) {
Try this nice and easy solution:
public hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, path)
for (var i = 0, path = path.split('.'), len = path.length; i < len; i++)
obj = obj[path[i]];
if (!obj) return false;
return true;
In case you are writing JavaScript for Node.js, then there is an assert module with a 'deepEqual' method:
const assert = require('assert');
assert.deepEqual(testedObject, {
value:'Here am I'
I have created a very simple function for this using the recursive and happy flow coding strategy. It is also nice to add it to the Object.prototype (with enumerate:false!!) in order to have it available for all objects.
function objectHasOwnNestedProperty(obj, keys)
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object')
return false;
if(typeof keys === 'string')
keys = keys.split('.');
return false;
if(keys.length == 0)
return Object.keys(obj).length > 0;
var first_key = keys.shift();
return false;
if(keys.length == 0)
return true;
return objectHasOwnNestedProperty(obj[first_key],keys);
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'hasOwnNestedProperty',
value: function () { return objectHasOwnNestedProperty(this, ...arguments); },
enumerable: false

function not visible in function expressions, how to fix this?

I have a function expression like this :
var inputChecker = function(field) {
return function() {
if(field === '' || field === 'undefined' || field === null) {
return false;
return true;
that I want to use in several different function expressions :
(function($) {
if(inputChecker(x)) {}
(function($) {
But the problem is inputChecker is not visible in these function expressions when it's declared out of their bodies ? I don't understand why? Isn't inputChecker supposed to be global ?
Dystroy's answer is definitely simpler. But if you want it your way...
The return value of the inputChecker is a function, not boolean. If you want to call the returned function, use () expression:
var fn = inputChecker(x); // gets the function
fn(); // calls the returned function
or shorter
In your code
(function($) {
if(inputChecker(x)()) {
// custom code here if x is defined
Note: if you want to check if variable is not undefined, strip the apostrophes - undefined is constant, not string
What you wrote is a function factory. It doesn't return a boolean but a function able to check a property.
This kind of functions is sometimes useful but :
you're here, in the returned function, checking the value of the property received by the factory. As this value can't change (it's embedded in the closure), the produced function holds no more information than just true or false. So it's useless.
you're calling inputChecker(x) as if it was a boolean instead of a function.
So what you probably want is simply
var checkInput = function(field) {
if(field === '' || field === 'undefined' || field === null){
return false;
return true;
But if you really want to generate different checking functions, dependent on another value, you could use the function factory pattern like this:
var x = true;
var checkInput = (function (x) {
if (x === true) {
return function(field) {
if(field === '' || field === 'undefined' || field === null){
return false;
return true;
} else {
return function(field) {
//evaluate field differently
Now, dependig on what x is, one or another function will be assigned to checkInput.

List of global user defined functions in JavaScript?

Is it possible to get a list of the user defined functions in JavaScript?
I'm currently using this, but it returns functions which aren't user defined:
var functionNames = [];
for (var f in window) {
if (window.hasOwnProperty(f) && typeof window[f] === 'function') {
I'm assuming you want to filter out native functions. In Firefox, Function.toString() returns the function body, which for native functions, will be in the form:
function addEventListener() {
[native code]
You could match the pattern /\[native code\]/ in your loop and omit the functions that match.
As Chetan Sastry suggested in his answer, you can check for the existance of [native code] inside the stringified function:
if (!(window[x] instanceof Function)) return false;
return !/\[native code\]/.test(window[x].toString()) ? true : false;
Or simply:
return window[x] instanceof Function && !/\[native code\]/.test(window[x].toString());
in chrome you can get all non-native variables and functions by:
Using Internet Explorer:
var objs = [];
var thing = {
makeGreeting: function(text) {
return 'Hello ' + text + '!';
for (var obj in window){window.hasOwnProperty(obj) && typeof window[obj] === 'function')objs.push(obj)};
Fails to report 'thing'.

