Is it possible for ngResource to be called synchronously? - javascript

I currently have a factory which I'm using to retrieve a config file.
m.factory('clientConfig', function($resource) {
var r;
r = $resource('assets/config.json', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET'
isArray: false
return r.query();
The config file is a json file which contains the location of a nodeJS server. In my local environment, the json file is
"serverURL": "http://localhost\\:3000"
When I start my app on the front page this is fine. The front page loads the clientConfig module, and any subsequent page just uses the clientConfig module like below without any problem
m.factory('House', function($resource, clientConfig) {
return $resource(clientConfig.serverURL + '/houses/:houseId',
The problem I'm running into is if I enter the site on a page that immediately wants to load data from the server. In that case, because clientConfig is not populated yet and still empty and this stuffs up my $resource(clientConfig.serverURL + '/houses/:houseId' call.
My question is is it possible to load up clientConfig synchronous or at least have my app not start until after clientConfig has been populated?

You can't. Since JavaScript is (mostly) single threaded, there are very very few blocking operations. XHR is not one of those. There is no way to make it synchronous.
Depending on your angular version, you can either $then or $promise it:
clientConfig.$then(function (){ do something})
clientConfig.$promise.then(function () {do something else})

You can't. $resource always returns asynchronous data. If you want synchronous data then use $http instead of $resource.
Change your service like this;
m.factory('clientConfig', function($http) {
var get = function {
return data.serverURL;
And call the service like;


sveltekit fetch function with ajax requests

In my sveltekit app I make AJAX calls to my api endpoints. For example:
async function get_card() {
const url = '/api/card/?category=' + $page.params.slug;
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
const card = await response.json();
return card;
In the browser javascript console I get this warning:
Loading /api/card/?category=Neurology using `window.fetch`.
For best results, use the `fetch` that is passed to your `load`
But as far as I can tell, that fetch function is only accessible to me on the server, and I do not see a way to use it in a script that may run on the client (such as +page.svelte). I tried passing the function as part of the data object from load:
export const load = async ({ fetch, locals }) => {
return {
fetch: fetch
But, not surprisingly, that does not work since the function is not serializable.
Am I Doing It Wrong™, or should I just ignore the warning?
fetch is originally a browser API and SvelteKit defines it on the server as well, if it does not exist. The warning is there to tell you that you are creating another round trip to the server (one for the page and one for the data) when you possibly could have loaded the data on the server so it could be transmitted as part of the page (during server-side rendering).
If the code of your function is not executed right away, then this is a false positive (recent issue on this). I.e. if the data should be requested at a significantly later point, there is no way to bundle the request with the page.
(You are definitely not meant to pass on the fetch of load, you are supposed to use it to get the data.)

Angular ngResource $save Method Clears $resource Object

Using Angular 1.5.5 here:
Is there any way to tell Angular to ignore response body for particular requests (such as $save)? It drives me crazy that after I call $save, angular updates the model with the object returned by a server, which initially was supposed to be used to distinguish between different resolutions of the request. It results in unwanted form clear. Interestingly enough, this behaviour remains even if I send a 400 or 500 http status code.
In case you need more info, relevant code is below.
'use strict';
.controller('OperatorNewController', OperatorNewController);
OperatorNewController.$inject = ['operatorsService', 'notify'];
function OperatorNewController(operatorsService, notify) {
var vm = this;
vm.done = done;
function activate() {
vm.operator = new operatorsService();
function done(form) {
if (form.$invalid) {
// do stuff
return false;
vm.operator.$save(function(response) {
if (response.success && response._id) {
$state.go('app.operators.details', {id: response._id}, { reload: true });
} else if (response.inactive) {
// do stuff
} else {
// do other stuff
}, function (error) {
// do other stuff
'use strict';
.service('operatorsService', operatorsService);
operatorsService.$inject = ['$resource'];
function operatorsService($resource) {
return $resource('/operators/:id/', {id: '#_id'}, {
'update': { method: 'PUT' }
Server request handler is also fairly simple:
.post('/', function (req, res) {
if (! {
return res.status(500).json({ inactive: true, success: false });
// do stuff
return res.json({ success: true });
In either way I don't like the idea of having to send the entire object from server (particularily when it's a failed request), and even if I have to, I still need a way to send some extra data that will be ignored by Angular.
Your help is very much appreciated!
The $save method of the resource object empties and replaces the object with the results of the XHR POST results. To avoid this, use the .save method of the operatorsService:
//vm.operator.$save(function(response) {
vm.newOperator =, function(response),
if (response.success && response._id) {
$state.go('app.operators.details', {id: response._id}, { reload: true });
} else if (response.inactive) {
// do stuff
} else {
// do other stuff
}, function (error) {
// do other stuff
It results in unwanted form clear. Interestingly enough, this behaviour remains even if I send a 400 or 500 http status code.
This behavior is NOT VERIFIED.
I created a PLNKR to attempt to verify this behavior and found that the $save method does not replace the resource object if the server returns a status of 400 or 500. However it does empty and replace the resource object if the XHR status code is 200 (OK).
It drives me crazy that after I call $save, angular updates the model with the object returned by a server
It helps to understand how browsers handle traditional submits from forms.
The default operation for a submit button uses method=get. The browser appends the form inputs to the URL as query parameters and executes an HTTP GET operation with that URL. The browser then clears the window or frame and loads the results from the server.
The default operation for method=post is to serializes the inputs and place them in the body of an HTTP POST. The browser then clears the window or frame and loads the results from the server.
In AngularJS the form directive cancels the browser default operation and executes the Angular Expression set by either the ng-submit or ng-click directive. All $resource instance methods including $get and $save, empty and replace the resource object with XHR results from the server if the XHR is successful. This is consistent with the way browsers traditionally handle forms.
In RESTful APIs, HTTP GET operations return the state of a server resource without changing it. HTTP POST operations add a new resource state to the server. APIs usually return the new resource state, with additional information such as ID, Location, timestamps, etc. Some RESTful APIs return a redirect (status 302 or 303) in which case browsers transparently do an HTTP GET using the new location. (This helps to Solve the Double Submission Problem.)
When designing RESTful APIs, it is important to understand how traditional browsers behave and the expectations of RESTful clients such as AngularJS ngResource.

Sending data (received from backend) from on html to another with angularJS

I feel like tons of people do this all the time, and yet I have been unsuccessful in finding similar examples.
I am getting data from the backend using angularJS ($ to a controller in a javascript file, and presenting it in one html. The data is received after sending a search query from that html. Now, I want to "export" that data to another JS file and to present some of it again, in a new html. The problem is that I have access to that data only through the Search Controller during the searching session, and I probably need to store it somehow or send it to another controller/ JS file.
Unfortunately, I cannot use $cookies. Also, I am trying to avoid sending a new request through the server if I don't have to.
I have read a some about services in angular, however, I am new to angular (and UI in general), and for some reason was unable to implement this for my specific case.
Here is an example of the relevant controller, after getting a search request from the html page:
app.controller('SearchCtrl', ['$scope', '$http',
function($scope, $http) {
$scope.searchJSON = {
searchToken: [],
searchOption: []
$scope.sendSearch = function() {
//preparing JSON to send request to server
$scope.searchJSON["searchToken"] =;
$scope.searchJSON["searchOption"] =;
var json = $scope.searchJSON;
//sending and getting response (JSON object)
$"http://some_host", json)
.success(function(response) {
$scope.collections = response.searchResults;
So the data I am interested in passing on to another JS file is in $scope.collections , which is a JSON file (I don't want use the same JS file for both html pages, so was hoping to call that data from a new controller in a new JS file).
Will appreciate any answers, leads, or similar examples from the web. Thank folks!
One possible way to solve this is by using sessionStorage/localStorage on $window. You can store your data there and after redirecting to another file, you can use it by invoking.
You are right to bring up services because that is how I would personally implement this. Create a service to handle the search request and also to store the result via promises:
.factory('searchService', function($http, $q) {
var searchService = {
resultsPromise: null,
sendSearch: function(token, option) {
var dfd = $q.defer();
var json = {
searchToken: token,
searchOption: option
$"http://some_host", json).then(
function(response) {
// resolve your deferred
this.resultsPromise = dfd.promise;
return dfd.promise;
return searchService;
Then in your current controller, just do:
app.controller('SearchCtrl', ['$scope', 'searchService',
function($scope, searchService) {
$scope.searchJSON = {
searchToken: [],
searchOption: []
$scope.sendSearch = function() {
searchService.sendSearch($scope.searchJSON.searchToken, $scope.searchJSON.searchOption);
Then in your other file, simply look at the currentResults of the same service:
app.controller('OtherCtrl', function($scope, searchService) {
if (searchService.resultsPromise) {
searchService.resultsPromise.then(function(results) {
$scope.results = results;
You can ditch the $http service and use $resource instead. From there you can use $cacheFactory as seen in this post: How to cache an http get service in angularjs
An alternative solution is which works well with ngResource and can also easily be configured to sync to localStorage, so requests don't need to be re-done after page refresh.
`$resource('my/kewl/url/:key', { key: '#key' }, {
'get': { method: 'GET',
cache: $angularCacheFactory('MyKewlResourceCache', {
storageMode: 'localStorage' })

REST service cache strategy with AngularJS

I have an AngularJS application and I want to cache the REST service responses. I found some libraries like angular-cached-resource which can do this by storing the data into the local storage of the web browser.
But sometimes I do some POST / PUT / DELETE REST calls and then some of the REST previously cached service responses need to be performed again. So it seems that it is possible to delete the cached responses then and the call will be sent to the server next time.
But what about if the server sends me in HTTP Header some values like the expires or the etag? I have to read the HTTP Header and react by myself or is there a library in AngularJS which can also handle this?
So if I should hit the server and not read the cache of the local storage is dependent on the HTTP Header Cache fields and if there are any PUT / POST / DELETE calls which have the response that for example "reload of every user settings element" are needed. So I have to take this response and create a map which tells me that for example REST services A, C and F (user settings related stuff) needs to hit the server again next time when they are executed or if the Cache expires from the HTTP Headers.
Is this possible with an AngularJS library or do you have any other recommendations? I think this is similar to Observer or PubSub Pattern, isn't it?
One more thing: Is it also possible to have something like PubSub without using a cache / local storage (so also no HTTP Header Cache controls)? So I can not call the REST service, because then it would hit the server, which I do not want in some circumstances (response from a previous REST call which returns me the event "reload of every user settings element").
You can try something like this.
app.factory('requestService', ['$http', function ($http) {
var data = {};
var service = {
getCall : funtion(requstUrl, successCallback, failureCallback, getFromCache){
data.requstUrl = data;
postCall : function(requestUrl, paramToPass, successCallback, failureCallback, getFromCache){
$, paramToPass)
data.requstUrl = data;
return service;
This is just a simple code I wrote to implement your concept. I haven't tested it and is all yours.

Sailsjs: Setting response method based on request parameter

So I have been working on a SPA project using Sailsjs. The problem is:
When the first page loads, I use res.view or res.render in my controller. But, for subsequent requests, I dont want to use res.view or res.render, rather I'd like to use res.json.
Right now, I use the method:
return req.param('json') ? res.json(myObj) : res.view('layout', myObj);
This works, but I was looking for a more generic and abstract method in which my controller itself would know (on the basis of req.param('json')) whether to use res.view or res.json without me having to tell it explicitly.
Any help ?
This is what res.ok() is for.
In the controller action below, res.ok will either display the myAction.ejs using data as the view locals, or respond with data as JSON, depending on how the request came in (i.e. via AJAX, sockets or a regular browser request):
module.exports = {
myAction: function(req, res) {
var data = {someKey: "someVal"};
return res.ok(data);
Internally, the ok response uses req.wantsJSON to determine what to do; it checks headers, looks for an xhr object and generally does its best to guess your intent. req.wantsJSON is available for all requests (as is req.isSocket), so you can use them yourself as needed.
So after a bit of tinkering, I resolved this using a service.
I wrote a service (in GlobalUtils.js):
render: function (req, res, obj) {
if(req.param('json')) {
return res.json(obj);
else {
return res.view('layout', obj);
And I use this service in my controllers, like so:
return GlobalUtils.render(req, res, myObj);
But still, looking for a better method.

