Extract number between slashes - javascript

This is my setup:
var test =
I want to extract the video id(8086844) and the regex does work, however when another digit is added after the "randomstring", it also matches the 8086844 + randomstring + other number.
What do I have to change in order to always get just the video id.

Try this regex
It will search every digit character after ...video\ word and then give all the concordant digits thereafter till any non-digit character comes

The problem is the (.*\d) part, it looks for a greedy string ends with a digit, instead you need a continues series of digits after video/, it can be done via (\d+)
change it to
var test = "http://tv.website.com/video/8086844/randomstring/dd".match(/^.+tv.website.com\/video\/(\d+)/)[1];

var test = "http://tv.website.com/video/8086844/randomstring/8";
test = test.match(/^.+tv.website.com\/video\/(\d+)/);
[ 'http://tv.website.com/video/8086844',
index: 0,
input: 'http://tv.website.com/video/8086844/randomstring/8' ]
You are almost there. We know that, its going to be only numbers. So instead of .*\d we are gathering only the digits and grouping them using parens.

This is the simplest of all:
Use substr here
To extract out the id from your string test:We use substr(from,to)


String operation in javascript

How can I get only 'ABCD' from string 'ABCD150117T15' in java script.
I would like strip rest of the string from 'ABCD' in this example and generally everything until but excluding the first number character.
You can match for a-z
you can match anything that is not a number
Use regex then to match the first digit, and then subtring it to the text;
var str = 'ABCD150117T15';
var index = str.search(/\d/);
var text = str.substr(0,index);
This would give you everything until the first number then :)

Match a string between two other strings with regex in javascript

How can I use regex in javascript to match the phone number and only the phone number in the sample string below? The way I have it written below matches "PHONE=9878906756", I need it to only match "9878906756". I think this should be relatively simple, but I've tried putting negating like characters around "PHONE=" with no luck. I can get the phone number in its own group, but that doesn't help when assigning to the javascript var, which only cares what matches.
3={STATE=, SSN=, STREET2=, STREET1=, PHONE=9878906756,
The way you're doing it is right, you just have to get the value of the capture group rather than the value of the whole match:
var result = str.match(/PHONE=([^,]*)/); // Or result = /PHONE=([^,]*)/.exec(str);
if (result) {
console.log(result[1]); // "9878906756"
In the array you get back from match, the first entry is the whole match, and then there are additional entries for each capture group.
You also don't need the g flag.
Just use dataAfterRegex.substring(6) to take out the first 6 characters (i.e.: the PHONE= part).
var ph = str.match(/PHONE\=\d+/)[0].slice(-10);

Selecting entire string using Regex

I need help with a regex to select this entire string
this exact match is always there:
there's always a random number like this, but don't focus on the period since there's other periods later in the URL similar to this:
This is what I have so far:
var str = window.location.search.match('_ga%253d');
If you want your prefix plus any digits full stops until the first etcetera the regex below should do

regex search a string for contents between two strings

I am trying my upmost best to get my head around regex, however not having too much luck.
I am trying to search within a string for text, I know how the string starts, and i know how the string ends, I want to return ALL the text inbetween the string including the start and end.
Start search = [{"lx":
End search = }]
So far I have tried
But to no real avail... can anyone assist?
Many thanks
You're probably making the mistake of believing the * is a wildcard. Use the period (.) instead and you'll be fine.
Also, are you sure you want to stipulate zero or more? If there must be a value, use + (one or more).
The * star character multiplies the preceding character. In your case there's no such character. You should either put ., which means "any character", or something more specific like \S, which means "any non whitespace character".
Possible solution:
var s = '[{"lx":variablehere}]';
var r = /\[\{"(.*?)":(.*?)\}\]/;
var m = s.match(r);
Results to this array:
[ '[{"lx":variablehere}]',
index: 0,
input: '[{"lx":variablehere}]' ]
This should work for you. You can reach the captured variable by \1 notation.
Try this:
all text between [{"lx": and }] you will find in backreference variable (something like \$1 , depends on programming language).

getting contents of string between digits

have a regex problem :(
what i would like to do is to find out the contents between two or more numbers.
var string = "90+*-+80-+/*70"
im trying to edit the symbols in between so it only shows up the last symbol and not the ones before it. so trying to get the above variable to be turned into 90+80*70. although this is just an example i have no idea how to do this. the length of the numbers, how many "sets" of numbers and the length of the symbols in between could be anything.
many thanks,
The trick is in matching '90+-+' and '80-+/' seperately, and selecting only the number and the last constant.
The expression for finding the a number followed by 1 or more non-numbers would be
To select the number and the last non-number, add parens:
Finally add a /g to repeat the procedure for each match, and replace it with the 2 matched groups for each match:
js> '90+*-+80-+/*70'.replace(/(\d+)[^\d]*([^\d])/g, '$1$2');
Or you can use lookahead assertion and simply remove all non-numerical characters which are not last: "90+*-+80-+/*70".replace(/[^0-9]+(?=[^0-9])/g,'');
You can use a regular expression to match the non-digits and a callback function to process the match and decide what to replace:
var test = "90+*-+80-+/*70";
var out = test.replace(/[^\d]+/g, function(str) {
See it work here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/Tncya/
This works by using a regular expression to match sequences of non-digits and then replacing that sequence of non-digits with the last character in the matched sequence.
i would use this tutorial, first, then review this for javascript-specific regex questions.
This should do it -
var string = "90+*-+80-+/*70"
var result = '';
var arr = string.split(/(\d+)/)
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (!isNaN(arr[i])) result = result + arr[i];
else result = result + arr[i].slice(arr[i].length - 1, arr[i].length);
Working demo - http://jsfiddle.net/ipr101/SA2pR/
Similar to #Arnout Engelen
var string = "90+*-+80-+/*70";
string = string.replace(/(\d+)[^\d]*([^\d])(?=\d+)/g, '$1$2');
This was my first thinking of how the RegEx should perform, it also looks ahead to make sure the non-digit pattern is followed by another digit, which is what the question asked for (between two numbers)
Similar to #jfriend00
var string = "90+*-+80-+/*70";
string = string.replace( /(\d+?)([^\d]+?)(?=\d+)/g
, function(){
return arguments[1] + arguments[2].substr(-1);
Instead of only matching on non-digits, it matches on non-digits between two numbers, which is what the question asked
Why would this be any better?
If your equation was embedded in a paragraph or string of text. Like:
This is a test where I want to clean up something like 90+*-+80-+/*70 and don't want to scrap the whole paragraph.
Result (Expected) :
This is a test where I want to clean up something like 90+80*70 and don't want to scrap the whole paragraph.
Why would this not be any better?
There is more pattern matching, which makes it theoretically slower (negligible)
It would fail if your paragraph had embedded numbers. Like:
This is a paragraph where Sally bought 4 eggs from the supermarket, but only 3 of them made it back in one piece.
Result (Unexpected):
This is a paragraph where Sally bought 4 3 of them made it back in one piece.

