Rendering 4 million points in Three.js - javascript

Although I'm yet to touch Three.js, I know that it simply abstracts away many of the boiler-plate that comes with WebGL.
As a result of this, and a learn-by-example style documentation, what utility of Three.js should I use for displaying 4 million points which will be mostly static, but animate to a new position on an uncommon click event?
I'm assuming the use of VBO or FbO would be needed, but how are these functionalities encapsulated into Three.js, if at all?
Thank you.


How to render stars in 3d.js without using THREE.Geometry()?

I was trying to create a space scene and tried to render stars. First, I tried using sphere geometry as a star but creating so many stars using sphere geometry will put a lot of rendering work and will take time. So, when I searched for alternatives I found THREE.Geometry() but now it is discontinued and is not available with the package I am using. So, is there any other alternative to get the job done? Maybe BufferGeometry() but I don't know how to use it to create stars and also I found many of the tutorials explaining how to make shapes using it and not point objects throughout the space.

babylon.js meshes get same material

I'm using BabylonJS V3 with Blender 2.79 to create product visualizations. Many times, it is necessary to define more complex shaders in the JS code. I'm using lines like
scene.meshes[1].material.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 0, 0);
to define the shaders after export. Usually every mesh can get it's own shader this way. Unfortunately in one case, the shader of multiple meshes is overwritten. Did someone have a similar problem?
All meshes are named individually, they all have a basic (individual) shader from blender. They don't share any datablocks, no instancing or duplication was done. I'm thankful for every hint.
It seems, the error occurs with the new version (3.0), updating to 3.1 fixes the problem, but introduces errors with the arc-rotate camera. As soon as you click on the canvas, to rotate the view, you can't release the mouse anymore. Are the latest stable releases buggy?
Edit 2
After some in depth trouble shooting we came to the conclusion, that the 3.0 and 3.1 versions and/or their exporter plugins are faulty. Even in the simplest testscenes, this error occurs. Alongside other problems, like broken cameras and displaced geometry.
Be aware that by default materials are shared for performance reason. So this is probably not a bug but a feature.
If you want to change the material for a single mesh you will first need to clone it

Three.js collision detection optimization with raycasting

I'm just looking for someone to point me in the right direction. My Google-fu is failing me.
I'm working on a WebGL game, and I'm using raycasting for collision detection. I'm using to create levels. I'm using THREE.ObjectLoader() to load the scenes. What I'd like to do is split the scenes I've made into smaller parts so as to not have to do raycasting on all vertices in the level. I'd like to not have to split the level mesh into tiny pieces inside of Clara for isolated raycasting, but instead do it within the game itself.
How do I go about only doing raycasting on a small section of a mesh? Is there a tutorial that anyone knows about or an example? I've chosen to not use heightmaps or any physics libraries.
Thank you in advance!
The problem of finding out which parts of mesh are relevant is usually solved using some sort of space partitioning algorithm. A relatively simple but effective approach for a static mesh is using an Octree.
A Three.js - specific implementation of an Octree (by Collin Hover) can be found here. You can either use it directly or take some inspiration from it to write your own.

Framework for html5/canvas game based on hexagonal grid

I am developing html5 game based on hexagonal grid.
After some investigation I have used :
MelonJS + Tiled + this tricky thing. Everything seems good in this combination, until I started to think about dynamic showing some hexagons, that my player will be able to go.
There are few ideas that comes to mind:
Calculate coordinates and draw on canvas skipping melonjs, but it's bad idea from architecture point.
Adding custom property for each hexagon texture object, but it's too much manual work.
Adding some facade for melonjs in order to work with it or maybe it's already done?
So my question is:
What's the best way to solve this problem in scope of those technologies or maybe should I use another tool?
Depending on how much content you have already developed, did you consider to use a Tiled daily build with support for hexagonal maps?
Of course, since melonJS doesn't support this yet you would either need to implement the hexagonal renderer yourself or try to get the support from melonJS developers to add it. I've opened an issue about this.
I may have misunderstood your question a little, though. If you are talking about an overlay on top of the map that shows the player where he can walk to from his current position, then the way to go would be to draw this yourself after melonJS has rendered the map. I can't help you with exactly how to do this because I don't have that much experience with melonJS.

three.js outer glow for sphere object?

I'm building some sort of planetary system in three.js and I spent couple of hours looking for a decent solution to get an outer glow on one planet - a sphere object with a texture.
I came across this example which kind of does the trick, but the thing is - this form of glow also affects the main 3D object resulting in color change (as seen there).
Another nice glow example can be found here but again it glows the entire region, not only "outer" thing.
I've been reading some discussion thread about "overrideMaterial" property on GitHub but this seems experimental, unused and undocumented... not even sure if this could solve my problem.
Please share your ideas, thanks!
I've worked a bit on separating out the part of the WebGL Globe code (linked to above) that produces the atmospheric effect. A preliminary working version is here:
To the best of my understanding, there are a few interesting things going on in the original code to create the atmospheric effect. First, the glowing texture is placed on another sphere -- let's call it the Atmo Sphere :) -- that surrounds the sphere with the image of earth on it. The Atmosphere material is flipped so that the front side does not render, only the back side, thus it does not obscure the earth sphere even though it surrounds it. Second, the gradient lighting effect is achieved by using a fragment shader rather than a texture. However, the atmosphere will change its appearance if you zoom in and out; this was not evident in the WebGL Globe experiment because zooming was disabled.
[updated April 30th]
Next, similar to the source code from
the sphere with the gradient lighting texture (and another black-textured sphere) are placed in a second scene, and then the results from that scene are composed with the original scene using an additive blender. And just so you can experiment with the parameters used to create the glow effect, I have included a couple of sliders so that you can change the values and see the different glow effects that result.
I hope this helps you get started. Good luck!
[updated June 11]
I have a new example which achieves the same effect in a much simpler way, rather than using post-processing and additively blending two scenes, I just changed some of the parameters in the customized material. (It seems obvious in retrospect.) For an updated example, check out:
Still haven't figured out the pan/zoom issues though.
[Updated July 24]
I figured out the pan/zoom issues. It requires using a shader; for details about the complexities, see the related question Three.js - shader code for halo effect, normals need transformation and for the final working example, see:
I'm pretty happy with the final result, so I will not be updating this answer any more :)
In the example you are referring to, I used a blue glow with additive blending -- if you used a white color instead maybe that would produce the effect you want.

