Sails.js server not starting anymore - javascript

I am using Cloud 9 IDE to develop a simple CRUD application using Sails.js (node.js MVC framework). Up until today I had no trouble starting the Sails.js server.
Today, I've been trying to start the sails js server, but I keep getting this error:
warn: error raised: Error: listen EACCES
error: Server doesn't seem to be starting.
error: Perhaps something else is already running on port 8080?
I have checked my /config/local.js file and everything is just fine, as it should be. The port is set to process.env.PORT || 1337 so it shouldn't have any problems firing the server up.
I'm looking forward to your insight.
Thank you!

Open terminal and run this command:
$ lsof -i :8080
Output will show PID of process occupying port 8080: "httpd 1234 ....'
Then kill the process with this command
$ kill -9 1234
Sails will now run

Hmm-- looks like port 8080 isn't available. What happens if you try to switch the port? You may have another server running on that port. Or in some cases, hosts require the hostname to be set. I'd try switching the port first though.

The only real answer to this is: wait. C9 seems to kill servers in a weird way that causes Sails to jack up and blocks you from establishing another server. lsof -i doesn't show anything serving... but it still won't start. Seems to be an issue with Cloud 9 and Sails.js. If I serve a generic Node.js "Hello World" app on the same port, the issue doesn't occur. However, time, it seems, cures all. After awhile, Sails seems to snap out of it and starts serving again when lifted.
Incredibly weird.


Node error EADDRINUSE but port is not used

Hello I have strange problem, Node keep throwing an error:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use
but this port is free. I have used several linux commands and also npx kill-port.
I know how to list of node process and how to find specific pid on linux. Im sure this port is free. Im very confused rn.
Also cleaned .js file to very basic node server without express and other libs. Still got the same error.
Also im using pm2 with few node apps and this problem with ports occurs on random app with random ports. But in this case i cannot use other port then 44604.
Maybe anyone faced the same issue and can help me?

express.js server starts on a port that is being used

Have this setup:
expressjs server started from one node process, listening to port 8081.
js client trying to make a request to it from another node process, using node's http module.
client failing with 400 error.
same URL (http://localhost:8081/) is opening in browser just fine.
Spent a few hours trying to troubleshoot it, then tried to change the port and it worked.
Turns out there is another process listening on port 8081:
$ lsof -i tcp:8081
EUSAManag 1187 oleksandr.suhak 4u IPv4 0xce3bb9546cff3ab1 0t0 TCP localhost:sunproxyadmin (LISTEN)
(Have no idea what EUSAManag is)
I guess my question is: how could it be that the express server starts fine without complaining to a "port being used by another process" when the port is clearly in use. And why does it work then when accessing it from the browser, but does not work when making request from js client? Any tips on figuring out what is actually happening here?
If guess that EUSAManager.exe come from one of software which is in the business of information security. Most likely their software interfere too much with you operation system.

Why do I keep getting a throw er on my ternimal [duplicate]

If I run a server with the port 80, and I try to use XMLHttpRequest I am getting this error: Error: listen EADDRINUSE
Why is it problem for NodeJS, if I want to do a request, while I run a server on the port 80? For the webbrowsers it is not a problem: I can surf on the internet, while the server is running.
The server is:
net.createServer(function (socket) { = socket.remoteAddress + ":" + socket.remotePort;
console.log('connection request from: ' + socket.remoteAddress);
And the request:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
sys.puts("State: " + this.readyState);
if (this.readyState == 4) {
sys.puts("Complete.\nBody length: " + this.responseText.length);
sys.puts("Body:\n" + this.responseText);
};"GET", "");
What really helped for me was:
killall -9 node
But this will kill a system process.
ps ax
you can check if it worked.
EADDRINUSE means that the port number which listen() tries to bind the server to is already in use.
So, in your case, there must be running a server on port 80 already.
If you have another webserver running on this port you have to put node.js behind that server and proxy it through it.
You should check for the listening event like this, to see if the server is really listening:
var http=require('http');
var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){
console.log('ok, server is running');
The aforementioned killall -9 node, suggested by Patrick works as expected and solves the problem but you may want to read the edit part of this very answer about why kill -9 may not be the best way to do it.
On top of that you might want to target a single process rather than blindly killing all active processes.
In that case, first get the process ID (PID) of the process running on that port (say 8888):
lsof -i tcp:8888
This will return something like:
node 57385 You 11u IPv6 0xac745b2749fd2be3 0t0 TCP *:ddi-tcp-1 (LISTEN)
Then just do (ps - actually do not. Please keep reading below):
kill -9 57385
You can read a bit more about this here.
EDIT: I was reading on a fairly related topic today and stumbled upon this interesting thread on why should i not kill -9 a process.
Generally, you should use kill -15 before kill -9 to give the target process a chance to clean up after itself. (Processes can't catch or ignore SIGKILL, but they can and often do catch SIGTERM.) If you don't give the process a chance to finish what it's doing and clean up, it may leave corrupted files (or other state) around that it won't be able to understand once restarted.
So, as stated you should better kill the above process with:
kill -15 57385
EDIT 2: As noted in a comment around here many times this error is a consequence of not exiting a process gracefully. That means, a lot of people exit a node command (or any other) using CTRL+Z. The correct way of stopping a running process is issuing the CTRL+C command which performs a clean exit.
Exiting a process the right way will free up that port while shutting down. This will allow you to restart the process without going through the trouble of killing it yourself before being able to re-run it again.
Just a head's up, Skype will sometimes listen on port 80 and therefore cause this error if you try to listen on port 80 from Node.js or any other app.
You can turn off that behaviour in Skype by accessing the options and clicking Advanced -> Connection -> Use port 80 (Untick this)
P.S. After making that change, don't forget to restart Skype!
You should try killing the process that is listening on port 80.
Killall will kill all the node apps running. You might not want to do that. With this command you can kill only the one app that is listening on a known port.
If using unix try this command:
sudo fuser -k 80/tcp
Error reason: You are trying to use the busy port number
Two possible solutions for Windows/Mac
Free currently used port number
Select another port number for your current program
1. Free Port Number
1. netstat -ano | findstr :4200
2. taskkill /PID 5824 /F
You can try netstat
netstat -vanp tcp | grep 3000
For OSX El Capitan and newer (or if your netstat doesn't support -p), use lsof
sudo lsof -i tcp:3000
if this does not resolve your problem, Mac users can refer to complete discussion about this issue Find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on Mac
2. Change Port Number?
set PORT=5000
export PORT=5000
Under a controller env, you could use:
pkill node before running your script should do the job.
Bear in mind this command will kill all the node processes, which might be right if you have i.e a container running only one instance, our you have such env where you can guarantee that.
In any other scenario, I recommend using a command to kill a certain process id or name you found by looking for it programmatically. like if your process is called, node-server-1 you could do pkill node-server-1.
This resource might be useful to understand:
lsof -i:3000;
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:3000);
// 3000 is a your port
// This "lsof -i:3000;" command will show PID
kill PID
ex: kill 129393
Another thing that can give this error, is two HTTP servers in the same node code. I was updating some Express 2 to Express 3 code, and had this...
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
// tons of shit.
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
And, it triggered this error.
Your application is already running on that port 8080 .
Use this code to kill the port and run your code again
sudo lsof -t -i tcp:8080 | xargs kill -9
This works for me (I'm using mac). Run this command
This's going to display a list of ports that your syetem is using. Find the PID that your node is running
node 17269 hientrq 16u IPv6 0xc42959c6fa30c3b9 0t0 TCP *:51524 (LISTEN)
node 17269 hientrq 19u IPv4 0xc42959c71ae86fc1 0t0 TCP localhost:1337 (LISTEN)
and run kill -9 [YOUR_PID]
EADDRINUSE means that the port(which we try to listen in node application) is already being used. In order to overcome, we need to identify which process is running with that port.
For example if we are trying to listen our node application in 3000 port. We need to check whether that port is already is being used by any other process.
$sudo netstat -plunt |grep :3000
That the above command gives below result.
tcp6 0 0 :::3000 :::* LISTEN 25315/node
Now you got process ID(25315), Kill that process.
kill -9 25315
npm run start
Note: This solution for linux users.
sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:80)
for force kill
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:80)
use above cmd to kill particular port and then run your server
Try both commands and it will stop all node process.
killall 9 node
pkill node
npm start
In below command replace your portNumber
sudo lsof -t -i tcp:portNumber | xargs kill -9
There is a way to terminate the process using Task Manager:
Note that this solution is for Windows only
Go to the Task Manager (or using the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc)
On "Background Processes", find "Node.js" processes and terminate them (Right-click them and choose "End Task")
Now you should be able to start again
This error comes when you have any process running on a port on which you want to run your application.
how to get which process running on that port=>
sudo netstat -ap | grep :3000
output : you will get the process information which is using that port
tcp 0 0 IPaddress:3000 : LISTEN 26869/node
Now you can kill that process
sudo kill -9 26869
EADDRINUSE means port of your nodejs app is already in use.
Now you have kill the process/app running on that port.
Find the process id of app by:
lsof -i tcp:3000
Now u will get process id from this.
Run this:
kill -9 processId
I got:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::8000
I was trying to look for the process listening to port 8000
and had no luck - there were none (sudo netstat -nlp | grep 8000 ).
It turned out I had app.listen(8000) written twice in my script.
My assumption is that the interference was happening only in a short time when trying to run the script, so looking for processes listening to the port before and after error didn't show any.
I have seen this error before (in node) with http.client, and as I recall, the problem had to do with not initializing the httpClient or setting bad options in the httpClient creation and/or in the url request.
Error: listen EADDRINUSE means the port which you want to assign/bind to your application server is already in use. You can either assign another port to your application.
Or if you want to assign the same port to the app. Then kill the application that is running at your desired port.
For a node application what you can try is, find the process id for the node app by :
ps -aux | grep node
After getting the process id, do
kill process_id
In my case Apache HTTP Server was run on port 80 I solved it by issue the command as root
sudo killall httpd
If Jenkin is installed and running on your Mac;
You can check it with sudo lsof -i tcp:8080
If Yes, and You want to stop Jenkins only once, run: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
I have the same problem too,and I simply close the terminal and open a new terminal and run
node server.js
again. that works for me, some time just need to wait for a few second till it work again.
But this works only on a developer machine instead of a server console..
On Debian i found out to run on port 80 you need to issue the command as root i.e
sudo node app.js
I hope it helps
Two servers can not listen on same port, so check out if other server listening on same port, also check out for browser sync if its running on same port
For other people on windows 10 with node as localhost and running on a port like 3500, not 80 ...
What does not work:
killall ? command not found
ps -aux | grep 'node' ? ps: user x unknown
What shows information but still not does work:
ps -aef | grep 'node'
ps ax
kill -9 61864
What does work:
Git Bash or Powershell on Windows
net -a -o | grep 3500 (whatever port you are looking for)
Notice the PID ( far right )
I could not get killall to work... so
Open your task manager
On processes tab , right click on Name or any column and select to include PID
Sort by PID, then right click on right PID and click end task.
Now after that not so fun exercise on windows, I realized I can use task manager and find the Node engine and just end it.
FYI , I was using Visual Studio Code to run Node on port 3500, and I use Git Bash shell inside VS code. I had exited gracefully with Ctrl + C , but sometimes this does not kill it. I don't want to change my port or reboot so this worked. Hopefully it helps others. Otherwise it is documentation for myself.
For windows users execute the following command in PowerShell window to kill all the node processes.
Stop-Process -processname node
The error EADDRINUSE (Address already in use) reports that there is already another process on the local system occupying that address / port.
There is a npm package called find-process which helps finding (and closing) the occupying process.
Here is a little demo code:
const find = require('find-process')
const PORT = 80
find('port', PORT)
.then((list) => {
console.log(`Port "${PORT}" is blocked. Killing blocking applications...`)
const processIds = =>
processIds.forEach((pid) => process.kill(pid, 10))
I prepared a small sample which can reproduce the EADDRINUSE error. If you launch the following program in two separate terminals, you will see that the first terminal will start a server (on port "3000") and the second terminal will close the already running server (because it blocks the execution of the second terminal, EADDRINUSE):
Minimal Working Example:
const find = require('find-process')
const http = require('http')
const PORT = 3000
// Handling exceptions
process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => {
if (error.code === 'EADDRINUSE') {
find('port', PORT)
.then((list) => {
const blockingApplication = list[0]
if (blockingApplication) {
console.log(`Port "${PORT}" is blocked by "${}".`)
console.log('Shutting down blocking application...')
// TODO: Restart server
// Starting server
const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
response.write('Hello World!')
server.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server running on port "${PORT}"...`))
I had the same issue recently.
It means that the port is already being used by another application (express or other software)
In my case, I had accidentally run express on 2 terminals, so exiting the terminal using 'Ctrl + C' fixed things for me. (Run server from only one terminal)
Hope it helps others.
Seems there is another Node ng serve process running. Check it by typing this in your console (Linux/Mac):
ps aux|grep node
and quit it with:
kill -9 <NodeProcessId>
OR alternativley use
ng serve --port <AnotherFreePortNumber>
to serve your project on a free port of you choice.

Node.js - Server crashes when started on startup, doesn't crash when manually started

I am running Node.js and for online chat.
I have created a file in:
it has two lines:
start on startup
exec forever start /var/www/ //location of server file.
Whenever I start file upload in chat application, it crashes but instantly restarts.
Whenever I kill node process though, and start it manually - it works fine.
I also can't get any logs or anything from terminal as when it's auto started - it doesn't print me anything to terminal.
I am still new to Node.js and Linux in general.
Node.js is running on Express + Jade.
How do I determine specific cause?
I managed to solve my problem, after a bit of searching around I found out about tail command.
My issue was a bit harder to trace because Node.js was a process started by autostart so when I launched terminal and connected to server, process was just running in background basically and I wouldn't get any output (including exception messages).
Anyway, solution that worked for me was:
I typed
ps aux | grep node //to find PID of node process
then I went to following directory
cd /proc/[pid of running node service]/fd
In fd directory there are few objects you can get output from but if you want to attach and listen to servers output including uncaught exceptions, you need 1.
tail -f 1
that way I was able to cause website to crash and see the output. on Heroku

I have a slight problem with use of Node.js and on Heroku. It works fine locally but as soon as I push it to Heroku and go on the website it gives me the application error page. Looking at the logs there is no explicit error but I have a feeling what it might be. When I run it locally, I use sudo node server to start the app. Just node server gives the same effect as that on heroku.
So basically, my question is: How do I get Heroku to run in sudo mode, or how can I remove the need to use sudo altogether?
Apologies as this is my first time using, so I am a bit unfamiliar with the workings of the library.
P.S. I am using Express 3.
I would check into the port you are using. On a normal ubuntu machine for example you may have to use sudo for low numbered ports (such as port 80). Besides that Heroku has a lot of load balancing going on, so the port you will use to connect to the service may not be the same as the port you tell the instance to listen on.
I would try using port 5000 as per this example from Heroku
Nodejs with sockets

