Query and process REST API using extjs - javascript

I have created a web application and deployed it in my tomcat. The API is a GET request and URL is: http://mymachine.home.net:8080/test.app-1.0/test/json which returns an output as:
I want to write a very simple extjs application that will call the URL and print the response (or write the response to a file). Can someone help me with this? I tried the examples mentioned at many places, but my URL is never hit from the extjs application.
Thanks in advance

This was resolved. A few things that I added / changed were:
I included ext-all.js in the index.html page.
The response returned from the web application was changed as:
someCallback({"summary":[{"hits":9118,"avg":13,"min":1,"max":1448,"errors":0,"date":"This period"},{"hits":1,"avg":1,"min":1,"max":1,"errors":0,"date":"Average"}]});
The callback name (someCallback) is sent as query parameter to the web application. The URI was changed to http://mymachine.home.net:8080/test.app-1.0/test/json?callback=someCallback
The response has to be wrapped around a string like ‘someCallback(…)’, else the Extjs code will not be able to parse it.


How to connect laravel api with pure html website

Since I am new to laravel api, I don't know hot to connect laravel api to html endpoint. My laravel api is working well and html web pages also completely finish. I just want to connect them together... Please explain how to connect these two.
Thank you
I would suggest two ways to go about this but it all depends on what your API does. If you are looking to serve the HTML with Laravel and have some parts of the application loaded by Laravels view() method, you'd basically need to break your HTML into blade files in resources/view folder and call the blade files via view() in controller to load the desired page.
However if you are looking for a separation of view and API where API is called by the view only for some information, you'd need to utilize AJAX via JavaScript to make a call to the API endpoint and retrieve the data (JSON) for use in your HTML site.
I use axios a lot and here is a sample call:
axios.get(url).then(response => { // do whatever here with the response data });
I'm not sure I understand you. But it reads like you developed your Laravel Application (PHP) and HTML separately. Laravel uses Blade (see: https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/blade) as a template engine into which you can inject PHP objects. Basically, the call of a web page (more or less) works like this:
The user is calling the url
URL goes to the routes/web.php
in this file you can call e.g. a controller
the controller called via (e.g.)
return view('my.site.nice-site', [ key => value]);
blade starts and displays the page to the user with the given key as variable.
I hope this helps you a bit. Otherwise I recommend, just to get started, the documentation from Laravel or YouTube.

Dynamically returning a sitemap with Vue.js

I am working on a vue js project which has multiple tenants. I am trying to find a solution where I can dynamically generate an xml file for each tenant. Tenants are identified by the url, so example.com/sitemap.xml would be one sitemap, tenant 2 would be example1.com/sitemap.xml and a different sitemap. Both of the urls hit the same server but load different data because of their domain. In turn I need to make the sitemap.xml dynamically generated as well.
I have been doing some research and I have used routes in my project but I'm not sure if I can set a route for an actual filename, and if so is it possible to return an xml response straight from vue through javascript. I previously tried something similar for generating html outside of my application. So I had a route call it /test, which would load a component called test, the component would then have javscript code that replaces the html document with some other html. Would this possibly be an approach to use?
I also found the package above and another similar one, that looks to do what I need by allowing me to intervene between route changes. However, I am not sure if this will allow me to return xml, the example seems to have logic and then end with next(), wondering if instead of calling next I can actually just return the xml document at that point.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
If you have a regular Vue app, it is running on the client side not the server side. So for all routes, your webserver returns index.html. Once loaded, vue router initialises on the client and detects the route to show the appropriate view/components.
So a request to example.com/sitemap.xml returns index.html
I would guess that web crawlers are expecting the following header in the response, and the response body of an XML document for sitemaps.
content-type: text/xml;
You may be able to generate on the client side if crawlers run the javascript but I would suggest it is better to generate server side and return plain old XML. Your server side code should be able to generate this and switch based on the tenant.
Then in the server put a special route for /sitemap.xml to not return the vue app

How to retrieve info from database to display with Chrome extension

I am trying to write my first chrome extension. The workflow goes something like this -When the extension is installed and active if a user hovers over a specific product/ID displayed on the page, the extension retrieves related vendor data about the product with the ID.
This is how I thought about this:
Use jQuery attr to access the ID on mouse over.
Post this ID to a retrieve.php file with .post() method
The retrieve.php file retrieves the data from database
Display the data in a tool tip on the web page.
I have some queries for the above process:
I am able to get this working on a local XAMPP server but how will it work online as the chrome extension will not have access to server. What is the way around to retrieve data without using PHP?
I am able to get the logic working but am unable to place these in respective files - Will all my logic reside in background.js ?
Any suggestions on getting this started will be much appreciated.
You could build a very simple API on your server that responds with JSON to any request it receives after processing it. Like this:
{"firstVar":"foo","secondVar":"bar" }
Your chrome extension can then make an xmlhttp request to this server and and process the returned data.(You could also use JSONP and wrap the response in a callback function which will execute as soon as you have the reponse)
The JS extension will be able to deal with the JSON nicely as it can understand that format so you can then choose to display the data in whatever way you want.
Essentially, what you want is a server that can take an ID posted to it and return the corresponding date in a nice and readable format. And a chrome extension that can make an request to a server and then process the response. Build and test them separately (keep positing an ID to the server and see the response and for your JS side at first instead of making requests to your unfinished API just set a static response to begin with which will be the same as an expected response.

How do I call 2 endpoints with one proxy in Apigee?

Hi I am trying to call two different endpoints via one proxy here.
1st endpoint: basically its the java-script I coded into the .js file
2nd endpoint: this is an endpoint where I have to send the request to a third-party URL and get the response and return.
So I want to send a parameter in my query string like this:
http://[url to my apigee proxy]/endpoint?stub=true
If this is the url then it should go to my JavaScript code. If this is the url:
http://[url to my apigee proxy]/endpoint?stub=false
Then it should go to a third party url. I have already looked and tried to implement this;
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22783986/one-api-proxy-calling-two-different-target-endpoints but it's not working for me.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Your missing target endpoints. Please add target endpoint xml. Also take look at samples which will help you along side documentation.

xhr() call to sharepoint web part

I am trying to use WinJS.xhr() to get the output of a web part in SharePoint.
I am using Fiddler to dissect the request and I can see the request has 4 actions, the third returns most of the HTML/markup and then the fourth returns data retrieved from the SharePoint underlying data source, and then somewhere it is merged together. However when I view source of the page I do not see the data from the fourth call in the markup - meaning an xhr() call will not include the data I need.
Does anyone have experience getting the full output of a web part control? The goal is to take the data from a web part and display it in a Windows RT application.

