jsonp callback function not getting called with jQuery - javascript

I have scoured this site and elsewhere trying to solve the problem I am having with jsonp. To start things off, here's the code that I have:
url = "http://mydomain.com/return_json";
url: url, // + '?callback=?' --I realized this is not necessary with dataType: 'jsonp'
dataType: 'jsonp',
crossDomain: true,
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
success: function(dataWeGotViaJsonp){
var text = '';
var len = dataWeGotViaJsonp.length;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
item = dataWeGotViaJsonp[i];
text += '<p>' + item + '</p>';
On the sending side, the /return_json url is a Django site that is sending json data the following way:
def return_json(request):
data = [{'testing': 'testing'}, {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}]
return HttpResponse( json.dumps(data), content_type="application/javascript" )
As you can see in the JavaScript, I'm indescriminately dumping everything into the console on error. Here is the output of that:
Object { readyState=4, status=200, statusText="success"}
Error: jQuery110207276483389928793_1377030169256 was not called
The 'net' area of firebug shows that the url was:
http://mydomain.com/return_json? callback=jQuery110209170565296948737_1377029879665&_=1377029879666
It also shows that valid JSON is in the response. It even has a JSON section with a pretty-fied output. So, obviously my problem is that the jQuery auto-generated callback function is there, but not getting called. I get the same result using the $.ajax and $.getJSON methods set up for jsonp. The only thing I can think of at this point is that I'm supposed to wrap the json data in a function somehow on the sender's side, but I was under the impression that the receiver takes care of that. If anyone can see what I'm doing wrong, it would be much appreciated.
=================================UPDATE WITH FULL ANSWER========================
Hamish has the correct answer below, although it just needs two minor tweaks. Here is how you can send data in JSONP format using Django:
def return_json(request):
# ^--------I didn't need a parameter in this situation
json_data = ["one", "two", "three"]
return render_to_response("uitest/jsonp_template.html", Context({
'callback': request.GET.get('callback'),
'json': mark_safe(json.dumps( json_data )),
# ^------------------------------This keeps your JSON from getting mangled in
}), mimetype="application/javascript")
#^---------------------This closing parentheses was missing in Hamish's answer at the time
# of this writing.

A JSONP response is actually a script response - something like:
callbackFunctionName([{'testing': 'testing'}, {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}]);
Create a template that returns a application/javascript response with a function call to function request.GET.get('callback') with the body of the JSON as the only argument.
Something like:
def return_jsonp(request, json_data)
return render_to_response("jsonp_template.html", Context({
'callback': request.GET.get('callback'),
'json': json.dumps(json_data),
}, mimetype="application/javascript")
Where jsonp_template.html is just:
{{ callback }}({{ json }});


Sending an Array from Python to JS

I am new to python and JS. I am trying to call a python method from a js code. The python code is supposed to do some calculation and returns me the results which is array of arrays (e.g., [[1,3],[3, 5]]). I have looked at few answers such as this. However, I was not able to solve my problem. Below is what I have so far:
JS code : This sends string "start" to my python code.
var a = $.post("/mlModel", {
Ml_list: JSON.stringify("start"),
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json"
Python Code: Python code gets the string "start", does some process, and return the results in the form of array of arrays [[2,4],[2,6]]
enter code here
#app.route('/mlModel', methods = ['POST'])
def get_post_MlModel():
jsdata = request.form['Ml_list']
jsdata = json.loads(jsdata)
jsdata = ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(jsdata))
// I send "start" to calculate method and it returns data = [[2,3],[1,3]]
data = calculate(jsdata)
return json.dumps(data)
When I run this code, this returns me "Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1"
Any idea?
jQuery.post is an asynchronous operation so a isn't ready yet when you try to use the JSON in the response. try using a callback which is called when the request is finished
$.post("/mlModel", {
Ml_list: JSON.stringify("start"),
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json"
}).done(function(data) {
console.log("success " + JSON.parse(data));
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.error( "failure " + errorThrown );
Here's the typical python and javascript code used while sending and receiving objects over the server. The example below sends a string ("start") from the client and returns a list of sequential index pairs as lists.
On the python side:
#app.route('/testQuery', methods=['POST'])
def testQuery():
queryString = request.form['queryString']
outputList = []
for i in range(0,len(queryString)):
char = queryString[i]
return jsonify({
"outputList" : outputList
On the javascript side:
$.post("/testQuery", {"queryString": "start"})
.done(function (response) {
Hope that helps.

AJAX request in ColdFusion

How can I do a AJAX request in ColdFusion?
I have my javascript:
function getdata(){
var formElements=document.getElementById("CFForm_1").elements;
var data=[];
for (var i=0; i<formElements.length; i++){
if(formElements[i].name == 'customersid')
if(formElements[i].name == 'customerstoid')
type: "get",
url: "components/BillingCalc.cfc",
data: {
data: data.join()
dataType: "json",
success: function( objResponse ){
My component:
component displayName="Calc" {
remote function ajaxGetTotalCost(data){
data = deserializeJSON(arguments.data);
WriteDump(data); abort;
I am getting the error: JSON parsing failure at character 2:'o' in [object Object],[object Object]
Does anyone knows how to do AJAX request in CF?
This function:
remote function ajaxGetTotalCost(data){
data = deserializeJSON(arguments.data);
WriteDump(data); abort;
is not complete. It's at the stage where you have to call it from a ColdFusion page, not with javascript. That will enable you to see the results of the writedump(data) command to ensure it's what you expect. You have to add more code to the function to get it to produce a variable javascript can receive, and then return that variable to whatever is calling the function.
The issue is related to dataType attribute you are passing with $.ajax() method. dataType: "json" indicates your AJAX request is expecting JSON data as a response. But in your case you are simply returning DUMP of the deserialized JSON, which is HTML not JSON. So if you want it to work properly, then you need to return JSON data from your ColdFusion function. You can try this and see if it works.
remote function ajaxGetTotalCost(data){
data = deserializeJSON(arguments.data);
return serializeJSON(data));

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input in parseJSON method javascript

In a webpage that uses javascript, I pass data to a hidden input field using
and then later access that data using
waypts_input = $.parseJSON($("#waypt_sel").val())
This works, except that sometimes it gives a
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
. I tracked the error to this line with the json parsing. but I am baffled because this works sometimes but sometimes it doesn't for the same, identical string.
I checked the values that are passed to the html inputs and it works and doesn't work for the same values.
Here's an example of the json string I am passing:
"[{\"location\":\"8.3353156, 80.3329846\",\"stopover\":true}, {\"location\":\"8.0326424, 80.7446666\",\"stopover\":true}, {\"location\":\"7.9577778, 80.667518\",\"stopover\":true}, {\"location\":\"7.953208, 81.006675\",\"stopover\":true}, {\"location\":\"7.885949, 80.651479\",\"stopover\":true},{\"location\":\"7.2905425, 80.5986581\",\"stopover\":true},{\"location\":\"7.300322, 80.386362\",\"stopover\":true}]"
Here's the structure of the code I use.
$(document).ready(function() {
url: "aa.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
id: selected_i
success: function(result) {
itins = $.parseJSON(result);
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
url: "dd.php",
success: function(result) {
locations = $.parseJSON(result);
function initializeMap() {
//other code
//other code
function calculateAndDisplayRoute() {
//other code
waypts_input = $.parseJSON($("#waypt_sel").val());
waypts_json_input = $.parseJSON(waypts_input);
//other code
And here is the detailed error message I get on firefox developer edition browser.
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of
the JSON data
calculateAndDisplayRoute() map.js:366
initializeMap() map.js:290
.success() map.js:62
m.Callbacks/j() jquery-1.11.3.min.js:2
m.Callbacks/k.fireWith() jquery-1.11.3.min.js:2
x() jquery-1.11.3.min.js:5
.send/b() jquery-1.11.3.min.js:5
Thanks in advance.
"\" is unnecessary when deserialize json string in javascript .
what json tools you used?
you serialize in one tool , and deserialize with other , may get this scene .
The issue was that I was using an asynchronous ajax request to retrieve json data. by the time the data had been retrieved and pasted to the html, the execution of the code that used the html data had happened, and thus gave an error. I used a callback function for the ajax query and this did the job.
function get_det(callback) {//Your asynchronous request.
url: "aa.php",
type: "POST",
success: function (result) {
alert("1st call");
callback();//invoke when get response
and in the code where this is called:
get_det(secondFunction);//calling with callback function
function secondFunction()//your callback function
alert("2nd Call");
Alternatively you may also try async: false in the ajax query parameters. But this can cause browser freezing and is not recommended.

Node.js and Express - Sending JSON object from SoundCloud API to the front-end makes it a string

I have been using an http.get() to make calls to the SounbdCloud API method to receive a JSON object that I would like to pass to the browser. I can confirm that the data I receive is an object, since I the typeof() method I call on the data prints out that it is an object.
var getTracks = http.get("http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks.json?q="+query+"&client_id=CLIENT_ID", function(tracks) {
tracks.on('data', function (chunk) {
console.log(typeof(chunk)); // where I determine that I receive an object
}).on("error", function(e){
console.log("Got error: "+e);
But when I check the data I receive in the AJAX request I make in the browser, I find that the data received has a type of String (again, I know this by calling typeof())
var q = $("#query").val();
url: '/search',
type: 'POST',
data: {
"query": q
success: function(data){
error: function(xhr, textStatus, err){
I would appreciate the help, since I do not know where the problem is, or whether I am looking for the answer in the wrong places (perhaps it has something to do with my usage of SoundCloud's HTTP API)
JSON is a string. I assume you need an Object representing your JSON string.
Simply use the following method.
var obj = JSON.parse(data);
Another example would be:
var jsonStr = '{"name":"joe","age":"22","isRobot":"false"}';
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
jsonObj.name //joe
jsonObj.age // 22

JSON Request appended with [object%20Object] in jQuery

I'm trying to fetch a custom JSON feed I have written with jQuery using the getJSON method. For an unknown reason the URL seems to be having cache_gen.php?location=PL4 stripped from the end and replaced with [object%20Object] resulting in a 404 error occurring.
Here's the jQuery I'm using:
var fetchData = function() {
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
var api_location = "http://weatherapp.dev/cache_gen.php";
var user_location = "PL4";
var date = new Date();
console.log(api_location + '?location=' + user_location);
type: "GET",
url: api_location + '?location=' + user_location,
dataType: "json",
success: function(jsonData) {
} else {
alert('Your browser is not yet supported. Please upgrade to either Google Chrome or Safari.');
From the console log I can see the URL string is calculated correctly as: http://weatherapp.dev/cache_gen.php?location=PL4
However the second line in the console is: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found).
Can anyone point me in the right direction with this?
UPDATE 19/01/2013 23:15
Well, I've just converted so that is fits the docs perfectly using $.ajax. I've also added a fail event and logged all of the data that gets passed to it.
var fetchData = function() {
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
var api_location = "http://weatherapp.dev/cache_gen.php";
var user_location = "PL4";
var date = new Date();
var url = api_location + '?location=' + user_location;
type: "GET",
url: api_location + '?location=' + user_location,
dataType: "json",
success: function(jsonData) {
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
console.log('textStatus: ' + textStatus );
console.log('errorThrown: ' + errorThrown );
console.log('jqXHR' + jqXHR);
} else {
alert('Your browser is not yet supported. Please upgrade to either Google Chrome or Safari.');
After this my console gives me the following information:
download_api.js:44textStatus: parsererror
download_api.js:45errorThrown: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unable to parse JSON string
download_api.js:46jqXHR[object Object]
I have ensured the headers for the JSON feed are current, and the feed is definitely serving valid JSON (it effectively caches a 3rd party service feed to save costs on the API).
The reason why you see this error:
download_api.js:44textStatus: parsererror
download_api.js:45errorThrown: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unable to parse JSON string
download_api.js:46jqXHR[object Object]
Is because your JSON is invalid. Even if a response comes back from the server correctly, if your dataType is 'json' and the returned response is not properly formatted JSON, jQuery will execute the error function parameter.
http://jsonlint.com is a really quick and easy way to verify the validity of your JSON string.
I was running into the same issue today. In my case I was assigning a JSON object to a variable named 'location' which is a reserved word in JavaScript under Windows and appearantly is a shorthand for windows.location! So the browser redirected to the current URL with [object%20Object] appended to it. Simple use a variable name other than 'location' if the same thing happens to you. Hope this helps someone.
Check out the actual function usage:
You can't pass on object parameter into $.getJSON like with $.ajax, your code should look like this:
jQuery.getJSON('api_location + '?location=' + user_location)
.done(function() {
//success here
.fail(function() {
//fail here
To maybe make it a little clearer, $.getJSON is just a "wrapper function" that eventually calls $.ajax with {type:'get',dataType:'JSON'}. You can see this in the link I provided above.

