JavaScript: Options is Nullor not an object [closed] - javascript

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Hi i have written a small javascript function and i m getting the Error as "Options is Null or not an object"
Here is my code:
function ValidateMarks(sender, args) {
var ddlCategory = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_ddlCategory').value;
var ddlDisabilityClass = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_ddlDisabilityClass').value;
var GraduationPercntage = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_txtGraduationPercntage').value;
var objCVValidateMarks = document.getElementById("ctl00_rightContainer_cvValidateMarks");
if ((ddlCategory.options[ddlCategory.selectedIndex].text == "-- Select Category --" || ddlCategory.options[ddlCategory.selectedIndex].text == "UR") && (ddlDisabilityClass.options[ddlDisabilityClass.selectedIndex].text == "No")) {
if (parseFloat(GraduationPercntage) < parseFloat('49.50')) {
objCVValidateMarks.errormessage = 'You are required 49.50% marks in B.Pharmacy to fulfill the eligibility.';
args.IsValid = false;
else {
if (parseFloat(GraduationPercntage) < parseFloat('44.50')) {
objCVValidateMarks.errormessage = 'You are required 44.50% marks in B.Pharmacy to fulfill the eligibility.';
args.IsValid = false;
When i check the value for ddlcategory it gives me the selected value but ddlCategory.selectedIndex gives me the value as 'undefined' hence i m getting the above mentioned error.

Try changing ddlCategory from
var ddlCategory = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_ddlCategory').value;
var ddlCategory = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_ddlCategory');
Now try getting the value using ddlCategory.value and selected Index using ddlCategory.selectedIndex

A couple of things:
It appears you have hardcoded in clientIDs for components.
Is this the case? If so please consider using either this: , which will allow you (in .NET 4.5, using ClientIDMode="Static") to have sensible never changing clientIDs (but also lets you run the risk of having more than one item with the same ID on the page).
or this:
document.getElementById("<%= MYELEMENT.ClientID %>").
OR if using seperate javascript files then pass in the clientIDs as parameters into your javascript function.
More specifically for your problem it seems that javascript cannot find ddlCategory or ddlDisabilityClass, I would imagine one of these two lines is failing and giving you a null var:
var ddlCategory = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_ddlCategory').value;
var ddlDisabilityClass = document.getElementById('ctl00_rightContainer_ContentTable2_ddlDisabilityClass').value;
It is always good to debug javascript with Alerts when this happens, such as Alert('Object was:'+ddlCategory); This will give you a NULL if it's not found, or tell you specifically what that var is set to.
Looking at this again, your specific problem is that you are getting the values of these objects instead of a reference to the objects themselves. Removing .value from the end of your getElementById calls should fix this (as long as your references are valid).


"Undefined" on my loop trying to fetch object in json file [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi guys I'm having trouble in my for loop because there's a word "undefined" on the result of my loop, I'm trying to fetch objects on my json file and my loop works fine, I'm just wondering on how to remove the "undefined" word in my loop? thanks in advance.
here is the output
here is my code
and here is my json file
In your code, show variable before the loop is undefined, you haven't set some value for it, and using it without value. So, JavaScript can not identify the value of the variable and set it as "undefined"
Try this below:
var show = "";
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
var obj = data[i];
show += "<div>"+obj["id"]+" "+obj["fname"]+"</div>"
Initialise your show variable with an empty string like azizbek mentioned.
let show = '';
If you don't want to, then use a condition to ignore it like this:
if (data[i] && data[i].id) {
let obj = data[id];
show += ...
I see that you use var in places that is not needed, inside a for loop or inside a callback. See this post for more info

jQuery error = SyntaxError: missing : after property id [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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There seems to be a lot of these errors on SO but I can't find any to relate to.
The error is: SyntaxError: missing : after property id and it's complaining about this line: var msg = ""; (Line 3).
function checkSubmission()({
var msg = "";
if ($("#lms_name").val().length<=0){
msg+="LMS Name Required.<br/>";
var value = $('#lms_name').val();
var regex = new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{2,}$/);
if(value.match(regex)) {
} else {
msg+="<b>Error on LMS name : </b>Numbers and letters only. Minimum of two characters.<br/>";
//lots more code here...
Any ideas? FYI I'm a complete newbie (for now...).
Thanks in advance!
The code in your comment on #Shoaib Raza, prompted me to post this. (please accept his answer rather than mine, since his was first.)
Quote OP Comment:
FYI, I changed it to just function checkSubmission( var msg = ""; ... and the error still appeared.
And that's totally wrong too. checkSubmission( ... is not what his answer is showing, so the new error message is accurate: SyntaxError: missing ( before { -> function checkSubmission{
This line of your original code contains the original syntax error...
function checkSubmission()({
should be this...
function checkSubmission() {
Notice the difference? You simply need to remove the extra ( and nothing else.
Change your function to :
function checkSubmission()
var msg = "";
if ($("#lms_name").val().length<=0)
msg+="LMS Name Required.<br/>";
var value = $('#lms_name').val();
var regex = new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{2,}$/);
msg+="<b>Error on LMS name : </b>Numbers and letters only. Minimum of two characters.<br/>";
//lot more code in the function here.. if any
Hope this helps.

Iterating through all the instances with name having a common string [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a way to access all the object instances starting with a common string.
Example: I have instances named button64, button223, button856471, button229846, etc. I have no control over how these instances are named. I want to push all these in an array.
I am not creating these objects, I just have to write a javascript which sits in this HTML page and collects all the object instances starting with the string 'button'.
The purpose is to reach out to a desired object out of these and change the visual element.
Also, the solution has to be compatible with IE8. Any ideas about how should I iterate?
If you can use jQuery, you could write:
var buttonsArray = [];
$("div").each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
if (id && id.indexOf("button") == 0) {
You can use regular expressions to find any expression matching the pattern. Using the match method, every instance of the pattern is returned as an array.
var str = document.getElementById("sample");
var arr = string.match(/button[\d]*/g);
The regular expression on line two will match any result that has "button" and will stop once it encounters a character afterwards that is not a digit.

Looking for the Javascript of these JQuery lines of code [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently learning HTML 5 + javascript, and one of the examples I'm looking at is written in JQuery. I realise that JQuery would be simpler to some people, but as I am just coming to terms with Javascript and no nothing of JQuery, I'm looking to get some lines of code translated from one to the other.
I know what these lines of code does, I'm just looking for it in JavaScript.
var showForm = function() {
if(editMode) {
var transaction = transactions[editMode];
amountField.value = transaction.amount;
if(transaction.type) $('[value='+transaction.type+']').attr('checked', 'true');
if(transaction.cleared) $('#cleared').attr('checked', 'true');
noteField.value = transaction.note;
dateField.value =;
postcodeField.value = transaction.postcode;
searchField.value = ''
} else {
Replace the lines where ever you select the element by ID with the corresponding ID
$('#cleared') ---> document.getElementById('cleared')
you can also use querySelector metod to access the element directly.
var cleared = document.querySelector('#cleared');
To show or hide a element you would need to set the style.display property
// To hide
cleared .style.display = "";
// To show
cleared .style.display = "block";
To get the element based on the attribute would be a bit of javascript..
Where in you would need to iterate over each element and get the attribute of that element and then compare with the value.

creating DOM nodes from arrays [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Note: This is a continuation of another question that I decided were two separate issues that need to be solved. I'm also currently not sure of how exactly to phrase this question, so I will try my best and when I get more clarity I will rephrase my question for future reference.
I'm writing two basic jQuery plugins, $.fn.query and $, that sort an array, and create html code to insert into a document, respectively. I'm currently testing it with Vimeo video ID's that I will display videos with.
$ has three parts. First it wraps every array item with individual containers, the builds them into rows (problem area), then lastly it wraps everything in a container. (every part of this is optional).
Specifically the problem comes from this line: $(tmp).add(newRow); although it is valid javascript.
if ( options.splitBy !== undefined && options.wrapRow !== undefined ) {
var tmp = $([]),
newRow = function(i) {
$(build.splice( i, i + options.splitBy )).wrapAll( options.wrapRow ).parent();
for (var i = 0, l = build.length, a = options.splitBy; i < l; i += a) {
build = tmp;
I am quite sure that you want to use the function, instead of adding the function itself. Also, you will want to use the same tmp object all over the time, instead of wrapping it into a new jQuery instance and not adding to the original one. Try
BTW: If you want to build an array, you should use
var tmp = [];
Now I've looked at the code from the other question. Both answers are correct, and contain some valid points:
splice is an Array function on jQuery's prototype, and returns an array. (You have fiexd this now)
Your query method returns an array, but should return a jQuery instance for chaining
Your build variable was not initialized, but used
You should really choose whether you want to use arrays or jQuery objects internally in your function, and not mix them.
BTW, you should rename your functions to more descriptive names. "build" and "query" are very vague and may collide with other plugins.

