How do i target specific data values - javascript

I have assigned data attributes to every grid class, each value is a different number ranging from 1-64.
I want it so that it adds a class 'success' to the grid class with a data-value="1", i can only get it without the specific value. so it finds all data attributes called data value and adds the success class but I cant figure out how to only add it to classes with the data attribute of 1.
function clickSquare() {
if ( $('.grid').data('value'))
<div data-value="1" class="grid pointer">1</div>
also, if i set up an array
var values = ['1', '2']
how could i do it so that the jquery only attaches the class to values with that of the array. hope that made sense!

You need to use this inside the event handler to refer to the clicked grid element. If you use the selector .grid inside the handler it will return the data value of the first grid element in the page instead of current element
$('.grid').click(function () {
if ($(this).data('value') == 1) {
} else {
Demo: Fiddle


How to pass value dynamically in JavaScript

I have a table which has the column name "12" Instead of that value I want to pass it dynamically and for that I have a created item "P_Itm_val" see attached image for reference.
$('td[headers = "12"]').each(function() {
Just put the value there instead of "10"
$('td[headers = P_Itm_val]').each(function() {
If that doesn't work, try appending the value into the call
$('td[headers = "'+P_Itm_val+'"]').each(function() {
I'm not quite sure what I did for this however, I've done something similar to this.

Compare Elements via jQuery

I'm in a situation where I want to check if two elements (one is clicked and another one a reference) are the same, what I'm trying to do is:
$("#process li").click(function() {
currentElement = $(this);
referenceElement = $("#process li:first-child");
if (currentElement === referenceElement) {
So what I want is to check if the clicked <li> is the first child of the ul#process and if so first remove a .mark class from another element and then add it to the clicked one. I don't get any working result - ideas anyone?
Thanks you very much! This is my solution:
$("#processlist li").click(function() {
currentElement = $(this);
if ('li:first-child')) {
Now if I click on a , if it is the first child of this list, the class .mark is added - sweet!
Comparing objects in JS is very troublesome. The simplest way is to just pick a few key properties and compare those, eg:
if (currentElement.prop('id') === referenceElement.prop('id') {
// rest of your code...
However, given your use case you could use is:
if ('#process li:first-child')) {
// rest of your code...
Example fiddle
You need to extract the DOM element from the jQuery object. You can use the get method of jQuery for this.
e.g. if( currentElement.get( 0 ) === referenceElement.get( 0 ) )

Disable drop on empty cells using redips drag

I am using redips drag class to be able to drag/drop table cells of my table.
I would like to add a condition to forbid the drop if the destination cell was empty. Which means I only need to "switch" if the target cell is not empty.
Any help ?
if (target_elements_length) {
// call myhandler_switched because clone_limit could call myhandler_clonedend1 or myhandler_clonedend2
// and myhandler_dropped
// if object is cloned, update climit1_X or climit2_X classname
if (cloned_flag === 1) {
// otherwise element is dropped to the empty cells
else {
//TODO cancel the event.
Nevermind ...
this is the solution.
Modify drag.js accordingly:
if (target_elements_length) {
// call myhandler_switched because clone_limit could call myhandler_clonedend1 or myhandler_clonedend2
// and myhandler_dropped
// if object is cloned, update climit1_X or climit2_X classname
if (cloned_flag === 1) {

Get numerical value from parent with id like 'post-1' and use it in jQuery function

I'm trying to figure out the following.
I have following jQuery code:
var as = "";
var bPlay = 0; {
as = audiojs.createAll();
$(".audiojs .play-pause").click(function() {
var e = $(this).parents(".audiojs").index(".audiojs");
$.each(as, function(t, n) {
if (t != e && as[t].playing) {
bPlay = !bPlay;
if (bPlay == 1) {
$(".bar").each(function(i) {
} else {
In a nutshell it preforms list of things when someone clicks particular .audiojs instance on a page. 1) checks if there is any other instance playing, if there is pauses it. And if it is playing applies fluctuate function to elements on a page that have class="bar". This is the issue! I don't want to apply it to all .bar's on a page, but only to a specific group that is associated with particular .audiojs instance (the one that is being clicked and is playing).
I thought of the following solution. Each .audiojs instance is inside a div tag that has id like "post-1", "post-2" etc.. where numerical value is post id from database. I can add this numerical id to bar, so it would be like bar-1, bar-2 etc... However after this I'm having issues.
For javascript to work I need to retrieve numerical value from "post-[id]" associated with audiojs instance that is being clicked and than store it somehow, so I can use it like this afterwards
bPlay = !bPlay;
if (bPlay == 1) {
$(".bar-[value retrieved from post-...]").each(function(i) {
} else {
$(".bar-[value retrieved from post...]").stop();
Could someone explain to me how it can be achieved?
Honestly, the easiest way would be to stick it in a custom data-* attribute on the <div id="post-X"> element, like so:
<div id="post-1" data-bar="bar-1">...</div>
Then, you said your .audiojs element is inside that <div>, so just go from this inside the event handler to that <div> element (using .closest()) and get the value of it:
var barId = $(this).closest('[id^="post-"]').attr('data-bar');
Then when you need to use it:
$("." + barId).each(function(i) {
Instead of embedding the value in a class or ID, use a data-* attribute:
<div class="audiojs" data-fluctuate-target="bar-1">
<button type="button" class="play-pause">
<!-- ... -->
<div class="bar-1">
<!-- ... -->
In your click event handler, use the following to fluctuate or stop the correct elements:
var fluctuateClass = $(this).closest('.audiojs').attr('data-fluctuate-target');
$('.' + fluctuateClass).each(function () {
if (bPlay == 1) {
} else {

Can someone explain the following javascript code?

In addition to the explanation, what does the $ mean in javascript? Here is the code:
var ZebraTable = {
bgcolor: '',
classname: '',
stripe: function(el) {
if (!$(el)) return;
var rows = $(el).getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var i=1,len=rows.length;i<len;i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) rows[i].className = 'alt';
Event.add(rows[i],'mouseover',function() {
ZebraTable.mouseover(this); });
Event.add(rows[i],'mouseout',function() { ZebraTable.mouseout(this); });
mouseover: function(row) {
this.bgcolor =;
this.classname = row.className;
mouseout: function(row) {
addClassName(row,this.classname); = this.bgcolor;
window.onload = function() {
Here is a link to where I got the code and you can view a demo on the page. It does not appear to be using any framework. I was actually going through a JQuery tutorial that took this code and used JQuery on it to do the table striping. Here is the link:
Can someone explain the following
javascript code?
//Shorthand for document.getElementById
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var ZebraTable = {
bgcolor: '',
classname: '',
stripe: function(el) {
//if the el cannot be found, return
if (!$(el)) return;
//get all the <tr> elements of the table
var rows = $(el).getElementsByTagName('tr');
//for each <tr> element
for (var i=1,len=rows.length;i<len;i++) {
//for every second row, set the className of the <tr> element to 'alt'
if (i % 2 == 0) rows[i].className = 'alt';
//add a mouseOver event to change the row className when rolling over the <tr> element
Event.add(rows[i],'mouseover',function() {
//add a mouseOut event to revert the row className when rolling out of the <tr> element
Event.add(rows[i],'mouseout',function() {
//the <tr> mouse over function
mouseover: function(row) {
//save the row's old background color in the ZebraTable.bgcolor variable
this.bgcolor =;
//save the row's className in the ZebraTable.classname variable
this.classname = row.className;
//add the 'over' class to the className property
//addClassName is some other function that handles this
mouseout: function(row) {
//remove the 'over' class form the className of the row
//add the previous className that was stored in the ZebraTable.classname variable
//set the background color back to the value that was stored in the ZebraTable.bgcolor variable = this.bgcolor;
window.onload = function() {
//once the page is loaded, "stripe" the "mytable" element
The $ doesn't mean anything in Javascript, but it's a valid function name and several libraries use it as their all-encompassing function, for example Prototype and jQuery
From the example you linked to:
function $() {
var elements = new Array();
for (var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) {
var element = arguments[i];
if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element);
if (arguments.length == 1) return element;
return elements;
The $ function is searching for elements by their id attribute.
This function loops through the rows in a table and does two things.
1) sets up alternating row style. if (i % 2 == 0) rows[i].className = 'alt' means every other row has its classname set to alt.
2) Attaches a mouseover and mouseout event to the row so the row changes background color when the user mouses over it.
the $ is a function set up by various javascript frameworks ( such as jquery) that simply calls document.getElementById
The code basically sets alternating table rows to have a different CSS class, and adds a mouseover and mouseout event change to a third css class, highlighting the row under the mouse.
I'm not sure if jQuery, prototype or maybe another third party JS library is referenced, but the dollar sign is used by jQuery as a selector. In this case, the user is testing to see if the object is null.
$ is the so-called "dollar function", used in a number of JavaScript frameworks to find an element and/or "wrap" it so that it can be used with framework functions and classes. I don't recognize the other functions used, so I can't tell you exactly which framework this is using, but my first guess would be Prototype or Dojo. (It certainly isn't jQuery.)
The code creates a ZebraTable "object" in Javascript, which stripes a table row by row in Javascript.
It has a couple of member functions of note:
stripe(el) - you pass in an element el, which is assumed to be a table. It gets all <tr> tags within the table (getElementsByTagName), then loops through them, assigning the class name "alt" to alternating rows. It also adds event handlers for mouse over and mouse out.
mouseover(row) - The "mouse over" event handler for a row, which stores the old class and background colour for the row, then assigns it the class name "over"
mouseout(row) - The reverse of mouseover, restores the old class name and background colour.
The $ is a function which returns an element given either the elements name or the element itself. It returns null if its parameters are invalid (non-existent element, for example)
I believe the framework being used is Prototype, so you can check out their docs for more info
Have a look at the bottom of the article that you have got the code from, you'll see that they say you'll also need prototype's $ function. From article
In your CSS you’ll need to specify a
default style for table rows, plus
tr.alt and tr.over classes. Here’s a
simple demo, which also includes the
other functions you’ll need (an Event
registration object and Prototype’s $

