Get Unique values during Loop - javascript

I am looping through an array and getting the data that I need.
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
What I am trying to do at this point is only show unique data in the loop.
For example var transAccount could be in the array 5 times. I only one to display that in my table once. How can I go about accomplishing this ?
Final Array is constructed like so; just as an object:
transID: tmpTrans,
transAccount: tmpAccount,
amEmail: amEmail,
merchName: merchName,
amPhone: amPhone,
amName: amName

var allTransAccount = {};
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
if(allTransAccount[finalArray[i].transAccount]) {
var transAccount = '';
else {
allTransAccount[transAccount] = true;

var merhcData = {};
var amName = {};
// and so on
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
merchData[finalArray[i].merchName] = finalArray[i].merchName;
amName[finalArray[i].amName] = finalArray[i].amName;
// and so on
If you are sure, that data in merchName will never be equal amName or other field - you can use one data object instead of several (merchData, amName...)

What you want is likely a Set. (see zakas for ES6 implementation. To emulate this using javascript, you could use an object with the key as one of your properties (account would be a good bet, as aperl said) which you test before using your raw array.
var theSet={};
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
//add to your table
This will prevent entries of duplicate data.


How to use the result of an IF statement as a variable

I have a code as follows:
function DetailFacture2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var DetailDEVIS = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailDEVIS'));
var FACTUREDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('FACTUREDevis'));
var DetailFactureDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailFactureDevis'));
var lastrowpaste = FACTUREDevis.getLastRow();
var numrow = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,13).getValue()
var lastrowpaste2 = DetailFactureDevis.getLastRow() - numrow +2;
var data = DetailDEVIS.getDataRange().getValues();
var DetailD = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,2).getValue();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
var firstrowcopy = i+1;
return (firstrowcopy)
It does return the correct value, but how do you use "firstrowcopy" as a fixed var?
I would like to use as follows:
function DetailFacture2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var DetailDEVIS = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailDEVIS'));
var FACTUREDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('FACTUREDevis'));
var DetailFactureDevis = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('DetailFactureDevis'));
var lastrowpaste = FACTUREDevis.getLastRow();
var numrow = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,13).getValue()
var lastrowpaste2 = DetailFactureDevis.getLastRow() - numrow +2;
var data = DetailDEVIS.getDataRange().getValues();
var DetailD = FACTUREDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste,2).getValue();
for(var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
var firstrowcopy = i+1;
var source = DetailDEVIS.getRange(firstrowcopy,1,numrow-1);
var destination = DetailFactureDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste2,3);
But, as one would expect, it cannot work as it loops...
Not sure if I understand your question too. The code doesn't look well. Here is just my guess. Try to change the last lines this way:
// ...
var firstrowcopy = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
if(data[i][1] == DetailD){ //[1] because column B
firstrowcopy = i+1;
var source = DetailDEVIS.getRange(firstrowcopy,1,numrow-1);
var destination = DetailFactureDevis.getRange(lastrowpaste2,3);

TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined variables

I have worked with code that pulls table information off a site and then places into Google Sheets. While this had worked great for months, it has come to my attention that is has randomly stopped working.
I am getting the message "TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined." From code:
for (var c=0; c<current_adds_array.length; c++) {
I have done extensive searching but cannot come to conclusion as to what is wrong.
Full code seen here:
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Get Data')
.addItem('Add new dispatch items','addNewThings')
function addNewThings() {
// get page
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch("#").getContentText();
// bypass google's new XmlService because html isn't well-formed
var doc = Xml.parse(html, true);
var bodyHtml = doc.html.body.toXmlString();
// but still use XmlService so we can use getDescendants() and getChild(), etc.
// see:
doc = XmlService.parse(bodyHtml);
var html = doc.getRootElement();
// a way to dig around
// Logger.log(doc.getRootElement().getChild('form').getChildren('table'));
// find and dig into table using getElementById and getElementsByTagName (by class fails)
var tablecontents = getElementById(html, 'formId:tableExUpdateId');
// we could dig deeper by tag name (next two lines)
// var tbodycontents = getElementsByTagName(tablecontents, 'tbody');
// var trcontents = getElementsByTagName(tbodycontents, 'tr');
// or just get it directly, since we know it's immediate children
var trcontents = tablecontents.getChild('tbody').getChildren('tr');
// create a nice little array to pass
var current_adds_array = Array();
// now let's iterate through them
for (var i=0; i<trcontents.length; i++) {
// and grab all the spans
var trcontentsspan = getElementsByTagName(trcontents[i], 'span');
// if there's as many as expected, let's get values
if (trcontentsspan.length > 5) {
var call_num = trcontentsspan[0].getValue();
var call_time = trcontentsspan[1].getValue();
var rptd_location = trcontentsspan[2].getValue();
var rptd_district = trcontentsspan[3].getValue();
var call_nature = trcontentsspan[4].getValue();
var call_status = trcontentsspan[5].getValue();
//saveRow(call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status);
current_adds_array.push(Array(call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status));
function saveRow(current_adds_array) {
// load in sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
// find the current last row to make data range
var current_last_row = sheet.getLastRow();
var current_last_row_begin = current_last_row - 50;
if (current_last_row_begin < 1) current_last_row_begin = 1;
if (current_last_row < 1) current_last_row = 1;
var last_x_rows = sheet.getRange("A"+current_last_row_begin+":F"+current_last_row).getValues();
var call_num, call_time, rptd_location, rptd_district, call_nature, call_status;
// iterate through the current adds array
for (var c=0; c<current_adds_array.length; c++) {
call_num = current_adds_array[c][0];
call_time = current_adds_array[c][1];
rptd_location = current_adds_array[c][2];
rptd_district = current_adds_array[c][3];
call_nature = current_adds_array[c][4];
call_status = current_adds_array[c][5];
// find out if the ID is already there
var is_in_spreadsheet = false;
for (var i=0; i<last_x_rows.length; i++) {
//Logger.log(call_num+" == "+last_15_rows[i][0]);
if (call_num == last_x_rows[i][0] && call_time != last_x_rows[i][1]) is_in_spreadsheet = true;
if (!is_in_spreadsheet) {
Logger.log("Adding "+call_num);
function getElementById(element, idToFind) {
var descendants = element.getDescendants();
for(i in descendants) {
var elt = descendants[i].asElement();
if( elt !=null) {
var id = elt.getAttribute('id');
if( id !=null && id.getValue()== idToFind) return elt;
function clearRange() {
//replace 'Sheet1' with your actual sheet name
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
function getElementsByTagName(element, tagName) {
var data = [];
var descendants = element.getDescendants();
for(i in descendants) {
var elt = descendants[i].asElement();
if( elt !=null && elt.getName()== tagName) data.push(elt);
return data;
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("C:C");
range.setValues(range.getValues().map(function(row) {
return [row[0].replace(/MKE$/, " Milwaukee, Wisconsin")];
Please be careful when instantiating a new array. You are currently using var current_adds_array = Array(). You're not only missing the new keyword, but also, this constructor is intended to instantiate an Array with an Array-like object.
Try changing this to var current_adds_array = []

Nested Loop Javascript

can someone please let me know, whats wrong with the format of my nested loop. i dont seem to be getting it to loop correctly. the values that are the same are not being generated together.
for (var field in Itemlist) {
for (var field in EstItems){
console.log(Itemlist[field].item_id, EstItems[field].zoho_id);
if (EstItems[field].zoho_id == Itemlist[field].item_id) {
console.log("We are In");
var id = EstItems[field].itemID;
var itemID = EstItems[field].zoho_id;
var barcode = EstItems[field].barcode;
//var EstBarcode = EstItems[field].itemID;
var description = EstItems[field].description;
var cost = EstItems[field].cost;
var shippingCost = "500";
var clearingCharges = "";
var quantityOrdered = 1;
//var quantityRecvd = EstItems[field].itemID;
//var quantityRTD = EstItems[field].itemID;
var selected = 0;
var totalcost = (cost*quantityOrdered)+parseFloat(shippingCost);
var categoryID = 0;
You have a scope problem introduced by overwriting a previous variable.
for (var field in Itemlist) {
// `field` here is a property from ItemList
for (var field in EstItems){
// `field` here is a property from EstItems
// Any attempt to access the `field` var from the outer loop will fail, as it has been overwritten.
Rename field for either loop.

How can I put JSON data into a jQuery/Javascript array for later use?

I have some code like this:
var data = // coming in from AJAX and confirmed working, don't need to wory about this...
var row = // cloning an existing HTML structure in the DOM
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var rowclone = row.clone();
var orderLastChangedTime = new Date(data[i].createDate);
var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((currentTime.getTime() - orderLastChangedTime.getTime())/(oneDay)));
var rowstatus = rowclone.find(".home-order-status").text();
rowstatus = rowstatus.toUpperCase();
openJSONitems = [];
closedJSONitems = [];
otherJSONitems = [];
if (status[rowstatus] == "open") {
else if (status[rowstatus] == "closed") {
else {
I am trying to create 3 new JavaScript arrays and array push data into them based on sort criteria from the JSON payload. Once they are sorted I want to hang on to them and attach them to the DOM on some user actions... what am I doing wrong?
openJSONitems is an array, it doesn't have the appendTo method, you'll have to iterate over that array and append its elements to "#home-table-orders". Besides, you're creating a new array in each iteration. I think this changes would fix the problem. You could also avoid the last loop inserting the element directly when status[rowstatus] == "open" if you liked.
var openJSONitems = [],
closedJSONitems = [],
otherJSONitems = [];
var data = // coming in from AJAX and confirmed working, don't need to wory about this...
var row = // cloning an existing HTML structure in the DOM
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var rowclone = row.clone();
var orderLastChangedTime = new Date(data[i].createDate);
var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((currentTime.getTime() - orderLastChangedTime.getTime())/(oneDay)));
var rowstatus = rowclone.find(".home-order-status").text();
rowstatus = rowstatus.toUpperCase();
if (status[rowstatus] == "open") {
else if (status[rowstatus] == "closed") {
else {
for (i = 0; i < openJSONitems.length; i++) {
You could add then as a data element onto a DOM object.
$('body').data('openItems', openJSONitems);
And retrieve them later:
var items = $('body').data('openItems');
Have you considered using localStorage?
localStorage.setItem('openJSONitems', openJSONitems );
And retrieving it with...
var openJSONitems = localStorage.getItem('openJSONitems');

Cannot set property '0' of 2D array

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error for the code below:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined
var vehicles = [];
$.get('../poll/index.php?data=vehicles', function(data) {
var rows = $(data).find('row').length;
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
vehicles[i][0] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('stage').text();
vehicles[i][1] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('direction').text();
vehicles[i][2] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('stageName').text();
vehicles[i][3] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('atco').text();
vehicles[i][4] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('service').text();
vehicles[i][5] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('journey').text();
vehicles[i][6] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('fleet').text();
vehicles[i][7] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('longitude').text();
vehicles[i][8] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('latitude').text();
vehicles[i][9] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('operator').text();
vehicles[i][10] = $(data).find('row').eq(i).find('position').text();
}, 'xml');
You need to define each child array, e.g.
var vehicles = []; // parent array;
vehicles[0] = []; // first child array;
so you would need:
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
var vehicles[i] = [];
... rest of code here ...
vehicles[i] has no value assigned to it.
Add a line:
vehicles[i] = [];
at the top of the loop.

