Synchronous changes to webpages useing javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is most likely a very simple question but i am new to server-client programming i am used to only a client. I want an action that is taken on one person's browser to effect the state of the screen to all people that are looking at it.
I doubt it is that hard but i have no idea. And after some googling i can't find anything.

Take a look at websockets, which allow you to open up a constant connection between the client and the server.
Basically you will need the "host" to send its screen data to the server via websocket (or possibly AJAX), which can then transfer the data to the "viewers" (which is where the websockets will be superior to AJAX).


RSS Feed in Flutter blocked by Cloudflare - Execute javascript in Dart [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm making a RSS reader in flutter, however my requests to the feed are blocked by Cloudflare.
I've been looking for a way to emulate a browser with javascript enabled, since it is needed to pass the Cloudflare test, but nothing seems to have that functionality.
What I need is a simulated browser, that renders the page requested, execute the javascript contained in the page. I haven't found anything that claims to do that aside from webview_flutter, which is a widget and thus cannot be used I my case.
I find it weird that there is no such thing as a simulated browser for Flutter, so I must have missed something.

refresh only if changed php-ajax [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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well, I have a comment system that is updated every second with jQuery, but I want to update only if there are changes, that is, only if there are new records in the database. is there a way to do this?
Excuse my English, but I'm using google translator
You may create two function in JS. First function ask php script, which check changes, and, if data changed, run second JS function, which get data and update DOM.
Php is not may send info on loaded http page independently, without request from client side.

how can I disable copying images from browsing my website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There is an option for disabling right click on the website on the computer but on the mobile I don't know which javascript code I would need.
Images have to be copied from the web server to the client system in order for the client system to display them.
There is no way to stop people from saving them.
There is an option for disabling right click on the website
Not one that can't be trivially bypassed.
There's no way to actually block an image from being copied. If it's being shown to the user, they can obtain it. The resource is already sent to them for render anyways.

Detect fake user Agents? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to recover if someone is visiting my website using a fake user agent? If yes, can someone please tell me how can find out this information?
Thank you very much!
You can check the user agent from PHP like from this global variable $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']. But if someone is using a fake user agent which claims to be something else* it's going to be difficult to spot.
This shouldn't really matter unless they are a hacker who is able to find some security weaknesses in your site and use those to do something nasty like access your database, delete all your data or download your users' credit card numbers.
The solution to the hacker problem is make sure your website is secure.
This is called 'spoofing' as #JAL mentions in his comment above.

Moving objects inside the browser [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to display in a browser a web page which contains:
a number of objects with predictable shapes (squares, rectangles etc)
the user should have the ability to connect these objects using arrows (please see image link)
In addition the user should be able to move the objects, and the connecting arrows need to move with the objects so that the arrows keep point to the same objects.
Are there any current web technologies that can to that or is there one that will be a good fit to start using as a basis. I have not done any web work so even javascript might be your answer but please guide me with some specifics.
Look into Jquery UI. There's plenty of abilities in here to do what you specified above. Or you could do it using Flash/ActionScript, although that seems to be (arguably) a diminishing technology.
You can find info on how to use JueryUI here,

