Leaflet: add same layer to two different maps - javascript

I am displaying two different leaflet maps in the same page. After a certain event. I want a Polyline to appear on both of them. I would like to avoid, if possible, to create a copy and keep two different variables.
I am trying yo use the following:
var line_coordinates = [[1,2],[3,4]];
var my_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
However, if I run the above code, the Polyline will be displayed only on the map2.
Afterwords, I will need to change again its coordinates to some new_line_coordinates, and I will run the following:
The polyline should now appear updated to the new coordinates. However, again, it appears only on map2.
What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to achieve what I am trying to do?

As geocodezip mentioned in a comment, adding a polyline to a map sets the polyline object's this._map instance variable. Therefore, there is no way to have the object rendered on both maps with the way in which it is currently implemented.
You can view the relevant source code here.

You can't add the same layer to multiple Leaflet maps. But I had a similar problem using a more complex GeoJSON layergroup and ultimately solved it by getting the GeoJSON object from the layer using toGeoJSON() and using it to create a new layer for the second map. For a simple polyline, you could use getLatLngs(). So:
var line_coordinates = [[1,2],[3,4]];
var my_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
var new_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
should work, as would:
var line_coordinates = [[1,2],[3,4]];
var my_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
var my_polyline_latlngs = my_polyline.getLatLngs();
var new_polyline = L.polyline(my_polyline_latlngs);


In Bing Maps v8 can I get a pushpin object from a layer in a loop?

In Bing Maps v7 I was able to add pushpins to an entityCollection and then loop through that collection later in the code to set options or whatever. Now, I am having trouble getting pins from the v8 layers.
Here is what I used to do in v7 after I had already added the pin to the entityCollection:
for (var i = 0; i < entityCollection.getLength() ; i++) {
var pin = entityCollection.get(i);
pin.setOptions({ visible: true });
I have changed the object entityCollection to a layer for v8 and I am also looping through the layer while i < entityCollection.data.length
Now, in Bing Maps v8, I'm having trouble getting the pin object from the layer that I have already added it to. The code above throws an error on the setOptions line and I have also tried getting the pin with:
instead of
But that doesn't work either. I'm afraid my question is too generic, because I can't find anything that actually answers my question. I have a work around, but that causes failures later when I want to hide all the pins with certain attributes. Thanks in advance!
Bing Maps v8 has done away with the entityCollection - though they say it's still sort of supported, you obviously don't want to be using deprecated things any more.
Anywhere you have an entityCollection, replace it with a Layer (Microsoft.Maps.Layer). Layers expose the getPrimitives() method which will provide you with an array of the contents.
var map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(..., ...);
var layer = new Microsoft.Maps.Layer();
// Add layer data...
layer.add(new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(...));
// Add layer to map
// Then you can iterate
var layerItems = layer.getPrimitives();
var len = layerItems.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
var pin = layerItems[i];
// Do something with your pin
pin.setOptions({visible: false});
Note that if you're doing mass updates to the entire contents of the layer, such as showing or hiding every pin in the layer, you can do that directly on the layer. This will save you (the browser) a chunk of work setting each pin individually.
Yes, in V8 layers have a getPrimitives function which returns an array containing all the shapes. You can then loop through these shapes like you would any other array.

adding marker to map in NativeScript app

I'm building a NativeScript app using the nativescript-google-maps-sdk.
I have added an eventlistener for the coordinateTapped event and now that it is working I want to plot a marker on the map at the position at which I tap.
I cannot find an example of this online or in the sdk documentation.
I feel I am very close and just have a few minor corrections to make.
var mapsModule = require("nativescript-google-maps-sdk");
function onCoordinateTapped(args) {
console.log("coordinate tapped!");
var mapView = args.object;
var marker = new mapsModule.Marker();
marker.position = mapsModule.Position.positionFromLatLng(args.latitude,args.longitude);
Note: I've labelled this question with the google-maps tag as there is no nativescript-google-maps tag.
Never it's too late to answer this kind of questions.
The problem was that the args object doesn't have a latitude nor a longitude attribute, so you are trying to add a marker with latitude and longitude as undefined.
Inside your function onCoordinateTapped(args) you can access to two different positions.
First, args.object.latitude and args.object.longitude.
var lat = args.object.latitude;
var lng = args.object.longitude;
Those attributes stand for the current position of the map (you know, the center of it).
Second, args.position.latitude and args.position.longitude.
var lat = args.position.latitude;
var lng = args.position.longitude;
In this case, those attributes represents the actual position of your tap on the map.
Also, this works on coordinateLongPress.
Hey #Danoram you code looks'n'feels right and although there is no XML file I guess you have used the coordinateEvent to pass the fallback function onCoordinateTapped like here
<maps:mapView coordinateTapped="onCoordinateTapped" />
Is that working out for you or are you experiencing some kind of error/unexpected behaviour? It is not entirely clear from your post where the issue is...

Setting the selected layer on a Leaflet/Mapbox L.Control.Layers

I have a map with a few base layers. Users can choose the base layer and then save the map. After saving the map, the system loads it with the new base layer. That base layer should be selected in the L.Control.Layers control. However, there's no way in the API to select a base layer.
Anyone knows a way around this, or a different plug in?
UPDATE: Here is the code I use. MapConfigs has the ids in MapBox, and can create the map that L.control.layers requires.
var map = L.mapbox.map( components.mapDivId , MapConfigs.idFor(baseLayerName) );
map.addControl( L.control.layers(
Why not store references to all the base layers available in a hash, then use addLayer or removeLayer (http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-addlayer) as needed to programmatically select base layers?. Something like below.
var tileLayers = {light: L.tileLayer('lightUrl'),dark: L.tileLayer('darkUrl')}

Loop through Leaflet Map layers

I'm using Leaflet JS to build my maps, but I'm having a few issues selecting layers.
I'm aiming to fit my map to a polygon. Leaflet generates a Leaflet ID for each element on the map, but these IDs are random. So I want to create an array which links each Leaflet ID with a known polygon ID.
The concept comes from here How to interact with leaflet marker layer from outside the map? but I'm unsure how to implement it.
The object 'map._layers' stores all the elements including the ID of each polygon. So I'm looping through it as follows:
var idstore = [];
for (var x in map._layers) {
// here idstore[x['polyid']] = x;
Now I can use that array to associate my polygon IDs to Leaflet IDs. The resulting array should be as follows:
array('polygonid'=>'leafletid','155447'=>'478','748745' => 479);
My problem is the loop isn't working correctly. I can only see the first 2 records coming up which are actually overlays (map tiles). The elements are definitely in that object though.
What am I doing wrong?
A good first step would be looking through the Leaflet reference documentation and using the documented .eachLayer function instead of a for loop on a private variable.
var idstore = [];
// ...

how to redraw markers without redrawing the map? google maps

I currently have a implementation where some markers coming from JSON list is shown, on a particular area, Now I want to filter these marker depending upon some criteria, I have done the filtering part, and got the filtered list. Now to render this markers on the map again, The current implementation loads the js with a key again, also creates the GMap2 object and draws the list of marker on the newly created map, which is really annoying. I want map to be there and only markers to be added and removed from the map.
Any help is appreciated
You can use addOverlay and removeOverlay to add/remove markers from an already displayed map. See the examples here: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/overlays.html#Markers
var latlng = new GLatLng(lat, lng);
map.addOverlay(new GMarker(latlng));
You can make drawMap() and drawMarkers() as two separate functions. And after map has been created redefine drawMap to empty function like this:
drawMap = function(){}; After that only drawMarkers() will be executed.
Hope this is what you need. If not, provide some code.

